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ok, let's try one:

May 31, 06 7:18 am  · 

there's adeline. but not from her birthday. i think that was easter.

May 31, 06 7:18 am  · 

she wants the #@&%* barrette out of her hair.

May 31, 06 7:19 am  · 
sporadic supernova

awww man steve ...!!! ( ok i'm gonna sound like a girl now !!) ..

she's just too cute !!! too cute ...!! ..
and her eyes ...!!! .... :)

May 31, 06 7:25 am  · 

beautiful! she's got her fist in the air: "Power to the pastel children!"

May 31, 06 8:20 am  · 

and yes, all the archinecter children - named, pictured or otherwise - are included in the page 23 dedication.

May 31, 06 8:24 am  · 
liberty bell

That Adeline is so adorable and is spittin' image of her daddy, I tell ya.

WonderK, girlfriend, thanks for stating my exact opinion of the new host of Extreme Engineering. Should we be IM'ing at 10pm tonight dishing about what a cutey he is as he stands on top of an under-construction skyscraper in Spain cracking jokes? Yum.

And yeah I'm a mom. But archi-licious is archi-licious, no matter the age.

May 31, 06 9:56 am  · 

Steven, Adeline is adorable!

lb, I'll be around. I think my computer is too far from my TV, but I'll give it a try. ;o)

May 31, 06 11:00 am  · 
liberty bell

We can just google IM during the commercial breaks, DubK. Hope your male roommate(s) are comfortable with you ogling another in their presence. They better be.

AP I cannot look at that pic of Adeline now without imagining her at a protest, fist in the air, power to the babies indeed!! We have one of my boy (Angus) at 8 hours old, fist clenched and looking at his daddy with a "Who you callin' pumpkinhead, dammit?!?" look on his face.

I'm a little giddy today as I licensed my new (to me - 1992) Miata this morning. Yay! Just took it to the jobsite and the carpenters were duly impressed. Convertibles really are as much fun as they look! And this one drives like a dream despite being 14 years old!

May 31, 06 11:46 am  · 
liberty bell

Steven, did you see Orhan's picture of his digicam on the nextel thread? Hilarious! And just exactly what we want from our students in two weeks.

Great pic dear abra!

May 31, 06 2:32 pm  · 

...during my 2nd semester of design school, our professer (an erstwhile archinecter) had each of us take apart a disposable camera and map the itinerary of light as it moved through the camera during the capturing of an image. we began with diagrammatic models. by the project's end, students had developed a spatial sequence that represented their analysis/evaluation of the light's itinerary.

very fun project. excellent as a foundational exercise - finding architecture in everything...

if you care to share, what do you have planned for your students, lb and Steven?

May 31, 06 2:57 pm  · 

have been at my firm for one year now. Got asked this morning how I liked it. That was an uncomfortable few minutes before someone else got there, me trying to dance around the question and blame it all on the project I'm working on now. Trying to pretend it will get better when I'm on a different project. I've got to be more prepared for these sorts of questions in the future. Ugh.

May 31, 06 5:49 pm  · 
vado retro

abra i wrote you a song its on the

May 31, 06 8:00 pm  · 
vado retro

actually those arent my kids.

May 31, 06 8:01 pm  · 
vado retro

hey june why'd u have to come around so soon
i wasnt ready for all this nature...

Jun 1, 06 12:50 pm  · 

[img] width=416[/url]

Jun 1, 06 1:23 pm  · 
liberty bell

Lovin' the cd, AP!

Jun 1, 06 1:33 pm  · 
Jun 1, 06 1:37 pm  · 
liberty bell

Oops, AP, we're talking at the same time - I was trying to fix your image but you did it too.

Anyway yeah that Scissor Sisters song is especially great.

And as to your question re: the summer curriculum, Steven and I are still working out some bits of it - but I'm sure we could share afterwards.

Jun 1, 06 1:46 pm  · 
liberty bell

Well rationalist at the very least the people yo work with will know that you rally don't like the project you are on now and will hopefully let you move to something better!

I insulted an architect at an AIA event recently by slagging his project - awkward. But those things happen. Oh well.

