
Thread Central


did you ever start a thread as a joke, trying to sound sarcastic, only to have people take it seriously, at least to some degree? i've really got to work on my ability to express tone in thread postings.

May 28, 06 9:44 am  · 

oh! First steps! Aww! Steven, post a pic of adeline at her bday for us?

May 28, 06 9:44 am  · 
vado retro

everyday colcol. everyday...

May 28, 06 10:38 am  · 
vado retro

okay its time for cute baby pics....

here's eliza

May 28, 06 10:46 am  · 
vado retro

here's vincent...

May 28, 06 10:47 am  · 
vado retro

here's layla...

May 28, 06 10:48 am  · 
vado retro

here's payton preparing for a future in blobitecture...

May 28, 06 10:49 am  · 

manamana, I think that's a great idea. I might try it later. We've got to have a consensus though, or else we'll get shat on.

Did someone mention Nacho Libre about 75 a couple pages ago? I just saw previews the other night and it looks really, really funny. Dumb, of course, but funny.

Carry on then, everyone.

May 28, 06 5:08 pm  · 

What I meant to say was "75 posts" or "a couple pages ago". Instead I switched gears mid-thought and it came out like that. Sorry.

"Take luck!" -Brian Regan

May 28, 06 5:15 pm  · 
A Center for Ants?


i'm still embarassed but that'd be me who cracks up whenever i see the nacho libre commercials... no one ever said i was sophisticated.

the crazy part is that the blobitecture is being generated by something akin to sharditecture. it blows my mind. i'm sure some of my future profs at UCLA would go ga ga. mind if i steal that idea for a project one day? (the little tykes slide that is, not the blob derived from shard)

May 29, 06 4:25 am  · 
sporadic supernova

colcol ... which thread are you talking about ?

May 29, 06 7:31 am  · 
vado retro

feel free acfa. just call it appropriation...

May 29, 06 7:52 am  · 
sporadic supernova

steven ... how was yesterday ? .. what did you do for the lil' one ?

May 29, 06 8:01 am  · 

steven, congrats. while reading t.c....adeline is a beautiful name.

also, lb, your boy and I share the same B-day! my girlfriend will be taking me to DC that weekend...WOOHOO!

May 29, 06 10:23 am  · 

vado, cute kids, who do they belong to?

May 29, 06 10:27 am  · 

steven, congrats you happy pappa.

May 29, 06 10:53 am  · 
vado retro

the oldest one is from my first marriage
the second is from a fling i had with the hippie chick
the third i found on the doorstep
and the youngest i won in a card game.
i love kids!!!

May 29, 06 11:07 am  · 

kids are great.

May 29, 06 11:14 am  · 

WonderK and adso, thank you for your useful contributions to yale blows. I plan to continue unless the archinect elders tell me to stop.

I thought it might be working for a while, but today there was a resurgence.

Fight on, fight on, dear old muncie...

May 29, 06 11:17 am  · 


May 29, 06 11:19 am  · 

let's see if I can get this right, with your list, vado:

payton - oldest

oh, and I am the result of "a fling" that my dad had with a flight attendant....a few weeks later he found me on his doorstep ;)

May 29, 06 11:23 am  · 

nice weather in los angeles. yesterday we finally went to world famous santa monica beach (not on sand but away on grass). the beach from home is 1.5 mile away. first in 2 years. ate our sandwiches and came back home, even though we lucked out on a 5 hour parking spot. .5 hour of people watching was too much. plus traffic was clugged for few miles. i realized santa monica became a tourist industry town from a sleepy senior citizen enclave in last 30 years in front of my eyes. i am gonna go to my office now and do s'more thinking on some projects i am working on. i haven't been there (office space) last couple days and i am getting a cabin fever at home and tina told me to leave the house for a little bit. we are invited to jill and bob's house for bbq in the afternoon up to street. bob is a cameraman who shot 'lost' with his steady cam in hawaii and wouldn't tell tina what happened in season's finalle even though i hate the show, tina and everybody else loves it. his wife jill is a cook so this will be good as usual. they are both from new jersey/ny area.

May 29, 06 12:17 pm  · 
A Center for Ants?

some asshole from inland cut me off TWICE as i was headed to the santa monica farmer's market yetsterday morning. once as he realized that my lane was the proper exit lane (4/5th street split) and again trying to turn right on pico to get to the beach.

the exit off the 10 was backed up for about a mile or two in the late morning. summer is here.

