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apparently you aren't the last to know dubK, what happened to Ted Kennedy?

You know as sucky as life has been the last couple of weeks things can really take a turn without you putting it into context. Last evening I got locked out of the house for a couple hours so I walked down to the beach (so's house has a direct path - 50m to the beach) and watched the sunset. I got back up to the house and completely forgot I had been locked out.

the power of nature to revive the spirit

May 21, 08 8:53 am  · 
vado retro

rather than being at work, i am OK!

May 21, 08 9:04 am  · 
brian buchalski

i'm still alive

May 21, 08 9:13 am  · 

tumbles - thanks

and for breakfast i made candied grits, cinnamon toast,
and sausage. hmmm magnificent

May 21, 08 12:45 pm  · 

guys I'm at a cross-roads, not about love or work thank goodness but about which kitchen surface to use. Most of the kitchen will be just counter space not much over head cabinets. Could you guys recommend something dirt cheap, easy to install that is a step up from Formica, tad more attractive than corian...etc

I know I'm picky but I'm suffering mental anguish here with this one.

May 21, 08 12:53 pm  · 

Oh btw I've realised that I'm much better at designing when i know I don't have to CAD it out. The hand-eye shite that Murcutt talks about is actually quite true when it comes to problem solving. I'm sure younger folks who designed str8 to computer are less likely to have this issue...just wanted to share.


May 21, 08 12:54 pm  · 

Atechno - do you have photos on flickr. I'll take a look at it tonight if I have any mental energy after work. Ever thought about concrete?

Does anyone ever feel as though they just keep reinventing the wheel with design revisions?

May 21, 08 12:57 pm  · 


I second tuna's suggestion.
Personally, i like concrete (with finish) countertops alot. And from what i understand they aren't thet expensive. If you know what your doing you can even do it yourself...

May 21, 08 1:03 pm  · 

TC baby news to announce:

the arbor assassin - treekiller and the missus welcomed the arrival of their new acorn this morning - 3:59 AM to be precise.

the stats:

Baby Steven weighs in at a svelt 7lbs 12.5 oz and is 20 inches long. from what killa tells me the delivery was a bit rough, and a c-section was performed.

mom, baby and killa are doing well, dad is laboring under 4 hours of sleep - no doubt brings back days/nights of all-nighters at the U.

welcome to the world!

congrats to the family!

May 21, 08 1:14 pm  · 
liberty bell

Philarct: candied grits? That sounds delish, how does one make regular grits candied?!

techno I know that both Steven and mantaray like HiMacs? I've never used it but it looks gorgeous in Steven's kitchen and bath, very homogenous and sleek.

My husband is a rock star and in a few days I'll be able to show you a pucture of why this is so - it's a sculpture he just finished.

May 21, 08 1:17 pm  · 

thanks all - at the moment the minds are weighing over the LG HI-macs or Finished concrete. I do favour concrete...but a tad concerned about the resale cost...look at me thinking like a bloody home-owner. quickly we grow up

May 21, 08 1:40 pm  · 

Atechno - There are different finishes and stains you can use so it doesn't actually look like concrete.

At the moment I am at the point in this project where I am either going to scream or cry. Anyone wanna up for doing a few shots with me. Yup, it's been that kind of day.


May 21, 08 2:09 pm  · 

go buy some grits
cook them (i like them a bit thick a little thick
some like their grits runny)(bleh)
put a teaspoon butter in while the grits are still hot
then put two or three table spoons of sugars in, however
many you think you need to have a great day
butter some bread, sift a layer of cinnamon sugar
bake it, but dont burn it

when you eat it put the grits on the toast.....

i feel for you, its been rough for me too, im somehow
surviving two jobs and summer school, and right now
for some strange reason i wanna go fly a kite when i
should be working/studying.

YAY for treekiller and the his SO, babies are cool

May 21, 08 2:27 pm  · 
liberty bell

Ack, how did I miss beta's announcment of treekiller's news?!?

Yay for baby Steven!!!! (A wonderful name, as we all know...) And yay for Ms. tk for battling on through to the finish line!

Congratulations and much love, joy and wonder in the next amazing new months!

May 21, 08 2:34 pm  · 
Sarah Hamilton

Well Im glad Mrs TK is ok. I hope she feels herself soon.

Techno, being that youre in the tropics, can I call it that, I think concrete would be perfect. Its an inside outside kind of material, and can be polished to look like anything you want. If you're too worried about resale, then cheese it up some. Add crushed and whole shells to the mix as aggregate, and then seal it all up with urethane. Although, thinking about it, crushed shells may give it that granite sparkle, and not be cheesey at all. Whole shells probably would be.

