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namh -
buy some sunscreen. i got burnt yesterday when hiking and it was hazy mostly. and congrats on the raise. holz got his 2 weeks ago just in time to purchase a plethora of plane tix.

May 5, 08 10:47 am  · 

liberty bell...
does he have a game boy or something he can
do besides inhaling constuction site knowledge?

great weekend
saved up some money to go shopping, and then
went shopping with some rich friends of mine,
never go shopping with rich friends.

my allergies are going crazy right now
didnt have allergies until i came to the US,
thank you virginia

May 5, 08 11:09 am  · 

i'm calling you out, yes you, Indianastan; what are you gonna do tomorrow?

roll call Indianastan.

May 5, 08 11:22 am  · 

Man i would love it if it is an Obama upset!
Don't think it is goign to happen though.
I am calling it narro wwin in Ind. for Hill.
10 points + in NC for Obama.

May 5, 08 11:53 am  · 

where are you from orginally?

Angus is a lucky boy, I think he might be faking it. Just an opportunity to hang out with him mum whilst she wears her S on her belt. "Mom's the coolest!"

Just came in from the mountain to look at a site. The so wants to do a tourist development on the hill (island condos). Anyone fancy a view of 3 islands and a safe view of te volcano. The downside is that the road is herely a track but it does have all the utilities including internet oddly enough.

Pictures of the view

May 5, 08 12:28 pm  · 

born in portsmouth va, raised in the UK
love the UK

May 5, 08 12:51 pm  · 

portsmouth? ah, it's a glorious dump.

May 5, 08 1:06 pm  · 
vado retro

barack has been shooting a lot of hoops in indianastan. barack and stevie wonder are gonna be down the street from my crib. i have other engagements however. it doesnt matter as indianastan will prolly go republican in the general. its an open primary and i may against the republican burton just because he is such an asswipe.

May 5, 08 1:12 pm  · 
vado retro

never mind he aint in my district.

May 5, 08 1:13 pm  · 

portsmouth has come a long way.

downtown norfolk is looking pretty great these days, too. mark, who has a school blog, has been working on a project in downtown norfolk: a courthouse across the street from scope.

the whole area - portsmouth, suffolk, norfolk, hampton, newport news, va beach, etc - is fascinating as an urban agglomeration all tied up with water.

May 5, 08 1:37 pm  · 

yea, nice place (7 cities of the peninnsula) and all
but there is little to do unless ur
in va beach, norfolk, or newport news

and you know i still havent
havent visited portsmouth, and yea i do
hear that its a dump

cool thing is some of my friends from
england are here now so we hang out

May 5, 08 1:45 pm  · 
liberty bell

Obama, Schellinger, Orentlicher.

Undecided yet on who to vote for to sit on the IPS school board. I'll pin down my friend up the street this evening; he teaches public high school math and will no doubt be able to guide me in the decision.

I'm also volunteering to work for the Orentlicher campaign for four hours tomorrow; I may be driving people to the polls, which I would feel really good about.

May 5, 08 1:46 pm  · 


tourists like being by the beach more then having a long distant view (unless they are playing golf). With the neighboring sprawl in the viewshed, eco-tourism won't work either. so you ened a good gimmick.

maybe if you invite barak and michelle to take their post election vacation break as your guests, you'll be able to turn a profit in this economy.

May 5, 08 1:56 pm  · 

you speak the gospel. The intention is for condo purchase...there are limited beaches in Montserrat and in my mind not worth the full investment.

Phil I almost thought you meant Portsmouth, UK...

May 5, 08 3:58 pm  · 

elle belle- will you use the miata? that would make voting exciting for those folks you assist!

May 5, 08 4:12 pm  · 
vado retro

use the ranchero!

May 5, 08 4:34 pm  · 
liberty bell

Nope - the xb. I need to be able to drive more than one at a time!

So in my distraction at dealing with my ill son, I managed to tell the contractor to put the master bath tile on the floor in the guest bath. So now we don't have enough tile to finish the master. So we have to order mroe and wait three weeks for it. So in other words, I suck.

Professionalism and parenthood are not an easy mix!

May 5, 08 5:14 pm  · 

very true Liberty but you make it seem both easy as well as cool

May 5, 08 6:05 pm  · 

lb, just sell it to the client as an upgrade (of course you probably will have to swallow the $ difference - ouch).

the ranchero can haul more folks then the xB...

