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yeah, works out like that sometimes. Plus, once Seattlites hear that you're thinking of moving here, they seem to do their best to sell the city. I just had good timing though, as I was already planning a get together for friday.

May 18, 08 2:45 pm  · 

nam you are not alone - I haven't been lucky enough to meet anyone YET! Not to mention even hear their voice.

May 18, 08 3:59 pm  · 
brian buchalski

i took my first golf lesson today. $120 for an hour of instruction. i wonder if i could charge that much for an hour of "architecture" lessons?

May 18, 08 5:01 pm  · 

nam you are not alone - I haven't been lucky enough to meet anyone YET! Not to mention even hear their voice.

May 18, 08 7:21 pm  · 

ack double posting nightmares - it must be a sign to sign out of archinect for the night. Yes tumbles a trip is emenient (sp?)

May 18, 08 7:23 pm  · 

my heirloom tomatos are setting fruit!

May 18, 08 7:45 pm  · 

mdler - you can't leave LA till the harvest is in... are they determinate or indeterminate tomato plants? the former has everything ripen at once, the latter makes a few ripe ones at a time...

Well tc'er and friends, tomorrow is the big day!

May 18, 08 10:36 pm  · 
liberty bell
The stroller's in the trunk, so I broke out the Bjorn for the first time to run some errands this morning. Once again, I'm reminded that strapping a happy baby to your chest can give a man new-found appreciation for the eye contact that we so unthinkingly deny the well-breasted female citizens of our towns.

Copied straight from Daddytypes, this sentence made me laugh out loud - hopefully you will soon be blessed with exactly this experience, tk!! Good luck tomorrow!!!

May 18, 08 10:38 pm  · 

Good luck!
And Happy Monday, till tomorrow, all.

May 18, 08 11:04 pm  · 

Yes, I was lucky enough to catch a ride with mdler to the IKEA yesterday. And I saw tumbles Friday night! I am still trying to figure out ways to meet you nam, and techno, I really hope you make it out here this summer. Do either of you have a Mac? With iChat? So I could add you and "virtually" meet you? Hawaii Guy and I just got the video iChatting figured out yesterday and although it was great, I was a little's a strange thing to see your man-friend for the first time in a month talking to you through the computer. Awesome though. Even more awesome....he visits this Friday!

tk, I'm rooting for you! I hope it goes well.

Fingers crossed that I get my own computer back tomorrow.....I feel quite lost without it.

I know a bunch of you are on LinkedIn, like me....has anyone used Pulse? I just got an invitation for it. I'm feeling a bit like I have an online profile for way too many web sites at this point....

May 18, 08 11:14 pm  · 

linkedin and facebook are all i plan to use for timebeing. so far have used linkedin for business once and facebook to reconnect with family and friends galore. this latter is pretty cool, i gotta admit.

good luck tk!

May 19, 08 1:33 am  · 

i've got so much to do this week, i can't even get my head around it all. [sigh.]

May 19, 08 7:51 am  · 
Sarah Hamilton

TK, I'm sure you will, but please post a picture. I hope all goes well, and kiss all free time and sleep goodbye.

Oh, I'm exhausted. Husband and I took Abram for his first road trip to Austin. Talk about rough. He was good Friday, but I had to ride the 6 hour trip in the back seat on sunday. And I think the weekend was a bit overwhelming for him. He had a hard time settling down once we got home. We did make a stop at Zilker Gardens for some photos. They didn't turn out so great; we need a REAL camera. Stimulus check maybe?

May 19, 08 8:55 am  · 
vado retro

steven sounds like you need to take a personal day. that'll help relieve the stress. good luck tk and mrs. tk.

May 19, 08 9:31 am  · 

mornin folks!

Godspeed TK!
sarah i need a good camera too, im thinking
i might save up for a nikon after i finish saving
up for a saxophone.

this weekend my friends and i went out to
the park and got in touch with our inner child,
we flew kites, then filled and tossed water ballons,
people staired, although im not sure whats so odd about
a couple of 20 year olds having some fun in a park - infidels,
then we went to my place and ate cearal and watched
the pink panther, awesome

and the summer begins

May 19, 08 9:46 am  · 
liberty bell

I find it funny that in two separate threads both Steven and I are asking "What's all the hoopla about?".

Steven, I respect us both, but I think we both also tend to get cranky when we see things that are good but could also be so much better!

May 19, 08 10:45 am  · 

we're still waiting. got the call from the hospital at 8:30, they are busy and asked us to call in at 11 to find out if today it is going to happen. this waiting is almost unbearable.

thanks for all the support! I'll post pictures when we get them...

