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the awareness test was really good.
i blogged it for the students in the studio who have been slacking a little bit.

Mar 28, 08 1:13 am  · 

tk - Yes. You should make a trip down here some time. If you ever make it to texas I'll take you out to the lake house at PK or meet you at a Tailgate party and show you what Texas bbq is all about.

Mar 28, 08 1:29 am  · 

BTW, its such a big deal, my in-laws literally spent $30k on BBQ'ing last year. That number is so big, its not worth exagerating. I'll post pics of their rig tomorrow. Its unbelievable.

Mar 28, 08 1:33 am  · 

grant writing sucks my a**. at least she's finally done. now i can get on with posting projects all over the interwebs...

Mar 28, 08 4:17 am  · 

thanks LB. i think they were about to toss me in gitmo for threatening to blow up a few things i was so mad.
there was someone in a worse state than me- her flights had been canceled three times- and she missed her son's wedding!

people laugh... but there's nothing like NC bbq- i want it at my wedding reception!

Mar 28, 08 7:42 am  · 
liberty bell

Hahahaha +i I knew we were kindred souls! North Carolina bbq is simply the best - Lexington 'Q, in particular! 27292

My dad makes a nearly identical version of it in Oregon, but there's nothing like getting it in the real country. Yum.

Mar 28, 08 8:24 am  · 
liberty bell

PS let the TC BBQ wars begin now.

Mar 28, 08 8:25 am  · 

I ate the best bbq in my life a few weeks ago, and it was St Louis style. Was surprised and amazed.

re: fatburger... i actually can't stand those burgers! i prefer in-n-out or even carl's jr, which is the best fast food burger money can buy. (i don't count in-n-out as fast food although i guess it is... it just doesn't TASTE that way.)

Mar 28, 08 9:03 am  · 
brian buchalski

i'm still alive...

...but my head hurts...and i'm actually thinking about giving up drinking...but not until monday at the earliest

Mar 28, 08 9:14 am  · 
Sarah Hamilton

Texas BBQ is tasty, but it seems to be all about brisket and beef, and although it may be sacrilidge, I realy prefer pulled pork. Then again, I like my BBQ on a bun with LOTS of pickles, and maybe some cheese if I'm feeling snazzy. I also prefer my BBQ tangy to spicy, and Texas BBQ tends to be spicier than others - I guess it holds up better to the stronger flavours of beef.

I can say that it was a huge disapointment when I first went to school in Philly, and the campus had their first BBQ. Turned out it was hamburgers in hotdogs! I was pissed. So let it be known all you crazy Yankees and such...

BBQ IS A TYPE OF FOOD, and therefor having a BBQ requires you to actually HAVE BBQ. If you're cooking burgers and such, that is a cookout, or grilling. [/endsoapbox]

Oh, you always have to have Fried Okra when eating BBQ.

Mar 28, 08 9:25 am  · 

Sarah if you are ever in my neck of the woods I will take you to a BBQ joint that will blow your mind. Tangy pulled pork all the way. It made me close my eyes in rapture while eating. Mmm!

Mar 28, 08 9:33 am  · 

small rant...

It blows my mind how unbelieveably self-centered these grad school kids are. If I had to teach them their first year, I would shoot myself. A friend of mine who is doing her own grad research told me that some kids on this board believed that harvard and yale purposefully get together to collaborate on rejecting the same kids. How f'ing self-centered can you POSSIBLY be that you think the admissions team and portfolio reviewers at these schools have NOTHING better to do than to get together with each other--with another school hours away to discuss your puny little portfolio packet?! HONESTLY? Do you truly think they're just sitting around all day talking about you? Do you honestly think they have that much time and care that much about you?

