
Thread Central


Tree going to keep calling the tike, "Acorn".....I think you might want to consider Weed Killer....for a name.

Aside from that, I made dinner tonight, Norske/Chinese Stir Fry. Shitake Mushrooms, snap peas, brocolli , garlic, scallions, slivers of beef, noodles over a garlic rosemary sauce. The Mrs was impressed.......the best one ever she told me with the come on line....."You could do this once a month."

May 22, 08 7:57 pm  · 

oh that sounds good! i've been dying for stir fry lately AND i have some fresh rosemary to use up. Would you mind posting the recipe, snook? Or at least as much of it as you can transcribe from memory? Thanks!!!!

May 22, 08 8:50 pm  · 
liberty bell

Lamb burgers here tonight; I have been craving them lately and the farmer's market has been out of lamb the last two weeks (I sleep too late). So I finally satisfied that craving and they were delish!

abra: beautiful onesie. tumbles: I like the general celebratory attitude of your sake post. Life is short, enjoy little pleasures often.

May 22, 08 9:29 pm  · 

kid in concrete on grey anatomy...

May 22, 08 9:58 pm  · 

kid in concrete on grey anatomy...

May 22, 08 9:58 pm  · 

I had dinner with two friends this evening, one of them is moving back to N. Carolina tomorrow. Yet another one bites the dust. Fortunately there's already talk of a road trip Labour Day Weekend for a visit. Yippee!!!

Atechno - I missed the first half, now I have to watch it online later. Meh!!!!

May 22, 08 10:18 pm  · 
brian buchalski

i'm still alive

May 23, 08 8:32 am  · 
liberty bell

So Indy got the Super Bowl, and vado and I are both wildly, crazily excited, dancing-in-the-streets excited, throwing-our-panties- at Peyton-Manning excited.


May 23, 08 8:37 am  · 

I know I should be ranting about this on Green Thread Central but why the F%$& with LEED 2009 can you get 2 points for installing a bike rack and a changing room instead of just 1? Does anybody find this as ridiculous as I do?

Wow LB - I think you need to control your feelings about the Super Bowl. TC can't handle that sort of excitement this early in the morning ;o)

May 23, 08 8:45 am  · 
Sarah Hamilton

Guess What! I came into work this morning to be greeted with an email from EB! I think I may have a date, though not a real date, as we all know I'm married, and EB and God would not approve of a seperate romantic interest from my husband. So lets call it hanging out.

May 23, 08 9:13 am  · 
vado retro

i like football!

May 23, 08 9:32 am  · 
vado retro

but will not be living here when the game is played. right now its indy 500 time and since i live in the hood where they stage the marching bands etc for tomoorows parade... the dpeartment of public works is lining my street with portopotties...

in other news my exgf/future wife is now officially a doctor.

May 23, 08 9:34 am  · 
liberty bell

Yay for Dr. exgffw-vado!!

Sarah, I forgot to mention how totally cool I think your husband's car is. You're right, it's a great paint scheme.

May 23, 08 9:37 am  · 
Sarah Hamilton

He designed it. He is a man of many talents. The best part is, you can't miss it when it flies down the track.

May 23, 08 9:41 am  · 
vado retro

thanks lb. could perhaps you like that car cuz it sez hoosier on it?

May 23, 08 10:18 am  · 

tuna- 1 point for bike rack, 1 point for changing room, right? Either of those things by themselves will somewhat encourage bicycle commuting, but together they are part of a whole bike-friendly building.

How'd you like the ending to Grey's, techno? My housemates and I are addicted, and the collective response was, "awwwwwww....."

May 23, 08 10:25 am  · 

hey guys
whats up today?
its pretty cool how exgf/future wife became a doc
i cant stand using portapotties tho, eck

i decided to grow my fro out, its gonna be awesome

May 23, 08 10:32 am  · 

Rationalist - Nope just two points. Both though are required to get the credit. I understand the logic and I do love the the idea of a building being more bike friendly but it irks me to see a project getting 2 points for this stuff and getting the same amount of points for reducing your water consumption by 15%. As I read the revisions though I must admit I am seeing the points weighted a little more appropriately.

I actually watched the second half of Grey's (I too am an addict and couldn't wait to watch the whole thing) and did think the ending was good.

Congrats Dr. exgf/future vado's wife on your accomplishment.