Jun 1, 06 1:48 pm  · 


Jun 1, 06 1:54 pm  · 

What is that, exactly?

OK, you guys, I'm really upset. I really, really want the Yale blows thread to go away. Nothing is more frustrating to me than the perpetration of ignorance (that's parallel38 and tgv) on an unwilling group of fair-minded people (that's us). parallel38 just posted an article about New Urbanism that made no mention of Yale whatsoever. Yet, if I point that out, I'm going to get called a retard or told about my diapers, and just end up walking away shaking my head. tgv11 (who is probably the same person, honestly) just told Cameron that he has no right to be in 3rd World countries because he is not a doctor or an engineer. How do you reason with such pure irrational insanity? It boggles the mind!

I don't want to feed the trolls, but I seriously do want to punch them in the face. What's worse is that I get so annoyed that I want to go on hiatus from Archinect but then it's like I get homesick.

Moreover, how could the GSD have someone as wonderful as Danny Forster but admit someone as unimaginably insulting as parallel38?!?!

I'm actually really distraught. "If you don't have anything nice to say, don't say anything at all!" Yeah good luck.....

Jun 1, 06 2:06 pm  · 
liberty bell

I had to stay away from Yale Blows, DubK, for exactly the reasons you mention. I have no advice except that: just stay aaway. The ignorance and insults are so truly *truly* truly mind-boggling, and there is enough frustration in my life that I need to avoid it on my refuge, archinect.

On a kinder gentler note, an archinecter that shall remain nameless, who has always made me fist-clenchingly angry, made some fun comments on a thread recently. I harbor no such hopes regarding the people you mentioned, but there is so much more fair-mindedness than idiocy here that it's more than worth it.

Jun 1, 06 2:14 pm  · 

god I'm glad that I haven't read that thread. I popped in at the beginning, got bored, and never went back.

liberty- yeah, I guess it just boggles my mind that anybody (much less a guy who doesn't even call me by my right name!) would bother asking me how I like it here. I've thought that the fact that I'm miserable has been apparent in my tired appearance, overwhelming joy at the prospect of a three day weekend, and general reduction in happy banter with my colleagues. And I guess I just forget sometimes that the older people are actually happy here. The extreme conservativism I am surrounded by daily depresses me, and I seemed to forget for a moment that for the people who are actually like that, this must be heaven.... urgh. So, I was just far more suprised by the questioning than I really had any reason to be, other than a momentary lapse in conciousness of to whom I was speaking.

Jun 1, 06 2:37 pm  · 
el jeffe

ok - can't resist posting these gems.



that yale thread is really mind-boggling to me. I can't imagine having so much anger that i'd keep coming back to a keyboard day after day to rail against strangers.

Jun 1, 06 2:41 pm  · 
el jeffe

holy pixellation - i wish the preview feature was working (with images).
indulge me while i fix this..



Jun 1, 06 2:43 pm  · 

it's gemini (if you're referring to the image, dubK...)
I'm also "yale blows" free. can't stand the ignorance.
Scissor Sisters rock. the whole CD is great. "Laura" just worked best with the mix...other candidates were: a sweet cover of "comfortably numb," and the single from the CD - "you can't see tits on the radio."
rationalist - carpe diem. yesterday, one of my peers and I were about to request a meeting with our superiors to discuss a recent turn in our role within the if they knew, they came in and asked to speak with us...turns out the Nashville office needs backup, we're going up there for a couple of weeks...escaping, or at least postponing, the talk about our un-favorable role's good to be prepared for such things - as you mentioned above (having to articulate your opinion on a moments notice). My co-worker and I had actually drafted an outline for the discussion that we planned on having, laying out areas for the discussion and key points which we didn't want to leave out...although we haven't had the talk, we're ready to on a moment's notice now...

sorry for the lack of clarity, i'm distracted / doin' 5 things at once...

Jun 1, 06 2:45 pm  · 

oh, maybe out of context, having read your recent post, rationalist...

jeffe, your child?

Jun 1, 06 2:47 pm  · 


Jun 1, 06 2:52 pm  · 


Jun 1, 06 2:54 pm  · 
el jeffe

ja, mein kinder.
izzy turned 5 last month and mia turned 2 in february.

