
Thread Central

Sarah Hamilton

I am in Dallas, and Techno, you poor thing...Its only 4 hours from Houston to Austin, you're going to have a rough time on this trip of yours if 4 hours equals all day.

Phil, I think you'd have to take I64 to I30 in order to come through here, and I have NO CLUE where those two meet up - not even sure that they do, but I bet it'd be in Memphis; I'm trying to think how we got to Ohio from Texas when we'd treck back and forth, ages ago - seems like we went through Kentucky once, but just once.

And Tuna, I think I mentioned to DubK about coming by, but then []Something Unexpected[/url] happened, and of course, you all know how that turned out.

And speaking of... He's such a tease! He slept 6 hours straight for two nights in a row, and then woke up at 3am this morning.

Apr 29, 08 1:45 pm  · 

is in the Caribbean on a small island known as Montserrat.

Apr 29, 08 2:44 pm  · 

DubK, I don't know how techno feels about the company, but I would always LOVE to see you. We've both been so busy lately that we hardly ever talk anymore, when I used to hear from my WonderK almost every day. *tear*

Apr 29, 08 4:25 pm  · 
Sarah Hamilton

Not to pry, but LB, Vado, are you guys voting for the architect for your next governor? I know nothing about him, just saw he was running in a magezine, so this isn't a political thread.

Apr 29, 08 5:48 pm  · 


if you want to experience some cool weather and something called hot dish, head north from texas on I-35 (the nafta highway) and stop in minneapolis for some Beta & Treekilling action.

Apr 29, 08 6:09 pm  · 

techno....if your land yaught gets off course and you end up in Connecticut Yankee Country give me a holler! Were about 40 minutes to New Haven, just incase your ask to lecture there. We
can always show you what is going on in the sticks of New England.

Apr 29, 08 7:54 pm  · 
liberty bell

Sarah: Jim Schellinger is definitely getting my vote. I initially wanted to vote for him simply because he's an architect. I felt an architect would be a good choice because of the skills one has to have to be successful in this field: building consensus among disparate parties, considering both long and short term in decision-making, dealing with budgets while desiring to dream, etc.

Then I heard him on the local NPR taking calls from listeners and I went from abstractly supporting an architect to enthusiastically supporting THIS architect. He is incredibly well-spoken, is clearly a listener and consensus builder, and has actually already formulated legitimate plans (ha!) for how to address Indiana's many issues. Schellinger for guv!

On another topic: I went and saw Maya Lin lecture at the Art Museum tonight. Wow./ i was blown away. now I'm schemeing how to excavate the poetry from my next upcoming kitchen redesign...

Apr 29, 08 9:47 pm  · 

techno, I think I speak for everyone when I say that we think you should add your trip map to this official Archinect Road Trip Map found here.

user name: wonderk371
password: archinect

Everyone else is welcome to add to it too. Put where you are, where you're going, where you've been, where you want other people to go. It's OUR map! Have at it. Maybe somebody could change the title while you're at it, since it's not 2007 anymore....

Apr 29, 08 9:49 pm  · 

I'm pissed
have a design to finish and i'm stuck
cannot get out of it. too tired and too behind to stop. ugh it is like being back in school!
too much pressure...

Apr 29, 08 10:16 pm  · 
liberty bell

Hang in there, mantaray.

Living in Gin, I laughed at your clap comment - where have you been?!? How's the shoulder?

Apr 30, 08 8:40 am  · 

ooooh LB, you hear Maya Lin speak? i would LOVE to have heard her! so jealous!

i've been working out some renderings for my thesis. and my advisors really like the ones with color with entourage and people... but i am extremely fond of the b&w versions. they look so classy... so i think i will include them anyway. plus there's no people or entourage in it- and maybe that is just my architect ego coming out, heh.

be easy... it was my first time rendering in 3dmax.

and atechno, if you make it to Washington, DC (where I am moving to TODAY), then holler!

Apr 30, 08 9:00 am  · 

grrrr, even though it's just a partial view, it cut off the other side (which completes the composition) dammit.

Apr 30, 08 9:07 am  · 

mornin folks

DUBK - that map is pretty cool
maybe this summer i can
visit some archinectors, and
you guys can school me in the
ways of life and architecture

LB - npr is so helpful i listen it every
morning. they keep me insight
of the reasonable news and not
"o my god gas prices are going up!"

Apr 30, 08 9:43 am  · 
Sarah Hamilton

Its very Renzo, +i. I like it. But people do add scale, so I'd put something in there just for that reason. It is kind of sterile. Maybe you could be old school and just add a car.

Apr 30, 08 9:45 am  · 

lb- re ask mighty/carnitas, was this a phoenix cultural bit from childhood or an family ethnic thing? I never imagined you as having tacos in your blood (we all know vado has green chilis running in his veins)...

