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Sarah Hamilton

LB, I guess it would depend on how far back you want to take your energy usage for that cup of hot water.

I mean, if you use the microwave, then you have to use the tap and all the energy it takes to get the water from its source, through cleaning, and to your home, plus all the energy used by the water company employees - lights, paper, ect- to get that water to you, and THEN the energy to use the microwave, not to mention make the microwave, and trasnport to get that microwave to your house, the electricity to your house, ect....I think you get the point.

If you just run the water until it gets hot, then you have the wasted water, but you are also using electricty, or gas, to heat that water, and all the above energy of creating the water.

Well, at least the second paragraph is shorter.

Have I gone too far? At what point have you used something enough to even, or surpase the embodied energy of the product so that it cancels out?

Apr 23, 08 8:49 am  · 

humans are just not good for the environment. nothing is, in the end...personally i am still hoping we will have a run as long as the dinosaurs got...but still need a few tens of millions of years to catch up...yeesh.

we have source heaters for our taps. gas turns on same time as tap turns on. perfect. wonder if gas is better at home or is it the nuclear power driven energy for the microwave that is better ? probably the real question is what is the glass made of or someting completely out of the blue...

that is very fast sarah! my wife was quick for both kids, but i can't recall if she was THAT fast or not. well done.

Apr 23, 08 9:22 am  · 
Sarah Hamilton

Well, to temper my statement yesterday...

I cannot yet fit into my old shirts - mostly because of the new jugs, and I do still a bit of a gut, but.... My old pants all fit, and my butt looks good, if I do say so myself. And that is alwasys a selfesteem builder.

Apr 23, 08 9:59 am  · 

lb- microwave the cup o' steamy aqua. I just wonder why we don't have microwave water heaters since the magnetron is much more efficient then resistant elements normally used in electric heating.... the instant/tankless water heaters are more efficient because there is no line loss or tank loss of heat between uses.

rfuller- hope you enjoy eating squirrel, since they will get most of your pecans;-) congrats on planting the tree, hope it thrives.

didn't the dinosaurs rule for 150 million years? we got a long way to go, though our current impact will last that long in terms of renewing depleted fossil fuels and other resources... our dumps and cities are the mines of the future.

Apr 23, 08 10:05 am  · 
liberty bell

BTW, congrats on the weight loss, Sarah! This is one great thing about having kids young: younger bodies bounce back faster. I'm sure your butt looks fantastic, and the bountiful breasts above it probably make your husband very happy!

But you're also expending a ton of energy and burning calories by working full time AND being a mom - don't tire yourself out too much! If your old clothes get too small you need to rest and eat a little. Keep yourself healthy, that's what is important.

jump, I regret that when we redid our house we didn't spring for the new demand hot water heater - the old one had just been replaced, but it's a less-efficient tank type.

Apr 23, 08 10:07 am  · 
Sarah Hamilton

So, see... We SHOULD increase our dumping and wastefulnes, it will sustain the lives of the future! Down with all this recycling, you're stealing resources away from your great^(10th power) grand-children!

Apr 23, 08 10:09 am  · 

sarah- yeah, but the great^5th grand-kids will have nothing. So do you help the next few generations or the far distant generations (if we survive as a species) is the moral dilemma we all face.

Apr 23, 08 10:31 am  · 

so the AIA Earth Day email i got was patently absurd, and we go around claiming to walk the walk? how can we walk the walk when we implore members to BUY books on sustainability? why aren't these downloadable pdf's?


Apr 23, 08 10:41 am  · 

hi everyone - I'm still here.

Its hot today about 34%%d (I wish those autocad symbols worked on here). I'm dripping wet. Anyhow I just went to the newly opened market bought some tomatoes, squash, zucchinis, and papaya (pawpaws)

Also it turns out a good friend of mine who works in a materials testing lab injured himself on the job. He is in a sling with a piece of metal firmly lodged in his forearm.

Oh by the way. So's mum is great - fantastic even we get along well. And her company is really appreciated since this weekend. More on that later.