May 5, 08 6:06 pm  · 

ranchero? what are you talking about? or do you perhaps mean the canyonero?

May 5, 08 8:52 pm  · 
Living in Gin

Yes, I'm still alive... Been busy as hell lately, though, so most of the time I feel like I've been run over by a truck. With me being much more busy at work and with the weather improving, I've been spending much less time surfing the internets.

Not much else to report, though... My shoulder is slowly getting better, but there's still some occasional pain and my range of motion is nowhere near what it used to be. My doc and physical therapist both say I'm in pretty good shape at this point in my recovery, though.

Looks like my roommate will be kicking me out effective September 1st (his nephew is coming to NYC for college, and he's offered him my room), which is fine with me. Hopefully that will give me enough time to save up enough money to get myself a half-decent apartment in a relatively non-shitty neighborhood. Wish me luck.

That's all for now....

May 5, 08 10:25 pm  · 
liberty bell

Oh god. According to John Stewart Indiana is about nascar and basketball.

What am I doing here?!?

May 5, 08 11:06 pm  · 

oh you need to post a pic of the ranchero, lb! it's absolutely stunning, aml...and i'm not a car guy at all.

May 6, 08 7:05 am  · 

Awwww LB, I totally feel you. Go Middle America! Excuse my ignorance, but what the hell is a ranchero? I'm obviously not a car person.

aml - your photos are amazing. Now I REALLY want to go to Peru.

LIG - Good to hear the shoulder is healing up nicely. I'll send good vibes your way for a nice apartment.

May 6, 08 8:13 am  · 
vado retro

don't forget dear hunting! and our state pastime "run into the 7-11 for some smokes and leave your car running with your toddler inside while some kid steals it"

May 6, 08 8:41 am  · 

a '62 ranchero:

...but not nearly as cool as mr lb's.

May 6, 08 8:47 am  · 

mornin folks

its a good thing the question was cleared up
i didnt know what a ranchero was either, sweet car vehicle
too, ill take one in gray

im growing my fro out, its gonna be awesome

Indiana is only good for basketball
and nascar? a whole state?

May 6, 08 9:41 am  · 

i don't know much about indiana, LB. is J stewart right?

my step father was a semi-pro stock car racer. we always had a blast and i learned to love driving/skiing/ski-doing/ 4-wheeling fast as heck...if indiana is anything like manitoba it is a boy's paradise....not sure how much fun for adults. Is it not where you wuz raised?

May 6, 08 9:50 am  · 
Sarah Hamilton

Wow, TC wasn't very busy whilst I was away. I leave on a Friday, don't come back until Tuesday, and you guys haven't even gone one page! I'm disapointed in you slackers. Sheesh, its not like your actual lives and work are more important.

Any way, glad to see people are well, except for Angus, who I hope is better, and of course the poor filly in the race. The Headline I read was 'Horse euthanised after finishing second.' I thought, thats awefully harsh....but then I read the article. Very sad.

Techno, as for your venture into development...

This weekend Husband and I ran away to Bonita Springs, FL. Our hotel was NOT on the water, though they did have a private island, if you so chose to take advantage of it. Most adults it seemed, us included, just hung out by the pool, and didn't mind the lack of sand, wind, birds, or noise. Granted, it was an ADULT ONLY pool, so that helped, but it was incredibly relaxing, and if you could recreate that atmosphere, then I think your proximity to the beach is unimportant.

Now that I've begun, I might as well finish that my departure from TC, to FL was amasing. We did absolutly nothing. We slept, we lounged by the pool, we ate, and drank, and I had a facial. It was a most relaxing and enjoyable weekend. The purpose was initially for a friends wedding (a rich friend with a rich fiancee so EVERY DRINK was FREE!!! and the food was superb). I have returned, thoroughly pickled and refreshed, even if those seem contradictory.

Oh, and TK, let Mrs TK know that if she has 3 rum punches, champaigne, wine, a martini, and 3 shots of Bailey's, even if she feels no effects from it, that her milk will taste like Bailey's, and smell just as strong. Makes you wonder....

Oh, and I scrubbed my kitchen spotless on a Sunday, and gave birth on a Wednesday.

May 6, 08 9:54 am  · 
May 6, 08 10:10 am  · 

Ahh you can't see it but the LP is # 209 from Sun Records Elvis, that's Allright!

