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I have to set up a spa day for my girlfriend who is getting married. not sure how to go about it. And i can't talk to her about it obviously. ahh well, one more thing on the list!

May 6, 08 10:14 pm  · 

lb, when are you coming to LA?!? Bring your can come spend an afternoon with me at the pool on my roof while Mr. Bell goes to the Getty or something. Yay!

Tonight I was selected as a finalist in a lighting design competition. I don't find out until June if I win, but if I do, the prize is the neighborhood of 5k, I think. I think I have a pretty good chance too. I certainly didn't expect to win but I'm one of the only ones from my class that submitted an entry, and a competition board is a competition board. Once you do one, you kind of get the hang of it....

Also I took an exam today. Now only 2 projects and a meeting to go.....

May 7, 08 1:09 am  · 

yay wk! good luck!

i wish i had a pool on my roof.

is beeeeutiful weather in tokyo today. 100s of kids playing in park, street vendors out in force, and blue skies all day long. makes trip to pick up wee lass (by bicycle of course) a pleasure.

May 7, 08 5:15 am  · 

so, wait, lb is roadtripping the ranchero to l.a. for a spa day and tanning on the roof by the pool with tunamelt, sarah, and wonderk?! sounds like a plan!

May 7, 08 7:35 am  · 

- That idea sounds marvelous. LB - what time should I be at your house? ;o)

GO DUBK!!! You can do it girlfriend.

May 7, 08 8:22 am  · 

life is in the shits. Looks like I'll be single, moving out and still without a contract. If there were night flights out of this island, I'm sure I would of been on it.

But my chin is up, being the optimistic person I am - and looking towards the challenge of it all. Albeit its a little embarassing, and nerve racking since the activities mid month of April when my so overdosed on prescription meds and was medi-vac'd to a nearby island.

But alas it seems like life has dealt me a silver lining, woke up early and refreshed grabbed a contractor to give me an estimate on replacing my roof. And it seems like there's a plan B in regards to my contract which may see me joining the one of the largest consulting firms in the UK

so when life deals you lemons...

May 7, 08 9:03 am  · 

a-techno- add a sprig of mint and a splash of rum (or bitters) and enjoy! it sounds like you'll land on your feet, good luck mate.

May 7, 08 9:53 am  · 

are you moving to the UK?

May 7, 08 10:17 am  · 

this week I'll be chatting with my SE for the design of my pool, so I might not be able to offer you a spa day - but I can offer you a swimming pool in the heart of the Caribbean with a majestic view of the sea.

May 7, 08 11:47 am  · 

nope remaining in the Caribbean, the consulting firm is looking to open a regional office for the numerous projects they have going on here.

May 7, 08 11:48 am  · 

this generally describes my mental feelings at the moment

May 7, 08 12:07 pm  · 

seems better than this:

May 7, 08 12:14 pm  · 
liberty bell

Steven, that is a very considerate and uplifting reply to techno's image!

techno, hang in there - I'm sorry to hear about your so's med-evac misadventure - I'm sure that was nervewracking for you, and on top of everything else I'm surprised you are sounding as well as you do! Good luck with the possible consulting position. How could they resist you?!

Remember to breathe. And if you need more space to rant, remember TC is here for you, and pulling for you.

May 7, 08 12:26 pm  · 

Oh Atechno - much sympathy to you and your SO. I have first hand experience of someone very near and dear to my heart struggling with a prescription med addiction (thank no OD though) and it is, to say the least, heart breaking to watch and be a part of.

Breathe, rant, scream if you have to. And just like LB says just know that we are here and pulling for you m'dear.

May 7, 08 12:37 pm  · 
liberty bell
In case you guys missed it

, Pimpanzee aka Reverand Riot is now going to be using the name turdmuffin. Or at least that's how I'm going to refer to him/her.

So cute!

May 7, 08 1:58 pm  · 

sigh tuna and Liberty thanks much. And Steven that image is about right too. Actually valiant supermom - I almost called when I noticed your tele on the member page, but my skype was acting up and I thought what the hell leave it until next week.

On that note. I emailed another superheroine with instructions to contact me via skype...(cough cough) I'm still waiting.

May 7, 08 2:04 pm  · 

ah.....there is nothing like a middle of the back itching with a three sided scale, on a nice spring day.

May 7, 08 2:18 pm  · 

Patience Atechno - WonderK is in the middle of finals week. I believe has two more projects to finish before the end of the week.

May 7, 08 3:24 pm  · 

Does anyone know how to post youtube videos embedded within a thread>?

Is it possible?