May 29, 06 12:29 pm  · 
vado retro

this arm and hammer pet fresh carpet cleaner is killing me man...

May 29, 06 1:26 pm  · 

the day berfore yesterday however, i was @ santa monica mall waiting for new tires to be put in at sears cross the street, what a mallzoo. but anyway i was able able to shoot this photos of frank gehry's storefront, originally for a jewelery store. this is the only store he did when he designed his now remodeled santa monica place (projecting out jazz and ken cole store to the left are not 1980 and by others, if matters to anyone). this is the only remaining original storefront in the mall, opened in 1980.

photos are exculusively for thread central.

May 29, 06 1:31 pm  · 

i also think one of the elements to the left of the store front was painted green. so it may not be an original frank anymore either.

May 29, 06 1:35 pm  · 
vado retro

how dare remodel the master's work those philistines!!!

May 29, 06 2:03 pm  · 

So everyone will be in LA, huh? I can't afford to leave LA - Plane, car, moped... Damn gas prices.

I guess I'll bike to PA.

May 29, 06 3:18 pm  · 

Oh wait. My plane fare just dropped $200 from last I checked.

May 29, 06 3:20 pm  · 

WTF? They went back up less than a minute later. What changed?

May 29, 06 3:23 pm  · 

will post pictures of the birthday once they're online somewhere. that usually takes us a while tho...

we had a house full of people, 3 cakes, lots of presents, and - most imptly - 30 balloons. adeline was NUTS about the balloons. all you had to do was make one move and you got a belly laugh out of her.

two grandmothers were in town, as well as an aunt, so she was properly spoiled.

typical > she loved the wrapping paper and - much to the chagrine of some of the guests - found shredding the paper into very small pieces much more interesting than the presents.

very fun day. she was ecstatic. but then she eats up attention anyway.

May 29, 06 4:18 pm  · 

Quite a coincidence...

This is my only time checking into this thread, and the first thing I see is those photos of the Gehry storefront inside the Gehry mall. (That mall as originally executed: one of his best buildings, ever.) Anyhoo, that shop was originally Bubar's Jewelers, and was done by my boss while he was at FOG in the late '70s... I recognized it immediately, even with the new color scheme and added frou-frous.

What you run into on Archinect, I tell ya...

May 29, 06 7:51 pm  · 

so we wento to the bbq. and bob is now working on something with artist formerly known as 'prince'.
here is the thing; prince is persian. i didn't know that. did anybody?

May 30, 06 10:43 am  · 

i think he's "Prince" again...the "formerly" thing having been related to a record contract, making music under certain title etc...

cool indeed...didn't know he was "Prince" of Persia

one of his goodies almost made my CD Swap CD..."you don't have to be rich to be...."

May 30, 06 11:07 am  · 

No kidding. He's really Persian? That's so interesting. Prince is awesome.

May 30, 06 11:57 am  · 

the whole glyph thing was all just a legal maneuver? cool, prince a smart motherf***er.

May 30, 06 12:06 pm  · 

ORhan- I'm hearing that they're going to kill the whole mall. The plan seems to be to just extend the promenade, with housing and offices and such on top like the rest of it. Rumor is that it'll be a Jerde scheme. I can't help but wonder what will become of Macy's?! That's the one place I can always find work clothes.

May 30, 06 12:07 pm  · 

yes and no. there are proposals and counter proposals but so far mall stays to block north-south access of downtown santa monica. i wonder whats going to become of ocean ave just to the west of city hall where rand corp used to be. that area became so car scale hotel central, i don't know...weird thing about santa monica imho, bluffs and up to 4 st is so dense now that entire city is burdened by it. very unbalanced. like the whole city feeds the beach and 4 blocks eastward on a looong north south axis.
we did series of projects in sci arc's 'community design studio' in late 1979 and 1980 where the projects were always presented to the city. most of those projects reflected huge growth due to santa monica place immideitely followed by promonade. my project was to extend palisades park all the way to venice and create a continuous green belt. the blocks between the pier and pico blvd are now zona big hoteleria, effectively cutting north-south access and creating bottle necs of traffic jams. i can go on and on about this little area where i went to architecture school and remember the place when it was very different. i plan to write a 'view' on it some day. sorry about your macy's but my jc penney and woolworth is already gone so as christo's barber shop where he had a plackard saying he speaks 8 languages.
related santa monica mall news

but anyway the real bomb is persian prince.