Jun 1, 06 3:04 pm  · 

'tis all right AP, I got it. I'm just not sure whether it's even worth talking to them about, you know? I'm not sure that these are problems which they can/will fix. This place is a friggin trasplant from the midwest, plopped down in the middle of LA and calling itself a contemporary firm, and it's just not. I don't think there's anything they can do about that, and asking that they please stop discussing things like religion or their hatred of people with tattoos will just make them as bitter at me as I am of them. I do insist, however, that my project manager learn my goddamn name.

Jun 1, 06 3:11 pm  · 

Ha ha, rationalist, wow. I hope we help you escape somehow!

If you have a few years experience putting a residential sets together and would like to run an awesome project, I might have a need for you in Boston...

Well, that goes for anyone on here, really. Not that rationalist isn't the best!

Jun 1, 06 3:51 pm  · 
el jeffe

wow - i think i know how you feel raionalist.
the last firm firm i left (heavily populated with conservative midwesterners) felt similarly foreign to me. they'd have a 'harvest festival' for the kids because some didn't like halloween on religious grounds. we'd have a thanksgiving potluck at lunch and invariably one of the more rabid staff would lead a prayer of thanks that, to their thinking, was non-denominational and therefore inclusive and non-offensive to all.
the best was an email sent out by one of the office assistants (who was a graduate student working on her degree in theater and was directing a play) describing the upcoming play, how to get tickets, etc., and included a brief synopsis of the play. the play was essentially a question of what would happen if the religious right took thorough control of the government. man alive - the shit she got from some people. i felt so bad for her, she just shut down and the only thing she offered to those of us who asked or tried to talk to her about it was, "i wouldn't wish the emails i received on my worst enemy."
i had a 'blue group' in my email address boook there.

not learning your name, though. sheesh.

Jun 1, 06 3:57 pm  · 
el jeffe

i know your screen name is rationalist not raionalist though...ugh.

Jun 1, 06 4:01 pm  · 

wow, what a horror! My bosses and I regularly go on bush rants at work--probably about twice a day. We share bush jokes, show each other daily show clips on the internet ("you gotta come see this!"), compare europe to america in positives and negatives, discuss my experiences getting protested at planned parenthood, etc. etc. I love it.

I forgot what it was like to work at a conservative firm. For that matter I forgot what it was like to work on a PC, too--was visiting a friend recently for vacation and could barely check my email on his Dell. Ahhhhhhhhh, I love my work life.

Jun 1, 06 4:10 pm  · 

i even know your old screen name, rationalist! although, it's an easy one for me to remember...

my office is a nice shade of purple. Most of those who run the joint are presumably red, although the design principal is an exception...the office is young overall, mostly liberal...there's a Boston contingent too, which helps add some blue to the mix...Purple. Balanced.

Jun 1, 06 4:23 pm  · 

My town newspaper arrived on my doorstep today bearing the headline "Overwhelming vote to impeach Bush"

in small words underneath it said
"Town meeting passes resolution"

ha ha ha! Sometimes it's kind of crazy to live in Massachusetts. What do they think that's even going to accomplish?! These people are ridiculously blue.

Jun 1, 06 4:27 pm  · 


Jun 1, 06 4:31 pm  · 

Well, he knew my name for the first six months. Then a new girl who is several years older than me, several pounds heavier than me, but has an almost-but-not-really-at-all-similar shade of hair, who has completely different interests than me, and is from a whole different part of the country, showed up, and suddenly we're indistinguishable. Bloody hell, I'm sorry, but if someone can't tell us apart, they're blind.