Apr 23, 08 12:27 pm  · 

cheers to Sarah bounty...butt, jugs, and revived figure to fit in the jeans. I'm glad you are enjoying motherhood and you sound in such amazing spirits. Hurray for positive spirits.

Apr 23, 08 12:31 pm  · 

I always wondered what pawpaws were.
Is it really just a term for papayas?

Learn something new everyday i guess.

Apr 23, 08 1:05 pm  · 

tasted like bannanas and looked like papayas and that's why they're called 'custard apples'.

ah, in the Caribbean, papayas are called pawpaws just to confuse things.

Apr 23, 08 1:15 pm  · 

I've been promoted to answering phones today. the entire admin staff is out or in meetings...

Apr 23, 08 1:40 pm  · 
Sarah Hamilton

TK, our receptionist sings the company name when answering phones. Ex: Good MORNing, K. huBERT & ra-OODDD Very strange.

Apr 23, 08 2:02 pm  · 

hmmm I just custard apples at the market too...nice stuff, but makes a huge mess if it catches your clothes. Turns the affected area dark brown and sticky.

Apr 23, 08 2:35 pm  · 
brian buchalski

heating water in the microwave sounds moredangerous than running the tap

Apr 23, 08 3:36 pm  · 
Sarah Hamilton


Apr 23, 08 3:36 pm  · 
Sarah Hamilton

Puddles, theres also that experiment a grade schooler did with microwaved water and plants. All the plants that got regular water, heated and then cooled on the stove thrived, the plants that got microwaved, and then cooled water ----DIED.

Apr 23, 08 3:45 pm  · 

sarah- what sort of container was the water heated in? if it was polycarbonate, then the heating released PBAs. other plastics have other nasty stuff that comes out when heated. I doubt a school kid was allowed to use real glass for the experiment.

Apr 23, 08 4:55 pm  · 
Sarah Hamilton

Why couldnt she have used glass? I don't remember what she used. Let me see if I can find it....

Apr 23, 08 5:07 pm  · 
Sarah Hamilton
yes, she did use plastic

but its still interesting.

LB, what were YOU going to heat your water in?

Apr 23, 08 5:10 pm  · 

Today my coworkers and I had our yearly team building retreat. We spent all day at Whole Foods taking cooking classes.

Now, it's back to the grind.

Apr 23, 08 6:28 pm  · 

So I guess that maybe I should avoid eating Cup O Noodles from now on, huh. My head kind of feels like that wilted plant looks....

Apr 23, 08 7:31 pm  · 


that shit is so bad for you....too much sodium

Apr 23, 08 7:48 pm  · 

There are like a million flowering trees in full bloom right outside my door. The evening air smells so good. Ahhhhhhh!!!!!

Apr 23, 08 9:23 pm  · 

Umm, yeah... so one of the houses behind caught fire about 1/2 hour ago. I've never seen anything go up so fast. One minute nothing and the next it was in total flames. It even jumped to the house next to it too. Fortunately only minimal damage was caused. I counted four ladder trucks and probably between 10 and 15 trucks total. Can still hear them breaking windows and using a crowbar to make sure there's nothing left in the walls.
Whew!!! What an end to a lazy Spring evening...

Apr 23, 08 10:39 pm  · 

hungry? cupanoodle!

would never eat that stuff in a million years. it is insane that japanese buy it when ramen shops are more ubiquitous than macdonalds...we have amazingly tasty place behind the train station that is just awesome.

yesterday wife brought home prepared chicken dish from supermarket to save time. lookd good but wasnt. we decided we have all been spoiled cuz we have not eaten junk food since kids were born and had luxury of wife (and sometimes me) cooking everything from scratch. our microwave seldom gets used. anyway we decided well just keep on cooking our own dinners cuz that prepared stuff is just rubbish...

LB, the tankless heater is standard in japan, at least for residential use. it is so nice to design a house and not need to worry about a space for tanks and so is certianly convenient when space is premium, but i think it is result of japan at national level deciding to promote their use. oil use levels are still at 1972 level in japan, same as UK. that was accomplished by going nuclear and importing more nat. gas to compensate...and otherwise encouraging people to not be energy hogs. apparently japan typical house uses 1/7th what american home does, just from accumulation of small things like that...still way too much in env. terms, but is a start...

