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crash is a freaky movie with the least erotic sex on the screen I've ever scene - but there are nooooo chase scenes.

Feb 22, 08 10:43 am  · 

...never said they were erotic, kinky, well hell yeah! chase scenes are so, 1974....

Feb 22, 08 10:47 am  · 
Living in Gin

Well, I survived. I'm still under the effects of a nerve block in my shoulder, so right now my entire right arm is completely numb. When that wears off, I've got some narcotics to munch on.

Doc said I had an "interesting" injury, but he was able to make the necessary repairs without any trouble. I'll be in a sling for six weeks, and then I'll have several months of physical therapy. Good times.

Rationalist: NYC is one of those places everybody needs to visit at least once in their life. My opinion is hardly unbiased, but this is an awesome city and we'd love to welcome you. There's enough archinectors here that we could have a nice little meet-up.

Feb 22, 08 7:37 pm  · 

@tumbles- not only is the facial hair impressive, but I hadn't seen the dye job before now. It makes you look very SCI_Arc.

@Gin- I'm glad the surgery turned out well for you. Enjoy whatever drugs you've been given while the last! And I'm just about convinced to book that ticket to NYC, not least of all because several studios there have been looking interesting to me, and if I do decide to head out there after grad school's done I'd like to at least have some rational basis for liking the city beyond the glam image in my head. So yeah, possible NYC meetup mid/latish march?

Feb 22, 08 9:39 pm  · 
Living in Gin

Works for me... And my birthday is March 12th!

Feb 22, 08 10:12 pm  · 
vado retro

gin you'll be signin autographs in no time!

Feb 22, 08 11:50 pm  · 

hmmm, I'll miss your birthday by a bit. I'm looking at the 21st-26th.

No autograph necessary. ;)

Feb 23, 08 12:36 pm  · 

Just got into the office.

My Saturday Night = Three Echo & the Bunnymen CDs, Homemade Mac and Cheese for dinner, and an endless stack of redlines.

God Bless IDP.

Feb 23, 08 6:36 pm  · 
vado retro

bring on the dancing redlines....

Feb 23, 08 6:46 pm  · 

pittsburgh is amazingly steep. very appalachian. it definitely impacts the local culture!

in other news, i'd like to pimp a thread i just started, so all you smart people who hang out in thread central give it a look: tell me about fabric!

Feb 23, 08 7:41 pm  · 

I was supposed to write a paper today. Whoops.

Feb 23, 08 8:52 pm  · 
vado retro

it was pretty nice today ran up to half priced books with my sunroof open and bought a couple of cd's. then ran by the office and picked up some drawings to go over which i just did after takin a nap and watching the german flick "mostly martha. and had a simple pasta dish with sundried tomato and basil and olive oil and parm cheese oh yeah and some wine while listening to american roots. the life of a bachelor... time for biscotti.

Feb 23, 08 9:19 pm  · 

went to a birthing class (that we had to get up too early to get to). Shopping, home, then a nap. Soprano's was up on the netflicks tonight.

nice 'stache tumbles! caught something about the world beard championship last night in the news- germany won, but the US got tops in the 'natural' category for a zz-tops inspired facial growth.

Feb 23, 08 9:45 pm  · 
vado retro

oh yeah and i brushed the cat...she purred im watching mystery.

Feb 23, 08 10:25 pm  · 

Today was a rather lazy day for me. Sat around most of the day doing a few things around the house. This evening I went out for Indian (YUM) and to watch No Country for Old Men. It was fantastic, although I completely did not get the ending. Now I'm sitting in bed with one "kid" hanging out with me, debating if he wants to play with my keyboard. I'm debating what to read...

Love the 'stache tumbles....
Glad to hear the surgery went well Gin
DubK - How does one forget to write a paper?

Feb 24, 08 12:34 am  · 
vado retro

love indian food. was disappointed with no country for old men...

Feb 24, 08 12:44 am  · 

ha ha ha haaaa i'm so glad saturday night live is back!

Feb 24, 08 12:45 am  · 
vado retro

you're a young woman living in chicago and you're watching snl? sigh...

Feb 24, 08 12:51 am  · 

rfuller sold out.


Feb 24, 08 1:00 am  · 

It's not that I forgot to write the paper....I was totally aware of it the whole day....I just didn't do it.

And damn! I miss good Indian food.

I still need to see "No Country For Old Men".....I just saw "There Will Be Blood" tonight. Very strange. Well-acted for sure, but weird. And there was, indeed, blood.

Feb 24, 08 6:12 am  · 

hey all just back in from a weekend in Antigua. It was great being away. I had some really good food, sushi on the beach, and then for dinner a culinary delight at a place called Papa Zouks. We left the latter trying to take home with us the rum, the pepper sauce, the chef, the salad dressing, it was amazing. We only had luck taking the rum, which we drank the next day under a tree garden - waiting to check out. The rum was so strong we almost missed it.

Gin glad to hear your surgery was a success it makes me more willing to go do mine. Granted I'll be out with both shoulders. But I'm sure puddles can sign them for me - when I actually find what island he is on.

tumbes they always say women should be discreet about their facial hair - but I am digging the green. Love it!

