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puddles....when you coming to visit?

May 12, 08 11:04 am  · 
vado retro

except for the sunburn, that sounds a lot like indianastan poodles.

May 12, 08 2:13 pm  · 

I cant read me that

May 12, 08 2:18 pm  · 
Living in Gin

Ack. One of my molars just broke in half and fell out. I guess it's time to see a dentist.

May 12, 08 4:31 pm  · 
Sarah Hamilton


May 12, 08 5:44 pm  · 

why are you typing?

May 12, 08 6:03 pm  · 

happy belated mother's day to all current and expectant mothers here.

I have to present my thesis proposal to the faculty tomorrow... I'm told by everyone that I'll be fine, but the concept still makes me nervous. Maybe my expectations are higher than they realize? Because I don't just want to have a good thesis, I kind of feel the need to blow their minds with the awesomeness of my thesis. So I guess I consider "you'll be fine" to be a bit of an insult, because after all, who just wants it to go fine?

May 12, 08 9:04 pm  · 
liberty bell

rationalist, tell me if I'm wrong: this is only the presentation of the thesis proposal? In that case I think "fine" is enough, because it's the presentation of the actual thesis product that you want to blow their freakin' minds, right?

Which I think it will, because your topic is awesome and I know you will work hard and smart on it and go above and beyond what everyone expects.

May 12, 08 9:20 pm  · 

rationalist - ^^ what Liberty said.... :o)

May 12, 08 9:23 pm  · 

I guess... but mind-blowing ideas get awesome committees, which help me accomplish mind-blowing product. I guess I just expect to blow minds on every level. That's not too much to ask, right??

May 12, 08 9:30 pm  · 

Not at all, and don't worry, I'm sure you will blow their minds away. You go girl!!!!!

May 12, 08 9:32 pm  · 

first one today was at 7:24pm. Second one was 8:36pm... is this it or not? will we get any sleep tonight?

May 12, 08 10:01 pm  · 
vado retro

hi tumbles!

May 12, 08 10:40 pm  · 

rationalist, have a glass of wine hop into bed and relax. The wine with the rest will do you well. Don't over do it and knock um dead with your thesis. You are a very talented designer (I've nosied your stuff on coroflot), not to mention brilliant. If all else you can rely on your sass and wit to pull you through. Remember you've done this before, standing before a crowd of critics - it was called architecture school; keep that in your back pocket and blow their minds.

oh and good luck.

May 12, 08 10:56 pm  · 

Huzzah for teeth breaking!
Did the tooth fairy leave you a present at least?
Also, can we have a birthing update...

May 12, 08 10:59 pm  · 

Gin, grab the rum and the milk. Place the tooth in some milk, because they might be able to fuse it back together. Drink the rum, slowly - just to clean the area around it. You'd hate if it got infected. Worse case scenario is that they give you a poreclein, either which case it won't be so bad. I hope your insurance provides dental...drink be merry

May 12, 08 11:01 pm  · 
One of my molars just broke in half and fell out. I guess it's time to see a dentist.

jesus christ!!! My mouth hurts just thinking about it!!!

I've recently discovered that you can stay signed in to 2 different screen names on one computer by using 2 different browsers. Sweet.

nam, you have 1111 comments! I'm just saying.

May 12, 08 11:24 pm  · 

is that a binary joke wubk? sounds dirty.

i had a root canal 15 years ago...tooth died of course. and last year eating a piece of bread it broke in half from the horrible pressures exerted by a seed from the reasberry jam on the bread. very very strange experience. they built me a new tooth. no worries. of course dental is part of nationa health plan in japan so only cost 30 bucks...hahah. eat that america!

May 12, 08 11:47 pm  · 

Thank you for the support, all.

Gooooo treekillerwife, and feel better Gin!

May 13, 08 1:27 am  · 

tumbles, did I just hear a "yee-ow"?!

May 13, 08 7:50 am  · 

Good morning TC...

Jump, you bastard!
No need to rub our inadequate health care in our face.

May 13, 08 7:57 am  · 

Go TK's wife, Go TK's wife. YAY!!!! Hopefully today is the day. I'm keeping my fingers crossed.

Random tooth/mouth fact of the day. Did you know you exert 600 lbs. worth of pressure when you chew? Brought to you by the daughter and sister of two friendly dentists.

May 13, 08 8:26 am  · 
Sarah Hamilton

Wow, I did not know that Tuna.

And YEAH TK!!!! At least, I certainly hope this is it because false labour would just be a total let down. All pain and no gain, who wants to go through that?! I was thrilled when they examined me and said 'she can stay.' And I hope you bought her something nice for all her hard work, even if its just flowers, or better yet.. an acorn tree.

