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liberty bell

A business event on a Sunday with alcohol - in Kentucky? Isn't everyone s'posed to be in church then?!? ;-)

I'm helping a client order a dining room table. I despise furniture work almost as much as jump despises booking hotels. Johnny Mnemonic, help me!

Apr 28, 08 11:35 am  · 

all rules out the window at derby time.

Apr 28, 08 11:42 am  · 

I'm human. I think Minnesotans are androids/cylon with antifreeze running through their veins.

anybody else watching battlestar gallectica? we started watching the first season this weekend. i'm impressed so far.

steve, any money on the race?

Apr 28, 08 12:10 pm  · 

I'm still alive!!

LB - I'm envious. I'll pick it out for you ;o)

Apr 28, 08 12:16 pm  · 
liberty bell

tuna, I hate shopping, so picking furniture for clients is NO FUN for me! I wish you COULD fill in for me here!

Even though Pimpanzee makes me yearn for Archinect to have a "block user" button, I refuse to let him/her get me riled up today.

Apr 28, 08 12:22 pm  · 

I'm so tired. Finished my paper and presented, 2 deadlines down, 3 more to go. Also, I have a special announcement. I'll drop that in the next week sometime.

That East Coast architecture school thread is funny. Thanks for the chuckles, beta!

Apr 28, 08 12:26 pm  · 

I just got my tickets for the sasquatch festival!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I will be spending Memorial Day on a floating house in Seattle!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Apr 28, 08 12:29 pm  · 

i'm the lenny bruce of archinect.

Apr 28, 08 12:41 pm  · 

am I going to get to see you while you're up here, mdler?

Apr 28, 08 12:44 pm  · 

HA!!!! Best quote of the day so far comes from beta

you're an idiot. isn't there a rock missing you? please crawl back under it.

Damn, that's just pricless. :oD

Apr 28, 08 12:47 pm  · 

hi all. It is approximately 1 month before the start of the Atlantic Hurricane season. Please visit your local Red Cross, Salvation Army, Good Will, or other charitable organisation and make donations (financial or other resources such as toiletries, clothes, shoes, etc). As well ask if there is any information regarding preparations you and your family can make at home. Please make it a safe season...

and now back to your regular programming

Apr 28, 08 1:10 pm  · 

androids yes cylons no.

and yes Battlestar Galactica is incredible...

Apr 28, 08 1:11 pm  · 

I second that BG is the shit!!

Love it..

Apr 28, 08 1:50 pm  · 

perhaps i should quite while i'm ahead, i'm scoring points everywhere on this site...

Apr 28, 08 2:21 pm  · 

I think I need to get away. I'm considering doing an American tour - maybe by caravan. In the first couple weeks of June I need to be in about 4 states and well...driving seems like more fun and gives me an opportunity to meet my fave archinect folk. Thoughts? Particularly how I can convince my job to do without me for so long?

Apr 28, 08 3:39 pm  · 

yes architechno, do an American tour! Hopefully it includes California! Also as tunamelt and I discovered, you can rent Priuses now. I would highly recommend them!

I think you guys would like my Hawaii Guy. He watches Battlestar Galactica and is also an Obama fan. Also, he bought me a Bluetooth headset for my phone so we can talk easier. Nice, right? :o)

Apr 28, 08 3:44 pm  · 
Sarah Hamilton

Wow, that is nice WK. Husband bought us both webcams when I was in Philly and he was home in Dallas. We still used the phone though cause the computer headsets were DORKY, and they really dont work with my big hair. I'm excited for you.

I hate whiskey (I know, thats sacrilage - aw damn, I cant figure out how to spell it - on this site) but I've always wanted to try a mint julep. Wonder where I could get one in Dallas. I can't wait for my first Mojito in ALMOST A YEAR! I'm going to Florida, so it should be extra tasty, right? Wonder if you have to be in Miami for a good one, or if Naples will do.... I will also get my first night of continuous sleep in two months. Oh I can't wait until friday!

ANd LB, whats so bad about picking out a table? It seems fun. Although, I guess if the client was picky....

Steven, do you have to work during Derby, or does the whole state get the week off, it is a week, isn't it? Do your daughters have hats?

Apr 28, 08 4:08 pm  · 

, unfortunately (for you) the only place to have a really good mojoito is opposite the crashing waves of the Malecon in Havana. I sure hope Obama has a more relaxed view of the US embargo to allow others to enjoy the fruits of Cuban Heritage without the contraband.

Wonder K - you bet your bottom dollar I'm coming to would be well rude if I didn't.