Apr 23, 08 10:40 pm  · 

best way to heat water is with the sun or magma. first one needs a big storage tank, the other sometimes needs a pump and hot rocks near the surface. either way, minimal energy and lots of hot water...

good ramen is rare in the US, even in LA.

Apr 23, 08 10:53 pm  · 

Tunamelt, you remind me : I wish I still lived in a city full of magnolias.

I've always wondered about pawpaws, awesome! also, techno said jugs, ha ha.

Beta--here's something worse that I've been mulling writing a letter over : a few days ago I received in my mailbox a thick catalogue from Design Within Reach, showcasing all of their green products.

A) I have never bought a single thing at a Design With(out) Reach store, nor do I go on their website, nor have I ever given them a shred of information in any way in my life. Which can mean only one thing: they got my address from my sole magazine subscription, DWELL.

B) Also, my office got a copy as well, so I HAD ALREADY FLIPPED THROUGH IT ANYWAY.

Can you see the 10 million things wrong with this situation?!?!?!?! It's been driving me crazy!!!

If you're so concerned about the environment, DON'T SEND ME YOUR 200 PAGES OF CRAP UNSOLICITED. In fact, DON'T EVEN SEND IT AT ALL. Send a postcard directing us to your website if you must. And that goes about quadruple for you selling my name off, Dwell.


Apr 23, 08 11:18 pm  · 

ok tunamelt I read that before reading about the fire. eek! so creepy that you posted about how the night smelled so good, just before...

Apr 23, 08 11:20 pm  · 

I love Tc...
It is late. I read the postings and it is;
Ramen, PBAs, Anti-Dwell and alternative heating design.

Apr 24, 08 1:26 am  · 

I know Cup O Noodles is bad for me. I try to think that I eat healthily otherwise.....but those damn cups are 3 for a dollar. So I get 3 and I only spend....a dollar. That's pretty damn cheap, especially with the cost of food going up....

Apr 24, 08 2:48 am  · 

Mantaray- you're not kidding it was literally 10 mins after I posted that that I head all this commotion outside. Thought it was people arguing so I disregarded it. Then I heard the sirens... a lot of them. Then I saw my neighbors across the street standing outside on their balcony. Then I walked out the backdoor and stepped out onto my deck. Saw a flame or two flicker out the second floor window and then the whole 2nd floor seemed to burst out in flame. Holy Moly!!!!

I almost ran outside without my shoes That one's for you DubK ;oD. Totally surreal. Still haven't figured out what happened. Once the fire looked as though it was out and I found out everyone was safe I went back inside to try to settle in for the evening. This evening I'll probably saunter over to see just how bad it was. Didn't get a good luck while driving to work.

Apr 24, 08 8:27 am  · 
Sarah Hamilton

Well, today is first round of shots. I'm INCREDIBLY nervous - I hope Abram doesn't sense it. Deep Breath. Stay Calm. Shots are fun!

Hope everyone has a great morning!

Apr 24, 08 8:49 am  · 

Good luck!

Apr 24, 08 9:03 am  · 

good luck abram.

darn office janitor trashed my compost bin (a half gallon plastic ice cream container with coffee grounds). oh well, I'll just start another one and not keep it next to the trash can on the floor under my desk.

and the weather forecast says SNOW friday evening!!

Apr 24, 08 9:47 am  · 

Snow. Isn't it almost May?

Apr 24, 08 11:06 am  · 

yeah its almost may, but I'm in the north country even with global warming.

Apr 24, 08 11:13 am  · 
Sarah Hamilton

Abram passed, and so did I. He only cried for 30 secs, maybe, and I didn't cry once. Almost did, but I was tough.

Apr 24, 08 11:19 am  · 

That sucks Treekiller... on both accounts. Perhaps you should write in big bold letters, "DO NOT THROW AWAY!!" That seems to work in out office.

It's supposed to get up to 80 degrees here today. I'm sure many people might be thrilled, but I'm not pleased, it's just too hot for this time of year. Gotta love that Global Warming :o/

Good luck Sarah and Abram. I empathize greatly.

