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i first had sake when i lived in osan (South korea)
i was 7, my step dad let me have that, snake blood
and street squid

good times

May 14, 08 10:17 am  · 

hi all. Going to pick up some chairs - be right back!

May 14, 08 10:29 am  · 

kool tunamelt. i'll probs still be here!

i would actually think twice about moving to the states because of that healthcare thing. i don't know how companies or individuals can handle that and remain competitive.

sarah, i don't know. i always sipped, but the cups are so small it amounts to the same thing. the more important ritual is about who pours than how it is drunk, i would say. in japan the custom is that people pour each others drinks. always. pouring own drink is cuz no one respects you kinda thing. what it leads to however is having to clear space in the glass so yor mate can add some beer...and in no time at all everyone gets totally drunk. it took me awhile to learn how to say no without offending. drinking to get drunk makes no sense to me at all.

hot sake on a cold day in an unheated home (normal for japan) is very very nice. like mulled wine, the setting is impt.

May 14, 08 10:36 am  · 

well jump, mostly we manage the healthcare issue by trying very, very hard not to get sick, and avoiding going to the doctor at all costs if we do happen to catch something. Great system, eh?

May 14, 08 10:44 am  · 

Who needs healthcare....

May 14, 08 11:20 am  · 


the best beef bulgogi i ever had was in osan.

i really liked how the apts. were basically stacked on the runway, the U2s taking off @ 5 AM were a bit of a pain, though. watching them land (w/ chase car) was always interesting.

May 14, 08 11:35 am  · 
drinking to get makes no sense at all

- not to worry drunks don't make any sense either

May 14, 08 11:36 am  · 

I must be drunk, because I couldn't even copy the sentence correctly.
drinking to get drunk makes no sense at all

May 14, 08 11:38 am  · 

That's the problem jump, many companies are having problems doing just that. There are a few out there that that have to decide "Do I give my employees a raise this year, or do I help pay for their health care?" either way it's a pretty f***ed up situation. My father and brother (both in private practice) finally decided to go the Health Savings Plan route b/c they just couldn't afford to pay the insurance premiums. I think I remember my father saying he's now saving $2000 a month. That number could be wrong, but it's at least in the ballpark. Have I mentioned lately how much I hate insurance companies?

May 14, 08 12:21 pm  · 

Beta!! School has been pretty great! We are working on the building project right now, and I have posted some images from our crits to my flickr account:

I will probably be around a bit more over the summer.... and am looking forward to the other Archinecteur who is going to be joining us here in the fall ;)

May 14, 08 1:35 pm  · 
brian buchalski

i just bought some drink coasters

May 14, 08 1:38 pm  · 
Sarah Hamilton

so, jump, how do you say no?

May 14, 08 2:22 pm  · 

mojitos at your place puddles?

Okay it seems like my contractor friends think I've been waiting too long to start work on my house and have chosen to start making calls on my behalf. It seems like I'll have a roofer up there by monday to pull the old sheeting off, and the electrician in by weekend to pull the old lines out. Wish me luck.

btw the drawings aren't complete yet

May 14, 08 2:31 pm  · 
vado retro

hi TuMbLeS!

May 14, 08 3:02 pm  · 
Sarah Hamilton

Techno, that was nice of them. Are they paying too?

May 14, 08 3:05 pm  · 

uhm no...but and this is interesting that I must determine how much they must be paid. Uhm excuse me. Well I'm a fair guy so I won't kill them or let them starve

May 14, 08 3:18 pm  · 

Atechno - That's the craziest thing I think I've ever heard. Wish I could choose how much I was going to pay to get my car fixed.

I just took my car to the shop this evening to get worked on for the next day and a half. She's getting a new timing belt, serpentine belt and water pump, her transmission serviced, a new valve cover gasket(the oil was beginning to leak), a new coolant flange (the anti-freeze hose had also sprung a leak) AND a new left turn signal bulb and socket. As it's a VW I had to sign away my firstborn child, but it beats buying a new car at this time. The good thing in all this is that I get to drive my dad's 93 Saab Aero convertible the next two days, which I might add is AWESOME to drive. I can't help but to laugh though b/c as I drive this amazing car, listen to NPR (mind you its pre-programmed on the first button) on this killer sound system... there's an NRA personalized licensed plate on the back. Anyone else find this as humorous as I do?