Apr 28, 08 4:12 pm  · 


I may be in Seattle by then...come visit me

Apr 28, 08 4:17 pm  · 

you don't have to like WHISKEY to enjoy a mint julep, sarah, since they're made with BOURBON. i'm sure any old whiskey just won't do.

derby is more like a month-long celebration in louisville, starting with 'thunder over louisville' (the biggest fireworks display in the u.s. - you can check it) which was on 12 april this year.

this past weekend was the balloon race, last week was the pegasus parade, there are a variety of derby balls, the barnstable/brown part with all the celebrities is this week, etc, etc. this wednesday my office will all go over to my boss' house in the afternoon to stand on his deck and watch 'the great steamboat race' go by.

derby itself is on saturday, so we're off friday. office closed.

Apr 28, 08 4:25 pm  · 

and techno, i'd put our louisville mojito (only from the restaurant/bar called 'seviche', a misspelling which annoys me) up against most any i've had anywhere, including on a variety of islands. they do the traditional mint one but also a wicked basil mojito.

Apr 28, 08 4:27 pm  · 

- you need to see if you can't get a long layover in Cinci. We have a major Delta hub, you know. Maybe LB, SW and Vado would all come to have a drink with us while you wait for your plane :o)

SH - Damn that would be awesome if the whole state got off for Derby week. Then I'd have off too.

Apr 28, 08 4:30 pm  · 
Sarah Hamilton

Tuna, can you explain your geography, please?

Apr 28, 08 4:45 pm  · 

tuna's just up the road in sin-sin-ati. lb, vado, and i are all about 1.5hrs away.

Apr 28, 08 5:14 pm  · 
Sarah Hamilton

Well, I got that, I was just wondering how she would get off if Kentucky got off for Derby days.

Hey, is your grass really blue?

Apr 28, 08 5:37 pm  · 

tuna's office (my old office) is in the south side of Cincinnati, aka, Northern Kentucky. tuna lives across the river in Cincinnati proper.

@tuna....instead of explaining your geography you should explain your screen name's etymology. LOL. ;o)

Apr 28, 08 5:55 pm  · 

You don't smoke da blue grass do you?

Apr 28, 08 8:08 pm  · 

- ROLF!!!!!!!!!!!

SH - And contrary to popular belief in this here parts you do not need a passport or a work visa to cross the river.

Gotta love the Tri-State area (well not really).

Apr 28, 08 8:46 pm  · 

- ROLF!!!!!!!!!!!

SH - And contrary to popular belief in this here parts you do not need a passport or a work visa to cross the river.

Gotta love the Tri-State area (well not really).

Apr 28, 08 8:46 pm  · 

Oops sorry for the double post... no the grass really isn't blue, but it would be cool if it were.

Apr 28, 08 8:47 pm  · 

Oh and DubK I'm rather dyslexic this evening... I meant ROFL!!!!

Apr 28, 08 8:49 pm  · 

I just figured...the blue grass gave the horses a kick in the I was wondering if the jockey's smoked it..

Apr 28, 08 9:44 pm  · 

out in bluegrass country (central kentucky)
just as the sun's coming up above the trees
on spring or fall mornings,
when the fog is still low
and the dew isn't gone yet,
when viewed across a large expanse of the landscape
(like a horse farm),

bluegrass does, in fact, appear blue.

it's really very beautiful.

but most of the time it just looks like grass.

two environmental notes:

1. 'the bluegrass', as a cultural landscape, meaning the open landscape itself and the culture that has grown up around it (think horses, music, food, bourbon, etc) was recently on the world monuments fund's endangered list. it's also the subject of an exhibit and a recent conference 'the disappearing bluegrass'. it's been eaten up by house farms and strip development.

2. because of changes in the regional climate, bluegrass itself actually doesn't fare well here anymore anyway. it's used to less extreme swings in temperature than our region has been having in the recent decades and it's finding other places to thrive.

Apr 29, 08 7:33 am  · 

Awww Steven - I didn't know that about the bluegrass. That actually makes me quite sad to hear it isn't fairing so well in the Bluegrass State. It also makes me sad to learn that the culture of central KY is also an endangered animal. For all the friendly rivalry we folks in SW OH and NKY have, I actually like our southern neighbors, especially those in horse country and Louisville.

Apr 29, 08 8:21 am  · 

It does seem rather poignant that the namesake of the state is loosing out to ex/sub urban development and changing local climate...
Perhaps someone should do a movie titled "Where has Bluegrass gone?"

Apr 29, 08 8:24 am  · 

Steve it is sorta like Connecticut being the NutMeg State.....been no Nutmeg ever grown in this State...and I have never figured out why they call it the Nutmeg State.

