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Feb 29, 08 2:43 pm  · 
liberty bell

techno, are the plans on your flickr page? I've gotten pretty good at solving bathrooms, I'll take a look if you tell me where.

Or you could fly me down as a design consultant...;-)

I learned the term skid marks in one of my formative architecture school experiences - our plumbing engineering class was taught by a master plumber turned engineer. He was bitching about the early low flow toilets and the problem they have with skid marks. The class cracked up, but we paid attention to him!

LiG, hope your weekend can be relaxing and shoulder-stress free.

Feb 29, 08 3:01 pm  · 

I'm going to go take a nap....this fricking going to ruin my weekend if the 8" inches of snow doesn't. LIG....Bummmer! I almost
lost my right arm when I was 17....Had a concrete truck try to cut it off. It happened in June and I was in Minnesota Outward Bound in September. I recall the Doctor telling me the morning after going under the knife, that they had no idea well I would heal or how mobile
my arm would be. So there is hope might have to hoist a few gin and tonics....inorder to exercise it.

Feb 29, 08 3:02 pm  · 
liberty bell

Gin and tonic + Vicodin = trouble. Careful, LiG!

Feb 29, 08 3:05 pm  · 

Gin....ya bud hold off for a while before you start exercising.

Feb 29, 08 3:15 pm  · 

stay off the gin and tonic - use vodka instead. Liberty Bell you've made me smile, I've posted the image on flickr for both you and tuna to see. Its the bathroom on the left. I think I need 2 bathrooms or 1.5 not too sure. Can't think - make suggestions. Thank you all...time for a dirnk.


Feb 29, 08 3:30 pm  · 

Is the day over yet? God it's gone on for like a million years. Tonight, I'm picking out paint colors. A friend of mine is coming over to help.

Feb 29, 08 4:20 pm  · 
liberty bell
Steven Ward


Don't you, like your daughter, have a birthday coming up? An important one?

Feb 29, 08 7:39 pm  · 

(looks the other way) yeah, i hope you're feeling better, lig. it sucks when you're body lets you down. it's like a betrayal.

Feb 29, 08 9:16 pm  · 

Uh huh! Steven are you whistling too? ;o)

Spackling sucks... especially in an 80 year old house. I think I've got the paint colors chosen but I won't know for sure until I can see them in daylight.

Enough archinect, time to sand :o/

Feb 29, 08 9:26 pm  · 
brian buchalski

anybody know if archinect every gives out any awards or prizes?

i've also been thinking alot about prom lately...but i'm not sure yet if i'll go.

Mar 1, 08 9:02 am  · 
vado retro

i went to the boston latin prom. it is the oldest public school in amerika. it was at the copley plaza. i was 21 and my date was 17. we worked at caldor together. you know the one that was on western ave. anyway i bought a classic tuxedo at frank's tailor shop in cambridge. it matched exactly with the uniforms of the copley staff and as a result i was asked to carry a bag or two.

Mar 1, 08 10:28 am  · 
liberty bell

That's a good story, vado! I didn't go to prom, and have never regretted it.

Mar 1, 08 11:06 am  · 
liberty bell

Also: Steven I just remembered you're an Aries, like me, so it's not til end of March, a bit before mine, as I recall.

Mar 1, 08 11:06 am  · 

ah! boston latin prom! ha ha ha. that'a funny.

I'm an aries, too. I wonder if the internet is disproportionately aries-heavy? I wouldn't be surprised at ALL.

some interesting things have happened in the last few days...wish i could tell all the stories but unfortunately can't. one good one, though, is this: i went in for zoning review on a condo interior renovation project -- an interior renovation of one unit, by owner -- and was told i need to have interior plans (with spaces labelled!) of every single other unit in the entire mult-story building. ha!

Mar 1, 08 2:56 pm  · 

jump! that c-space thing is pure per! what the heck?!

Mar 1, 08 3:01 pm  · 

vado - where have you not lived?

Mar 1, 08 6:15 pm  · 

Mickey Monroe or Marilyn Mouse
Mar 1, 08 6:56 pm  · 

yeah manatary, per tried to say they stole his idea or should at lest give him credit...but then he said they were doing it wrong...whatever. i think it is cool. aa schoo is amazing.

Mar 1, 08 9:40 pm  · 

Wow it's been quite a whirlwind couple of days here. At the height of activity in my apartment, it was me, my roommate, our cats, plus 2 houseguests and a borrowed puppy. Then we had people over for a pajama party and things got even wilder. There were flaming absinthe shots, stories about carnies, a couple of drunk dials and the puppy hurt his leg (he's going to be fine). Today we went wine tasting and I would have been fine, except I got motion sickness and had a really rough ride to wine country (sitting on the floor of a bus bathroom for an hour = not fun). However, can you imagine being given this gift for 3 days and then having to give it back? Monday morning is going to suck.