May 14, 08 8:47 pm  · 
vado retro

the indianapolis npr station gives nascar results. im always like wtf? npr listeners are not into nascar.

May 14, 08 9:59 pm  · 
vado retro
May 14, 08 10:37 pm  · 
my parental units arrived in their rental RV and are now parked at my curb. not that they make the endgame of the third trimester any easier - mrs. tk retreated up to our bedroom 5 minutes after they showed up.

so we're feeling a little indented by having to manage a household with two guests for a bit. at least their mostly self contained.

vad0- how do you know that NPR listeners in indianastan don't like nascar?

Sarah, do you listen to NPR or clearchannnel?
May 14, 08 10:41 pm  · 
brian buchalski

i need to trim my fingernails again...will my personal hell ever cease?

May 14, 08 11:00 pm  · 
brian buchalski

shit...good thing i check thread central because i had completely forgot that i bought drink coasters today and i should probably be using them right now

May 14, 08 11:01 pm  · 

puddles - how could you have forgotten about the coasters so soon? So I need to send some nail clippers your way? ;o)

vado - how did they get those cats to wear all those hats? My cats would have nothing to do with such nonsense

TK - still no sprouting acorn? I was hoping as I hadn't seen any posts from you today. I'm sending baby vibes your way.

May 14, 08 11:08 pm  · 

sarah. it comes down to bowing and smiling and then just saying, in a sorta montypython whith a puke bucket way, "i cannae drink any more, cuz i'll explode".

sorta thing.

actually they are pretty cool about it if you just say no, long as not obnoxious about it. but the peer pressure is extraordinary. i can understand why so many people just go with the flow most of the time.

be glad of the parents treekiller. my wife had our first daughter with nary a parent in site. just me and her and the babby. actually, that is true in a few ways cuz our doctor was late so the nurse and i were only ones with wife when the actual wee littel creature wuz born. doctor came 10 minutes late, saw the babby and turned right around and we barly saw her again. my wife was shocked. i laughed, cuz it was like know the doctor is always late in movies so the da delivers the little creature in an elevator or something. surreal experience but amazing amazing amazing. hard on wife cuz japanese don't use painkillers for childbirth, but she went without nd tie around too, so i guess it is manageable...
May 14, 08 11:11 pm  · 

Not even one wafer thin mint jump? ;oD

May 14, 08 11:17 pm  · 

suse! i am so happy for you, looks like you are having a great time!

May 14, 08 11:27 pm  · 
Living in Gin
May 15, 08 8:21 am  · 
Sarah Hamilton

Um, TK, I actually listen to a radio station that is still locally owned and plays 'Texas' country (which is sorta like americana/blues/bluegrass/southern rock all mixed together), or I listen to am radio - the repetitive talking keeps me calm while driving home is traffic - itsmostly traffic reports and weather back to back. I'm a huge dork when it comes to the radio. And I do like NPR, ut I can't seem to find it here in dallas, go figure. I used to listen to it in Philly, I liked when they slurred together multiple renditions of the same song.

And I'm NOT into NASCAR. We like road racing, its of a higher class.

May 15, 08 8:37 am  · 

damn, if anything captures the essence of me right now, it's This Essay

thank you Professor Woods.

May 15, 08 8:54 am  · 
liberty bell

Wow, beta, what a beautiful essay. Line is precise and unequivocal. It is here, not there. Making a line is not about accidents. And all the more moving to me after not 30 minutes ago reading metamechanic pronounce that drawing has nothing to do with architecture.

What a wonderful wide field we are in.

May 15, 08 9:01 am  · 

beta -
while i like what lebbeus says in that piece, i also think he's fibbing, at least a little. when he visited tulane in the late '80s he certainly ACTIVELY influenced a lot of students' drawing techniques through direct demonstrations, discussions, and directed/assisted practice sessions. maybe he wouldn't call this teaching, but...

May 15, 08 9:02 am  · 

no baby yet

May 15, 08 10:11 am  · 
vado retro

KERA 90.1 in dallas, according to the internets

May 15, 08 10:19 am  · 
Sarah Hamilton

weird. Normally that station is baptist sermons, all day long. I'll check it out again.

