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liberty bell
My old firm is hiring in their Santa Fe office.

An exceptional place to work. Wonderful people, work about which you can feel good.

Feb 25, 08 2:55 pm  · 


I accidentally left my keys in studio. I did not realize this until I was one block away from my house. So now I'm on the porch in the cold and near-dark, waiting for one of my housemates to come rescue me. Thank God I don't have any super-urgent work to do, that it's not raining out, and that the wireless connection works out here!

Feb 25, 08 8:54 pm  · 
some person

What happened to Lawson Bell?

Feb 25, 08 9:30 pm  · 
liberty bell

Moved on, by choice.

Feb 25, 08 9:40 pm  · 

because we all need a GOOD belly laugh...

Feb 25, 08 10:01 pm  · 
Feb 25, 08 10:01 pm  · 
liberty bell

OK, beta, that was hilarious, and moreso since I had seen the Sarah Silverman original.

Also, Chrissie Hynde?!? Anytime I can see her I get excited.

And no FedEx guy will ever be the same....

Feb 25, 08 10:20 pm  · 
some person

Matt Damon gets bumped every night at the end of Jimmy Kimmel Show? Now that's funny in a dry humor sort of way. I guess I find random things funnier than the main joke sometimes.

I also thought it was odd that Jimmy outright called Sarah his girlfriend. It seems like people say "boyfriend" or "girlfriend" less often these days; it's usually "I'm dating..." or "I'm seeing..."

I digress.

Feb 25, 08 10:28 pm  · 

oh, and if anyone can get a chance to see "Be Kind Rewind" you will not be disappointed, it's a little slow at the beginning, but it's quite funny and touching. plus it's got Jersey in it, so i get weepy for Jersey...

Feb 25, 08 11:06 pm  · 

We've been passing around the Ben Affleck video all's just so funny. It's like, "wait, there's Brad Pitt, ha ha.....oh look Don Cheadle, ha ha.....OMG!!! It's Josh Groban!!! No WAY! HAHAHA!" The best part might be Harrison Ford though. Random, and genius! This whole Matt Damon inside joke thing has evolved in a wonderfully amusing way.

Feb 25, 08 11:16 pm  · 

did anyone catch that the republican governors association annual dinner was at the national building museum?

pity a green architecture exhibit wasn't on display...

Feb 25, 08 11:56 pm  · 

Quiet on the board today. Everyone must be too busy engaging in private club activities.

Feb 26, 08 12:14 pm  · 
Living in Gin

the TC crowd must be having that meeting with the Skull and Bones Club, the Illuminati, and the Freemasons in order to plot world domination.

Feb 26, 08 12:22 pm  · 

Have been too busy the last two days to really post. We have another meeting tomorrow to go over our tweaked schematics with the client. Hopefully we'll nail it. Back to work.

Feb 26, 08 12:24 pm  · 
vado retro

the city different is waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay expensive. although in new mexico you have similar domestic events as you do in indianastan. for example, today parents were charged with felony neglect for putting two of their five kids in the trunk as they didnt have enough room in their car to fasten all the kids in. in new mexico you see all the kids ridin in the bed of the pickup. that may be illegal there now but you never know.

Feb 26, 08 12:41 pm  · 

i've been busy. I'm not too sure if I mentioned but we'll be presenting our master plan to well the Prince of Wales in less than 2 weeks. We are preparing a walk through that is about 20% complete and we are pissing in our boots. Too busy to talk, but thanks Liberty Bell for that run through of the men's oscar fashion.

Feb 26, 08 12:49 pm  · 


The modernity hater himself huh Archi...

Should be interesting.

Also, yes TC is all about exclusion..

Feb 26, 08 1:01 pm  · 

archtechno- can you arrange an interview for archinect with his highness????

Feb 26, 08 1:06 pm  · 
arrange an interview

, they almost wanted to give me a labotamy just being in speaking distance to the man.