May 19, 08 10:49 am  · 
Sarah Hamilton

wait, they don't do inductions like real surgery? You can't schedule it for say, 3pm on Monday? weird.

May 19, 08 10:55 am  · 

it's scheduled based on how busy they are. Unlike c-sections where there is a fixed duration for the procedure and they can schedule an operating room with certainty, inductions are like regular labor (of an unknown duration) but a higher risk and require more monitoring (since you're their from the start to finish). So our hospital fills empty beds with inductions - it feels like we're at the back of the line...

May 19, 08 11:21 am  · 
Sarah Hamilton

Well, TK, you guys to always try some more to bring on labour yourselves. Mexican food seemed to have worked for both my mother and me, but it takes a bouple of days. What about jumping jacks? Maybe hopping up and down would get things rolling.

May 19, 08 12:30 pm  · 

good luck TK's...

denise scott brown left a post here

May 19, 08 12:38 pm  · 

Personally LB and Steven,
I agree with the jist of what was said in both postings, "What the big deal?"

I don't see anything great about The pebble shaped museum and while i like Heatherwick's whimsy i don't think it is anything groundbreaking or lasting in impact.

May 19, 08 1:25 pm  · 

actually i think heatherwick's great. i'm just envious.

May 19, 08 1:40 pm  · 
vado retro

i am going to enjoy one of my favorite FiLmS! a film noir classiqe while enjoying a fine pinot from the macmurray vineyard which was owned by fred macmurray star of film. on this dismal cold rainy evening. the shows of bachelorhood...

May 19, 08 8:23 pm  · 

Steven, it is not that i dislike Heatherwick. However, much (and he isn't the only one) of design with a met approach (meaning tongue in cheek, etc), while i find likeable doesn't present to me nor do I think it moves design/architecture as a whole beyond the current context.
It is a whimsically, knowledgeable approach but one that doesn't address any issue (to me) beyond making design noticeable/liked. Which granted is often (these days) enough in itself/.

May 19, 08 10:11 pm  · 

denise scott brown: Digesting symbolism as led...have we lost the meaning of functionalism then architecture as extension of functionalism...oh which by the way is encompass with mechanical systems and electrical systems, enviormental systems and human systems. Seems like just another billboard to me.....I want real innovation.....come on kick it up!

May 19, 08 10:23 pm  · 

philarct : the pink panther is one of my most enduring movie faves. i have the whole series actually! good watchin'! we flew some kites the other day but in my town actually a lot of people fly kites. and play croquet too, it's fun.

tk : what's the deal with induction anyway? it sounds dangerous, i don't really get it. my sister was born 3 weeks late and they just kept on waiting till she made her way out. i was 2 weeks late myself. seems like nowadays they don't like late babies? or is there something more going on?

May 19, 08 11:16 pm  · 

is the only other thread I clicked on tonight aside from TC, and I'm quite glad I's hilarious. Brilliant. I would like a kit to make one of those myself, lol.

tumbles, you just passed 3000, no? Well done!

Another day without my computer. I feel so liberated and restrained all at the same time.

May 20, 08 1:19 am  · 

hey guys,
quick question, i havent studied architecture yet (i start fall semester!!! Yes finally!!!) and i keep hearing about people
coming up with a thesis, what exactly is a thesis?

grasshopper seeks guidance

May 20, 08 8:29 am  · 
liberty bell

We broke one of our own rules and took on a job with a client I don't personally like. They aren't awful people, just annoying, and I'm not looking forward to meeting with them today.

This is one of the great luxuries of my work life lately: I only get hired by people whose company I enjoy - with one exception.

May 20, 08 8:30 am  · 
Sarah Hamilton

Manta, If a baby stays in too long, they run the risk of their bowels kicking into gear, which polutes the fluid they're in, and they breath it in, which then causes them to fill up their lungs with crap, and they could suffocate. There is also a danger to the mother if the child gets too large, like a broken pelvis, ect. With an induction, they pump your body full of hormones, the same ones that the body produces to begin labour, and then monitor you more closely. Its not dangerous, just painful because the contractions come on hard and fast. Its like putting labour into hyperdrive.

Speaking of, I just heard Captain Sulu was getting married now that CA has lifted the ban. Didnt see that one coming.

May 20, 08 8:47 am  · 

hey sarah ur right!
who the heck is brad altman?
i just googled the situation

i never knew Mr Sulu was gay

May 20, 08 8:53 am  · 

ah, thanks sarah, been wondering about that one for awhile.

May 20, 08 9:15 am  · 

Yikes Sarah! I never knew that stuff... I was a 3-week-late c-section baby, and my mom just jokes about it, I never knew it was actually a problem.

