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We are on day 14 of Frito Jack since his operation. It didn't go well, so he has been in one of those plastic cones for two weeks. He doesn't seem to mind it but keeps on crashing in to everyone and everything. Our Vet Ladies have been great in supporting us as to have him fixed was not a desirable thing since his grandmother was
best of breed at Westmister and the same kennel he was out of wond also this year. He was never to be a runway dog as he was born with an overbite, but I would have bred him for his personality, as it is one which I'm convinced would match the likes of a world population. He is a charmer and an easy guy for all around day to day life. He comes and nudges me when he needs to go out and heads straight to his bed time crate at the end of the evening...and even points with his left paw. We are hoping to shed the cone come
Monday, if we get the vet ok. So all sing out a positive for "Frito Jack"

Sarah, glad the little guy is doing better! Sounds like your a grand mom!...and Happy Mothers Day!

Liberty, I not only have a wood column in my garage I have a Cabinet I picked up off a construction site today just because I hated
to see it go to the dumpster. I have been trying to figure out what the hell to do with it. You know it is one of those items which will find a home in time but yet it is still in the back of the Jeep.

May 8, 08 9:13 pm  · 

, will you post a picture of little Frito Jack? I know you've spoken of him before but I can't place him. You get bonus points if it's a picture of him with the cone on, lol. I hope he gets better!

My presentation went well and I dare say my jurors were slightly enchanted with my project. Long story but I'll blog about eventually and then you'll get it.

I have to go pass out now. mdler I'll email you soon....

May 9, 08 2:08 am  · 

lab tables were approved months ago, ordered, and are right now in production, install should start mid june in order for new science labs to be finished by start of school in the fall and this week we find out - almost by accident - that the science department head (teaches chemistry) didn't bother to show the biology teachers anything about the renovation. they never even saw the plan.

mind you, chemistry got all that they wanted, exactly as they wanted. now we learn that, apparently, biology is also getting exactly what chemistry wanted, only they don't want it.

we'll have to stop production on the tables and wait our turn in line again, delaying all of the work and probably making the labs open late, after school has already started. and it'll cost in the form of change orders that i'll have to defend at the school board meeting - as if we caused the problem.

this is what i get for following the chain-of-communication protocol set up by the school district.

May 9, 08 7:45 am  · 

That totally steams me SW. Oh the politics of working in a school. One of my friend's is actually a middle school science teacher and she's told me a few stories like this one. Sounds like this devious behaviour isn't uncommon. Hope everything goes well in the end. Too bad the change order charges can't be taken out of the dept head's salary. I know that's probably a horrible thing to say but the only people that are (in the end) going to suffer from this are the students.

May 9, 08 8:20 am  · 

Oh and snook. I'd love to see a photo of Frito Jack with his cone on too. I get a kick out of those things. Does he lift his legs really high when he walks? My cat did that when he had to wear one. It was hysterical.

May 9, 08 8:22 am  · 
vado retro

for sw...

You've got a chemistry class I want a piece of your mind
You don't know what you started when you mixed it up with mine
Are you ready for the final solution? Oh. Oh.

May 9, 08 8:43 am  · 

My cat walked like a drunken sailor with his on, it was awesome. He hung his head down low and swayed to the right, now swayed to the left, now back to the right again... it was hysterical. I suspect it's probably worse for cats however as they use their whiskers to gauge distance, etc. and the cone severely messes with their mind.

May 9, 08 9:17 am  · 
vado retro

on a dog those cones are dangerous. they learn to whack ya with em.

May 9, 08 9:50 am  · 
brian buchalski

yes i'm still alive

May 9, 08 1:35 pm  · 

i just wish that I could stick cones over the heads of the squirrels in my yard so they would stop digging up my strawberry plants! I stretched a net over the planting bead last night - maybe that will work.

May 9, 08 1:39 pm  · 
vado retro

i just had lunch with the marvelous and utterly fantastic lb. read em and weep boys.

May 9, 08 1:47 pm  · 

i have no interest in hockey but this was an exception. i might be in ms kemper's school this afternoon...

May 9, 08 1:56 pm  · 


sounds like you need to get you a BB gun

May 9, 08 2:14 pm  · 

tk, it is much easier than putting layers of chicken wire under ground for gophers when i used to do farming in topanga.

May 9, 08 2:17 pm  · 
liberty bell

Lunch was great vado and I think that cute waitress was eyeing you...she kept offering to "refill my coffee" but I think we all three knew better!

Orhan I am jealous of you getting to see DubK! DubK I am jealous of you getting to meet Orhan!!

May 9, 08 2:20 pm  · 


I met orhan...Vado, I think you need to 'refill her coffee'...

May 9, 08 2:29 pm  · 

Hi the shit is lessening...but i'm not out of the woods yet.