Feb 26, 08 1:14 pm  · 
brian buchalski

prince of wales = ho hum

now if somebody could arrange a meeting with one of the swedish princesses, that would get my attention

Feb 26, 08 1:59 pm  · 
liberty bell

Screw royalty, I might get to meet Ed Begley Jr woohoo!

(vado you want to take it from here?)

Feb 26, 08 2:33 pm  · 

funny enough Richard Branson was on island the other day and I was quite startled that I didn't get a chance to meet him. But I did see Onasis on her yacht from the office once, she's quite shapely...or was the boat I was looking at. Nonetheless.

Feb 26, 08 2:53 pm  · 
vado retro

lb i sent you an official personalized invitation! also, my exgf/future wife met the queen of england. although she'd have prefered helen mirren.

Feb 26, 08 3:33 pm  · 
liberty bell

I posted it here, because I'm a smart ass, but I have good news: Angus was accepted to the Indy Public School systems magnet program in my first choice school, The Center for Inquiry. I am exceptionally excited about this, because;

1. I am a big believer in public schools, even if it means magnet versions
2. It is a fantastic school, a new program, with dedicated teachers and a new building
3. The Inquiry program is similar to some of the Montessori techniques I have loved at his current school and
4. NO MORE paying tuition every month wa-freakin'-hoo!!!!!!

Feb 26, 08 8:38 pm  · 

Although it was only for about 1-2 years, my Montessori educational experience in Brooklyn back in the 80's is still with me to this day.

Also, while i did teach for a year in middle school, and although i am a big believer in mandatory public education/development, i did in fact teach at a charter school, and many of my friends who are teachers send their children to magnet or charter programs.

All schools should be excellent, but a child and parents should be able to pick their educational typology and methodology/environment.

Feb 26, 08 8:43 pm  · 

yay LB!

right now i am most sympathetic about the monthly tuition. that is super nice, gravy-wise.

in one of my old offices i got to design cutting edge elementary schools for a living...seriously amazing programs and pretty good architecture to go with it...but nothing like that in tokyo where i live. it seems architects always get to design the good stuff for other sad...ah well, back to computer to do hard work for other people...hmmm, i think i am getting cynical. must be the cost of wheat or something...

Feb 26, 08 8:56 pm  · 

YAY LB and Angus!!!!! Many congrats on your acceptance. If it's anything like it is here, that is no easy task. What a lucky kid. Public magnet programs rock!

Feb 26, 08 9:07 pm  · 
some person

holz: No, I didn't catch that there was an event at the National Building Museum. They seem to host a lot of events there.

You know, it's really strange here in DC: what seems to be BIG NEWS elsewhere in the country is, like puddles referenced above, "ho hum" here. Like the war on terror or just politics in general. People here are just numb to current events, while the nightly news in say Milwaukee, Wisconsin has people scared out of their minds about the war on terror. No?

Feb 26, 08 9:53 pm  · 
vado retro

yay angus.

so i just watched in the valley of elah, which was quite a gripping film. anyway, i wonder if this film was done concurrently with no country for old men as. both tommy lee jones and josh brolin are in it as well as the guy that played maurice on northern exposure. plus both were filmed in new mexico which has no shortage of motels and crappy brown neighborhoods with broken down chain link fences.

Feb 26, 08 10:41 pm  · 

hullo regs :)

I never post here. I just see that 200 stack of pages and run away.

In oe news it looks like we finally fucking finally won this competition out in denver and I wont be spending the next year staring at cad trying not to drill my brain out.

Also I won a fish in a bottle of Johnny walker red at a bar. w00t!! I named her blacky after Stephen Colberts Black chinese history new year month minute.

That is all.

Feb 27, 08 1:06 am  · 

Hey gang....

