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I am just stopping by to say hello. I haven't been very participatory because school ate me. You know how it goes!

May 2, 08 9:32 pm  · 

hardly any weather here, orhan, except enough rain to make the track muddy and delay some races. happy derby eve!

May 2, 08 9:38 pm  · 

suse, how was your first year at Yale?

May 2, 08 10:17 pm  · 

just came in from Chinese. Im stuffed. As is everyone else. Plenty of love to you tumbles - I think we may have to open archinect's nudist colony for architects

ps. that link is for weekend previewing only. But it does contain some fun facts

May 2, 08 10:25 pm  · 

Archi i saw that story and thought of you...


May 2, 08 10:30 pm  · 
liberty bell

....thank you :o)

nam & holz....thanks for your comments. It's a really interesting discussion, and I am not so familiar with Kaufmann's work, except that I do know that she seems to get more press than some of the other pre-fab people do. But holz, your response reminds me of the Solar's a question of what you can do within the confines of a truck bed, and perhaps there needs to be more thinking outside that "box" so to speak.

May 2, 08 11:16 pm  · 

On a side note, I have been wracked with another headache all day today. Do you think these will stop when school is over in 2 weeks? Gosh I hope so.

May 2, 08 11:19 pm  · 


the solar decathalon is a great way to test ideas. but i strongly believe that if we limit the notion of "prefab" to doublewides and puffed up trailers, it will never be taken seriously, nor should it be. the profession can achieve so much more, and in fact, it has.

if michelle wants to give me a call and try and convince weyerhauser to take those steps, that'd be awesome. unfortunately, it's not the direction weyerhauser plans on going anytime soon.

May 2, 08 11:25 pm  · 

Holz, while on one hand I agree with you, I also feel critical of other applications I've seen. People think that prefab is automatically "green", even when it is used to construct a custom 4000 sq. ft. monstrosity, and that is just as flawed as only using it for "puffed up trailers."

May 3, 08 12:02 am  · 

i have mentioned here on archinect before but i always wonder about pre-fab. a very large percentage of homes in japan are factory made prefab beasties...and you can't tell at all that the home is assembled from boxes stacked together at all. most are like this

if anyone feels adventurous, here is a non-english flash site , fairly easy to navigate with photographs of prefab homes for the masses.

these places have features like you wouldn't believe. incredibly sophisticated shock absorbers to deal with earthquakes, for example, ...but not sure what the final benefit is in terms of the environment. or cost for that remains a bit of a mystery to me. and the design content is near to zero in terms of spatiality or anything else remotely personal...but the technology is clearly in place. very much so. the only problem seems to be one of intent, not of ability.

in usa maybe this is not the case yet?

May 3, 08 1:45 am  · 
liberty bell

if it comes with the inflatable bunnies, then i want one.

May 3, 08 8:01 am  · 

MEH!!! It's raining here today, which sucks b/c I was so looking forward to planting everything I got last evening at the Civic Garden Association's annual sale. Got some really cool looking Columbine, two varieties I've never seen before. Oh well, at least it make the plants grow, right.

FRO - I'm sending warm weather vibes your way. Is snow this late in the season typical. That sucks. Gus IS way cute. What kind of dog is he anyway?

SW - Hope the derby and all is festivities go off without a hitch. That is if it's still raining where you are, which I'm guessing is still the case.

OK time to actually get a move on the day. Enjoy your Saturday TC.

May 3, 08 11:11 am  · 
brian buchalski

speaking of derby...i've got my $ on court vision. who are others pulling for?

May 3, 08 11:49 am  · 

today I was racing a carpet cleaner around our house. part spring cleaning, part inspired by the nesting instinct of mrs tk. now the hairball stains are gone till the cat chews on grass again.

May 3, 08 6:25 pm  · 
vado retro

you ran a great race girl. r.i.p.

May 3, 08 6:47 pm  · 

tuna- thanks for the warm weather vibes we could use it. It's not unusual to get snow this late but we had such a HUGE winter that there's still quite a bit left, and any more is psychologically crushing at this point. Gus is 12 years old, half blue heeler/ half chow. His mom was a working cattle dog, as was the rest of his (non-chow) litter.

tomorrow- mountain bikes on black diamond ski runs!

May 3, 08 8:26 pm  · 

yeah, vado, the 8 belles thing sucked. she placed even.

brown, though, had a lot of race left that she could've run. the aerial view when you could tell that both horse and jockey said 'oh, yeah, i'm gonna run now' and pulled away: amazing!

May 3, 08 9:16 pm  · 
Woo hoo! I made it!

Post #5000!


(I hope everyone appreciates how long that took...I even made the link bigger....magic!)

May 3, 08 9:28 pm  · 
liberty bell

Fantastic coloriffic magic, DibK. Good job.

We had a brief and disastrous trip to Chicago yesterday. Son ended up getting sick - he slept on my lap for two hours at the Field Musem while my husband went to a faculty meeting. Then he (my son) threw up by the side of the highway on the way home. Poor kid - seems to be better this morning, thank goodness. But we missed the faculty party at some cool professor's modern house somewhere out the blue line. Sigh.

But man do I love Chicago. That Soldier Field addition is so awesome, and I love driving underground (is it Wacker Drive?).

May 4, 08 9:02 am  · 

- I did see the live IRA GLASS broadcast the other night! I loved the animation for the Jackie O. story.

I've been swamped at work and with the photography exhbition so haven't had much time on archinect recently. My apologies.

May 4, 08 10:00 am  · 
vado retro

i almost went to chicago this weekend but didnt feel like spending 80 bucks on gas. since it now takes forty bucks to fill up my tank. all my friends up there seem to be involved in new spring flings, so i'm streaming wbez instead (while at work on a sunday morning!) everytime they do a traffic report in chicago, there's a car on fire. sorry about angus getting sick but now he's joined the i threw up in chicago club.