Today I have a headache like you wouldn't imagine. Its been going on since 9am its now 3. I had to endure a long technical meeting with it, then flying debris as I watched my cabinet maker/joiner make some mock up for my table legs (more on that one), then I dropped my car off to get the muffler fixed - sounds so much better now cause they can't hear me coming, and went by another joiner whilst I waited and got some samples for skirting (crown moulding upside down) made of red cedar and he gave me a picture frame which may end up in my bathroom as a mirror. I love to make found objects work for me - I'm already a pack rat (albeit I desire to be a minimalist <- much to the amusement of my so)

May 9, 08 3:11 pm  · 
vado retro

she was cute but she had her eye on LB, im sure of it...

May 9, 08 3:17 pm  · 

i might see emily if she is there. i am tagging along w/ roto who is jurying a studio.
all this hinging on if my car starts no problem.
hello mdler...

May 9, 08 3:21 pm  · 

I have a cat to protect the garden, just have to let him out more, so no bb gun needed. as to chickenwire, I'm trying to keep the investment in materials to a minimum- chickenwire is $20/roll and I'd rather not spend that.

May 9, 08 3:41 pm  · 


email tony -

[email protected]

May 9, 08 4:08 pm  · 
Sarah Hamilton

Techno, those blue tiles are lovely. I hope your plans turn out!

And guess what....

The hospital discharged us last night, and then....

After going home, eating tuna sandwiches on the back porch and drinking a mighty tasty Optimator, changing Abram's assumed contaminated sheets, and giving him his first bath in the big tub (he loved it, and splashed all about), and I get him to bed by 9pm, One of Our Towns Finest knocks on the door at 1am. This has happend before when Husband left the Garage door up, but this was something else because I KNEW he closed it. Then the doorbell rings, apparently Husband isn't dressing fast enough for our visitor. Husband gets to the door only to be told that something has changed with Abrams blood cultures and we need to get back to the hospital. Crap.

So we get here at 2ish, good thing I was too lazy to unpack our things when we got home, and they have to redo Abram's blood work and IV. Poor guy. The nurses couldnt get it, so they had to call nurses from the NICU, who sent us out of the room, but had it done quickly enough.

Turns out that Staff bacteria was found growing in the culture, and they werent sure which kind - staff epidurmis or Staff kills you instantlius (cant remember the name, sorry). They figure its the epidurmis one, and that its just a contaminant, but until they are sure, we have to stay here, at the Medical Center Resort - at least they have room service!

May 9, 08 5:49 pm  · 

SH - How scary. I really hope everything turns out okay. That's just crazy that someone knocked on your door to tell you about it. I would have thought they would have called.

I took my car in for regular maintenance and to have them look over a couple of issues it's been having for a few months. Got the estimate back...$1,800 worth of work needs to be done. I was having a pretty good week up until that point. Now I feel utterly deflated. Pooh!!!

May 9, 08 7:20 pm  · 
Sarah Hamilton

oh, yeah, tuna, thanks for reminding me...

Husband turned off our phones so that his mother wouldnt call us; so they sent the police. Talk about personal service.

May 9, 08 7:28 pm  · 
liberty bell

That cracked me up, Sarah. Glad you are feeling confident enough to joke about it! Hope Abram is OK, enjoy the weekend with room service (possibly the only silver lining in this story!).

May 9, 08 8:46 pm  · 

hang in there sarah & abram.

parenting seems to be a huge rollercoaster, and I'm sitting at the top of the first hill in that moment of suspension between being pulled up with that click clack click clack, and that first _____________ before hurtling down the tracks for the ride of my life.

@psyarch - Feeling plantonically fatherly. my archinect quote of the day! (with my emphasis)

May 9, 08 11:06 pm  · 

gotta post a link to before I hit the sack tonight. Just discoveried it earlier today and it really is an amazing resource for architecture in the non-western world. Funded by Aga Khan and developed at MIT - they have a huge FREE digital library with everything published by MIT press and more. This is where the serious folks discuss architecture online. If it's quiet around here for the next few days, I'll know that everybody is checking it out.

ArchNet is an international online community for architects, planners, urban designers, landscape architects, conservationists, and scholars, with a focus on Muslim cultures and civilisations.

May 9, 08 11:24 pm  · 

ok, i'm a little late to the party since orhan and cameron have been registered on archnet since 2002 or so.

(cameron, you gotta update the AFH info on your user profile when you get back from your current trip)

May 9, 08 11:27 pm  · 

Orhan, I'm sorry I missed you! Today was the first day I haven't been at school this week. My photography group and I had to print photos at my apartment which is why I missed the MArch's presentations. I'm disappointed that I missed them too, but this had to be done before I leave tomorrow. What did you think of their stuff?

