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OMG, that picture and then tuna talking about her gyro....I've already sworn off cow and now I think I'll never eat lamb or veal again either. That's horrible. It's so cute. Just horrible. It's just a baby.

I had another terrifying dream about my cat running away again last night where I woke up crying. I think it had something to do with seeing this video on yesterday, not sure. In any case I seem to be veering more and more towards the whole "animals are cute and should not be eaten" philosophy.

Except for pigs. Pigs are so yummy.

Apr 24, 08 3:16 pm  · 

tuna don't be embarassed at all - I think you used the word correctly. I just had to search for what the word meant. Not too bright today. But I'm leaving work early today. Yippeee!!

Sarah...its just a type of skin condition that typically leaves (near) permanent marks on the skin after injury or abrasion

Apr 24, 08 3:20 pm  · 
liberty bell

All baby animals are cute. Lamb is tasty. Veal I can do without, but I miss the (pastured) veal bacon I used to get from my friendly organic farmer, and I've never eaten a suckling pig.

Sarah, you are stronger than I - I wept when Angus got his first shots. He did too, but not as bad as I did.

I used glass to heat my water in the microwave - I researched the whole "plastic int he microwave will kill you" theory when I had Angus using plastic bottles and decided to avoid plastic in the microwave. Even though I hate those scary chain emails, I still feel better using glass or ceramic.

DubK, I used to eat ramen - not cuponoodles, but various unreadable ramens from the Asian grocery - but I alsways threw in a handful of fresh broccoli and carrots to make it feel healthier.

Real ramen, like in Eat Drink Man Woman, is something I have always wanted to try.

My day has progressed from crappy (see above snarky email exhanges with cabinet contractors) to pretty dang good. Hope everyone else is having fun.

Apr 24, 08 3:29 pm  · 
Sarah Hamilton

What, exactly is veal bacon? I'm a bit confused. Is it just a thin slice of fatty beef?

Apr 24, 08 4:01 pm  · 

What kind of people steal things, anyway? Like what kind of a person thinks "hey, I'd like some bike lights but I'm a terrible person and I'm going to take them from someone instead of buying them myself?" Better yet, what kind of half-wit steals a giant cutting mat off of my desk....the really huge kind, that aren't exactly easy to hide.....especially when it has my name in giant black Sharpie on the back? I don't consider myself to be a violent person but if I found this person, alone, with my cutting mat, it would be worth the $60 I paid for it to beat the sh*t out of them for about 30 seconds.

Apr 24, 08 5:07 pm  · 

what's up with the thread pairing? There's the $200K pair, the general notes pair.... weird parallelisms in the world no doubt.

TK- it just started snowing here, calling for 1-2" overnight and we were just starting to see the ground again in spots.

Tell me more about VEAL BACON! I've always thought that baby animals tasted better, then I had this salmon roe/ quail egg piece at the sushi bar.... best combination of unborn things ever!

Apr 24, 08 5:14 pm  · 

WK- I hope you find them and the beating gets caught on film and you share with all of us. My bike got 'borrowed' 3 times this winter, and I was reminded that we still hang bike thieves in Colorado!

Apr 24, 08 5:17 pm  · 
Sarah Hamilton

At least you got it back, FRO.

Apr 24, 08 5:34 pm  · 

That sucks, DubK! Lets hope someone just borrowed it inconsiderately.

I am already feeling some intense thesis pull here. I'm blowing off work for other classes because I'd rather research my thesis. I look up stuff about the topic online while watching movies with my housemates. I get super excited at any mention of it. I think this is becoming some sort of obsession, and it worries me that either I'll totally burn out on it before it finishes because I'm letting it get too intense too soon, or that the obsession will just get worse and worse until nobody can stand to be around me and I fail all my other classes.

Apr 24, 08 6:02 pm  · 

rationalist thats kinda scary
hopefully it doesnt get that far
do you have time to do anyhting else?

Apr 24, 08 6:50 pm  · 

Rationalist - I agree with Philarct. Either of those thoughts aren't good. Hope you find a balance soon.

DubK - If it's a $60 cutting board I think/when you find the person you should at least beat them for a minute. 1 second for every dollar it's worth ;o)

Re: bike stealing - my roommate in college got her bike stolen from our front porch. It was locked up but apparently the culprit was able to figure out how to remove the metal railing (kid you not) that ran between the brick supports. Left the whole rail there thrown on the ground. To this day I still can't figure out how it was done b/c the railing wasn't sawed. FRO - glad to hear you got it back. Where did you find it. Sorry to hear its snowing some more. I like the stuff but that's ridiculous.

Re: lamb - funny thing is I only like it in gyros. It's too fatty any other time, and I've never liked the take of veal. Yeah, I don't get it either.