Tk is a descendant of NYC german/russian jewish stock- which explains my nihilism, liberal socialistic tendencies, and body hair.

Apr 30, 08 10:10 am  · 
Sarah Hamilton

I'm 1/2 Polish, but Texas Poles are different than the ones up North. Not sure if its different time period (I think we came over in the 1800s) or if its location from Poland (the edge agaisnt Russia), but we DONT eat Kielbasa - I'd never even heard of it until I went to Philly, and we dont eat other typical Polish foods. Ours are cabage slaw and a course ground pork sausage that cooks up red. Oh, and we of course enjoy Texas country with polka roots, and do the Grande March at every wedding. Now that I think about it, its pretty close to German, except that the Polish settlements are predominately Catholic.

Apr 30, 08 10:28 am  · 

ahhhh. it's a beautiful day. i'm off to the downs for some racing and refreshments. see ya'll tomorrow.

Apr 30, 08 11:02 am  · 
liberty bell

tk: The pork in beans meals were a North Carolina pig farmer thing - my roots. The carnitas are the influence of my growing up in Arizona. I'm a Southern/Southwest hybrid.

+i, beautiful rendering, but I agree, it is hard to guess the scale. There is a little black vertical slightly wavery line in the first bay that I initially read as a person - which would make the building 50 feet tall, monumental indeed. I'm guessing it's not really that big?

God the carnitas smell so damn good I want dinner NOW! That's the downside to crock pot cookign when one works from home...

Apr 30, 08 11:33 am  · 
brian buchalski

i'm from american suburbs so my food heritage is based on mcdonald's, little caesar's, 7-11 and taco's been ages since i've visited the homeland...but sometimes oh how i yearn for such tasty delights as shamrock shake, slurpees or crazy pizza bread

Apr 30, 08 11:46 am  · 
liberty bell

Recently we had a party, a leftover of which was a six pack of Diet Coke. Suddenly I'm revisiting my suburban teenagerhood and drinking the crap again - 2 more left in the six pack and then NO MORE!!

Apr 30, 08 1:32 pm  · 
Sarah Hamilton

Awe, LB, You'll be addicted by the time you finish them off.

Apr 30, 08 1:40 pm  · 

in highschool my friend and i used to fight over
soda, so to settle the arguments would put 3 or four
sodas in the middle of a trampoline, then jump.
the one who rises with the least amount of bruises
wins, or just the one who gets up period

hey when u guys were in highschool did
all the teachers drink diet coke?
all of my teachers drank it, and if you
dared bring a deit pepsi you were stoned
in the hallways

Apr 30, 08 1:46 pm  · 
liberty bell

Most of my high school was ALWAYS stoned in the hallways, Philarct. Good times...

That trampoline action sounds pretty dangerous!

Apr 30, 08 2:32 pm  · 

Isn't MRS in DC as well? Where is she...there are loads of folks absent from TC...I'm sending out the search and rescue.

Wonder K thanks for the map...once i figure everything out I'll be sure to place my map on there.

Apr 30, 08 2:42 pm  · 
brian buchalski

diet coke (& cigarettes) remind me more of the sorority years than high school

Apr 30, 08 3:01 pm  · 
liberty bell

puddles, what sorority were you in?

Apr 30, 08 4:58 pm  · 

I guessed puddles was in a frat or just liked hanging out with the sisters...

Apr 30, 08 5:49 pm  · 
Sarah Hamilton

Are Architects ever actually in sororities?

Apr 30, 08 5:51 pm  · 

hi tc! i'm back from my trip to peru

Apr 30, 08 6:25 pm  · 



Apr 30, 08 6:58 pm  · 
liberty bell

Yay aml!!!!!!! Congrats! And welcome back.

Apr 30, 08 7:30 pm  · 

aml great 1000th post. I love those images! What were you in Peru for?

Apr 30, 08 7:53 pm  · 
some person

You rang, techno? That's a very good memory you have. Yes, I live in Arlington and work in DC. I missed your deal, +i - what brings you to this part of the country?

Apr 30, 08 7:54 pm  · 

where've you been beautiful? I'm here planning a speculative trip to the US, a driving tour with a few major archinect cities along the way. As it stands I may fly into Cin sity, say howdy to Tuna, LB/Vado/SW then pick up a sweet eco ride and head to Cali, hang with Tumbles and a bottle of whiskey. Put Dub K + kitty in the passenger seat and Mdler in the trunk, head towards Seattle for drinks/dinner with Rationalist and deposit sir Mdler, then back down to the lone star for a barbi with Sarah and RFuller. Then North on the i-35 to see Treekiller and Beta. The last bit is back to Louisville/Indy area for a proper archinect bash!!

wait how do I squeeze in DC?

