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beta - I meant to comment before but it somehow slipped my mind. I too found the essay lovely as well as thought provoking. I think my favorite statement was the following...

The reason is that each person who wants to draw should devise his or her own way. It makes no sense to teach a method or style of drawing, because drawing is a way of thinking, and it would be wrong to didactically teach a method or style of thinking. Each person must learn from the drawers—and the thinkers—who appeal most to them, and then devise their own ways. Originality—in drawing and thinking—is important, for the same reasons that individuality in all matters of existence is important: it confirms the wonder, and the terror, of the human condition.

Thanks for sharing it with us.

May 15, 08 10:57 pm  · 

Tomorrow is graduation day at USC, and although I'm not graduating (yet), I will be there supporting those who are. I am also responsible for the surprise gift they'll be receiving at the ceremony so I'm excited to see their reaction to that (since none of them check here - they are nice aluminum business card holders)

I am still thinking that Japan would be a great place to live, specifically Tokyo because of that whole English thing. What do I have to do to get residency? The man that I'm taking won't be Japanese either....that would probably be hard, huh? (also, jump, that IS what my days are like, lol....)

I got to watch TV tonight. It was nice to just relax. Still missing my computer terribly though. :(

May 16, 08 2:33 am  · 

so you wanna take rem's job, wubK?

usually i like to have two jobs on the go, maybe three, but we have literally a dozen or more things going on right now or coming up. i feel like i'm learning to be a juggler.

my partner and i were photoshooted for upcoming issue of wallpaper today, along with about 10 other young architects here in tokyo/asia. it was very cool. just because of the act of it, but also cuz the shoot was in a trainstation in shibuya designed by ando that aint open yet. they were pretty understanding about letting us wander round and check things out which was also nice...and it sorta struck me when i was tlaking to another younf guy that ando started only 30-40 years ago doing little tiny neighbourhood scale houses not so different from what we are doing now (and most of the others in the group actually)...and now he is doing huge projects the size of the city. what a journey that must be.

it was kind of inspiring really. made me feel like doing some good architecture. like, right now.

May 16, 08 3:18 am  · 

i wore my heelys to work yesterday. almost bit it several times as they're very hard to simply walk in, but it certainly changed my attitude.

May 16, 08 7:49 am  · 

SW - Aren't those the shoes that all the kids wear these days, with the wheels in them? I didn't think they made them for adults. That could be interesting.

May 16, 08 8:22 am  · 

yes, and i don't think they should make them for adults. my wife got them for me for my 40th bday - along with a life insurance policy. (not really joking.)

May 16, 08 8:43 am  · 
Sarah Hamilton

So did you have fun in them, did they make you feel young, or were they difficult and make you feel old?

May 16, 08 8:51 am  · 
liberty bell

I swear, Steven, when I read "heelys" I pictured you in a pair of 4 inch stilettos - not a pretty picture! ;-)

May 16, 08 9:01 am  · 

i totally want those...hmmm 40 huh, i'll tell the wife tonight.

May 16, 08 9:11 am  · 
brian buchalski

i'm still alive...but i woke up with odd feeling that this might be my last day...very exciting

May 16, 08 9:13 am  · 

i know how you feel!

May 16, 08 9:17 am  · 

heelys are most fun on a sidewalk. my 3yo thinks it's hilarious when i try to roll on them. it's very hard, very unnatural, not at all like normal skating.

they make me feel both young and old. young because they take away my ability to control my body's movements and it's sort of freeing - WHHEEEEEE! old because i realize how seldom i ALLOW ANYTHING to take away my physical self-control and i realize how much damage i could do to this aging body.

May 16, 08 9:49 am  · 

SW you have me rolling with laughter. I bought a pair for my niece's 7th birthday and am really trying to imagine you strutting into work with them.

May 16, 08 9:56 am  · 

LOL Atechno!!!! That is a hilarious image. SW - Have you considered "rolling" into a client meeting with them on? I really get a kick out of that image too.

Beta - I'd love to see you in a pair too.