Oh and might I suggest the follow by BMW Films as a good chase scene to watch

rfuller glad to see you are alive as well.

Feb 24, 08 9:19 am  · 
vado retro

tumbles does the carpet match the drapes?

Feb 24, 08 11:25 am  · 
Feb 24, 08 11:50 am  · 

techno, I was thinking of you friday at lunchtime. A few of us went out to a place that billed itself as serving the cuisine of Jamaica and Trinidad, and it was amazing. I was thinking at the time that if I lived there I would be soooo fat, but then remembered that whenever I'm in the Carribean my appetite is greatly diminished. I think people up here (myself included) must eat for warmth without really realizing it.

Feb 24, 08 12:33 pm  · 

sunday, Read the new york times and I still believe there telling the real story about McCain. Thinking maybe this is a republican ploy, So when Bama comes on board anything he says which is tied to the
times will be disssed because of there handling of the Story last week.

Brought out the Dyson for a little vaccum action this morning and cleaned off my office desk wiped everything down to get rid of dust
mites ect...along with what ever else might have found a home there over the past couple of weeks. The Mrs Loves seeing me get organized because she is always organized. My organization is kind of a disorganized organization with most of the order between my ears and behind my eyeballs. I can function at a rather high level with thhoughts and to do kind of things on a number of projects, but
I never put pens away or my wallet or car keys. So I'm always on the lookout for them.

Been fighting a cold for the past couple of I guess I should go crawl into the shower since it is almost 1:00 on Sunday. Maybe I willl feel better.

LIG glad you were able to get home on Friday as it was nasty here.
Glad everything seemed to go well so far. You typing one handed now?

Feb 24, 08 12:48 pm  · 

i've been waiting and it is getting closer...

Feb 24, 08 1:17 pm  · 

OK - so I just got a phone call from my mom saying that the two of us need to go to London before April 18th to see the From Russia: French and Russian Master Paintings 1870-1925 From Moscow and St. Petersburg.” exhibit at the Royal Academy of Arts. When I brought up the cost she said "It's only 11 Pounds to get in". Which means, she's serious. I've already read all some articles about the controversy behind it, but hey if she wants to go, I'll go. My pops isn't a fan of travelling so he suggested asking me. My question, any of you think this is really viable? She talked about going for a day or two. Has anyone heard any rumors that the exhibit might be traveling across the pond? I'm thinking of starting a thread, but I don't want to get into the questionable ethics of supporting such exhibit (I'm doing this for Mom), so thought I'd start here.

Feb 24, 08 1:47 pm  · 

intriguing--what are the questionable ethics? mind doing a quick run-down?

I'm a huge fan of weekend trips but even I can't imagine pulling twin 9-hour jaunts (not including airport/train/taxi time) for only 1/2 - 2 days of payoff. Shortest hop I've done was Boston-London on a 5 day total jaunt; if I didn't hate London so much that would have been too tight (travel-pay-off-wise). And that was only a 6 hour direct flight. From Cincy you're talking plane change in Philly or JFK.

So, no, unless you make a week of it and do it right.

On the other hand, every second you spend in London runs up the pounds, so from a fiscal sense you may as well keep it short!

I have flown up to 6 hours for an exhibit before, but that was also a 3 day trip... recently did 4 hours for a 2 day exhibit trip; that was REALLY worth it. I guess I'm giving you mixed advice. Any time with mom will be good time! But find out if it's gonna travel, first...

Feb 24, 08 2:42 pm  · 

Thanks you too. I'm going to start a new thread as I'd rather not bog down TC.

Feb 24, 08 3:07 pm  · 

manta, there are several direct flights from Cincy to London daily. They just cost more. Remember Cincinnati is a major Delta hub.....admittedly, without this fact, it would probably be the backwater city that everyone still thinks it is.

Feb 24, 08 3:43 pm  · 
vado retro

London is NOT a backwater city!

Feb 24, 08 3:46 pm  · 

@ mantaray - An opt-ed piece in the NYT. Apparently the exhibit opening in London was deayed for some time.

@vado - but they drive on the wrong side of the road ;o)

Feb 24, 08 4:13 pm  · 

I love Oscar night. Tonight is my Super Bowl.

Feb 24, 08 8:52 pm  · 
Living in Gin

Yeah, I'm typing one-handed, which is sort of a pain. With both hands I'm a pretty fast and accurate typer, but with just one hand I feel like I'm back to grade school hunt-and-peck... Much slower, and a lot sloppier. My postings will probably be rather short during this period.

Using the mouse with my left hand is also a bit of a hassle, but not as bad as I feared. I haven't tried any AutoCAD stuff, though, so things might get interesting when I return to the office (most likely Wednesday).

So far the Vicodin is doing a decent job of keeping the pain under control with a minimum of side effects, but even with the Vicodin there's always sort of a dull, general pain. And with my arm in a sling all day and night, my elbow and hand often get rather stiff and painful. this is going to be a long six weeks.

My dad came up from NC for my surgery, and it's his first visit to NYC since the mid-1960's. I managed to take him around to some of the highlights of the city, which he enjoyed. On his last visit to New York in the 60's he was rather disgusted with the city and swore he'd never come back, but he seems to have gotten a much better impression of the city this time around. He heads back to North Carolina tomorrow morning.