Philarct - Do we get to see photos?

May 23, 08 10:47 am  · 
b3tadine[sutures] know who i miss - and i never even had the chance to see him play - Jeff Buckley.

Mojo Pin
Last Goodbye
Twelfth of Never....


May 23, 08 11:48 am  · 
Sarah Hamilton

Vado, what kind of doctor is she?

May 23, 08 11:48 am  · 

just a preview
people at my church say i looked like
link from the mod squad

May 23, 08 11:49 am  · 

phil, i like ?uestlove's matter how big my hair gets, that's one thing this white boy can never have - and look cool...

May 23, 08 12:10 pm  · 
vado retro

doctor of the phd in english lit.

May 23, 08 12:13 pm  · 

- it was a cheesy sweet ending to grey's. But anything architectural I like...a floor plan made of candles - now that's how you present to a prospective client.

Phil I had an afro in hs, it was a tad lopsided but I loved it. When i wet it I coul pull it in a pony tail that didn't look so hot, kind like huggy bear gone bad.

all today is my so's birthday. How you like dem flowers

May 23, 08 12:14 pm  · 

Nice flowers. What kind are they?

Philarct - love the fro. Looks good

May 23, 08 1:09 pm  · 
vado retro

they say that philarct is one bad (shut your mouth) talkin about philart.

May 23, 08 1:10 pm  · 

techno - good call with the flowers, and do you have any pics of
the fro you used to have?

which reminds me, my moms birthday
is coming up

May 23, 08 1:27 pm  · 

vado rocks socks
and pops cops

May 23, 08 1:27 pm  · 
shameless self-promotion


, please pass on my congratulations to your EG/FW.

Sarah, I am VERY INTRIGUED by your encounter with EB. Please do keep us posted. (*Unless you are EB. In which case I think we'll hear about it some other way :o) PS. I agree, awesome paint job.

Philarct - I love the fledgling fro! Keep it going!

techno - gorgeous flowers. Did you grow those in your backyard? They look very tropical.

How is everyone else doing today? We had a tornado in Southern California yesterday. Is it already The Day After Tomorrow?

May 23, 08 2:11 pm  · 
Sarah Hamilton

That was the dumbest movie ever. And No, I am not EB. I happened to tell Blackharp, when EB appeared on his thread, that EB wasn't real. EB simply emailed me to say that in fact, (s)he was just as real as blackharp, though not as real as Him. And then commended me on my feelings for Texas, and reccomended we get together to whisper the charms of Texas into each others ears. Crazy Rabbit.

May 23, 08 3:18 pm  · 


“My husband did not wrap up the nomination in 1992 until he won the California primary somewhere in the middle of June, right? We all remember Bobby Kennedy was assassinated in June in California. I don’t understand it,” Mrs. Clinton said, dismissing the idea of dropping out.
May 23, 08 5:11 pm  · 

White Boys or Girls in Dreadlocks just doesn't do it for me.

Man...I never use a recipe...not for pancakes or stirfry....I'm a mad scientist in the kitchen.....It does cause concern for the MRS....cause
she knows what the hell she is doing in the Kitchen....studies Cookbooks and watches Food Shows like their Football. She is currently doing a menu for a restaurant and the very impressed that she understands so much about food and preparation along with the graphic design which not only sells food but looks great.

May 23, 08 7:05 pm  · 
brian buchalski

i'm suddenly very smitten with kylie minogue's most recent album and and actually considering a trip to europe to catch the rate be damned.

and what other reason could one have to be in luxembourg on june 5th?

May 23, 08 8:44 pm  · 

, this one's for you.

The weather in LA is still weird. Fortunately that has no bearing on Hawaii, where my Best Man was trying to get on a plane earlier to come see me. Unfortunately, however, his plane was broken and he was delayed 2 hours until they switched to another one. Boo hoo. Ah well, at least he's on his way here now.

Photo and video of the tornado(es)

May 23, 08 10:34 pm  · 
brian buchalski

i'm going to buy some shampoo this afternoon. i'll tell you all about it later. maybe i will even post some photographs if i'm not too lazy

May 24, 08 9:34 am  · 

snook -- if you could tell me as much as you remember of the rosemary-garlic sauce, that would be great! i am a *very* novice cook and the combo sounds good but i have a feeling i would sincerely fuck it up on my own. thanks!!

