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Sarah Hamilton

Jump, I'm with you. I have always had a hard time sleeping while the sun is up. Once it goes down, I like to get in 9 hours,its what i function best on, but if that sun is burning in the sky, you'd be hard pressed to find me napping. So I cant sleep in cars, planes, with the TV on, ect, UNLESS I am sleep deprived, but even then its hard.

May 1, 08 3:55 pm  · 

wassup phuyaka - I do remember that thread, and believe it floated around last month. I think it was called bookkeeping to architecture

May 1, 08 4:26 pm  · 

I truly believe in my past life I was a cat. I LOVE napping in a patch of sun... well at least when it's not a million degrees outside. In those cases, I'll take a nice cool shady spot, preferably with a breeze. But only then it's only for 1/2 to 1 hour, unless I'm dead tired, then it's more like 2 1/2. I've always been the expert napper. If I need to wake up in a certain period of time I'll wake up at pretty much that point without any assistance and feel completely refreshed. At my first job out of school I was known for my 10 minute catnaps I took from time to time.

May 1, 08 4:38 pm  · 

nam, i did the train/bus route, with a variation, because i stayed the night in an inca town with beautiful ruins, instead of aguas calientes, an all-tourist town that is what most people use [incl. ppl doing the inca trail].

the inca trail is a 4 day beautiful hike, but basically all tourists, where locals carry the stoves, tents, etc needed for the hike. it is also very restricted because the large amounts of people that have done it over the years have damaged the trail. there are some ruins to be seen along the way but much more spectacular ruins in other places around the area- so on the advice of a friend that lives in peru, we decided to skip the trek [which is also expensive in terms of time and money] and instead visit the other, more interesting ruins.

May 1, 08 4:40 pm  · 

tumbles....glad to see your alive along with mies. Hope you find good room mates. We have new neighbors....and I'm wondering if we be putting up a fence to protect our flower bed from soccer balls.

May 1, 08 7:09 pm  · 

Didn't realize that both routes were so exposed. I guess if igured tourists wouldn't want to "hike".
Having a local guide is always a plus. I am actually hoping to go to Peru and the greater Andean region with some friendly locals i know. Hopefully, sometime next spring/or summer?
I always forget how the seasons between hemispheres are reversed.


I love sun napping!! But for no more than an hour at most. Otherwise i get burned.

May 1, 08 8:12 pm  · 
liberty bell

OH MY GOD Mies van der Dog is so totally adorable!!!!!

May 1, 08 8:53 pm  · 

Damn that dog is cute. Stupid question, but she's a Boston Terrier, right? I've always wanted one, but alas I have three cats instead

Orhan - got any recent photos of your "kids"?

n_, tumbles and WonderK - I thought of you all this evening as I watched the Live Broadcast of This American Life via satellite from NYC. It was awesome. Any of you see it? I think I now officially have a crush on Ira Glass too. I heart his glasses.

Better run and get some shut eye. It was hard enough getting up this morning for work and ugh... one more day.

G'night TC. Sweet Dreams.

May 1, 08 11:22 pm  · 
Ms Beary

I miss you guys. Sorry i haven't had the time to stop and chat, but i miss you jut the same... luv, strawbeary

May 2, 08 1:07 am  · 

We miss you too Strawbeary! Also, glad to see Just Why return newly incarnated.

(i'm fond of this new bolding trend)

tumbles I wish you luck with your roommate hunt! I think that's a great idea that you invited them all at once. Work your magic!

aml, welcome back and what an adventure you had. I was supposed to go to Machu Pichu a few weeks after the 2004 election but I sprained my ankle very badly and could not go, which was good considering my friends said it was the most physically strenuous thing they had ever done.

In my neck of the woods, I am remarkably smitten with this Hawaii guy. I know I've only known him a month but the chemistry is just there. Goodness.

May 2, 08 3:50 am  · 

Ahem...(clears throat).....

I promised an "announcement" a few days ago and I thought I might share it with you all first.....I'm excited anyway and would love everyone's input and/or advice.

I will be attending the 2008 GRAVITY FREE Conference on behalf of Archinect, and on behalf of the USC Stevens Institute for Innovation (for whom I work) in a week's time. I will be covering the event for both organizations in a number of ways. I am pretty excited, this year's speaker list includes Michelle Kaufmann and Stefan Sagmeister, among other innovators and instigators from their respective fields. If anyone has any questions they'd like me to ask of anyone in particular, by all means, let me know.....put it here or email me, I might not see it otherwise.

Also if anyone has any tips for navigating one of these things, shoot me a message, I could probably use the help!

May 2, 08 4:08 am  · 

can you ask michelle when she'll stop "playing" the part of prefab and actually do some effing prefab? mobile homes don't count.

May 2, 08 4:38 am  · 

hi tumbles - yea its looking like a real trip. My best friend has dropped the gauntlet saying that because I'm missing her graduation in Poland I it looks like a GO!

and congrats Wonder K I hope this won't interfere with your navigational skills when we roar through the American countryside ala Marlin

and for the record, my life feels shitty.