Apr 24, 08 7:08 pm  · 

well now you have good reason to come to tokyo LB.

ramen in shops is totally different from the packaged stuff. like making your own burgers and eating a freexe dried one, but more so.

hope you recover your cutting mat wonderK. that seriously sucks....

i'm a fake vegetarian and only eat fish and chicken...but not because of the cuteness factor (i somehow don't mind that humans eat cute things). may be some weird hormone thing but when i turned 30 meat just started to taste gods awful to me...and then BSE came out and i learned about no more red meat. chicken and fish are also bad but i don't have stamina to go vegan...

of course since my family back home until recently kept a few hundred head of cattle as well as doing the grains thing, i am considered a mutant of ill repute...but thats ok.

Apr 24, 08 7:21 pm  · 

i thought this might work well here too....

and this from my favorite rocker Nick Cave in the May/June 2008 issue of Radar - when talking about Brighton...

[i]"...And now they're putting double Frank Gehry tower blocks smack in the middle of it. Gehry's a fucking criminal. He needs to be taken somewhere and shot."[/]

Bitch slapped with the Red Right Hand.

Apr 24, 08 7:49 pm  · 

Oh dear God - did I really see this thread?

Apr 24, 08 10:28 pm  · 
Sarah Hamilton

Well, at least maybe it will keep them all contained.

Apr 25, 08 6:58 am  · 
brian buchalski

i'm still alive

Apr 25, 08 8:04 am  · 

ive done it

i learned how to play minesweeper
and beat on expert, this is such an
accomplishment. Ive been trying to
beat it for a week now, constantly
trying to recognize patterns and
the common strategies of the game.
and yesterday evening i did it.

happy friday!

Apr 25, 08 9:46 am  · 
Sarah Hamilton

Wow, you really are a master at procrastination - that, or you have nothing to do, in which I envy you Phil.

Apr 25, 08 9:57 am  · 

thank goodness the 2008 applicants are fading back into the ether. I'm sick and tired of the same whiny/indecisive _____ versus _____ threads every year. Maybe the 2009 applicants will get the hint.

Apr 25, 08 9:59 am  · 

im afraid my procrastination days are over, its time for me
to grow up.
the minesweeper is the result of internet failure at work,
which is partly dream come true and partly in-escapable
its a shame how much we(I) depend on computers

Apr 25, 08 10:07 am  · 
Sarah Hamilton

Awe, we usually dead file in times like that. My first three days on the job were filled with dead-filing because of a strange power-outage.

Apr 25, 08 10:45 am  · 

me too.

too much work/distraction to properly contribute to TC - if you can call what I do meaningful. My ears burn, my head aches, my heart too, need a cigarette; yeah I know like red meat, fish, drinking, breathing its bad for you but somehow makes the shit of the moment not seem so overwhelming.

I bought a new mouse...its wireless. I'm glad I did - it was frustrating me having to do everything with my finger. And it somehow well felt dirty. I don't know if anyone else feels this. Like using the scrolly thing on the laptop has a strange pseudo sexual look to it.

Anyway. continue I'll be back

Apr 25, 08 12:02 pm  · 

techno - theres nothing like new office supllies/software

Apr 25, 08 4:14 pm  · 

I love my wireless mice....and my rechargeable batteries. I also was given a logitec- keyboard for Christmas...and I also love it..along with my larger than life monitor screen.

Apr 25, 08 6:18 pm  · 

lol architechno.

i don't get that feeling, personally, but then it may have something to do with the way i use my north arrow...

my mouse is wireless too. been wireless everything (mouse, printer, backup HD) since the early it. probably going to give me cancer cuz nothing that is convenient is allowed to be all good in our kharmically balanced universe...

Apr 25, 08 7:58 pm  · 
brian buchalski

moose are bad for the environment? go figure

Apr 26, 08 11:15 am  · 
brian buchalski

yo it just me or is this thread just whack?

Apr 26, 08 11:45 am  · 

very whack - so I responded for you . We are making sushi tonight and some coconut shrimp you coming over puddles?

Apr 26, 08 6:46 pm  · 

i went to an Art Crawl saw This

and somewhat embarrassedly thought of This

and think i either made the architect uncomfortable or annoyed.

Apr 27, 08 11:38 am  · 
This one not the first one
Apr 27, 08 11:40 am  · 

for Wonder K... this was the re-vamped arrangement a week after the flowers were delivered.

Apr 27, 08 6:37 pm  · 

and homemade sushi

Apr 27, 08 7:10 pm  · 

Nice flowers. I had some similar this evening.

Apr 27, 08 9:14 pm  · 

We have blooming tulips in our front yard!

Apr 27, 08 9:17 pm  · 
liberty bell

Another freakin 1am night of work. At last I had a fun weekend up until Sunday at 9!