Do they make those in bonsai form? That'd be pretty sweet for the kids room.

May 13, 08 9:09 am  · 

I just stepped outside my office to walk to the library a block away. Low and behold, I stepped outside my office buidling to a few hundred screaming teenage girls. They are filming the Hannah Montana movie on my office street corner. There were tents, screaming tweens, trailers, screaming tweens, cameras, screaming tweens, police officers, screaming tweens, lights, screaming tweens, Billy Ray Cyrus signing autographs, screaming tweens everywhere. The cops didn't want me to cross their barricade but I kindly informed them I was a library patron and had no intention of a Miley Cyrus sighting.

Wow, that was overwhelming.

May 13, 08 10:40 am  · 
Sarah Hamilton

n, did that excuse work for them?

May 13, 08 11:19 am  · 

I should have checked tc sooner today... nothing happened after those two. so we're still waiting. thanks for the encouragement!

we discussed a push present, but i already got her a first trimester nausea notion (hey I just coined a new meme!), so she doesn't want me to spend money again. But in female speak does that really mean that she wants something? I better at least go get her a card or something today at lunch (hope the walker gift shop has a good selection).

so anybody want to start a labor & delivery pool? the official due date was yesterday. next checkup is thursday and we'll be scheduling an induced labor at that point if things aren't moving yet.

May 13, 08 11:32 am  · 
Sarah Hamilton

It should be soon, TK. All I can offer is that the contractions that worked for me felt like intense menstrual cramps (is that the right menstrual, or is that the musician?), and they werent really regular, at least you couldnt set a watch by them, but they were between 3 and 8 minutes every time.

And yes, get her something, even if it is just a milkshake after its all through. Those hours of ice chips SUCK.

Does she know you call the baby Acorn?

May 13, 08 12:05 pm  · 
Living in Gin

Back from the dentist, where I got a temporary fix. It wasn't really broken, but a huge filling had come out, leaving about a third of the tooth missing. The tooth can be saved, but it will require some oral surgery and a crown. The process for all that will begin later in the month.

In the meantime, I got a cleaning and an exam, where they found a couple more minor problem areas. Ugh.

I'm afraid to ask how much all this is going to eventually set me back... I need to get an apartment by the end of August and I'm trying to save every penny for that effort, but all this dental crap isn't making it easy.

May 13, 08 12:08 pm  · 
Sarah Hamilton

LiG, just pull them all and get dentures.

May 13, 08 12:13 pm  · 

Mmmmmm, a milkshake sounds good. Better yet... a blizzard from DQ. Too bad there aren't any within walking distance. Oh well, gotta run. We have a meeting with our client this afternoon and I feel like I still have a s*** ton to do.

TK - Sorry to hear it was just false labour pains. Keep us updated.

May 13, 08 12:14 pm  · 
vado retro

why arent those kids in school where's the truant officers?

May 13, 08 12:18 pm  · 

I wouldn't call it false labor, but just precursor labor contractions. DQ- ewwwww. I'll get her steak frites and a bottle of syrah (as long as somebody else is caring for the acorn). oh, i forgot that I gave up beef to save the climate, make mine a moule frits (specially if they are zebra mussels).

Yes, she knows I've made up many nicknames for steven. before we knew he was a he, we were calling it stevenie (as is steven/stephanie)

May 13, 08 12:39 pm  · 
brian buchalski

Awesome story...i love hannah montana!!!

May 13, 08 1:21 pm  · 
Sarah Hamilton

DQ is tasty, but its different here in Texas I think.

I asked Hausband to bring me a mojito after labour, and he laughed at me.

May 13, 08 1:30 pm  · 

A mojito is a great idea (but we'll need to balance the thirst of the lil' boy with the thirst of the mom). she may have to wait a few days for a quenching libation.

can anybody answer why teenage girls scream so much?

May 13, 08 2:27 pm  · 

go mrs tk and acorn aka stevenaie

May 13, 08 2:39 pm  · 
liberty bell

Steven once wisely observed that "teenagers are a lot like drunk people".

I think that's why they scream.

tk tell mrs. to eat NOW because they won't let her in labor - I started nibbling as soon as I started contracting and kept munching on stuff right up to going to the hospital - and I needed that energy for labor! That said, I also threw it all back up while in labor - I hear our bodies like to clean everything out for the "big push". So maybe she shouldn't eat! There is no good advice. Just hang in there.

May 13, 08 4:33 pm  · 
Sarah Hamilton

I tried that LB. I did cook and eat dinner, but then around 12 I was hungry again, so I grabbed a poptart. Turns out I only managed a nibble before I got nauseated.