And gues where I am. At home, and yes, fully clothed. The sitter had to have an emergency sonogram on her leg today due to a possible blood clot. I had to take off to watch the kiddo, and Work wouldnt let me work from home. Guess their project isnt going to done on time. Mama suggested that they might not be happy with all the time Ive taken off lately, but theres nothing i can do. Any suggestions? I may have to take off tomorrow as well. Lets hope Sitter will be able to watch him. And Husband can't because he's in LimeRock.

May 21, 08 2:43 pm  · 

shit! Seems I missed lil TK's birth as well. Congratulations to the tree family.

tuna suggestions on manufacturer of concrete pigments (prefer a pre-application versus stains)

May 21, 08 2:48 pm  · 

Yay for TK, Mrs. Tree and Baby Acorn! I hope Mrs. is doing better. But I'm glad the baby is finally out.

And Yay I'm back in business! Got my computer back! That was rough not having it for 10 days or so. It's better than ever now!

May 21, 08 3:20 pm  · 

Congrats to the Tree family!

Also, from what i know of the staining process i think pre-application pigment would be the way to go Archi.....

May 21, 08 3:46 pm  · 

Atechno - I don't really know a lot about concrete stain manufacturers. I've gotten a lot of info from this website. You may also want to check out Sonoma Stone. They've got some nice photos in their photo gallery of random projects they've done. I fell in love with their trough sink design. Let me know if their is anything else I can help with.

May 21, 08 6:51 pm  · 

Atechno - that Sonoma Stone website has a lot of good examples of what you can do with concrete so it doesn't look like concrete. Enjoy

May 21, 08 6:54 pm  · 


I wanna hear about your cookies!

May 21, 08 7:16 pm  · 

yay treekiller family! and...really...i'm honored. hope new baby is happy and healthy and that ms killa feels much better soon.

techno - the lg himacs is a cool material but not really different from corian, just cheaper. problem is there are almost no solids. i LOVE the arctic white we got but, if we didn't want white, the choices were pretty slim. a lot of faux stone looking speckled crap. just search solid surfacing in general. besides corian and himacs, there are others that might fit the bill. i keep seeing these luscious orange solid surfaces in ads and dwell. and then there is caesarstone which, though a little more pricey, has some beautiful colors.

concrete may not be a resale issue, especially now that it's showing up in retail environments. that pretty much mainstreams things.

oh, and 3form used as countertop is pretty yummy, too.

May 21, 08 9:27 pm  · 

Did someone say 3Form? SW - You are a man after my own heart. ;o) God I love that stuff. But it can get kinda pricey.

May 21, 08 10:34 pm  · 

congratulations to the treekillers on the happy event!

May 21, 08 10:54 pm  · 

3Form is amazing but pricey as hell... you have to buy it in full 4x8 sheets regardless of final size, so that gets kind of crazy.

I do like the HiMacs -- Steven, that orange solid surface (if you're thinking of a Dwell project a few months back where it wrapped around a long kitchen island that served to divide the kitchen from the family room in a house with a lot of natural wood as well?) That, surprisingly, was actually Corian if I recall correctly. (I flagged the same page. ;) )

Another slightly pricey alternate (it's about the cost of granite) but totally 100% green (including full production facility) is IceStone. They have some gorgeous solid colors with nice flecks. The pure white version is incredibly pretty.

A slightly less interesting fake-stone (and less green) is Technistone. It's cheaper of course.

May 21, 08 11:15 pm  · 

Happy Birthday little acorn!!!!!!! welcome to a gorgeous planet full of interesting people waiting to meet you!

May 21, 08 11:15 pm  · 

mantarray - IceStone IS cool. Wanted to use it for the project I'm currently working on but it was price prohibitive :o/

Just go for the concrete Atechno ;o)

May 21, 08 11:20 pm  · 

Just for you, jump : it seems a little weird but maybe you will like it?

May 21, 08 11:21 pm  · 

this should probably have been a separate thread, i guess, but...

techno, this stuff is really nice, as well:

we've probably left 'inexpensive' behind, at this point, but i'll bet that (unless you go concrete) the cost of getting most of these things to montserrat may make the cost of material less of the issue.

May 22, 08 7:50 am  · 

Sarah....I'm assuming that is Lime Rock Connecticut....for the Memorial Day Racing Weekend?

May 22, 08 8:49 am  · 
brian buchalski

i think this might be the best tittle for a thread since the infamous "hi all you fancy graphics lovers"

May 22, 08 8:49 am  · 
Sarah Hamilton

yep, thats the one, snook. I wonder if there are really lime rocks there, are they lime green, or lime stone? What kinda person calls lime stone lime rocks, crazy yankees. The lime they put in graves and such, is it limestone, or are they two seperate materials? You can never tell with the english language.