May 7, 08 3:39 pm  · 

wasn't one of the blogs all video all the time?

i am clearly old fashioned cuz i tend to skip the videos, preferring text. some weird persychological thing.

A-techno, man, i know the feeling exactly. hanging in limbo describes so much of my adult life it is kind of amazing in hindsight. but things always work out, given time and a dash of stubborn-ity. my (totally accurate, star-powered) prediction is you will be in amazing place in no time at all.

we had really big earthquake last night. hanging lamps were swinging wildly, and dishes rattling on shelves, just about ready to fall of the edge. usually we just ignore politely and wait for it to get the messge and go away, but this time it just kept on rolling, so i woke the girls and made them stand under a beam..just in case. my wife was so angry/amused. then we went back to bed. i think i am becoming paranoid due to sleep deprivation.

May 7, 08 8:10 pm  · 

jump, do you live in Tokyo or outside of Tokyo? (I'm sure you've said this a million times before but I've forgotten.)

May 7, 08 8:22 pm  · 

Well I was having a great day and then I guess I must have been enjoying it a little too much because today as I went to leave, my computer slipped out of its bag and ***PLOP*** there went my MacBook Pro screen. Fortunately my hard drive and all my work are still very much intact, and backed up anyway.....and I've been wanting to get one of these sexy little Mac keyboards for a while but I certainly didn't want to buy it under duress. In any case, I'm now working on my external monitor (thank christ for that) and I have an appointment with the Genius Bar on Friday morning to fix the screen, which I am told they do in-store, for a bunch of money, of course. Cross your fingers that it works....that'll teach me to get too happy about success. :o/

It's just sort of one of those things that makes you go.....what is going on with my life? What am I doing, anyway? Is this really happening, right now? Seriously?

techno, what tuna said....I'll call you one of these days. I'm done in a week and half....

May 8, 08 1:06 am  · 

ah, WK...that's a real shit happens moment. so many try, but so few make the grade.

i totally don't believe it was a message to stop being happy though. if i were you i'd be pretty happy to have had the foresight to back everything up and have a monitor ready so it doesn't screw with your routine...that is proof of all kinds of success right keep on grinning! and enjoy the perfect excuse to buy the new gear.

n_, i live in the centre of tokyo. not the creamy centre but the bit before the corona of suburbs - where i am things are cheaper but not too far from work and play.

May 8, 08 1:37 am  · 

& then WonderK chipped a nail digging up the Ark of the Covenant....

not trying to make light, just trying to put things in perspective. keep kickin ass everyone! life may change and the earth may shake, but we got this....

I just got woken up by a text from my brewing mentor telling me to 'drink with 2 hands' so I'm out again, wish me luck.


May 8, 08 1:39 am  · 


I have moved twice in 3 months, am now living on my sister's couch, may be getting laid off...i am starting to wonder the same thing, but sort of like having the freedom of not really being commited to anything

May 8, 08 1:41 am  · 

kids, don't forget to back up yo files regularly. like more than once a year, otherwise you'll spend hours and some bucks trying to salvage what you had.

mdler, that sucks. when's the move north to valhalla?

May 8, 08 2:17 am  · 
liberty bell

First thing this morning we are presenting pricing ofr a big kitchen remodel with the contractor we recommended.

I'm quite a bit nervous, as I like these clients and am afraid it's going to be too high and the project will get cancelled. Eeks.

Will keep TC posted. Have a good day everyone.

May 8, 08 7:10 am  · 

wonderk, oddly enough i dropped my powerbook a couple weeks ago and busted the screen; took it into apple and they fixed it in less than 24 hours in-house for $85 labor and a $30 part. Woohoo! I was so psyched I went ahead and dropped an additional $300 on a new battery and some other odds and ends... I, too, had had literally every single thing on my laptop backed up so it was in fact an oddly liberating feeling to have it "break"! Rather than freak I thought... hmmmmmm.... forced upgrade?! Woohoo! ...and then I was slightly, ever so slightly, when they fixed it so easily and cheaply. Sigh. Another year...

good luck with yours!

and good luck, lbell!

May 8, 08 8:18 am  · 

**slightly, ever so slightly, disappointed when they fixed it

May 8, 08 8:19 am  · 

LB - I have no doubt in my mind that you will do fine. In any case I'm sending good vibes your way.

jump - glad to hear no one was hurt and nothing was broken.

mdler - this too shall pass. Everything happens for a reason. Sounds like you have a great opportunity to begin a new chapter. How thrilling, despite the scariness of it all


DubK - That sucks... but thank God you as you are always prepared. Many congrats on the lighting competition.

holz - Yeah I really need to do that. Thanks for kicking my butt into gear.