May 16, 08 10:31 am  · 

4 things i am doing to celebrate my impending crisis of age.

1. start my sleeve tattoo.
2. going to Vertical Endeavors to see if i can learn to rock climb.
3. spend one entire day, in a room, by myself, with my music - really loud Skinny Puppy - and create and read [must ask wife to take leave of home too]
4. get me some Heelys.

May 16, 08 10:55 am  · 

talk about Paradigm Shifts

Totally Rocks!

May 16, 08 10:58 am  · 

so hits a significant birthday too - she's having the moment memorialised with gifts...40 gifts for 40 years on earth. Its about a week from the day and she's 10 gifts in. Nothing fancy...a foot rub under the moonlight

May 16, 08 11:06 am  · 

happy birthday Beta! I can see you wearing healy's to the office and causing apoplexy among the grey-haired boomers- LOL!

May 16, 08 11:21 am  · 

i'm digging the two threads on photography 1

I'd forgotten how much pleasure a good camera is when i pulled out my gear to shoot some velvia (ok it's 5 years old and hasn't been refrigerated) of the wife's baby bump yesterday evening. The act of looking through the (80-200mm f2.8 ED Nikor) lens really makes me focus on composition, depth of field, and all those joys of pre-photoshop photography. Staring at a little washed out, dusty, smudged lcd screen on my digicam is very much a snapshot disaster.

When I got my first camera (nikon n6006) in 1990, I'd be lucky if each roll had one decent image. after 18 years and a at least a thousand rolls of film, over half my images are good to great making editing much harder. too bad the camera bag weights so much and processing is $$$ or I'd be a more active photographer/hobbiest. Digital imagery doesn't attract me quite as much since the archival file format issues have yet to be resolved. give me good old 35mm film any day (which is equivalent to over 20megapixels for the stock i tend to use).

May 16, 08 5:37 pm  · 

You have done nothing in life until you have "moon walked in your heelies." I'm serious....get on down brothers and sisters!

May 16, 08 5:45 pm  · 

lol. those shoes are the province of the 10 year old girls here, but i have often thought they might be fun. like the slippery slip-on slider thing you put on one of your feet for curling. my daughter and i make do with roller-blading but it is sometimes such a lot of effort...

though to be honest i thougt you were talking about dressing in drag too, SW. took me awhile to work it out. i think you shuld give the drag-queen version try too. just because.

May 16, 08 6:23 pm  · 

SW...please warn the wifey first! You might be looking for new digs.

May 16, 08 6:35 pm  · 

Got my car back from and she's purring like a kitten again. As much fun as I had driving my dad's Saab for the past two days, I must admit, I love driving my Jetta even more.

May 16, 08 10:07 pm  · 
Appease This Biyatch!
May 17, 08 5:21 am  · 

I understand your plight. When I entered architecture school my folks got me a Pentax K1000, a few months into it my uncle got me a minolta and about a dozen lens etc. I seriously got into slide photography. I have about 10,000 slides about which only 2% are catalogued. Anyway I haven't been able to put them into any archival system, and worry that they'll slowly disappear. The scanners make a mockery of the effort put into them.

Unlike you though I really love digital photography. I had a mavica sony days after they were released to the US market, and would still ahve it today if I was broken into a couple years ago.

Digital is better for a tree saving world.

May 17, 08 9:43 am  · 

I understand your plight. When I entered architecture school my folks got me a Pentax K1000, a few months into it my uncle got me a minolta and about a dozen lens etc. I seriously got into slide photography. I have about 10,000 slides about which only 2% are catalogued. Anyway I haven't been able to put them into any archival system, and worry that they'll slowly disappear. The scanners make a mockery of the effort put into them.

Unlike you though I really love digital photography. I had a mavica sony days after they were released to the US market, and would still ahve it today if I was broken into a couple years ago.

Digital is better for a tree saving world.

May 17, 08 10:17 am  · 
brian buchalski

i didn't die yesterday...go figure

May 17, 08 10:48 am  · 

I forgot to tell you all that whilst you were waiting for the weekend to start I was chilling out at the beach, with ti punch.