May 2, 08 9:28 am  · 

- so cool that you're taking archinect journalism to a place that it hasn't been before.

..t.. my cat could eat your mies. but she is still very cute.

May 2, 08 9:42 am  · 
Sarah Hamilton

Ok, since bold is the new way to go, heres my shot. Lets hope it worked!


YEAH! for Techno's trip!
YEAH! for DubK's Hawaian Hottie!
YEAH! for emK's anti-gravity!
YEAH! for puppies and cats!

Wow, its like Thanksgiving, or maybe cheerleading...Never was a cheerleader, so I'm not sure, but thats How I Imagine It...


May 2, 08 9:48 am  · 
Sarah Hamilton

Oh, and

YEAH for figuring out BOLD!

May 2, 08 9:49 am  · 

Wow, EmK. I'm envious- I've been eying that ad for quite a while now, wishing it weren't such a damned expensive thing. Don't skip Sagmeister, whatever you do, I saw him earlier this year and he's hilarious.

May 2, 08 10:18 am  · 

You forgot one Sarah.... YAY for Abram sleeping 7 hours!!! Tell me he did it again.

Atechno - When do you think you'll be arriving?

TK - you have a cat too? How big? Oh and when is the acorn set to arrive? I seem to remember you saying something about May. YAY, for TK's soon-to-be stork delivery!!!

May 2, 08 10:39 am  · 

Oh and I forgot to add tumbles... - a pug? WTF?

May 2, 08 10:43 am  · 
brian buchalski

i'm still alive

May 2, 08 10:59 am  · 

today is a rough day...need whiskey and a cigarette

May 2, 08 12:14 pm  · 
liberty bell

techno....I'm worried about you!! Maybe you need some time on the beach with the puppy!

May 2, 08 12:15 pm  · 

the acorn is supposed to sprout on may 12th, but sooner would be better!

tk's feline familiar, Dr. Seuss peaked at 24 lbs 2 years ago and is now down to a svelt 19 or so lbs. (he often chases the neighbors 2 corgis back and forth along the fence till they retreat).

yeay for archinect and TC!!!

May 2, 08 12:27 pm  · 

The more you don't say the more me (and we TCers) are getting worried.
Definetly sounds like you need a break.

May 2, 08 12:46 pm  · 
liberty bell

Is Mrs. tk in that way overblown phase of just wanting to get-this-thing-outta-me?! I couldn't wait to see Angus' little face, and that last two weeks every time I dropped something (often - pregnant women get clumsy) I would sigh and start the long slow heavy process of maneuvering down to pick it up.

Walk around the neighborhood, walk walk walk walk walk.

May 2, 08 1:02 pm  · 

- I agree with both LB and nam. You are really worrying me too. A break is definitely needed.

TK - Damn and I thought my 16 lbs. lard-ass was big. Hilarious that he chases the neighbors corgis. I would love to see that. That would be way cool if the little acorn turned out to be a Mother's Day present.

May 2, 08 1:06 pm  · 

She's walking when the weather allows otherwise it treadmill... She's in that not-overblown phase of being in pain/really uncomfortable cause he's so big in proportion to her petite belly.

next topic-

WOOOOOHOOOOO! I officially 'found' an additional 3 acres within my project's site as verified by the surveyor. All the existing maps/drawings said the site was ## acres. When I checked the preliminary survey in cad, it was ## plus 3 acres. So somebody a long time ago made a mistake that was never discovered till TK came into town. Now I need to figure out how to capitalize on this (beyond the egg on the surveyor's face) - maybe the client will provide a finders fee!

how often do folks find mistakes in surveys or tax maps?

May 2, 08 1:11 pm  · 

rationalist, thanks. It was serendipitous that I was able to go....without participation from both groups - travel reimbursement from work and free Press Pass via Archinect - I wouldn't be able to afford it on my own (obviously....who has $1600 sitting around).

And thanks Sarah and everyone. Like I said, any questions you think I should ask, throw them my way!, I am interested in what you said. How do you differentiate between what Kaufmann is doing and what others who are promoting pre-fab are doing? For instance Rocio Romero or Living Homes? Do you think that she is more talk, less walk?

May 2, 08 1:12 pm  · 

time to hear about my flowers!!!!!!!!!!

One of my oncidium orchids is in full bloom right now!!! Has about 100 yellow and brown flowers on a 2' long flower spike. The strict diet of sunlight, moving air, water, and fish guts has payed off!!!!!!

In other news, by cattleya orchids have all developed the 'black rot' on thier leaves ;(. They are in quarantine until they get better

May 2, 08 1:15 pm  · 

, nam is right. What is going on down there?! You don't have to tell us but you judging....we just want you to take it easy. Remember your shoulder incident!

tk, can't wait for the acorn to pop out! Also I love that we call him (her?) "acorn".

May 2, 08 1:16 pm  · 
Sarah Hamilton

TK, I tried it all, Mexican food was the most pleasant. Theres a school of thought that says spicy food will bring about the end. Seems to me it really just happens when it happens.