Mar 1, 08 11:58 pm  · 
Living in Gin

Fucking asshole of a next-door neighbor has had a huge party going on in his loft and his stereo pounding all night. Several other neighbors have complained, landlord has been called, police have been called, and the noise continues. All I want to do is take some Vicodin and get some sleep, but it won't happen as long as this noise continues. This isn't the first time this has happened. Somebody needs to punch this fucker in the mouth and toss his stereo out the window.

Mar 2, 08 12:34 am  · 
vado retro

that's urban density for ya. we don't have this problem in the suburbs. its quiet except for the leaf blowers.

Mar 2, 08 8:47 am  · 

slept pretty good. first time i went to bed before 3 am in days. i have been getting these e mails from junior high and high school friends in turkey. this morning i got a good one from a friend i remember well. it is hard to remember forty years ago. they remember me because i was quite notorious then.
turan kartal wrote me reminding few stories including a story of me escaping the traditional national anthem ceremony, a no no in turkey, and getting cought and displayed as a traitor in front of entire high school and i remember getting some hand claps from some students, while music teacher who lead the ceremony with his accordion, lecturing me about the motherland and stuff. like in a fellini movie. i was trying to cut the nationalism hour short so i could get a good seat in the movie theatre where they were showing alain delon and jean paul belmondo movie that was a big deal those days.
i was happy to hear my friend has become a structural engineer and i'll see him and few others when i go there. it is nice to hear that few of them still are friends and never left the city. it is different from college friendships because we were literally children.

Mar 2, 08 11:42 am  · 

there is something about the folks you grew up with. I'm finding that it is important to remember them - even if you hated them at the time. maybe my impending middle age is making me sentimental - or maybe it's becoming a dad.

Month or so, looked up my high school on facebook. Now, I've reconnected with a few who were never in my immediate clique, but who have gone on and done interesting things... its interesting to see those who identify more with being parents now versus those career oriented folks like moi.

thanks to aml and evil P for the kind shout-outs two weeks running in editor's pick 36 & 37!

ok, back to studying for the LARE!

Mar 2, 08 5:10 pm  · 
vado retro

i would imagine that some of my high school classmates are grandparents by now!

i forgot to send out congrats to sarah and her beautiful baby! i also want to add that although i don't have any and probably never will have any kids, the amount of baby information contained on the great adventure thread will certainly help all the new and future archinect mommy and daddies!!!

Mar 2, 08 5:54 pm  · 

babbies are the best.

highschool friends re-connecting would be cool. elementary school friends would be even more fun. you are lucky to get to do that orhan. the wicked child story is quite funny.

here we are now in process of trying to get youngest in daycare so wife can go back to work. the system in japan does not like non-standard humans so we are wringing our necks trying to sort things out. biggest obstacle, even for the standard humans, is that parents must have jobs before can apply to daycare for child. unfortunately we also need to know there will be a daycare and which one it will be before taking a job...some daycares close up at 3 or 4 in afternoon, which means fulltime is out of question, others close at 6, others at the job depends on the daycare, which the government has monopoly control over and all is controlled at ward office...which is full of standard humans. communication with non-standards is a challenge for them. we are almost ready to hire ed, maybe...

Mar 2, 08 7:26 pm  · 

Wow Jump, sounds like you have a nice Catch-22 going there. Hope everything works itself out in the end.

I spent pretty much the entire weekend painting my living room, stairway and upstairs hallway. The color looks amazing, although it's really nothing special, it does however make all the architectural features pop. I'll be much happier though when I've decided on the color for the accent wall. Anyway, off to vacuum and then relax before the week begins again. Man, I'm pooped.

Mar 2, 08 8:13 pm  · 

Hello all,

I am less rested than i would like this morning as i spent the weeking mixing it up.
A friend was in town from Chi-Town. It was great catching up with her.
Also, discovered that there are actually batting cages in my town again after a few years of none, after the old Skate Station closed.

Spent sunday hitting balls and racing go-carts!!!

Nothing like childhood, y'all
That is all.

Mar 3, 08 8:14 am  · 
Ms Beary

tuna, what color did you do?

Mar 3, 08 9:52 am  · 

Hi all,

so Friday was supposed to be a romantic evening at home watching films and cooking a good meal. Instead it became about 5 cocunuts and a bottle of wray and his nephews. It was a stiring way to start the weekend.

No hang over though.

the rest of the weekend was spent cleaning my barbeque and waiting for this guy doing our virtual tour to complete the final phase. So much stress, wish I could of spent the day at home. Sigh.

Mar 3, 08 1:17 pm  · 
liberty bell

techno, that reminds me: Angus did a drawing this weekend of "A fighter jet dropping missiles and coconuts on the school". The non-coconut part of that description is from a Calvin and Hobbes comic in which Calvin fantasizes about bdemolishing his school while he's on the bus. I have no idea how coconuts got combined with the missiles in my kid's mind. The drawing is really cool, though!