May 17, 08 11:29 am  · 

I forgot to tell you all that whilst you were waiting for the weekend to start I was chilling out at the beach, with ti punch.

May 17, 08 11:30 am  · 

oops big green head could you delete one of those for me please - cheers

May 17, 08 11:35 am  · 

- Kevin James could seriously benefit from taking an Intro to Diplomacy class.

Atechno - beautiful photo. How's the water down there? I'd really love to jump in right now.

I think my cat just opened the door and let himself out. Holy crap! Off to the nursery to try find some beautiful plants.

May 17, 08 1:03 pm  · 

the waves were a bit rough for us to go in, so we sat ate chicken sarnies, mango salad and ti punch under the shade. Then we went home and jumped in the pool

May 17, 08 1:25 pm  · 

oh yeah them's look like some rough waves

techno, don't ever go in the pacific! ;)

May 17, 08 1:26 pm  · 

techno- those are the nicest double posts in archinect history. I hope they stay ;-)

my non-baby adventure of the day is that I was mowing my 88 year old neighbor's lawn and a wheel fell off her mower. So now I'm tracking down a replacement plastic axle/height adjustment assembly for her.

May 17, 08 3:28 pm  · 

Atechno - I agree with mantaray, those are rough waves? Where are the white caps. Doesn't look to me like any good boogie boarding could happen at that beach. *Le sigh

Oh well, time to get raedy to go to another wedding ALONE and to be forced to partake in the traditional bouquet toss.

May 17, 08 4:04 pm  · 

Horrible day yesterday at work.

My division laid off 10% of my coworkers and they are already rumored to be talking round 2 at the end of the quarter. Fortunately, I survived the first round.

May 17, 08 4:53 pm  · 
vado retro

well catch the damned bouquet tuna!
n______ that sux!

May 17, 08 6:34 pm  · 

i chilled out at Ikea with DubK today

May 18, 08 2:11 am  · 
vado retro

did people think you were a couple when they saw you bouncing in the bed department?

May 18, 08 5:34 am  · 
some person

or when they saw you drinking one lingonberry juice with two straws in the cafe?

May 18, 08 9:15 am  · 

the waves were a bit rough for us to go in, so we sat ate chicken sarnies, mango salad and ti punch under the shade. Then we went home and jumped in the pool

May 18, 08 9:40 am  · 
liberty bell

...or fighting over whether to spend $1.99 on a wastebasket?

May 18, 08 10:33 am  · 

seems to be the day of double posting. Not sure what is going on with my network. The picture is misleading, the wave had already crashed...its not surfing waters either - sea versus ocean, and the waves crash on the shore with rocks the size of volley balls...painful.

Now recovering from a hangover...will post on the hungover thread soon enough

May 18, 08 12:08 pm  · 

oh and mdler I've very jealous of you being able to go shopping with hurts that I've never been able to meet an archinector - worse that puddles is apparently in close proximity. Should I resume my puddles stalking??

May 18, 08 12:11 pm  · 

thanks tk and tumbles - it was great day not to be at work and just relax by the sea with a loved one

May 18, 08 12:17 pm  · 
vado retro

1.99??? you better start saving for retirement rather than splurging on wastebaskets!

May 18, 08 12:49 pm  · 

speaking of seeing nectors, what's the verdict on friday night mdler?

May 18, 08 12:59 pm  · 

I sometimes feel as if i am one of the few archi who hasn't met another in person.
Although i guess i do know AP and Q from way back in school days.

May 18, 08 1:56 pm  · 


I will try to make dance card is getting pretty full. I have lived in LA for 4 yrs but already have more to do in a weekend in Seattle than I ever did in LA

May 18, 08 1:56 pm  · 

no baby yet. just relaxing and having a lazy sunday before the sleep deprivation starts. tomorrow should be the day...

mdler- there is something about being a visitor or being about to leave that fills a social calender.

May 18, 08 2:27 pm  · 

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