For any grad school applicants reading this thread, let me break it to you: the admissions teams at these schools have full-time jobs & responsibilities outside our of their admissions activities. Some of them even hold a practice as well. They review hundreds of portfolios in a short amount of time. They look you over, they have an idea in mind of what they're looking for in the makeup of the freshman class, they sort you into piles and pass you on to the next person. They are squeezing this effort into hours between teaching classes, running a school, possibly running a practice, being with their families, etc. They put you into a pile and they move on. If you end up in the "maybe" pile you might get a second look and a short discussion. Give these poor toiling people a fucking break. Some of these portfolio reviewers really just do it out of dedication to the school--it's not like there is payback for it. Have some respect for these people and shut the fuck up. If you don't get in quit your whining and move on.

Mar 28, 08 9:53 am  · 

there ain't no 'que in minnesota - sigh...

I just like it all, low country, delta, texas, KC, whatever, if its good its good! My crowning achievement in grilling was helping to cook an entire hog over a pit - Hawaiian/carribean style with lime, chiles, tamarind and other goodness concocted by a legend of the '90's silverlake scene - RIP bruce, we miss you.

Mar 28, 08 10:02 am  · 

Oh MAN... pig roasts are the BEST EVER and something i truly miss from CA... man it is good to have mexican in-laws too, let me tell you... backyard parties with homemade tamales galore? i'm in!

Mar 28, 08 10:04 am  · 
Sarah Hamilton

wow. That was quite the rant, Manta. I would have to agree with you whole-heartedly, though.

Mar 28, 08 10:13 am  · 
Sarah Hamilton

oh, and Fuller, you have a cabin on Possum Kingdom? I've always wanted to go there - the lake that is.

Mar 28, 08 10:15 am  · 
brian buchalski

we used to have neighborhood pig roasts when i was growing up as a young child in michigan. i think that the old men would literally stay up all night cooking that thing in shifts...probably drinking too. it was a huge 2-3 day neighborhood party. games and prizes for children of all ages. i think we even had a modest fireworks show.

sadly the tradition stopped a long time ago. i believe there was some concern about liability issues and enough of the neighbors became spooked by the spectre of lawsuits in the litiginous american landscape that they declined participation. ah...the good old days

oh...and harvard and yale do conspire to keep students out of grad school. i'm pretty sure that i didn't get into yale because i called robert a. m. stern a mean name...and i'm sure that he told harvard about this too.

Mar 28, 08 10:27 am  · 

I was nice to RAMS, and I still didn't get into yale!

Mar 28, 08 10:32 am  · 
brian buchalski

on second thought...i don't think that i even applied to harvard...but i'm sure that they talked about me anyhow.

Mar 28, 08 10:44 am  · 
brian buchalski

in fact, harvard and yale are probably still talking about me. i'm definitely "the one that got away"

Mar 28, 08 10:46 am  · 
vado retro


Mar 28, 08 10:50 am  · 

i wonder who it was that decided
"you know what, im gonna gut that pig, cook it,
and eat it"
sounds pretty gruesome huh?
im still eating bacon though
lo siento babe

Mar 28, 08 11:44 am  · 

On my drive to work I heard a funny sound coming from the left side. Further along I felt it dragging me along corners. Dangerously so. I drove it to the garage immediately before heading to work.

The pull it down, and determine its my front end rack arm - but that they don't have the part locally. But that it was safe to drive nonetheless. With much doubt I attempted to drive to the office. At the last turn before work..."I was overtaken by my back left tyre!"

Mar 28, 08 11:52 am  · 
brian buchalski

yeah it must have been interesting in the old days when people were trying to figure out what to eat. i'm sure somebody must have lost some teeth by biting into a rock or a tree or something.

Mar 28, 08 11:52 am  · 

im sure it sucked to be the guy that
found out that this plant is poisonous, or
when you eat this uncooked meat you
suffer and then die.

To the guys that found out the hard way
Thanks, i really appreciate your sacrifice

Mar 28, 08 11:58 am  · 

TK - I do miss pit barbis on the beach. Dig a ditch, get some branches, spices, pig, cover, drink, wait, drink some more, a few hours later presto. Meat so succulent its falling off the bone. Now I'm salivating in the office.