May 24, 08 12:50 pm  · 

Hey Puddles I bought shampoo this moring for my I guess I better get on with the task at hand.....Saturday Bath Time!

May 24, 08 1:01 pm  · 

wooo, have tons of fun w/ BestMan, DubK. Nice ending to the school year, eh?

had a party last night... it was a very rough morning. I think I'm going to try to cut back on the liquor: not that I feel I drink too often, but it seems that I am hitting the point of actual drunkenness more and more quickly, so I need to monitor social intake better.

May 24, 08 1:11 pm  · 

Rational: social intake oggling the moss back cowboys to much up there in the NorthWest?

May 24, 08 1:48 pm  · 

I had a party last night too for the so's birthday. It was on the beach edge overlooking the lights of the sailboats moored for the night. It started out slow with dinner and a few friends sitting and chatting, then got rocking about 11 or so. It was one of the first times she came to me begging to go home...mission accomplished.

This afternoon I picked up her gift...

May 24, 08 7:00 pm  · 

just in from dinner for the so, nice just us. Heading to bed then up at 4a for a sunrise at the beach.

May 25, 08 12:06 am  · 


we got home from the hospital yesterday afternoon. the seedling & missus are doing as well as possible with all they have been through (details may eventually be discussed). I never want to go through that again. I am just amazed by missus tk's strength, focus and resilience - I could have never handled the situation as well as she is. But the evolutionary mechanism perplexes me as the biology of labor is so imperfect - how did we ever procreate enough to have 6 billion folks?

just the facts (as I hope Beta posted for ya'll few days back):

steven starr treekiller
b.5/21 @3:59am via c-section after 28 hours labor & 3 1/2 hours pushing
7lbs 12ozs at birth (7lbs 11ozs at discharge)
20" long
15" diam head & the cause of half the problems

Last night, we actually managed to get a decent nights sleep last night (without all the nurses poking about every few moments) with the lil' man only needed to be fed three times and quietly sleeping the rest of the time (except during his first thunderstorm). I think he's a righty from all the help he's been offering during feedings...

suggestions for lyrics for lullaby's incorporating his name are greatly appreciated, along with adaptations of stevie wonder songs and david bowie's starman . He definitely will be a rocker, as he is already dancing along to the beat of music he likes.

Since I won't have the time for a while to read all the 'nect I've missed, anybody want to write a synopsis to supplement the editors picks to help me figure out who eb is?
May 25, 08 10:53 am  · 
vado retro

YaY! Welcome to the world little StArRman! Let all the children boogie!!!

May 25, 08 1:07 pm  · 

What a large diameter head.
And i thought mine was big for an infant!

Happy Holidays all!!!!

May 25, 08 3:23 pm  · 

I can't see the pic to inspect how big or little young starman's head is. But nonetheless congratulations to the treekillers

May 25, 08 6:23 pm  · 

my first pic

he's was 3 hours old at that moment

May 25, 08 6:47 pm  · 
brian buchalski

the highlight of my week was the posting of this interview to youtube. i almost posted this to the archinect news section but it occured to me that it doesn't really have much to do with least not in a direct manner that would be clear to the person of average intellect and experience.

so anyhow, my question for thread central is, "should i post that interview to the archinect news section?" obviously it qualifies as news—or else i wouldn't even be writing about it—but does it qualify as archinect news...or archinews as i like to call it?

May 25, 08 9:05 pm  · 
brian buchalski

okay...this video clip of kylie riding a floating chrome plated skull in paris is definitely not's just kind of the way that i had hoped that my thesis project would have been cool except no thesis is as cool as kylie riding a giant floating chrome skull singing "like a drug"

May 25, 08 9:14 pm  · 

treekiller - that's one beautiful acorn. Welcome to the world!

May 25, 08 10:28 pm  · 

your son is a beautiful child
its awesome to see him, babies/children are
wonderful blessings, i myself(being the youngest of eight)
plan to have a least four or five whenever i get established
and married. Congradulations and God bless, the sprout
will be killing trees in no time.

im about to search for a hobby and/or "this is the other
stuff that i design/make that isnt architecture" thread.
if i cant find anything or someone knows what im looking
for can you help me out?

enjoy memorial day!

May 25, 08 10:31 pm  · 

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