May 15, 08 10:29 am  · 

here's what i wrote|

for me the line or mark on the page has been the “incision” and has in some way rendered a permanence that charcoal can never achieve.

anyone that has laid down a line on vellum, with sufficient force, and then “tried” to erase the mark, can attest to the presence of the cut. the graphite is removed but the |graphic| remains, it is the memory, the scar of the violent act let upon the skin.

|graphic| 1610, “traced” (implied in graphical), from L. graphicus “picturesque,” from Gk. graphikos “of or for writing, belonging to drawing, picturesque,” from graphe “writing, drawing,” from graphein “write,” originally “to scratch” on clay tablets with a stylus. Meaning “of or pertaining to drawing” is from 1756; that of “vivid” is from 1669, on the notion of words that produce the effect of a picture.

thank you lebbeus…
May 15, 08 11:25 am  · 

so i have to share this...

This might be one of the funniest things ive ever seen...

its an onion video... totally work safe, absolutely hysterical... i had to turn it off cause i was laughing so hard and i didnt want to draw attention to myself...

May 15, 08 12:15 pm  · 

lletdownl - reminds me of the Smurfs. Fronktastic.

May 15, 08 12:22 pm  · 

good call! haha

I deserve some pronkspect!

May 15, 08 12:41 pm  · 

tunamelt - Saab's are so cool. They are so the architect's car. Better still with the top down and a pair of Prada glasses on. Also the ones from the 70s are so

May 15, 08 1:07 pm  · 

tunamelt - Saab's are so cool. They are so the architect's car. Better still with the top down and a pair of Prada glasses on. Also the ones from the 70s are so

May 15, 08 1:08 pm  · 

im having lunch with Orhan today!

May 15, 08 1:16 pm  · 

Also, i have always loved Saabs... Particularly the old one(s).

May 15, 08 1:39 pm  · 
Sarah Hamilton

Saabs are so yuppy. I dont like their form. What am I missing?

Ok, at lunch I checked out 90.1, and it has some NPR programs, but itsnt exactly NPR. They NEVER play music, or interview musicians, just talk talk talk about news. Not quite the same as the philly one; NPR is how I discovered Wolf Mother, though that was a few years ago.

May 15, 08 1:51 pm  · 

since beta asked, mrs. tk is barely hanging in there, the kid needs to breath on his own now! the doc has scheduled inducing labor on sunday, so the end is in sight if it doesn't happen naturally before then. so the way that works is the hospital will call us between 5:30am and noon with instructions of when they want us to check in - so we may be on our way by 7am sunday morning.

the parental units took off for a 5 day or so road trip to find the headwaters of the Mississippi and visit my mother in law. we'll deal with them again when they return (and may send them packing again).

all mrs. tk wants is peace and quiet to nest in. she even turned down her mom's offer to come and clean the house for us...

May 15, 08 2:28 pm  · 
Sarah Hamilton

TK, I feel for her. I was ready to be done with it at 6 months, and was lucky enough to deliver only 2 days before the due date. I wish her luck. And remember, if they do induce, it will be extra-painful, so drugs would be understood, even by the duolla earthmother types.

Good Luck.

May 15, 08 2:35 pm  · 

Atechno and Nam - I've always thought of them as dentists' cars ;o)My pop's has had a Saab since I was in 2nd grade, hence my love for them. I too love the older models much more than the newer ones.

Sarah - if you've ever driven a Saab you might feel differently. They may look like your normal European yuppy mobile, but in fact they really do feel as the commercial says "born from jets". The thing has so much freaking power that it's almost scary and b/c it's so heavy it ain't flying up off the ground for nothing.

TK - I'm still sending the baby vibes out to the Mrs. I empathize greatly.

May 15, 08 3:00 pm  · 

its hot...ack. Need to go home. Need to jump in the pool.

May 15, 08 4:19 pm  · 
Dapper Napper

I've owned two old SAABs, my absolute favorite cars. Tuna's right, they've got almost enough power and weight to let me take many curves at 80mph.

May 15, 08 6:38 pm  · 

saabs don't work for kid seats. my wife has always loved them and can't wait to get a saab again, but she's on carseat enforced hiatus for a few years.

May 15, 08 6:51 pm  · 
Sarah Hamilton

Steven, those kids will get you every time.

May 15, 08 10:13 pm  · 

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