Yesterday I had my new summer drink:

-2 slices each lime and peeled cucumber - muddle in the bottom of a glass

-1/4 cup gin

-1 T. simple syrup (sugar water)

-pinch of sea salt

serve over crushed ice


I'm enjoying the state of drawing thread even though I have nothing to add except to complain that we aren't really addressing Steven's topic. Maybe I'll go do that.

Apr 28, 08 1:08 am  · 

lb, i think the topic may have been a little TOO specific. if you've been around for a while, you've had the hand/digital argument before. i was attempting to get at something a little different, as you understood.

but there are a bunch of people who haven't plumbed the depths of the hand/digital argument yet. it's always pretty interesting to see what's said and if there is anything new. as i noted in the thread somewhere, i don't think that argument has answers, only positions. dlb's take is getting pretty interesting, anyway.

Apr 28, 08 7:02 am  · 

i think maybe it is still too soon to have a real perspective, steven. give it another decade or two and ask again. personally by then i am hoping computer interface will be all johnny mnemonic-y...

Apr 28, 08 7:21 am  · 
liberty bell

Me too, jump. And robots will build it all, and since they have no feelings, if they mess up I won't feel guilty telling them to tear it down and redo it!

I'm having strawberry shortcake with vvanilla haagen das for breakfast. Hello, Monday!

Apr 28, 08 7:31 am  · 

Both that drink and desert/for breakfast sound delish.
I personally love cuc, syrup and gin.
At least your not having that drink for breakfast!

Apr 28, 08 7:58 am  · 
brian buchalski

is there anything worst than waking up on a monday morning hungover & sunburnt?...yuck

Apr 28, 08 8:47 am  · 

this mornig i made a McPhil for breakfast

fried turkey and ham deli meat
fried egg
but two peices of wheat bread
just a little seasoned salt on the egg
construct the sandwhich
voila - the cure for the common monday

Apr 28, 08 9:19 am  · 

my desk is an icicle this morning. there are snow flurries outside and a frigid draft from my lovely window. not the weather I expected in april.

I planted more strawberries yesterday and they seem to be weathering the cold ok. the lettuce and peas planted 10 days ago have sprouted - soon I'll be able to tell them apart from the weeds. I'm going to try using a living mulch of clover this summer.

oh, my breakfast was a cup of french press free trade organic medium roast, and a peanut butter-n-raspberry jelly on fresh baked mult-grain bread. I have to blame my former roomie in billyburg for getting me into pbj for breakfast.

Apr 28, 08 10:46 am  · 

my third year of that weather in april is what chased me out of mpls, tk. it's what made me realize that, ultimately, i'm a southerner.

like prince sings: sometimes it snows in april

Apr 28, 08 10:53 am  · 


I use to (when in school) and still occasionally still do eat the hell out of some pbj toast for breakfast. I just can't eat it in sandwhich form as then it doesn't feel like breakfast!

Apr 28, 08 10:53 am  · 

steve- it was the three weeks of -20 degrees that sealed our exodus plans. this april snow is just affirming that our blood is too thin for the boreal forrests of minnesota. california made us soft.

Apr 28, 08 11:00 am  · 
liberty bell

In grad school my standard breakfast was PBJ on toast and espresso.

Now I'm hungry for lunch. I spent yesterday partially demolishing my screen porch. It reminded me, yet again, that demolition work is completely awful. It's physically exhausting, potentially tetanus-ridden, and full of mold and 50 year old dust. Ugh. My nightmare job would be being a demo contractor.

nam, I only drink alcohol at breakfast when I'm having some kind of celebratory brunch. Unlike puddles, in my life this rarely happens.

Apr 28, 08 11:13 am  · 


i kid, i kid...wussies. }:]x

Apr 28, 08 11:17 am  · 

i had two mint juleps at brunch yesterday. at a business event no less. hey, IT'S DERBY TIME!

Apr 28, 08 11:19 am  · 

my da used to have irish coffee on special occassions...there seemed to be quite a few of those now i think of it...i joined in a toast to him the morning after his funeral with all his mates...i very nearly died from the shock of the alcohol...his buddies were all still drunk from the night before and barely noticed the lack of coffee in the irish coffee....but boy was i ever awake after that.

so i am going to conference in liverpool in a month and finally got round to booking hotel and all that shite...bloody hell but i seriously hate doing this wonder i put it off for so long. 1 month in advance is of course by way of being a wee bit too late really, but oh well...i look forward to a day when i will have a secretary and other flunkees to do this for me. either that or a johnny mnemonic-y gui for my computer that makes it painless.

Apr 28, 08 11:27 am  · 

in grad school and sometime after my breakfast was limited to a piece of toast and half black coffee half tia maria...this was normally enjoyed on the balcony of the school building with a fag in hand. Gawd those were healthy days. Granted now I rarely have breakfast unless I really have time to.

Apr 28, 08 11:33 am  · 

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