AP, larslarson and I saw "No Country for Old Men" a couple weeks ago, and it's an excellent movie... No doubt one of the Coen Brothers' best so far. It's very dark and very intense, but well worth seeing.

Feb 24, 08 9:49 pm  · 
vado retro

and proud we are of them...

Feb 24, 08 9:55 pm  · 

, great to hear you are getting about despite your surgery, with your Dad and members of archinect no less. Good on you!

Rationalist - West Indian food is sinfully fattening nonetheless, or is it because its so good we fatten ourselves with it. I'm almost not sure anymore.

Last night we tried to do a Dexter season 2 marathon, but fell two short. I do love my serial killer dramas. And Michael C. Hall is a genius; and I believe he must be first choice for any dark comedic drama.

Feb 25, 08 11:54 am  · 
liberty bell

techno my husband loves Dexter. I've never seen it, which he said is probably for the best, as I can't stand pain.

Last night I watched 2/3 of the Oscars and found them boring. Every woman had grandmother hair, the dresses were dull, and Jennifer Garner looked like the Alien with all that collagen in her upper lip yeeeikes! The Gaultier dress worn by the La Vie En Rose star was risky and beautiful (her hair was pretty too, though just pretty, and Helen Mirren looked totally gorgeous, otherwise, blah.

That's my Oscar wrapup. Back to this attic renovation.

Feb 25, 08 12:01 pm  · 

oscar is also my superbowl, and i also love reading the dress reviews the day after. and i was happy that tilda swinton won, even though i haven't seen the movie. she's just cool like that [although her dress sucked, but at least she was going for something different]

Feb 25, 08 12:21 pm  · 

in the uk and looking for love?

Feb 25, 08 12:24 pm  · 

I am in support of the unions and decided not to watch the Oscars this year, and the advertisers, instead I decided to pick up my Oscar news via thread central.

Liberty no commentary about what the men were wearing?

Feb 25, 08 12:27 pm  · 

i didnt watch the oscars or really am interested but LB made a comment about cologen - WTF ladies? Do they realize they look like frigg'n space aliens? Everywhere I go I see these nasty giant fake ass lips - looking like a zoo baboons ass. Its ugly! Please, just let it be.

Feb 25, 08 12:45 pm  · 

all the academy folks I used to know, avoided going to the show if possible. 5 hours of tedium. Most of hollywood either watched from home or went to the parties and ignored the show altogether. Enough recaps appeared in variety or the hollywood reporter the next day to not feel that you missed anything.

I did like the joke about a women or black president meaning that an asteroid was about to hit the statue of liberty... that was my highlight.

regis and the other shmuck on the red carpet annoys the crap out of me - why does ABC or middle america like those blather mouths????? there are much better hosts and reporters available.

Feb 25, 08 12:46 pm  · 

What does being in support of the unions have to do with not watching the Oscars? They just ended the strike, no?

I thought many of the women looked lovely last night, including Jennifer Garner....I didn't notice her lips. Maybe she's allergic to something, that happens to me now and again...... I love Katherine Heigl and felt for her tremendously, as she was visibly nervous and shaking as she presented.

And Jon Stewart continues to prove what a class act he is! Overall, I thought it was fun and funny, and I was amazed to be sitting less than 10 miles from it.

Feb 25, 08 1:00 pm  · 

I haven't watched the Oscars in years. Love looking at the dresses, but the show is long and boring.

Feb 25, 08 1:02 pm  · 

wk, they used to hold the oscars at the shrine auditorium, 1/2 mile from the USC arch building. traffic always is messed up for a day or two, so you're lucky they now do it at the kodak in h-wood..

Feb 25, 08 1:14 pm  · 

i will be in LA from 3/13 - 3/17 and i plan on trying to learn how to surf...that is if it's good to do it at that time.

Feb 25, 08 1:23 pm  · 

surf's up right now 9and cold), so be careful.
enjoy the trip!

Feb 25, 08 1:38 pm  · 
liberty bell

techno: Spike Lee looked cool, with his hat and glasses, and he actually looked like he was having fun, which was nice to see.

Ryan Seacrest (wasn't he doing the red carpet?) is an idiot. Regis is terrifying. I hope deep, deep in my heart that Mad TV did their red carpet treatment - it's always the funniest dang thing!

Jon Stewart was good. But I don't imagine he'll be asked back, I tend to think he skewers traditions/politicizes things a bit much for Hollywood. Though the joke about being catty about what the viewers are wearing at home was well-made! And, techno, I didn't like the satin stripe on his tux pants, thought it made him look short. Though I know it's standard with a traditional tux.

DubK, I also got a little choked up when KHeigl was shaking - she was so honest. That's why I watch the Oscars, really: when you see someone truly touched by winning, and giving an honest reaction, it is moving.

Feb 25, 08 1:52 pm  · 

I wish they would bring back Joan Rivers....

Feb 25, 08 2:06 pm  · 

Yeah, where's Joan?!?

Feb 25, 08 2:12 pm  · 

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