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That party sounds like a blast.
Hope everyone had a good Monday. I had a flat this morning (so i had to take my car).
In 'green' news, i finally managed to change a tire successfully on my bike for the first time.
although, it seemed as if it took me longer and left me dirtier than it would a pro.

Jun 9, 08 9:59 pm  · 

Wow, I feel like I missed so much today.

Thanks Atechno - my co-worker walked by, saw the photo too and admired it as much as I, so now tomorrow I'll let him know.

SH - funny you should mention the missing comma I actually had to read it a few times. At first I thought the tree was actually called a flamboyant tuna. LOL!!!

Liberty - hope you get your computer up and running very soon. Setting up new computers always sucks. And yes, my mom bought herself the scooter for her 60th birthday two years ago. She doesn't drive it as much as she'd like b/c the "trunk" she bought for it, isn't big enough for her laptop, and other things she takes with her to work. My dad bought one later that same summer as well and it always cracks me up driving into the driveway and seeing both scooters siting side by side on a nice sunny day.

FRO - congrats on the mention in the article. Whether you believe the hype or not I still thinks it's cool. That party sounds like it was a good time.

Philarct - glad to hear you and everyone else wasn't hurt in the car accident.

Hi SW!!!!

TK - I hope you knocked 'em dead.

puddles- how are the fingernails? Did you get finally get them cut again?

Anyway, I just got home from a dinner with friends and must do some things around the house before it's off to bed to read. Sorry if I missed anyone. The weather is finally breaking. Yippee!!!

Jun 9, 08 10:10 pm  · 

manta, no worries. I am over it. Especially when I have so much more to be upset about....


I am beside myself. I mean, OMFG. I powered it up in the place before I left and it came on just fine.....but then I get it home, and put it on my desk, and open it up, and it goes dim again!!!! It was free and covered by AppleCare, but the problem is that every time there's a problem, I have to take time out of my day to go there to drop it off or pick it up. And I'm hourly right when this happens, I'm not getting paid. I'm so pissed!!!!

Jun 9, 08 10:54 pm  · 

hah wk, just had the same thing happen to me. a bit worse though cuz my two fans are apparently down. again. so i have to send my computer in to get fixed and they estimate me a month at best.

luckily i back up regular-like and have a spare laptop. but sheesh. mind you, compared to the rest of the world my problems are so small i won't complain too much about it. life could be much much worse.

i find the argument over the environment interesting. i vaguely remember the last time we had a crisis over the climate cuz the scientists were saying we were heading for an ice age...and one guy was actually suggesting we increase our pollutants to forestall the cold spell. can you believe it? i think i even have a book on it somewhere in storage (from the 70's or 80's) ironic is that?

not that i am discounting the current crisis. it is def a real one.

Jun 9, 08 11:41 pm  · 

jump you are totally right. life could be much worse. I think I've been indulging my natural predilection for melodrama lately. Nonetheless, this computer thing is sooooo frustrating.

Jun 10, 08 3:20 am  · 

today I am playing executive assistance and trying to set up meetings between my boss and the governor (the wannabe McCain veep running mate), along with other business leaders of our state about partnering on a development opportunity we have.

maybe I should just forget about designing and start writing speeches and dreaming up policy.

Jun 10, 08 12:11 pm  · 

Today I really wish I knew how to juggle, b/c that's what I've been doing all morning with the shit ton of work that I have on my desk. My head is pounding and it's only lunch. UGH!!!! I should go eat.

Jun 10, 08 12:42 pm  · 

took my painter in to see the house
took 5 pairs of shutters to my jointer/carpenter extradonaire he's stripping them so they have that natural look (imbuia wood)

so put a proposal in front of me to leave my job and build condos for her. Hmmm temptation

Jun 10, 08 2:24 pm  · 
Sarah Hamilton

Husband and I could never work together like that. We would fight too much. I would insist he do it my way because more often than not, I can't fathom any other way to do it, and the details are always so important. Husband would actually know a better, and more efficient way to do it, and get mad at me for not letting him do his job. At least, thats how our home building projects tend to go.


Now, I tend to just leave the work area and let him to it, or he takes off from work so that I am not at home.

Jun 10, 08 2:55 pm  · 

yea I've told her time and time again that I couldn't work with but would work for her. Simply as a compromise and would allow some freedom as well.

She tells of this real story when she visited the Grenadines. She met this nice couple who'd moved there about 15 years ago when they retired. He wanted a boat and she wanted to move to an island. So they compromised so they moved to an island.

Jun 10, 08 3:54 pm  · 
liberty bell

techno, forgot to mention: that flamboyant tree is lovely. The thread you're thinking of is jobsite pic of the day, started by vado.

I've gotten a lot done today. Hope the busyness level stays about this high for the long run.

And, we even had the blessing of a lovely sunny day - not too terribly hot - after a morning downpour. The landscape is lush, not so lush as the PacNW, but lush nonethelesss.

Lush is one of my favorite words, it's onomatopeic (?). I was considering starting up a "Subtle Pleasant Sensations" thread part 2, to save people scrolling through the previous three pages and to get that fresh energy of new threads going, inspired by pulling handfuls of warm silverware out of the dishwasher last night. Saying "lush" would also go on the list.