And yes Tuna, Abram slept another SEVEN hours last night!!!! WOOHOOO!

Man, everytime I bold something, I feel like I know a secret code, like those ones from nintendo. Up Down Up Up Left Right Right Down.

Ok, thats not a real one, Im not that nerdy.

May 2, 08 1:18 pm  · 
mdler I want to hear about your flowers


May 2, 08 1:20 pm  · 

We get to take Frito Jack our little guy back to the vet because of complications from last weeks surgery. Hoping it is something which
can be delt with in one visit or we may have to rent his brother out to pay the vet bill.

May 2, 08 1:25 pm  · 


I dont think that you should be asking atechno "whats going on 'down there'"...its none of your business

May 2, 08 1:31 pm  · 

hah hah mdler - you have me gutted with that one.

Yea still not ready to talk yet office managers sat my down on a similar issue and I had to be fighting back the tears.

But you are all right, I need a break & one that involves some of Thread Central's fave topics (whiskey, flowers, nudity, pre-fab, etc)

May 2, 08 1:44 pm  · 

but tunamelt, Wonder K, Liberty Bell & Nam... you guys are the best. Thank you - I'll have HUGE hugs for you all when I see you (+ a few kisses to pass on to pets, children, and inanimate objects)

May 2, 08 1:46 pm  · 

more about my flowers...plants, actually

I have 6 organic heirloom tomato plants growing in pots right now. Im going to to get the stakes for them this weekend so that they can start climbing. When I placed my order with the tomato lady, she asked me if I was a designer because I ended up ordering the tomatos that look really cool

May 2, 08 1:55 pm  · 

wow it's happy in here today....

techno- come to Colorado while you're over here! Not the most architectural place but Beautiful even though it's snowing RIGHT NOW. But be warned I came to visit for just a month myself.......... 11 years ago.

mdler- know anything about jalapenos? I've had some growing on my window sill all winter but no peppers. Wrong light cycle? Too cold?

speaking of dogs, if it ever stops snowing I'm gonna shave my Gus...

I'll post before and after pics for your amusement

May 2, 08 2:02 pm  · 

I used to grow orchids myself, as a means to reduce stress when I was in architecture school. I haven't had much chance to grow them here, also there are limitations in the variety i've seen.

But I did buy some plants today. Bought a lime (is that a fruit?), rosemary, avocado, and something else. But they are likely to be planted at the so's house

May 2, 08 2:08 pm  · 


ragging on MK because i've seen her lecture twice now, and she thrives off the "innovative" stuff she's doing.

the first glide house is nothing but a puffed up doublewide. this isn't prefab.

adjaye's ed shedis a better example. panelized products trucked to site and installed over 2-3 days. this is also the standard for vorarlberg. the doublewide motif is very restricting and limiting, and i don't think it makes much sense.

May 2, 08 2:09 pm  · 

hey FRO - I lived in Co for over 2 years when I was a younger (way younger - 5 yo). But I've not had a chance to go back.

May 2, 08 2:13 pm  · 

nice, you were 5 for 2 years here? I was 24 when I got here but now I'm more like 9.

and a lime is definitely a fruit.

May 2, 08 2:21 pm  · 
liberty bell

FRO, that Gus cracks me up. What a cutie. Please, please do post the shaven pics.

Emily: I owe you a HUGE congrats for getting the Gravity Free gig. But TC doesn't seem like the right venue for saying it. So here's a mini-congrats and I'll email you.

The client wants to move the mudroom. Fine, but it really makes the kitchen too small for the scale of their house. And no that paint color I picked is not green, it's slate grey. Sigh. This is what I'm dealing with today. And for today, I'd rather be doing work like Steven Holl.

May 2, 08 2:27 pm  · 

Re: Prefab,
It seems at least in popular discourse (ie: Inhabitat, Treehugger, NYT etc) that there is a lack of defintiion and distinction along the lines of what Holz discussed.. Maybe within the profession as a whole.

Does prefab mean basically a manufactured/trailer home made in a factory? Does it mean small and transportable?

Or does it mean a project built from prefabricated, standardized, modular pieces that is constructed quickly on site..
Perhaps the confusion is that a project can be both?
I think the issue is that from a tech and advancing the profession point of view prefab as in non-trailer is more difficult, mnore tech and would advance the professional practice a bit more.....

May 2, 08 3:12 pm  · 

nam, that's a good breakdown.

technically, nearly all construction these days is prefab to a large extent.

May 2, 08 3:46 pm  · 
brian buchalski

i really getting excited about prom this year! anybody else going?

May 2, 08 5:05 pm  · 

Where are we getting nude ,drinking whiskey , Sun Bathing and listening to music? I hope it is not Colorado if it is still snowing.

May 2, 08 5:31 pm  · 

when things in your life are crazy is when the best things happen!!!

May 2, 08 5:54 pm  · 
brian buchalski

i'm definitely taking a whiskey flask to prom

May 2, 08 6:41 pm  · 

steven ward how is the weather? hope you and the girls are alright. looks terrible...

May 2, 08 9:07 pm  · 

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