Oh, and I heard the race would be televised, if any one is interested. Should be Husbands last, as he is pulling off the team, at least the traveling part. Wish them a first place finish!

May 22, 08 9:08 am  · 


I was in Limerock the first part of the week just next door to the Skip Barber Racing School and just down the road from the Track. It has to be one of the most senic racetracks in America. I guess I will have to keep my eyes open for the Texas Plates. Sounds like they are going to have glorious weather for the races....high 80's.

Last race i saw their was ten speed bikes, which is not a common site in these parts. Somewhere I have a bunch of pictures of bikes...see if the mrs. can find them so I can post one.

May 22, 08 10:05 am  · 


It is Lime Stone....aka Yankee Lime Rock. There are actually a number of quarries in the immediate area. I just pust some granular
lime on my yard to sweeten the soil. This same area happens to be
one of the areas where Iron was mined at the time of the American Revolution. So all those musket balls fired around Bean Town came from the area.

May 22, 08 10:08 am  · 
Sarah Hamilton

Well, snook, if you happen to go by the track, and see this car, say Hi!

Even if I do say so, it is the best paint scheme I've ever seen on a Grand Am Race car.

May 22, 08 10:17 am  · 
Sarah Hamilton

awe, crap. Can someone resize that for me? Please?

May 22, 08 10:18 am  · 

thanks guys for the posts. I found a fantastic solid surface that's actually made by IKEA that is presently about 1/3 price of doing concrete - go figure. Although I haven't yet determined the shipping costs - you are so right Steven, shipping to Monty makes everything almost unaffordable.

So my heart is leaning towards concrete but it seems like it will be a test of my talents. I need to order some stains from now...albeit I'd prefer cement dye that I can add whilst mixing the conc.

May 22, 08 10:36 am  · 

it seems sacrilegious to be a racing team from Texas with a BMW - but how cool is that!! I do like to drive hella fast - when I was in my early 20s I had a racing license (off-road) for doing dexterity tests. We had a n older tinker a 106 Peugot - that was fun.

May 22, 08 11:04 am  · 

Congratulations to the Trees, and I hope Mrs. Killer is doing all right post-op.

Manta, I only wish I had the $$$ for Tufte master classes.... *sigh* although, actually in reading his books I've found him to be an excellent scholar of information design, but a bit dry at times. Oh well, he seems to still be going strong, so maybe I'll make it another year.

May 22, 08 11:07 am  · 

congratulations treekillers! and welcome baby steven treekiller!

May 22, 08 11:55 am  · 

Ouch!! I bit down on an olive pit at lunch and my tooth is still hurting. Did it twice actually. Where is everyone today?

May 22, 08 12:58 pm  · 
Sarah Hamilton

Why havent we invented pitless olives, like seedless grapes? I realise that steryle fruit could be an issue if you were to plant them, but if they can do it with grapes, then why not?

And Tuna, I think we're all attacking Rosey for being a slacker. Damn kids these days.

May 22, 08 1:01 pm  · 

yea its kinda funny too, you'd think that after
yesterdays whoopin that rosey would
get the picture and do some research, and/or hard work
but i guess not

May 22, 08 1:15 pm  · 

tuna - I just came in from lunch with the so, its just outside of work but just beyond the dust and mayhem being created by the construction of the new town. Lunch was simple fish and chips/hers: chicken with red beans & rice. It did recall all those architect and brunch rumours. Sigh when I get to cali, cali....I don't think so

May 22, 08 1:37 pm  · 
Sarah Hamilton

ether, I was being nosey, and Rowan has really grown! And, yes, she looks just like you.

May 22, 08 2:44 pm  · 

where do you folks buy your ipe lumber?

May 22, 08 2:58 pm  · 

thanks mantaray. very weird. neil young, crash test dummies and now the wierd movie guy. apparently the prairies breeds oddity ;-)

isn't ipe a social-enviro consience no-no?

May 22, 08 3:34 pm  · 

uhmm....I then may require something of that attractiveness for outdoor use. Teak perhaps, haven't found any bamboo for decking use oddly enough - the material is robust enough naturally but I haven't found any processed versions that have that quality.

May 22, 08 3:47 pm  · 

Sarah - No worries. I knew that and I thought about saying "Why don't you just take the advice we gave you in your other two thread and call your local AIA dammit!", but my nice side got the best of me. Besides I couldn't think of anything witty to say.

tumbles... there's this little thing going on that you may have heard called global warming ;o) The thundersnow we got this winter really threw me for a loop

Atechno - my stomach is now growling from you description of lunch.

May 22, 08 4:29 pm  · 

i have a feeling Jr. will be opinionated. expect hard core posts pretty soon...
congratulations to the parents and jr. & speedy recovery to mom.

May 22, 08 6:17 pm  · 

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