But I must say, from my little jaunt in Texas - I love brisket! And if you come down this side you are expected to travel with at least 10lbs for me to enjoy. I will replenish such delivery with rum/pulled pork & beer

Mar 28, 08 12:03 pm  · 

oh my Mantaray... you must have HATED me last year! My sincere apologies. I do agree 99% with what you said, but I do still wish they kept in mind that this thing that to them is something they squeeze into five minutes between classes is something that is the applicant's whole world at that moment.

Mar 28, 08 12:14 pm  · 

we need a bbq thread. nice thing to dream about on this still frozen spring day....

Mar 28, 08 1:23 pm  · 

for all of those interessted, I marinated my meat last night in anticipation of Friday night grillin'

Mar 28, 08 1:34 pm  · 

hi tc!

i think architechno's story deserves a second look here... let's pay attention here:

"i was overtaken by my back left tire!"

ouch!- more details please!

also, not to speak for mantaray, who has proven he [or she? sorry] can be quite outspoken, but i think the annoying part is not the conmiseration thread, but the multiple additional threads that ask us to help someone decide on their particular choice of schools... those tend to be the most self-centered. rationalist you most definitely did not do that last year.

and to speak from the other side... when you're an international student, applying to the us for the first time [as i was a long time ago], doubtless you understand english, but sometimes it's like its a different language, archispeak, and all the websites are still intimidating and confusing and just not enough to get an idea. and travel is extremely expensive. so, not all of the times, but some of the times, these questions need a little slack.

but that's not what mantaray was talking about. i do agree the self-centered egocentric kids should breathe a little and try being less annoying.

Mar 28, 08 1:42 pm  · 

aml you did read correctly. My tyre came off, lugs and all, and roll passed me (I was going up hill mind you)

Mar 28, 08 2:12 pm  · 



Mar 28, 08 3:55 pm  · 

when you find out that you can eat every part of the pig but the squeal, you quickly learn why vegetarian is the way to go....pigs are dirty filthy creatures - even if they taste good.

meat is murder!

Mar 28, 08 4:07 pm  · 

i dont blame vegetarians... but in my past life i really liked bbq...

Mar 28, 08 4:20 pm  · 

OK, and now I'm definitely starting to get annoyed with the M.Arch "vs" threads... first off, most of the questions people are asking (to my eyes) have VERY obvious answers. To run down: SCI_Arc vs. Pomona, the answer is clearly SCI_Arc. UT vs. UW, probably UT (asker has in-state tuition). UIUC vs Columbia, take Columbia! Jesus people, I expect these things from undergrads, but grad students should have done enough research to have some sense of these things. I'm not even DOING an M.Arch and I could answer any of these "dilemmas" with ease for my preferences.

Sorry if I sound like a major bitch, but lordy I would've thought that graduate students knew where their preferences lay more clearly than this.

Mar 28, 08 5:29 pm  · 

we need a 'how to decide on grad schools' thread with answers to every permulation ever asked. a simple search for versus or vs will bring them up. sounds like a good weekend project for somebody with extra time (since I won't be at the office, I'm busy)!

we also need a 'rules of archinect' & a 'how to apply to grad school' feature.

Mar 28, 08 5:39 pm  · 

you don't sound bitchy, rationalist--- you sound realistic and it's what everyone is thinking in their heads anyways.
sometimes i wonder if a lot of them are posting just to sound self-fulfilled... like "oh my the horror- i got into harvard AND yale- whatever shall i do"...
stuff your t-square in your a$$ and call it a day- there are bigger things in life to worry about.

Mar 28, 08 5:46 pm  · 


i think it is a north american thing, the self-centred 20-somethings. we had/have it so easy growing up and are taught from the get go that its all about us...when confronted with the reality that in fact it ISN'T all about us we need help. and archinect is apparently a place to vent...i don't mind. mostly i don't read the yale and so on threads.

on saturday nights the teenage locals come on their bikes and scooters and sit on the swings in the park next to my flat. they are noisy, but aren't drinking, and leave by 11pm invariably. i am sorta ashamed cuz sometimes i turn into an old man and get the urge to tell the pups to shut the fucl up and go home...but my wife pointed out that they are just young and excited about being alive...she is right. youth may be wasted on the young, but i will try not to be too jealous...and to forgive a bit of the stupidity that goes along with it...

archi! crazy car story. hope all is fixable and no-one hurt...

bbq stories make me wish i was a meat eater.