May 4, 08 10:20 am  · 
vado retro

n________________________ i have been listening to your "1" cd endlessly in my ride.

May 4, 08 10:21 am  · 


I used to get sick a lot when I would go to Chicago as a kid. I once ate some clam chowder at a restaurant in Water Tower Place and then I proceeded to puke it up all over the bathroom!!!!!!!!!!!!

May 4, 08 12:52 pm  · 
brian buchalski

Ijust got word of thr derby results...sounds like a hell of a finish...too bad somebody had to die though...imagine if human runners broke their legs in races at the olympics & things like that...crazy!

May 4, 08 1:52 pm  · 
vado retro

for those interested in science and sex (and you know who you are) you may want to check out BoNk! the latest book by Mary Roach...

May 4, 08 3:05 pm  · 

Happy 5000 Wonder K!!!

Welcome Back Vado...40 bucks what are you driving a 6 litre semi?

May 4, 08 5:19 pm  · 

vado, that is FASCINATING.....

Thanks architechno. If you are serious about this trip we need to chat....I am getting cabin fever and I'm itching to visit Seattle!

May 4, 08 6:20 pm  · 

happy 5K wK!

vado, time to trade up your ride for better mpg!

May 4, 08 6:27 pm  · 
vado retro

it takes forty bucks to fill the tank of my honda. actually its prolly not a two tank trip, so make it sixty bucks.when i bought that ride in 04 it took a double sawbuck to fill it up.

May 4, 08 6:37 pm  · 
vado retro

that said i was just out drivin around for an hour...with no particular place to go...

May 4, 08 6:38 pm  · 

Happy 5000 Wonder K!!!

Welcome Back Vado...40 bucks what are you driving a 6 litre semi?

May 4, 08 7:34 pm  · 

Happy 5000 Wonder K!!!

Welcome Back Vado...40 bucks what are you driving a 6 litre semi?

May 4, 08 7:35 pm  · 

is it just me or is every big derby these days having horses that "must" be euthanized? and what if we did that with our elderly?

"well, she can't walk up stairs. we had an attendant waiting by who put her down"

May 4, 08 8:24 pm  · 

happy 5K wonderK ! ! ! ! !

May 4, 08 8:52 pm  · 

eight belles trainer sort of asked a similar question, holz, surprised that the decision had been made so quickly and without consultation with him/the owners. but then he said he went to the ambulance and that there was no question...the horse was going to suffer too much and to no good end.

i don't remember another recent one. barbaro, for instance, was nursed for over a year - and treated by any potentially helpful specialist they could find - before he succumbed.

May 4, 08 9:17 pm  · 
vado retro

there is a new documentary out called the first saturday in may which is about the derby and they follow the triumphs and travails of barbaro. apparently in situations like what happened to eight belles, the muscles are fatigued to such a point that it somehow puts added stress on the horse;s skeleton. i'm gonna try to make it down there next year. that is if im still in the area.

May 4, 08 9:32 pm  · 
vado retro
May 4, 08 9:42 pm  · 

vado, I'm glad you are still listening to the one. album. The Rob Thomas album is still in rotation for my office listening.

May 4, 08 10:00 pm  · 

speaking of music, I know I was supposed to be sent a cd as part of that archinect music sharing aka ages ago but to date nothing. The beauty of being on a tiny speck of an island in the Caribbean new meaning to the words Snail Mail!

May 4, 08 10:24 pm  · 

Happy 5K DubK.

Welcome back vado - you were missed. Have you read any of Mary Roach's other books? I just got done with STIFF, it was actuallu really good.

BTW - Allergy season sucks :o/. Just took some Benadryll. I'm keeping my fingers crossed that this will allow me to be able to hear and not feel as though my sinuses are going to eplode.

May 4, 08 11:14 pm  · 
Living in Gin

Happy 5K, WonderK!

(Despite considerable evidence to the contrary, Living in Gin is still alive.)

May 4, 08 11:50 pm  · 

Thanks guys. LIG where have you been!??

May 5, 08 1:31 am  · 

uh oh. i know that lb made your cd swap discs, techno, because she finished hers way before i finished mine. maybe they were lost at sea?

May 5, 08 6:59 am  · 
liberty bell

techno your discs are all made and ready to go and they are currently sitting on my desk at home....

This is how cd swap always goes for me - I get the material task finished and yet getting to the post office is a huge hurdle. But! In this case I have another excuse: there is a special addition to your disc pakage, techno, that hasn't been finished yet, so hang in there...

May 5, 08 7:02 am  · 

YAY, LIG is alive. I was beginning to wonder. Hopefully we'll be seeing more of you? How's the shoulder?

May 5, 08 8:15 am  · 

Hey all..
Went to the beach this weekend. I am thus a little pink today.
Hope you all are well?
Did i forget to mention i got a 7% raise Fri?

May 5, 08 9:07 am  · 

I am humbled. Something special for me? I'll have to send you back some beach sand then. A nifty piece of home.

May 5, 08 9:29 am  · 

I am humbled. Something special for me? I'll have to send you back some beach sand then. A nifty piece of home.

May 5, 08 9:30 am  · 

ack with the double postings. Welcome back Gin and glad to see you enjoyed the beach namhenderson

May 5, 08 9:34 am  · 
liberty bell

Angus is home sick today, husband is in Chicago. So I'm dragging the poor kid over to a site - yet again! - because the tile guys need help figuring out this tricky floor installation. My poor child is going to have quite the construction education when he grows up, but unfortunately he'll always associate being ill with going to a construction site!

May 5, 08 10:17 am  · 

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