Speaking of, I haven't even started packing yet. I spent the morning dropping off my computer for repair (sadly my story wasn't as good as mantaray's) and that was a little traumatic, but the guy repairing it is the best. Now I'm on my roommate's computer, which she generously offered for my use at GRAVITY FREE over the weekend since she is gone as well. Any suggestions on what I should get her for a birthday gift next week?....she's been so incredibly helpful to me lately, I want to get her something nice.

In other news.....I'm done with my first year of grad school. Phew.

May 10, 08 12:49 am  · 

I'm going to give this a try cause I'm to lazy to mess with flicker.
You will find Matisse and Frito Jack here.

May 10, 08 10:07 am  · 
vado retro

just sent the mother unit some flowers! even with this hangover. i managed to polish off an entire bottle of wine last night. damn this bright sunny morning.

May 10, 08 10:11 am  · 

Well I guess you will have to click on it...if you really want to see Frito Jack.

May 10, 08 10:11 am  · 

just finished thesis defense... i'm posting a retrospective blog... you can download my final presentation from there if you're interested. i'll be posting the articles i wrote, too, which hopefully shed lots of light on the topics of disaster + what really went wrong BEFORE they happen.

May 10, 08 11:23 am  · 
May 10, 08 11:42 am  · 

i was there for peter cook and roland ritter (?) studio.there was a pretty good group of jury with m. rotondi, markus novak, myself, marcello spina (?) and three more people i don't know their names. all the projects were located in london. my points were usually around how or how not the work intracted with the city. there were points about structural systems, references to archigram (of course because of peter) etc. i thought it was really good and i was surprised at the amount of student interest. i mean except the jury, there were no more than 10 students at all times. i couldn't believe students would pass up a great review like that. there were great comments made about different projects. the one with the bird nest concept created the most interesting discussion. i wasn't there for the morning part. today i am off to interview sir peter cook.

May 10, 08 11:50 am  · 
brian buchalski

orhan needs to be knighted too

May 10, 08 11:55 am  · 

Orhan, re: student interest- This can be misleading at SC, because they don't have the time in the finals schedule to run all the reviews separately. So you usually get a few days in which all the reviews run parallel to each other, so you don't get the crowd of people at a single review you see at other schools. Actually, I'd like to know how other schools work this, administration-wise. How are all these people who crowd around a single crit available to do so?

May 10, 08 1:03 pm  · 

I'll be m.i.a tomorrow but I wanted to wish all the baby mammas a Happy Mother's Day

May 10, 08 8:19 pm  · 
liberty bell

OK, I've had my Mother's Day archinect time while my boys watch hot rod shows and read Calvin and Hobbes. Guess I need to go try to accomplish something today! Have a fun day everyone - it's rainy here in Indy so I'm glad we had fun outside in the sun yesterday.

May 11, 08 9:46 am  · 
Happy Mother's Day

give you mum a kiss

May 11, 08 9:50 am  · 

tk you might find that the archnet discussions aren't that serious, i used to meddle there quite a bit when it first started - some former lecturers are still somewhat active there. There is however no thread central there..and I'm not jumping ship. :D

May 11, 08 9:59 am  · 

Semi disturbing information was discovered on your blog. Your thesis seems like it was quite stimulating..

It reminds me alot of Naomi Kleins' new book Shock Doctrine...Have you read it?

May 11, 08 1:45 pm  · 

Also Sarah, LB and all other TC mothers..

Thank your for all you do. Happy Mother's Day!!@

May 11, 08 1:50 pm  · 

Woops the book is actually called Disaster Capitalism.....

May 11, 08 2:05 pm  · 

mrs. tk is waiting this mothers day to become a mother. the anticipation is building.....

May 11, 08 2:10 pm  · 

got psht'd on caesers last night - a nicer and Canuck alternative to bloody marys. It is about 33%%d now..sweat is dripping from me, and all I want to do is go back in the pool. However obligations precede - going to pick up my God-son to relieve his mum for a few hours. Happy Mother's Day all expectant mum

May 11, 08 3:43 pm  · 

Happy Mother's Day! liberty bell and Sarah, since you two are the most active mothers here on TC that I can think of. And to all the rest of you who don't visit TC so often, have a great day as well!

May 11, 08 7:20 pm  · 
brian buchalski

a feeling of being fat, hungover and sunburned is becoming a daily normal for me...i think that i'm begining to hate the caribbean

May 11, 08 7:39 pm  · 

Although I left it on another Mother's Day thread I just wanted to wish all those moms and mom's to be a very Happy Mother's Day.

May 11, 08 9:13 pm  · 

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deutscher holzbaupreis2007

additionally, a ton of decent references for wood projects in germany.

May 12, 08 4:24 am  · 

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