Apr 29, 08 9:09 am  · 

I'm mapping this out

Texas - Sarah, RFuller
California - Wonder K, Tumbleweed
Seattle - Rationalist and maybe Mdler
Cincinnati - Tunamelt, Steven Ward, Liberty Bell, Vado

seems easy enough

Apr 29, 08 9:49 am  · 

I am jealous...I have been wanting to do a road trip for a couple of years. Basically since i finished my MA. Especially now with gas prices, i can't imagine it happening anytime soon.

Apr 29, 08 9:59 am  · 

are really going to visit some archinectors?
thatd be cool if you went to some archinectors
on ur side (im in the east) and took pictures
and posted them

im going on a road trip in june
va - hampton to tx - san antonio
it gonna rock (my wallet).

Apr 29, 08 10:11 am  · 

philarct, i think i'm between hampton and san antonio - at least if you take I64 west. lb may be around here then, too.

Apr 29, 08 10:16 am  · 

nam come with me? I'm thinking if they give me two weeks vacation I'm going to do it. Tired of wanting to do things and having WORK or my relationship being the reason I can't.

The whole reason for the trip, aside from meeting all those cool archinectors, is to help my bff move to Cleveland. She just finished med school in Poland, and since I can't be with her for her graduation I thought I'd help her move.

Philarct I'll be taking photos with all the archinectors I meet. And I'll be wearing a host of archinect shirts as well

Apr 29, 08 10:22 am  · 

i've been MIA lately... between finishing thesis and moving, it's just been hectic to say the least. i've been reading TC sporadically though, and i know rationalist was talking about being obsessive with her thesis... and that is COMPLETELY okay, in fact it's great... that's how it's supposed to be. and when you're really in the flow, you will start finding everything falling into place.

while on the topic of thesis... i have just finished the final iteration of my thesis statement. i'm a little nervous to post it on here though... as without the background and explanation, i know i will be bombarded with questions- but if you saw the logical flow of the entire work, it would make sense.

oh well... back to rendering, diagramming, and setting up the final presentation.

have a good week everyone!

Apr 29, 08 10:35 am  · 

ive always wanted to meet a fellow archinector
and as a matter of fact i will be on I64 west,

thats a hot shirt, i think since archinect doesnt have
any, im gonna make the baddest stencil (baddest as in coolest)
of "architecture suck" put it on a t-shirt and make everyone
jealous. i put architecture sucks in one of my bulletins
on myspace, and my friends were like "phil i thought architecture
was ur love! what are you going to do!"
haha infidels
architecture is forever!
pb & j for lunch today

Apr 29, 08 10:39 am  · 

Atechno - Actually this is how it works

LB and vado - Indianapolis, Indiana-stan

SW - Louisville, Kentuckty-stan

Me - Cincinnati, Ohio-stan

The four of us though live within rougly 1.5 hours from each other. Think of the points of a triangle. That's us.

Cleveland is only about 4.5 hours NE from the 'Nati. So hurry yourself up and get here ;o)

Apr 29, 08 10:41 am  · 

woohoo tachno, I didn't realize I was special enough to merit a stop on your US tour!

+i, good to know the obsession ca have a positive result! I'd be happy to see your thesis stuff.

Apr 29, 08 11:17 am  · 

Ha ha ha, architechno.....I love that you write "California, Texas, Seattle, Cincinnati.....seems easy enough" LOL. It's a big country, my dear! However, depending on your timing I could maybe ride with you to Seattle if you did come to LA first. If you'd want the company :o)

Apr 29, 08 11:53 am  · 
Sarah Hamilton

Seems to me, it would make more sense to start in seatle, and just do a GIANT 'U' shape through LA and Texas to get to Cleveland. Unfortuantely, RF and I are a good 6-8 hours apart - I think, but theres nothing in Lubbock but RF and dust, so maybe you don't want to stop there, Techno. Although, I've always wanted to see the Palo Duro Canyon.....

Apr 29, 08 12:17 pm  · 

Cool Photo-

SH- Where in Texas are you? Too bad DubK and I didn't stop to visit on our way out west. That would have been fun.

Apr 29, 08 12:42 pm  · 
Wonder K

, having your company is reason enough to make this trip! Sarah I remember Texas being a big place, it took almost a day to drive from Houston to Austin and its firmly routed in my mind, but that's what I want. A little open space, and an opportunity to formally meet people that I already love!

And thanks everyone for your support. The last couple weeks have been rough and I never really spoke about what it was. But thank you. And where the hell is Vado, this archinect black hole is sucking up everyone, I'm even craving the return of Evangelical Bunny

Apr 29, 08 12:48 pm  · 

texas is big...
so where exactly is everybody?

lb and vado are in Indiana
sw is in louisville
tuna in the 'nati
techno where are you located?
anyone else on the archiroadtripmap?
im in hampton

Apr 29, 08 1:34 pm  · 

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