Good luck to tk, wife, and the little acorn!

Philarct: a thesis is a final project and/or paper which attempts to advance the discourse of the profession in some way. You are try to prove something, examine something, provide new thoughts, insights, or links between things. It involves considerably more work than your average studio project, usually lasts longer, and at the masters level should involve close interaction with selected thesis committee members. These people control your life, at least in my program, because they are the ones who actually sign off on your degree.

May 20, 08 11:24 am  · 

rationalist - thanks, now i know


May 20, 08 11:30 am  · 

Hey, has everyone gotten their stimulus checks? I got mine over the weekend....I checked my bank account and BAM, there was an extra $600 just sitting there! It was incredibly exciting. I promptly used it not to stimulate anything, but to pay off one credit card and make a tiny dent in another. Ah well.

May 20, 08 11:37 am  · 


'idiots flock to you'...what are you sayin?

May 20, 08 1:03 pm  · 

you people didn't know George Takei was GAY?

come on!

May 20, 08 1:18 pm  · 
liberty bell

The makeup is nice, but I just wish he'd worn one of those super-short skirt outfits like Uhura did - hubba hubba!

May 20, 08 1:23 pm  · 
Sarah Hamilton

well, it seems it should have been obvious, but I am too young to have watched the original star trek.

May 20, 08 1:23 pm  · 

sarah, you have to listen to Howard Stern, to know the word on the street.

May 20, 08 1:29 pm  · 

rationalist, Edward Tufte (a very interesting graphic thinker) is holding courses coming up in Seattle... his books are great... I thought you might be interested!

May 20, 08 2:17 pm  · 

hi all - I'm here, I know I'm late. Seems life is sorting itself out if you just wait long enough. In theory I've been picked up by the UK consultants, and perhaps its good timing as the organisation is going through major changes including the removal of the head. Ouch!

Anyway if that works out I've advised them that I want a month hiatus before I start, as well as flexi hours and an improved salary - yes folks I'm making demands and not backing down. I will let you all know as things progressed but I've had that accepted in principle - we'll see what happens next.

Wonder K I'm really trying to get it all to work out - likely to be June - and I don't use iChat I'm a blessed pc user fighting the urge to convert, I love skype and swear by it - as well when I use it. No cam though...and I think TC knows why (too many online nudists on here)

May 20, 08 3:04 pm  · 

Hi Kids -
Errr I mean TC. I'm hating life this week. Our client wants more revisions to the floor plan (I think we're on #173.7) and more added to the scope of work though they've already had to cut back b/c of lack of funds. The boys in the office are driving me crazy too. Time for a drink and laughter with the girls.


May 20, 08 6:09 pm  · 

thats all great news architechno!

i didn't know that about overdue babies either. wow. scary. luckily we have so many alternatives now. women continue to amaze me with the things they all do daily for family and, well, for humanity really, even if it does sound corny. mother's day isn't enough!

sulu/george is cool. i don't think we had the original star trek when i was a kid either...we had next generation in high school. and before that...TJ Hooker.

May 20, 08 6:28 pm  · 
liberty bell

Speaking of babies, I'm hoping/assuming tk's sprout is out int he world now! I always say: new babies are full-time jobs for BOTH parents for the first week, so I'm guessing we won't be hearing the news for a week or so. We're thinking about you guys, arboreal assassin!!

May 20, 08 6:43 pm  · 
vado retro

did u post that naked lb?

May 20, 08 7:17 pm  · 
liberty bell

No but I've been drinking wine tonight because I decided I am NOT going to work tonight! I'm driking "House Wine" which has a cool label but I can't figure out how to link to the image of it on the mac. It's cheap, and good. Rather: quaffable!

May 20, 08 7:20 pm  · 

I sooooooo need some wine tonight.

Have been going through a rather tense situation at the office... something that could have been *really* good but instead has suddenly gone *really* sour which of course is the worst feelin' in the world. Ah well! I have a date tonight and a different project to work on tomorrow and life goes on and things turn out generally pretty well in my experience. So here's hoping I'm right again!

May 20, 08 7:30 pm  · 

liberty bell called me today and I missed it initially, but in the few spare seconds between when she called and I called her back, my thoughts were something along the lines of...."dear god, I hope nothing is wrong.....I hope vado/Steven/Orhan/techno/etc are all OK". Not having my computer at my disposal means I'm the last one to find out about things like this. Fortunately you are all OK. But Ted Kennedy is not.....and when I found that out (after everyone else), I shed a few tears. How incredibly sad.

Tonight was definitely a wine night.

May 21, 08 2:31 am  · 

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