If any of you are bored and looking for ways to waste time in the next day or so, I'd appreciate it if you looked at my newest Flickr set, which is full of photos of the Caltrans building. I'm taking an architectural photography class at school, and our mid-term project consists of taking over 120 photos of one building, then picking our 20 favorites and our 20 second-favorites. So, if you see any in there that you like, leave a comment and let me know, I'd appreciate it. I have two whole other rolls to pick from that have good shots too, I just don't feel like paying to have them scanned. :o/

lb.....that is FANTASTIC about Angus. It sounds like fun! I want to go too! Someone really needs to stop me from trying to go to any more schools....

oe, congrats on your fish. Speaking of pets, my roommate informed me that she's bringing a puppy home this weekend. This is amazing, but bad, because it's the type of dog that I really want, and her coworker is giving them away for FREE (they are purebreds and usually go for like, 3 grand or something)....but, but....I can't have a dog, right? I mean, I don't have time for that, do I? But what if he's cute.....this is supposedly what he looks like:

I have warned my roommate that he might not be going back on Monday. (I am already picking out names for him....)

Feb 27, 08 3:44 am  · 

uh, you can only have one second favorite...

Feb 27, 08 4:14 am  · 

just why-

i didn't think it was big news, i just never realized it functioned outside the realm of architecture. btw, it's an awful place to see a lecture, especially by one steven holl, whoever that is.

also, it's hard to imagine someone pimping eternal war and destruction in a building that kinda represents the antithesis of that...

Feb 27, 08 4:16 am  · 
liberty bell

oe, you WON a competition?! And now you get to work on it full time? Good for you!! That's amazing news.

That puppy is adorable, but DubK: I rarely went out right after work for the ten years I lived in Philly because the dog always had to be walked. It's a huge commitment - not that I think you *shouldn't* do it, just know that the puppy will curtail your free lifestyle. tumbles, of course, has the right idea - if you can bring puppy along, why not?

Have fun in the convertible tumbles, I'm aching for some convertible weather...

Feb 27, 08 7:06 am  · 

congrats angus!!!

um, i have no other comment. my life is boring but busy these days.

oh, yeah, i've got one: tomorrow is my 2nd daughter's 1st bday!

Feb 27, 08 7:24 am  · 

actually i do have one other thing: avoid insurance companies like the plague, even if it seems like they could help you. (they won't.)

we had storm 29 jan, began finding shingles in our yard.

i called ins/co and asked for advice.

i told them i thought i simply needed repairs, not a replacement, but didn't want to make a claim if it would affect my policy.

i was told to have a roofer look at it.

got two roofers, both said that they wouldn't stand behind any repairs they could do because the integrity of the roofing had been compromised and they would only price reroof.

called ins/co back. told them what i'd learned and said that, if i could negotiate with them for repairs, i would replace the rest of the roof at my cost, keeping in mind that i still didn't want to make a claim if it wasn't worth doing.

they recommended filing a claim, getting an adjustor to look at the roof to assess storm damage, and that we'd go from there.


the adjustor came out and determined that there was not enough damage to equal our deductible so he wouldn't recommend any settlement. sure, fine, ok.

he also pointed out some damaged and rotting wood, unrelated to storm damage, that he said should be repaired. sure, fine, ok. (we've lived in this 100yr old house for a year, we're working on getting it renovated piece by piece.)

yesterday i get a letter from the ins/co with a list of deficiencies noted by the adjustor: new sheathing, roofing, fascia, soffits, etc, etc with the warning that if we didn't get all of these things repaired by may - submitting invoices to them - they'd cancel our homeowners' policy!

i've already been pricing a lot of this work anyway. the things they're requiring of us are going to cost $15,000 - $20,000. not something you just go out and do tomorrow.


Feb 27, 08 7:35 am  · 

I wish that we lived in a world without war, GWB, oil as fuel, dictators, child molestors, police officers, lawyers, and oh insurance companies.

Hi guys, I'm not really awake this morning. Going to get coffee - will try and catch up in a few hours

Feb 27, 08 8:07 am  · 

I have been meaning to see that. It seems like Tommy Lee Jones and any West Texas setting equals great movie. Have you seen the movie he directed a year or two ago, The Three Burials.....

Welcome OE..

Steven... Ughhhhh!

Feb 27, 08 8:11 am  · 

Hi oe - congrats on winning the competition and welcome. That's exciting news.

DubK - If this helps, you cannot have a dog until you know how Wonder Kitty will react.