They are mostly 'independents' here, so will make the occasional Bushy crack, but definitely don't want to hear as much green and libertarian views as they express conservative. Plus, I had to spend an entire lunch hour at what was supposed to be a team celebration sitting very uncomfortably through a religious discussion. At one point someone asked me what I thought and I just said, "I've long learned not to discuss my religious views in public." in a very stiff voice, hoping they could see my discomfort. They just kept going. They were absolutely SCANDALIZED when I got my tongue pierced, and even more so when I told them that I'd wanted to do my lip or an eyebrow but had abstained for their sake. I once tried to speak up when someone went on an anti-tattoo rant and the guy denied things that he'd just said!

myriam- single or multi-family? I'm not big on houses, though I'm pretty good at housing. Actually housing semester was my first 'A' in studio, so it always holds somewhat of a dear place in my heart. But I think that I'm going to have to find somewhere that the principals don't surf archinect, as they would know of my recent disenchantment with the profession.

Jun 1, 06 4:33 pm  · 

AP- how on EARTH do you remember that? And why is it easy? I felt the need to change after that wierd conversation with that SCIArc blogger who thought I was flirting with him.... just made me realize how easily findable that screen name made me. Wait, are you the other APXer I met on here? And if so, have I met you in real life?

Damn, I thought my anonymity was a little more safe than that.

Jun 1, 06 4:38 pm  · 

hmm, nope, I guess not. That, apparently, was BluLtSpcl, who appears to be the one archinecter I have met in real life (though I was drunk most of the time, so I couldn't necessarily pick him out of a lineup). Thank god for the search feature.

Jun 1, 06 4:41 pm  · 

It's easy because he has the same name.

I know your old name and I have barely even been around here! Just happen to have a head for names for some accursed reason (can't forget ones I *want* to forget).

We do single housing, which I thought I would hate, but have come to love because my bosses are amazing and the level of detail, craft, and creativity I get to put into each project rewards me every day. Also, it's great to work with a) one client (or two) instead of a TEAM OF DOCTORS OR SCHOOL ADMINISTRATORS, and b) someone who loves their space and is going to live in it for the rest of their life and thus truly, utterly desires quality and appreciates your flashes of good design ideas--EVEN if they come way at the end of contstruction, necessitate changes and change orders, and put the project back a bit in time.

Also, my clients take me out for sushi dinners and have already started planning their move-in fête dinner menu (I requested lobster, we'll see if I get it). Who wouldn't love residential?! ahhhh... it is the life.

Jun 1, 06 5:10 pm  · 

well of course it isn't all happy good-time stuff, it's also a lot of pyschology and diplomacy and the quirks that come with individual clients, but, all in all, I am glad to be in this branch of the field. After doing churches, schools and health clinics it's a huge step up. I never have to pick out vinyl baseboard again!

Jun 1, 06 5:13 pm  · 

haha. Yeah, I guess that's the other thing that sucks here- no clients for me! I'm stuck in the back, where I occasionally have to bicker with a structural or mechanical engineer, but on the whole there isn't actually a lot of human interaction around here. But, them's the breaks of being young. I'm just so jealous when I hear all the older people talk about people who mentored them and really made an effort to teach them something and involve them in the process, because now it's all about the bottom line, and that's not billable time. Does that sort of thing even exist anymore?

Jun 1, 06 5:31 pm  · 

Yeah that's my set-up--the bosses are mentors and I am very grateful to have them. I get sent to lectures at Harvard during the day sometimes, even. Plus they bust out their slide files to show me something they saw at the Soane or Ronchamps or whatever and talk about whatever principle said detail suggests. I love it.

Both my bosses were teachers for a long time, however, which I think makes a difference--they are dedicated to teaching and to communication and love sharing their passion with us underlings.

The set-up still exists, rationalist--just start looking at teachers or ex-teachers who run small firms, and seriously, your life will change. I am so grateful to be here (going on my third year) and I love it, even though (of course!) there are downsides as with every job.

I am 25 as well.

Jun 1, 06 6:03 pm  · 

can i ask where you work myriam?

sounds like office da or kennedy/violich...

Jun 1, 06 6:35 pm  · 
vado retro

wrapped all night about suicide
kick it in the head when you were 25
speed jive
dont wanna stay alive
when youre 25

Jun 1, 06 6:39 pm  · 

Sorry but I would rather not say.

Jun 1, 06 6:41 pm  · 

sorry vado i accidentally took up the top of page spot! sorry to abra, too. to make up for it i will link to holiday pics this weekend.

Jun 1, 06 6:42 pm  · 

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