Jun 10, 08 3:54 pm  · 

lb, another thing for that list is restarting your computer one last time to find out that the screen has decided to work I did last night. Totally bizarre. Another crisis averted? I'm going to take it to the couch tonight to see if it keeps working.

Forgot to mention, I biked 14.25 miles yesterday. At 14.20 miles, I tried to stop on a curb, missed, and landed instead on my knee! It hurt but it was funny so I shook it off and got on the bus.

We had champagne at work. The afternoon should be interesting.

Jun 10, 08 4:17 pm  · 
liberty bell

Champagne at work?!? I need to talk to the partners around here and get them on board with that idea!

Jun 10, 08 4:19 pm  · 

Wonder K, Liberty Bell, all other female heroines of archinect, I trust you will contribute to my power tool thread. thank you

I'm going for a hair cut. Its too hot to have hair. Its only abouy 98, but the humid is near 100% - is it possible to have 110% humidity? Today feels like it. Anyway I'm cutting all my hair off (not like I had much to begin with) and then I'm coming home to go swimming.

Jun 10, 08 4:30 pm  · 

My head is still pounding. Perhaps a drink would help. Unfortunately my car goes back the shop tonight to fix something I've been asking them to fix since... I don't know, Spetember of last year. GRRRRRR!

Jun 10, 08 4:56 pm  · 

Thanks for the clarification treekiller. I really didn't know Sacramento was that low in elevation.

Right now its probably a balmy 72 degrees here on the central california coast. I am not looking forward to moving back to the northern valley in August though. They are getting more like 102 supposedly.

Jun 10, 08 5:05 pm  · 
vado retro

if you haven't seen it you should watch The Diving Bell and The Butterfly ASAP!

Jun 10, 08 5:06 pm  · 

Think we be headed to the basement tonight....wicked weather coming.

Jun 10, 08 6:29 pm  · 

VADO - how funny, I just rented the Diving Bell and the Butterfly. The screening of the movie is tomorrow night because one of my pals has a class tonight.

Jun 10, 08 8:58 pm  · 

oh yea, hi tc.

Jun 10, 08 8:58 pm  · 

Ahhhhh, the pounding has finally dissipated to tolerable. For a while there I thought someone was stabbing me in both temples.

Today we wanted to kill our GC. He was supposed to get the drawings out to bid 2 months ago but he's still draggin' his ass. He keeps asking us to revise the bid set for every little change we do. I think we're on bid revision 3 or 4 (WTF?). Spent half the day on stuff that didn't need to be done TODAY and kept me from finishing things I need to get done for a meeting tomorrow and another one Friday. GAH!

snook hope you and the lovely missus stay safe tonight.

HI n_________!!!!!

Jun 10, 08 9:57 pm  · 
Living in Gin

It's a refreshing 72 here now as well.... About half an hour ago it was still 92, but a strong cold front changed all that with an impressive display of lightning, thunder, and torrential rain. The heat wave is over!

Hey, check out my "Advanced Project" thread and give some inspiration to a fellow TC'er.

Jun 10, 08 10:11 pm  · 

Hi all, regarding the weather i was rained on my bike ride home from work.
I also got my haircut today. When i sat down i told the lady like "leave it to beaver, but longer".

That is all goodnight.

Jun 10, 08 10:30 pm  · 

n_ - sup!

tuna- best cure for a migrane is puking...

snook- stay safe get pictures

atech- you pay someone to cut your hair that short? i just cut it. fun & easy!

weather here is 63F 18%, high today of 73 low of 28. finally summer!

good tuesday TC, life is ramping back up 'round here & it's pretty good.......

Jun 10, 08 10:42 pm  · 

Gin, I hate to say it, but I am generally morally opposed to those threads, believing that degree candidates should come up with these things themselves. My very gentle advice is that if you're interested in housing, try looking at housing for a specific group of people, or housing under certain particular conditions. Grab onto another issue that interests you in the world and marry it to your architectural interest, because that way when you get tired of the project you have another aspect of it that can entertain you.

Jun 11, 08 1:00 am  · 
liberty bell

FRO, still below freezing at night? And you call that summer?!

I miss Arizona.

Good morning, everyone!

Jun 11, 08 7:13 am  · 

its barely morning cause my eyes won't open. I have made a huge pot of coffee, drank some water, and two apples - hoping they will do the trick.

Tuna - next migraine drink about 2 cups of water. Headaches typically are as a result of dehydration. A couple sips would be alot better than folks thinking you are a puker.

oh and I got this sent to me, from a coworker who was a former nyc campaign delegate. You'll have to clean your ears to understand the thick dialect, but the words on the screen typically match what is coming from his mouth. Those already tired, I'm getting there, of the Obama train need not click the link.

Jun 11, 08 8:47 am  · 

mornin folks

techno, i envy you, all i had this morning was a 711 brownie
mainly because cheap to spend 10 bucks on a breakfast
sandwhich on campus

hope you guys are doing ok, what with the US going
through this bad weather.