SW - that really sucks. Insureance companies suck.

Time to get ready for the meeting. Better get the coffe on, these meetings seem to last forever.

Feb 27, 08 8:22 am  · 
brian buchalski

insurance can be a friend if used with savvy. for instance, life insurance is the only thing that i can think of that actually allows an average young person to leverage their good health for financial gain (outside of prostitution, of course). unfortunately, twenty-somethings are much more likely to spend an extra couple hundred dollars per month on a sweet ride rather than an insurance policy (disclosure: i'm guilty of this myself).

and for what it's worth, i like lawyers too

Feb 27, 08 8:29 am  · 
vado retro

it wasn't west texas it was albucrackee. that motel where josh brolin buys it in no country was down the street from where i used to live. speaking of albucrackee, i thought my exgf/future wife was in new york giving a presentation on em forster and the sublime as part of a tenure track teaching job innerview, but her flight was delayed in the crack city and then she missed her connector and then her next flight was cancelled so she called me from the o'hare hotel where she was watchin a christo documentary. and now her schedule is f'd up.

i would like a dog and a convertible. right now its like ten outside though. congrats oe. steven maybe you should sell and move to the burbs, there are deals to be had!

Feb 27, 08 8:34 am  · 

Thanks yalls! I will admit for the moment im honestly fucking freaked by this project. The politics are,.. complex. And theyve chosen us, and our process, but not necessarily the scheme weve come up with,.. so fuck, yea I can forget about sleeping this year.

Somehow Im more exited about decorating my fishbowl at the moment.


Lb, congrats doll! er.. whats a magnet school?

And a big Mwuuaaa for for stephens daughter :)

Feb 27, 08 8:46 am  · 

oe- welcome and enjoy life in the fishbowl.

Feb 27, 08 10:04 am  · 

oe magnet schools= Architectural Edifices which are in an electromagnetic field which brings the best out of every student.
It is kind of an orwellian concept being tried out in "Merica" which
ultimate goal is to intergrate people by common interest. Magnet
School for the Arts, Magnet School for the Sciences, Magnet School
for the Trades.

Feb 27, 08 10:25 am  · 
liberty bell

Like snook said - no truancy, because the kids stick to the building.

Thanks for the post, Steve. Basically a magnet is a public school but one applies and it has a defined curriculum/mission. Example, in Indy the magnet programs are performing arts, science and technology, environmental awareness, and Montessori-based. TYhe application is not academic, it's a lottery, though location of home and siblings attending do impact the lottery.

Steven: that's a terrible story. Terrible. I hate insurance companies intensely.

On a lighter note, it consistently amazes me how much your first daughter looks like you and your second looks like your wife! You guys are two matched sets!!

Feb 27, 08 11:26 am  · 

Oooh Magnet school for environmental awareness. That's awesome. Magnet schools also rock b/c (obviously) all the parents are interested in their children's education meaning the teachers seem have an easier time teaching b/c their actions are usually supported by the parents.

I spent my entire educational career (minus college) in a magnet program. I loved it for the reason stated above as well as the diverse student body (i.e. lower class and middle class combine). We might have come from completely different backgrounds but we had the same ultimate goal and that was to succeed in our focus. Most of the kids wanted to be there, which in turned motivated the teachers to make learning interesting, which in turn motivated the students to want to learn more... hence an amazing circulation of educational energy continuously flowing. *Le Sigh* how I miss those days.

Feb 27, 08 12:28 pm  · 
skynet is born!
Feb 27, 08 12:40 pm  · 

I'm awake damnit!

So I've just moved office (about 20ft from where I was before) so that we could seperate all the professionals associated with the town/urban development. Its a bigger space and importantly we have a balcony - nice because we get good lighting, crummy because we get the sound of cars streaming past.

We had to do an emergency layout in time for a meeting with the Chief Minister and his new guard. It works at the moment, but with two architects in the office I am sure it will evolve before the week is out.

Feb 27, 08 12:51 pm  · 

Didn't those "kids" learn anything from watching Terminator?

Feb 27, 08 1:03 pm  · 

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