If I missed anyone else, please excuse, as I must get to work. Speaking of work, does anyone know where I can find an image of a metal stairway with wood treads? I am once again having to draw up sections and although I pretty much know how to do it, I can't visualize it. Never in a million years would I ever have thought I'd be drawing up stair sections. Thanks.

May 8, 08 8:25 am  · 
liberty bell

What does "drink with 2 hands" mean, FRO? Is that good news or bad? I don't know that phrase.

a-techno, and others: if there was any confusion, I was being serious when I said that Steven's hamster image seemed appropriate. The hamster implies getting nowhere, but the guys dropping from the helicopter are, at least, moving forward. Who knows what the next adventure will bring, right techno, and everyone (mdler!)? But better to be trying something new even if it means failing spectacularly.

Speaking of which, we did not fail spectacularly in the pricing meeting this morning, though there were several tense moments. I think the project will go forward - if the owner calls the reference I gave him this morning, a previous job by me and the same contractor, I think he'll be convinced that we are all being honest - construction IS expensive, there's no way to pretty up that pig!

And: I already had two lovely conversations with two lovely archinectors this morning. Cheers to community.

May 8, 08 10:48 am  · 

thanks tuna. i am hoping this is not a precursor. boy that would be fun. my wife was talking to her colleague at work today and he was in kobe when the big one happened there about a decade ago. he recommended we get slippers. what for you might ask? for all the glass that will litter your floors (if you are one of thelucky ones and the building is still standing). hmmmm.

good luck, LB. We had a few meetings like that last year. very nerve wracking. our policy was to have alternatives ready just in case...but never needed them, oddly enough. was a good/lucky year.

May 8, 08 10:50 am  · 
liberty bell

OH, sorry jump, I meant to comment on the earthquake - glad it wasn't bad. Slippers do seem like a good idea!

May 8, 08 10:57 am  · 

LB glad to read that your meeting went well.

i too spoke to a fellow archinector, certainly a great way to spend my 15 minutes walking to work, thank you!

May 8, 08 11:06 am  · 

Hi all. Still calling you all from the shits. My chin is still up. Albeit just barely.

Wonder K, I more than understand your plights...with both the laptop and finals. I am very bad at updating files, and am lucky if I get to transfer anything. I had my hd "lock" on me when my laptop was being returned from HP a few years ago...but I just didn't have the opportunity to have it sent back (it was now post-warranty and was +300 whatever the cost to fix it).

Nonetheless I'm in no position to chat about anything until my head comes up from the shit I'm in. I will let you all know.

May 8, 08 11:24 am  · 

I watched a little Telemundo before work this is amazing how a couple of Latin women in bikinis can make the mdler happy!!!!

May 8, 08 12:06 pm  · 

Hey all,
A big shout out to all of you...
Telemundo is the best!!!

May 8, 08 12:34 pm  · 

but why is there always some guy in a bee costume ala Simpsons interpretation of it.

May 8, 08 2:06 pm  · 
Sarah Hamilton

Hey, sounds like everybody's week is going crazy. I, for one, am writing you from the 'comfy' room of the Medical Center of Plano 'resort'. Yep, more adventures in parenthood. No worries though, as things honestly seem fine, and the pediatrician at the hospital just seems uber-conservative. Ok, Ok, Ok, heres the story...

Abram was fussy Tuesday night, and any time I put him down he would scream. After walking about 10 miles in my hallway (ok, ten minutes, but it seemed like 10 miles) I gave him some 'gas-drops.' I thought he was just collicky, but by 330 am, he had a fever of 103.2. So Husband unwrapped him, and wiped him with a cool rag while I called the dr. They had us RETEST his temp from the nether-regions, and then said to get our butts to the nearest ER. Of course, being sleep deprived, new at this, and a 'fixer,' I was doing my best to hold it together and not cry. I'm sure Husband could tell, but I didn't want to make the situation worse by becoming a nervous wreck, so I only cried when out of sight. Anyway, we get to the ER and they check all his vitals, and then do some of the worst tests ever! I knew I had to be calm so Abram would be reassured, but my gosh! First they take his blood, lots of it, and make a huge mess, then they put in a cathiter for a urine sample (I just didnt watch), and then they sent us out of the room for a lumbar puncture. It took 5 of them to do it, and I cried. I'm so glad he wont remember it at all, it was awful. They must send parents out just because we wouldnt let them do it otherwise.