Jun 11, 08 9:09 am  · 
Sarah Hamilton

Well, TC has been empty today.

Jun 11, 08 3:55 pm  · 

is today a public holiday and no one told me? TC free day?

Jun 11, 08 4:18 pm  · 
Sarah Hamilton

Techno, there could NEVER be a TC-Free day!

Jun 11, 08 4:20 pm  · 

I was busy?

Jun 11, 08 5:57 pm  · 

Actually i was just lurking more.

Jun 11, 08 6:01 pm  · 

WonderMan called me earlier and informed me that because today is King Kamehameha Day in Hawaii, native Hawaiians across the state like to take the day off, including one of his employees, who didn't call in and who is not answering his cell phone. How rude! Ladies and gents, please, if you choose to celebrate a non-official holiday in honor of your people's royal ancestry, at least have the courtesy to call your employer and let them know.

Perhaps everyone on TC was celebrating King Kamehameha Day as well.

Jun 11, 08 6:16 pm  · 

nah, we're just celebrating the-workers-at-the-print-lab-are-morons-who-waste-my-time day! AKA, final printing...

Jun 11, 08 6:27 pm  · 

We were lucky...lots of big wind and lots of lighting....alot of people without power today, most of the damage just to the north of us.

I'm keeping my fingers and toes crossed for the biggest contract to date... "Da Board" is going to sign it this evening.

btw, mrs hates lighting.....scares her .... I love it cause she snuggles closer.

Jun 11, 08 6:39 pm  · 

grilling fish and squash...yummy. And half phished on white rum and've got brown cows this one is white. Yippe...think i migh have to jump into the pool soon...feeling hot. Yummy...

Jun 11, 08 8:59 pm  · 

oh and i bought a usb hard drive

Jun 11, 08 9:15 pm  · 
liberty bell

How I spent King Kamehameha Day:

Spent the day working on finishing details to a house downtown the owners move into next week. Hanging hooks, changing bulbs, painted some stripes, other little details.

Came home to work furiously on painting my screen porch. I have a new architect friend coming over for dinner this weekend and want the house to look impressive; I'm oddly nervous. The screen porch has been torn apart and screenless for a month now and I want to whip it into shape before the guests. Husband has not been helping, but he will cook the menu I plan, so I suppose I shouldn't complain.

Spent the evening painstakingly recreating my Quicken info in my new Quickbooks for Mac program. Ugh, I will be so happy when this computer changeover is done!

Jun 12, 08 12:34 am  · 

Liberty....I use slow books.....

Jun 12, 08 1:26 am  · 
liberty bell

Aw crap, Father's Day is Sunday, I better run to Home Depot and buy a gift card!

Jun 12, 08 8:40 am  · 
Sarah Hamilton

A gift card, LB, you're such a slacker. Just kidding.

My Father'sday plans...

I have a tiny Snap-on wrench that Husband gave me once, and by tiny, I mean its maybe 3" long, and 1/4" wide in the middle, and I'm having it engraved to hopefully say "to be like you." I will give Husband this, along with a card from me, and one from Abram, and cook him a dinner of Tenderloin, mashed potatos, and roasted asparagus. -Wish me luck.

And I'm very excited today because I get to go on a Field Trip! Where to? you might ask... and I would sheepishly reply the Funeral Director's Convention in Ft Worth.

Jun 12, 08 8:51 am  · 

Sarah - you had me at tenderloin

For fathers day im sending pop a card, i would send him
tools but he's already got every tool he needs(he fixes mercedes benz), his birthday was a few days ago anyway. love you pop

Jun 12, 08 9:24 am  · 

Hi TC - this week has been rather crazy. Not sure whether I'm coming or going.

SH - Could you send me leftovers of your Father's Day Dinner? It sounds yummy.

Both Father's Day gifts sound great to me. As my pops has everything he needs and can just about buy anything wants, I will only give him a card and grace him with my presence. Is this a horrible thing to do? Gotta run. Tons of work to do

Jun 12, 08 9:27 am  · 
liberty bell

tuna, as a parent, I can say with confidence that my adult child's presence would be the best gift he could give me.

Jun 12, 08 9:34 am  · 

tuna, you're still doing better than me! Since my dad's in another country and I'm too poor to send things (especially too poor to send myself), he'll just be getting a phone call.

Jun 12, 08 10:04 am  · 

After years of neck ties, electric shavers, and other uncreative and typical father's day gifts, I'll be playing my saxophone for my father. He likes to hear me play and he hasn't heard me in years so we'll see how that goes. I'm thinking "Take Five" "Desafinado" and some other jazz standards. Maybe some Charlie Parker and I guess another obvious choice is "Song for My Father." Any songs you guys recommend?

Jun 12, 08 10:13 am  · 

dude i play the sax too

i dont know any goods songs to play for pop though

Jun 12, 08 10:17 am  · 
Sarah Hamilton

Ok, one of you has to change your name, I get confused. Theres only one letter difference, and you both play the sax?! Are you sure you aren't twins seperated at birth?

Jun 12, 08 10:23 am  · 

just thought i'd pass this along.

Jun 12, 08 10:56 am  · 

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