Mar 3, 08 1:39 pm  · 
brian buchalski

coconuts are deadlier than sharks

Mar 3, 08 1:49 pm  · 
vado retro

ed begley jr. says hi!

Mar 3, 08 2:36 pm  · 

well those coconuts dropped me on friday...ahhh and the gardener planted 3 at the SO's house too. More rum/coconut to come I'm sure. But having sharks around too adds to the fun of it

Mar 3, 08 2:50 pm  · 

Jump, what is a non-standard human?

Mar 3, 08 3:44 pm  · 
liberty bell

I very much like this bit of street art found in Seattle. And you guys can use it as a response if I post something stupid!

Mar 3, 08 4:28 pm  · 

non standard human in japan is anyone not working as salaryman. anyone going to school with kids for example is way non standard here. the logic of the system in japan is that you get married AFTER school, not during, and definitely it is verboten to go back to school later in life, so the idea that a guy can be doing phd in his late 30's and have two kids and a wife...? unthinkable...oh and i am self employed. student, self employed...what? sorry you can't send your kids to our daycares cuz we don't have the forms that fit your category as a non-standard human. very sorry bout that, but its your fault for chosing to be a bit freakish. there you are ol chap well done wot wot...come back when you have been properly standardised...sort of thing.

the main thing is to figure out how to package documents so they can put us into a category they can deal with. it is a pain in the buttocks cuz we literally don't have, and can never get, the documents they are used to...its the same in any country, but in japan a bit more so...;-)

Mar 3, 08 7:12 pm  · 

ahhh, that makes much more sense now. I had been thinking that maybe "non-standard human" might mean the same thing as "special".

Mar 3, 08 7:30 pm  · 

Yup, that's pretty much falls into the Catch-22 category in my book, jump. I empathize with you greatly on the matter

Tumbles... hope you feel better soon.

Liberty - it never ceases to amzae me the genius mind of your son. Missiles and coconuts on the school. LOL!!

Straw - my friend likened the color to a coffee cheesecake. If your interested, I have photos on my Flickr page. Unfortunately the "after" photos were taken with the flash on so the color is slightly washed out, but it gives you an idea anyway.

Mar 3, 08 7:48 pm  · 
brian buchalski

Three cheers for the non-standard humans of the world...hip hip hooray...hip hip hooray...hip hip hooray!!!

(And vado, you can spare us the photo of the three male cheerleaders circa 1950 since we've all seen it before...maybe a photo of 3 comely coed cheerleaders ;)

Mar 3, 08 7:49 pm  · 

tumbles....we didn't do a sleep over did we? My past week has been
cold flu hell....hell flu cold.....flu cold hell....and then some. I went to bed at 9:00 on Wednesday....woke up at 10:00 Thursday thru Saturday a repeat....Sunday till 8:30....had to get breakfast for the Mrs...cause I always do. Went to bed last night at 9:30....till 8:00
and still dragging my arshe! Shit is I have a ton of work to get done...and people waiting....which is always an uneasy position to be in and so I have a regular client asking me for a proposal today for
what might be a cool job....dammm....had to muster all the archinect in me to get him a number. So here it is 8:00....and bed time once again.... I hope Spring Comes Soon.....oh ya we had another 12 inches of snow over the weekend.

Mar 3, 08 7:51 pm  · 

Awwww Snook, feel better soon!!!! Srping will be here in a flash of an eye.

Mar 3, 08 7:54 pm  · 
liberty bell

Hang in there, snook - sounds like you have the same virus that laid my family low two and a half weeks ago - it sucks the big donkey dong, to grab a phrase from my teenage years. At one point, as I coughed a cheese grater through my throat and was delirious with fever, I seriously considered that I should just put my poor son, husband, and self out of our misery. Luckily it passed and we all feel at least 97% normal again now! It's a nasty, nasty flu this year!

Mar 3, 08 7:58 pm  · 
vado retro
Mar 3, 08 8:21 pm  · 


I think I ate half of your food and drank half your wine this weekend

Mar 3, 08 8:35 pm  · 


Mar 3, 08 9:17 pm  · 

So yesterday I got on a scale for the first time in 2 months. I'm happy to say I've lost 42lbs in the past 4 months.

Mar 3, 08 9:58 pm  · 
vado retro

awesome! have a cheeseburger to celebrate!

Mar 3, 08 10:20 pm  · 

That's awesome rfuller. Many congrats!

All this talk of sickness is beginning to make me feel I need to cloister myself for the next 11 days so as not to be sick on vacation. Unfortunately with my luck, I'll catch something on the flight there. Hmmmm, I think this calls for another glass of OJ.

Mar 3, 08 10:53 pm  · 


That is an impressive amount of lost weight....

Also, i am glad i am over being sick for the year.

Mar 3, 08 11:06 pm  · 

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