May 13, 08 4:45 pm  · 

we were advised that she should eat lightly during early labor and that I needed to bring food to the hospital.

it might be time to shift this conversation over to Sarah's adventure thread to keep TC free of the gory details...

May 13, 08 5:56 pm  · 

my wife was starving during first babby's labor. food is her hobby so she was seriously pissed that they wouldn't let her eat. probably for the best.

japanese hopsitals by the way believe in 5 days bedrest after birth and massages from trained nurses during birth, so the mom's go home refreshed. in canada for first child we were out of the hospital the next day and toally bewildered. in japan for 2nd babby my wife enjoyed herself so much i don't think she wanted to leave. costs $3000 to have baby in japanese hospital but because of negative birthrate the government gives it back a few weeks later in form of baby bonus. so healthcare including the wonderful massages during birth (i think there were about 3 nurses helping my wife)...totally free. amazing.

my wife and i enjoy watching hannah montana with the girls. she is sole reason my kids sing in english at all and is so funny to watch the three year old copy hannah's dance moves while she sings.

May 13, 08 8:40 pm  · 

OK - decision is made... I'm moving to Japan before (if/when) I ever get pregnant and go into labor. Hell, I could really go for a massage right now come to think of it.

BTW - worked long and hard with my team to come up with a nice design/elevation for this open staircase we've got for for our project. Worked almost a full week on it (we all loved it). I think we were all pretty excited about it. Well anyway, the client's father came back and told us he didn't like it and pretty told us we needed to reconfigure it. Took him all of 10 seconds to chop it into pieces. Pooh!

May 13, 08 9:56 pm  · 
vado retro

you know who gives good massages? me that's who...

May 13, 08 9:58 pm  · 


May 13, 08 10:06 pm  · 

I'm with tunamelt....I'm moving to Japan and giving birth there. Also living there afterwards for the free healthcare. And I too, need a massage. Carrying my Timbuk2 bag around for 3 days has killed my shoulders...don't get me wrong, I love the bag, I just need a break.

May 14, 08 1:08 am  · 

actually i miswrote a wee bit.

healthcare here is not free. we are all required to pay into national insurance plan. which covers most stuff, but we also have extra coverage thats about $100 a month. surgery and a few days in hopital a few years back cost us i think a few hunderd bucks. medicines are also cheap and largely covered by national healthcare.

you can choose not to pay it, but then if you go to hospital they ask for all the years you haven't paid for it in order to be covered. my littel bro did this when he had huge surgery to fix leg after being hit by car and almost he pays every month instead. much better

now, kids on other hand are absolutely free. 100%, medicine, doctors, the whole shameel. isa great. even greater, because of that negative birthrate thing they extended the coverage til my girls are in grade three (used to cut off at grade one). nice deal, i must say.

other nice thing is that because doctors are not controlled by the government like in canada a doctor can set up shop anywhere. including in his house, SOHO style. that is in fact pretty common, so if you don't need much more than an x-ray you can probably see a good family doctor within walking distance of your home. IN THE SUBURBS. he might even be next door to you. the very idea is so against the very concept of american life nowadays but i gotta say it is brilliant...especially for society that is aging as fast as japan is.

next weeks is going to be sooo busy. my partner is getting married saturday after next, then my brother on sunday ( ! ), and a week after that i head to liverpool to talk about japanese suburbs, spend a few days in london to chill out with old friends...then back to tokyo to hand over dissertation...but my prof still hasn't okayed it so who knows if that is going to happen anyway...and we have small reno job started on site yestreday just to make me feel the burn a bit. on top of that is the usual grind of looking for next client(s)...i really really wonder how the starchitects do it, the academia and world touring and architecting all at once pretty sure they work much harder than i ever will.

is this what its like for wonderk every day?

May 14, 08 5:18 am  · 
Sarah Hamilton

Jump, I have to ask you, do you shoot saki, or sip it? Room temp, or hot? This was the highlight of yesterdays projects meeting at work, and I said I'd ask you.

May 14, 08 7:00 am  · 

only bad saki is drunk hot! Good saki, like vodka, "tastes" like water... clean, clear, pure water... mmmmmm..... sip it up and enjoy it!

May 14, 08 7:27 am  · 

I say Sipping is the way to go....
As long as it isn't syrup!

May 14, 08 8:07 am  · 

jump - I'm still moving to Japan ;o) Still sounds better than the US of A

May 14, 08 8:30 am  · 

good sake tastes like sake, not water. it definitely a wide range of flavors some bold, some subtle, but all wonderful...

hi ...tUmblEs...

May 14, 08 10:09 am  · 

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