Mar 28, 08 8:54 pm  · 

Chuckle....I posted in the Cooper Union thread...just because.

Matisse (my Dog) got got his acceptance letter....and low an behold someone emailed me asking me if my friend had gotten in....I have a real dilema, should I send him a picture of Matisse or should I keeping him guessing.... I guess a dog could be a friend. Think I will drink a couple more beers and think about this one. I surely wouldn't want to go f**King with some kids mind.

Mar 28, 08 9:56 pm  · 

nice bro..

Mar 28, 08 9:57 pm  · 

dont fuk with my mind

Mar 28, 08 9:58 pm  · 

gyo....I know your new to this thread....cause last year we all had our dogs working on their master degrees. I do truely think my dog might have as good of chance getting into Cooper Union as anyone applying based upon what was posted about the screwed up notification process for people which unfolded last year. Hope the best for you. I actually have a couple of friends have CU Diplomas
hanging on their walls.

Mar 28, 08 10:03 pm  · 
liberty bell

Hi everyone.

I had a fun day. Reviewed some Ball State grad students, then toured the enormous derelict industrial facility that is their site with them. Then a reception at an architect/graphic designer's new office space, then a quick visit to the exhibit for Manufacturing Material Effects symposium from last year (which I am still bitter that I missed due to a scheduled trip).

Then hit the road for three hours to come to Kentucky to interview students for the summer program.

jump, I am totally in agreement lately with your wife. These guys are kids, and excited about the world, and fearless, and need to be able to make dumb mistakes so they learn. I was just as self-centered and oblivious - moreso - when I was a youngster. Hopefully now I'm older I can help the fresh minds think bigger and more optimistically than they are already. I certainly enjoyed reviewing the kids' work today.

Sarah, I empathize with your annoyance over the Yankee misuse of the term "bbq". It's a cookout, or it's barbequed meat - those two things are not the same.

techno, I too want more details. What did your vehicle do when the tire (tyre - so cute!) rolled past, was it stopped dead, or still moving?!?

mantaray, lovely rant. Keep it around so next year when the "grad school applications 09 thread" appears you can toss it up there - in bold.

beta, check your email in about ten minutes.

Mar 28, 08 10:48 pm  · 

Happy Saturday TC!
After sleeping until noon today I think I'm finally feeling back to normal.

Anyway, last night I went out with a friend to a local gallery hop and on my way home, I saw four to five people riding scooters. Couldn't tell exaclt what they were, but I think at least one was a Vespa. They were alll were different colors. I loved it.

Mar 29, 08 4:54 pm  · 

assembling Ikea furniture makes me wonder why the spend soooo much money engineering simple connections, just to have the misaligned holes by 1mm and the entire thing won't go together!!! good thing I have drawers full of tools and a few quick swipes of a rasp is all that is needed to shave that pesky millimeter off. My acorn now has a pine dresser with hardboard back and drawer bottoms.

Mar 29, 08 6:05 pm  · 
Sarah Hamilton

Is it wrong that I call 'hard board' pressboard? Are they actually two different things, and if so, what is pressboard?

Mar 29, 08 6:27 pm  · 

sarah, its same thing in my book when I'm not writing specs and want 'tempered masonite' for something sexy and industrial...

Mar 29, 08 6:43 pm  · 

Hey TC, sorry, I just did a massive facebook add. If we're not friends on facebook yet, then the random guy adding you from Texas would be me. :)

And if, for some reason, I didn't add you, and we're not already friends, feel free to search Randall Fuller and add the one from Texas Tech.

Hope you guys have a great weekend.

Mar 29, 08 7:58 pm  · 

thanks for the heads up... I was indeed wondering who that random guy from texas was!

Mar 29, 08 9:17 pm  · 
Living in Gin
Mar 29, 08 11:22 pm  · 

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