Apr 30, 08 8:29 pm  · 

wait wait wait, so I get techno + Dubk + mdler???? woweee! When is this all going to happen? Because I'll be out of town from mid-august to latish september.

Apr 30, 08 8:45 pm  · 

errrr I mean Just Why - So glad to see you stop in. You have been missed. Hope all is well.

aml - beautiful 1000th post. Are all your photos up on your flickr account yet? Can't wait to take a peek at them.

Atechno - If you're going to start in the Nati, you could always follow the path WonderK and I took for her trek out west and then go from there. That way you'd hit Kentucky, and Texas. Man, this speculative trip sounds like quite an adventure.

Anyone else have suggestions for Atechno's Great Archinect Adventure?

Apr 30, 08 9:23 pm  · 
some person

thanks, tuna... I didn't think anyone actually noticed I was "gone" (more "quiet," actually... I've been doing more reading than posting lately)

I guess I just haven't had much to say. I wish I could tell you all about my super cool new project, but I hesitate due to the semi-high profile nature of it. (But what's not to love about a prominent downtown site, an owner who knows what they want, and a world-class designer?)

Apr 30, 08 10:13 pm  · 

hi tuna, thanks! i've uploaded some very few photos to my flickr- only uploaded about 8 [i have about 1,000! can't upload all]. will maybe upload more later.

techno- this road trip of yours needs to be documented of course. sounds like a great idea! i was in peru for vacation, looking at lots of ruins and ending with the grand finale in machu picchu, which was all you would think and more.

lb, thanks!

Apr 30, 08 10:25 pm  · 

I'm alive. Just barely.

May 1, 08 2:13 am  · 

i wish i was going on a road trip! actually, i wish i was at the beach.

thanks everyone for comments... that was just a sort of "in-process" rendering... i'll be adding entourage + scale figures, etc... it is rather cold right now- i suppose that is why the profs like the color ones better.

the move yesterday took forever, and my movers did less moving and more smoking + talking... grrrr... and aside from silently freaking out that i was about to move in with my boyfriend- and perhaps losing all personal bachelorette fabulousness- i made it. phew.

i hope everyone is doing well in TC-land!

May 1, 08 8:00 am  · 

dub K has 5 more to 5,000 with a 100 entries. Wow we are reaching some significant numbers.

May 1, 08 8:01 am  · 

ps- the pics are beautiful

JustWhy- i was in DC for awhile after b.arch. went back to uva for m.arch2... now back to work in DC (yay for paychecks)

May 1, 08 8:04 am  · 

That is an awesome set of pics. Did you do the more intimate trek to Machu, which i have heard is a multi-day beauty of a hike. Or did you do the tram/major tourism transport route?

May 1, 08 8:12 am  · 

+i - glad to hear the move went well. When are you actually finished with everything anyway? For some reason I thought you were done (no clue why).

Time to get my work on.

May 1, 08 8:18 am  · 
Sarah Hamilton

YEAH!!!!! I got SEVEN HOURS of CONSECUTIVE sleep last night!!!! Man, I feel GrrrrrReat!

May 1, 08 8:37 am  · 

I got some good sleep too...but was horribly awoken by my alarm to go to work. It was on of those days where you don't go in to the office, because its raining, overcast and a beautiful puppy is in bed snoring next to you. And despite being on my first flask of coffee

May 1, 08 9:24 am  · 

mornin folks
yay for sarah!
you guys remember when you were kids
and bed was a dreadful time becasue you just
knew that you were missing something
awesome and you wanted to play some more,
and now that we're adults we love to sleep
because sleep is rare and you dont care
what you miss?

just why and +i
we could meet up
im just three hours from dc

May 1, 08 9:28 am  · 
liberty bell

Philarct, so true. I miss sleep. I really want a nap outside in the sun <sigh>

Good job, Abram, letting mom get some sleep!

May 1, 08 9:39 am  · 

i am the opposite.

if i could not sleep ever would be so amazing. now i am an adult i KNOW i am missing all kinds of cool stuff when i go horizontal.

when i first came to japan young girls in their 20's who i met often told me their hobby was sleeping. not as in sleeping with someone, which might have been cool at the time, but actually sleeping. just sleeping for fun kinda thing. never quite ever understood that. except maybe in context sarah brings up...

which reminds me....yay for sarah! real sleep after having baby is sooo luxurious.

May 1, 08 11:18 am  · 

stopping in for my first "the central" post to ask for some thread help...

I have a friend with no architecture experience/background but is really interested in it.. and wants to get involved with maybe some book keeping/office management (she has 10 years of that) to get her foot in the door, i remember there being a thread (or two) recently that gave some really good advice to someone looking to do the same.. suggestions were organizing the firm's library etc... ring any bells?

May 1, 08 1:39 pm  · 

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