May 30, 06 12:44 pm  · 

in my many years as a prince fan, i've heard of his bandleader father and that he grew up in north minneapolis, but i hadn't heard the persian connection. where's that from, orhan? true, or part of the marketing for an upcoming project of his, d'ya s'pose?

the glyph/warner bros chapter of his career WAS brilliant, though it also garnered him a lot of ill will from those fans who never got the back story but merely thought he was being enigmatic. don't know why the 'slave'/emancipation period didn't give it away, but that one wasn't among his best. maybe people tried to ignore it.

May 30, 06 1:12 pm  · 

steven, this is an information i got from bob. who shot prince up close from 3" with his steady cam. bob also said he was a very calm and collected man who as a director planned everything so well that the whole shoot went unusally smooth and productive with prince at the helm. he addressed everybody by calling 'sir' and there were no drugs or booze at the set and anywhere near. there were some key elements in his house that were clearly persian and his persianness was a well known fact to all the producers and businessarratti around. bob g. shoots a lot of celebrities and always have this upclose info about them.

May 30, 06 1:57 pm  · 
vado retro

my neighbors were havin a cookout this weekend and on their overextended boombox they were playin 1999 and partied like it was 1983.

one thread in which you will never find me is the world cup thread. growin up we just never played it and refered to it as communist kickball and i just cant get that out of my head.

May 30, 06 3:35 pm  · 
May 30, 06 7:02 pm  · 

^^^ lil fogey

May 30, 06 7:12 pm  · 


for something completely different, a haiku-esque message from my partner about a faucet...

though I feel like trying spout from mirror,
I do not think it is the right place.
I would like faucets to match.

...who says architects can't communicate?

May 30, 06 8:13 pm  · 
liberty bell

OH MY GOD Old Fogey that boy makes me smile he is so adorable!!!! Something in that set of a baby's mouth is so perfect. Scrumptious.

Here's my little sculptor - 3 in two weeks - concentrating on his masterpiece.

Dreamy haiku, jump, and especially appropriate for me today as my immediate task this evening is to select a master bedroom faucet before the plumbers arrive on site tomorrow morning.

May 30, 06 8:46 pm  · 

i like the bandaid. no problem dude..

May 30, 06 9:53 pm  · 

sponge bob'll soak it up for ya! sculpt on lil' bell!

I hereby dedicate page 23 to the beautiful children of archinecters:

Adeline (we need a picture Steven!)

Layla and
Payton of the vado retro clan

Lil Fogey (looking quite dapper in his jean jacket)


lil' bell, (who's name escapes me at the moment...always an action shot of that guy, playin' with Gus, break-dancing on cork floors, sculpting...geesh, no wonder he's got a band-aid on his head ;)...

May 30, 06 10:22 pm  · 
liberty bell

Very sweet of you, AP, and we need to also include RA Rudolph's young'un. And I know FOGlite has some little ones around too, as does jump, and driftwood?

manamana and DubK, I enjoyed your re-posting ridiculouness over on Yale blows. Had me giggling quite a bit this morning, as I hadn't looked at that thread in a week and suddenly saw all this silliness. Bravo.

I have a funny pic of an electrical box to psot, but I'm too tired now and still haven't found a sink faucet for the kids yet.

Good morning sporadic. Goodnight everyone else.

May 30, 06 11:31 pm  · 

No babies here, but I'm going to get a little saucy and mention that I wouldn't mind procreating with this guy....

A comedian and a designer? That's pretty much the description of my perfect man. And those frames.....he's archi-licious! I know where I'll be at 10 pm tomorrow night.

I sincerely apologize, I'm going to put my hormones away and go to bed now.

May 31, 06 12:01 am  · 
sporadic supernova

goodnight LB ... good to see you go to bed earl(ier than usual)y. You probably need the rest too ...

special mention to DubK and manamana for managing to make me smile while reading the yale blows thread .. haha ..

- toodle#1

May 31, 06 12:45 am  · 

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