May 6, 08 10:11 am  · 

SH- that is a new twist on a white russian. definitely a pump and dump situation...

for those in indianastan- what is a HOOSIER?

May 6, 08 10:24 am  · 
vado retro

indiana isnt any more redneck/backward/insulated/f'd up than any other place i've lived...

May 6, 08 10:51 am  · 
Sarah Hamilton

Hoosiers are RACING TIRES!!!

And, TK!!!! Youdont want to waste it! Its a sure bet for sleep.

May 6, 08 10:52 am  · 

Sarah, who's sleep? the kids or the parents?

May 6, 08 11:58 am  · 
Sarah Hamilton


May 6, 08 12:18 pm  · 

I always wondered that.
Sarah - Thanks for clarifying what the F a Hoosier actually is.

May 6, 08 12:32 pm  · 

Oh and one more thing, not that anyone cares... but I actually HAD a REAL conversation with my office crush today while agonizingly waiting for the coffee to brew. He initiated it, but we spoke for a good 5 minutes on the "green" project I am working on and all the considerations/possible obstacles I learning about. I stayed cool, calm and collected and although my heart was racing the entire time, my voice never showed it (it tends to get shaky when I'm nervous). I had to take a lot of deep breaths to slow myself down, but I succeeded. Yay me...

Now back to more important TC issues....

May 6, 08 12:49 pm  · 

tuna- what's keeping you from acting on that crush? not that I'm advocating office romances - but you deserve a spring fling kiddo...

May 6, 08 12:52 pm  · 
May 6, 08 1:02 pm  · 
Sarah Hamilton

Tuna, I don't know what came first, the tire brand name, or the indianans being called hoosiers. Same goes for Beta's refference. Race Tires are the first thing I think about when I hear Hoosier - that basketball movie is second.

So someone should actually let us know where hoosier first occured. If its beta's link, then its sad that a whole state is known for a furniture piece. I mean, where did the company get its name?

May 6, 08 1:58 pm  · 

IU's take on the term Hoosier.

May 6, 08 2:32 pm  · 
liberty bell

Way back when I first moved to Indy we had a discussion on the origins of the word Hoosier. I just spent some time searching the forums - that google forum search is pretty cool! - but couldn't find it. Whatever a Hoosier is, I'm not one; I just live here.

Sarah, that kind of child-free weekend by the pool is something I have been heavily fantasizing about since Angus was born - good for you!

Here's our Ranchero:

I ended up not driving people to the polls, they didn't need me - I just hung out at a polling place for awhile - there were so many volunteers there that after awhile I felt like I was better off getting my own work done!

May 6, 08 2:46 pm  · 

oh, it's much better than a canyonero! very cool!

tuna, i want to hear more about your crush. i need nice happy news like those, i'm having a less than stellar week.

May 6, 08 2:51 pm  · 
liberty bell

Agree with aml, and is this the bottom of a page? If so, I'll ask it this way:

tunamelt I want to hear about your crush.

May 6, 08 2:55 pm  · 
Sarah Hamilton

LB, you havent had a kid free weekend by the pool yet?! Angus is like 4 or 5 or something, isnt he? You need to get on that. I'm sure Vado would watch him for you. And if you can't find anyone, bring him to me, I'll put him to work. My fence needs staining anyway.

May 6, 08 3:39 pm  · 

that car is the sh!t. Is that the actual upholstery or is it a blanket?

Sarah - your weekend sounds wonderful even to me, and I don't even have kids.

The story of the crush will have to wait until after work.

May 6, 08 3:44 pm  · 
liberty bell

We're talking about dropping him (out of the airplane - kidding!) off in Phoenix as we fly to LA for a weekend, so he can have time with his cousins. But the bigger problem is cost - who can afford airline tickets right now? And actually, the BIGGER problem is my husband wouldn't spend five minutes let alone a weekend by a pool - he has to always be working or making something or at least on an educational tour of a historic site. If I want a pool weekend, I'll have to go with a girlfriend.

May 6, 08 3:45 pm  · 

lb- leave angus with pops, gather the girls and go!!!

May 6, 08 4:09 pm  · 
Sarah Hamilton

yep. As a matter of fact, the Hyatt is doing special packages for girlfriend getaways. You could get a spa day too! And I have discovered that spa stuff is something like heated seats, meaning that you dont know that its worth it until you have it, and its totally worth it.

May 6, 08 4:13 pm  · 

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