Apr 24, 08 11:23 am  · 
liberty bell
There is no way to fit four drawers in a 24" tall cabinet base. I thought as an architect you would know this.

And I thought as a cabinet vendor you would understand custom. Prick.

But I didn't respond that way because you know, at the end of the day, I'm still an architect, and he's still a cabinet vendor. His life is a lot suckier than mine!

Apr 24, 08 11:59 am  · 

Yippee!!! Lunch time! A new Greek restaurant just opened on the corner and its wonderful aromas having been wafting into our open windows all morning long, making me practically drool. Gotta run and get me a gyro.

Apr 24, 08 12:04 pm  · 

make sure that he gets the shots on his bum, I had keloid skin and was lucky enough not to get it on my arm (except last booster at 13) but I don't have a mark on my bicep where I was stabbed unlike 2/3 of the world.

Manatary I said jugs again. Also DWR hires a HUGE PR company with reps in every major city. They actually solict businesses trying to "meet" employees rather just the starting point to find your address and if you cool enough to appreciate period furniture. If you are registered or an AIA member - that's likely your source.

I'm feeling better today, I was able to communicate some of my issues yesterday and feel less like a bleach bomb waiting to explode. There's still alot there, and I suspect that until job|love|finances|house are resolved that they'll still be there on my head. Wish me luck.

Tunamelt - having already acknowledged my foot fetish previously on this and other threads, you mentioning walking out of the house barefooted ala Wonder K made me smile. Thanks (and how creepy is that!) so show them toes girls.

Apr 24, 08 12:17 pm  · 
vado retro

pleeeeeze don't eat me lady...pleeeeeeze

Apr 24, 08 1:01 pm  · 

OMG! I just had one of the best gyros I've ever had. Seriously... the tzatziki sauce was for lack of a better word; orgasmic. I think I might have been Greek/Mediterranean in one of my past lives.

Sarah - I'm so proud of you for being so brave. I would have lost it. I practically cry whenever I take one of my cats to the vet to get their shots and they're just cats. And whenever I see any living critter injured, I feel sick to my stomach. Damn, I'll probably have to get my husband to take the children to get this stuff done.

Atechno - Now I'm a little chagrined. I didn't know this about you. I'll have to make a conscious effort to remember this for when we meet. I hate wearing shoes and am constantly kicking them off. My co-worker just yesterday jokingly asked what was wrong b/c I was sitting at my desk with my shoes on (I don't wear them if I can help it)

Apr 24, 08 1:07 pm  · 

Audio Help /ʃəˈgrɪn/ Pronunciation Key - Show Spelled Pronunciation[shuh-grin] Pronunciation Key - Show IPA Pronunciation noun, verb, -grined or -grinned, -grin·ing or -grin·ning.
1. a feeling of vexation, marked by disappointment or humiliation.
–verb (used with object)
2. to vex by disappointment or humiliation: The rejection of his proposal chagrined him deeply.

Apr 24, 08 1:22 pm  · 
Sarah Hamilton

Well, maybe Tuna didnt mean to use Chagrinned, and what, Atechno, is Keloid skin? I guess I could Wiki or Google it, but who has time for that with all this Archinecting?

And they gave the shots in his thigh, with what I swear was an inch long needle! His thighs aren't even that thick, it mustve gone to the bone! But at least they did two of the three shots at the same time, so he only felt two sticks. Poor guy. I hope he's going to be ok now. Jenny McCarthy has me terrified. Damn McCarthys.

Apr 24, 08 2:40 pm  · 

Sorry Atechno, I've always thought that chagrined was synonymous with embarrassed. My bad. I blush easily. Please forgive :o)

Apr 24, 08 2:52 pm  · 

LOL!!! Vado. I didn't even notice the photo until just now. Man, that was some yummy lamb.

Apr 24, 08 2:54 pm  · 

i had authentic szechwanese food for lunch thank to the ordering prowess of my colleague who is graduating in a few weeks. Lunch was my treat. But Ill be paying for the chili pepper goodness later.

Apr 24, 08 3:14 pm  · 

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