Finally, they gave him some tylenol for the fever, an IV for antibiotics, and sent us to a room. He really does seem fine now, and no fever since last night, but we have to stay for observations. Good news...its not menegitis, or anything else super-scary. Its probably just a virus, but really, if it werent for his fussiness and fever, we never wouldve even known he was sick. We could be here until FRIDAY! Oh well, i guess its just a longer vacation, and I dont have to cook our meals, although I do like to cook.

May 8, 08 2:15 pm  · 
Sarah Hamilton

And LB, congrats on your meeting.

Techno, its going to be fine, but it seems to me that you keep posting about it, and saying your chin is up not because it is, but because you are trying to convince yourself that it is. Don't worry, and don't think about it. Its all gonna work out for the best, what ever that is.

And LB, another thing... How long was it before you felt like a mother? With 'our' big day coming up, it seems weird that I could get something.

Oh, and to all.... Aparently babies should NEVER have a fever over 100.3, and if they do, go to the ER. They all act like you should know this, and now you do so you won't get yelled at.

May 8, 08 2:21 pm  · 

Sarah my heart out to you, hubby and baby Abram (I never did tell you that I love that name...). I am glad he is a tough tyke and much like his mother. And the beauty of youth is being able to forget.

May 8, 08 2:49 pm  · 
jump and FRO

, thanks for the perspective (BTW, jump, I'm glad you and your fam are OK).... and a "Hero of the Day" award to mantaray....your anecdote made me feel much better. Here's to foresight and backing up things, and all that.

You are all such lovely people. Techno I am really thinking about you and I hope you come out of your sh*tstorm soon.....anyway, you need to get your butt out here and take a road trip with mdler and me to Seattle! Wouldn't that be ridiculous!?! And hilarious.

mdler, let me know if you need any contacts up North.

liberty "tiger" bell.....go get 'em!!!!

One more presentation folks....that and some p-shopping, and I'm done with Spring Semester. Wish me luck.

May 8, 08 3:03 pm  · 

oh crap, sorry, Sarah....I'm glad the little peanut is OK!!!!

(ps. I call most babies "peanuts", FYI....except for tk's baby who is "acorn")

May 8, 08 3:05 pm  · 

good luck wK!

all, apparently this is a sucky week all around. i won't include my problems in the mix, but let's just say i'm really glad i'm leaving this job next fall.

May 8, 08 3:07 pm  · 

sarah- hope the lil tyke bounces back. I'm sure I'll have at least one run to the ER with the acorn.

So i'm wrapped up in finding folks to work with us in algeria... I'm not sure if I want to be working in algeria or not. At least it's not sudan.

May 8, 08 3:19 pm  · 
liberty bell

Sarah, I'm glad to hear it's not meningitis. I'm sure Abram will be fine, and he won't remember this at all! Better to have him under close observation, though, since illnesses for babies can change much faster than for adults.

Angus has a shot scheduled for two weeks, and I'm dreading it already. This stuff IS hard on kids, but honestly it's harder, in a way, on parents because we see worst-case in everything. Dan Savage tells a beautiful story about climbing into a bathtub full of ice water with his feverish child - his son is adopted, but Savage is definitely a "real dad" whatever that means! I think your need to leave the room is proof of your mom feelings - you logically know that these medical tratments have to happen, but emotionally you would do anything to take that pain on yourself and spare your kid the ordeal. That's also why you're crying - you need to relieve the tension of how difficult it is. Hang in there and keep touching that boy - touch helps, I am convinced.

I don't know, I guess I feel like a mom about half the time and like a woman a quarter, and like both the rest! I heard something interesting on NPR yesterday, a woman author talking about trying to view your own mom as a woman, not as "your mom", and that is an interesting task.

tk, I'm thinking about you and hoping the acorn gets here safely and soon!

May 8, 08 3:35 pm  · 
Wonder K

- in spirit I'm already there, but I am trying my darnest to ensure that come June we'll be darting from state to state looking for archinect trouble.

May 8, 08 3:39 pm  · 

Wow sounds very dramatic. Glad to hear he is fine now though..

As for the general hecticness. I am glad to report my life is mostly hectic free at the moment.

May 8, 08 3:52 pm  · 


do you have any contacts 'down south'?

May 8, 08 4:03 pm  · 

Wow folks - now I feel kinda guilty. I'm actually having a pretty good week. Back to drawing stairs. We figured out we can actually do an open riser situation b/c we have an elevator. It's what we all originally wanted which is exciting, but now I have to figure out how to draw it in section. :o/ OK back to work.

May 8, 08 4:07 pm  · 

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