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Mantaray - random question... Are you sure it's ringworm? The only reason why I ask is b/c as I was looking online for a description of it, one website said eczema, seborrhea, psoriasis and pityriasis are look alikes and can be mistaken as ringworm. If you haven't already done so I suggest seeing a doctor as they'll be able to tell you for sure.

The website also said to keep the area clean and dry, so I'm guessing putting a band-aid on it is probably not the best thing if it is ringworm. Good luck, I hope you stop itching soon.

Feb 18, 08 1:01 pm  · 

yeah, it looks like just the pictures of ringworm and it appeared suddenly (over night) and itches like the dickens. Also it is growing and I have no previous trouble with any skin conditions at all. (It's a perfect circle--I think the rest of the skin things are sort of more blotchy, right?) I'll keep it in mind though. I figure I'll do the anti-fungal and check back on it in a week--if it's still not better I'll take it to the doc.

Thanks for the bandaid tip! clean & dry = no bandaid, for sure.

Feb 18, 08 1:03 pm  · 
Sarah Hamilton

I ownder if ring worm is like a mini version of 'fairy rings' since both are created by fungus.....

Feb 18, 08 1:35 pm  · 

oh, so you're at lease-renewal time or something? I would call and let him know that you love living there in general and would like to stay, but over the time you've been living there it's become clear that some of the plumbing conditions are not acceptable, and you want to know that they'll be taken care of before you sign a new lease. Then send him a follow-up letter confirming what you said over the phone and whatever promises he made, so that you establish a paper trail. I usually do this over email for expediency, but if he's a lawyer I'd stick to snail mail.

Feb 18, 08 1:37 pm  · 
Sarah Hamilton

Tumbles, have you seen this Some one else is trying to steal your name!

Feb 18, 08 1:38 pm  · 

okay I've not told any of your this but I find myself increasingly fearful of diseases, cyprido, monopatho and nosophobia. It can overwhelm my thoughts at time especially when those silly ads for prescription medicines come on. Side effects include severe liver damage, dry mouth, fatigue, etc

Mantaray has me worried, because as a kid they always warned of playing with animals and always ran them out of the house. Now the cuteness aka the puppy aka maddy is so well groomed. And she just had a bath yesterday. I know however that she plays around in the dirt and stuff. Worse that she tends to sleep on the bed. I am now worried that I might have ringworm even though I have no evidence of such.

Feb 18, 08 1:53 pm  · 

oh techno don't worry about it. i don't have any pets, nor do i ever come in contact with them, i live in a city where i don't come into any contact (accidental or otherwise) with any kind of nature or wildlife to speak of, not even green grass under my feet, and i live in a very clean upstairs apartment. i have no clue where i got this from but the bottom line is that it is nothing more than a slight inconvenience at most... a raised bump of itchy skin that will go away with over-the-counter medication, no prescription needed. it has no other harmful side effects. nothing to worry about at all!

Feb 18, 08 1:56 pm  · 

WEIRD!! At this very moment we are having a thunderstorm, yet instead of rain, it is snowing. First time in my life I have ever experienced such a thing. Just thought I'd share.

Feb 18, 08 5:24 pm  · 

Correct me if I'm wrong, but I believe this phenomenon only started occurring within the last 10 years or so. I distinctly remember watching the Weather Channel to figure out what was happening (I've been through one of those myself) and the weather guy was baffled. Chalk another one up to Global Warming!

Feb 18, 08 5:55 pm  · 

thundersnow isn't new - I recall this happening in 1970's boston area. rare, but not new.

Feb 18, 08 6:17 pm  · 

We have had Thunder Snow here in New England for some time. Sounds like a good name for a band. Actually it made me Think
of the book, "Lame Deer" there are some very interesting combinations of words for different moon cycles as I recall. "The Moon of Thunder Snow," might be fitting for Global Warming.

Feb 18, 08 6:34 pm  · 

Ok, so maybe it was new to the Midwest, and that's why it was so amazing....I've never spent any length of time in Boston, so I never heard of it.

Feb 18, 08 7:22 pm  · 
Living in Gin

I've witnessed thundersnow on a couple of occasions, both in Chicago and on the east coast. It's rare, but it happens.

This week will be a busy one... I've got a ton of shit to do at work before my surgery on Friday (and of course, boss is out on vacation all week, so I'm flying solo on three projects). My dad arrives at Penn Station on Thursday evening, and then I go under the knife sometime Friday morning.

Right now I'm in the Apple Store on 14th Street, killing some time looking at all the pretty toys before venturing across the street to the Gaslight Pub to meet Cameron & Co. for drinks. I'll be sure to drink one for the TC gang.

Feb 18, 08 7:31 pm  · 

I hate Catch-22s.

So I find myself in a difficult condition : in order to treat this invading fungal force known as Ringworm, I have to put ointment on it 2x a day and keep it cool and dry. The tough part is that it is on my leg, and it is winter, and as soon as I put my pants on the ointment rubs away. I can't go around without pants on, and I can't not use the ointment. If I use a bandage to hold the ointment in place, it will also create a moist, dark condition at the rash, thus preventing it from healing. ARGH!!!!

Feb 19, 08 12:51 am  · 

manta, you should get one of those cones that they put around dogs' heads. Put it around your knee, and voila!

Goodness, I was exceptionally lazy this weekend. Tomorrow is going to be rough going back to work/school!

Feb 19, 08 1:25 am  · 

i hope you get better manta. sounds a pain.

architechno, hyochondria suits you. but wait til/if you have kids. since my kids started going to daycare and kindergrten, etc the 4 of us have had almost everything a kid can get. including some rather hideous viruses i wouldn't wish on an enemy...and i grew up with cows so am supposed to have strong immune system!

glad you are alive LB. can relate (see above). a family down is oxymoron-ish. feel awful, but is ironically nice to be all together too...somehow feels like memories in making to me...though perhaps a trip to disneyland would be better...;-)

Feb 19, 08 3:00 am  · 

fidel! say it ain't so!!!

bush tomorrow AM: this is proof the embargo worked!

Feb 19, 08 3:11 am  · 

Obama would totally win Cuba in an Obama v. Castro matchup, lol.

Seriously though, interesting stuff. How does it work, resigning after 49 years in office? I can't imagine they would even know how to have an election. Best not look to Los Angeles County for tips in that department!

Feb 19, 08 3:43 am  · 

yeah, after elian, obama's 527s would have a field day w/ the clintons.

Feb 19, 08 4:08 am  · 
liberty bell

mantaray, you should rub the cream in until it diasappears. It won't rub off on your pant leg, once it's absorbed it'll do the job fine.

Yes, jump, the family has had FAR more time together in the last week than is typical! Last night I actually slept decently for the first time in a week, so we're on the upswing. I also may have slept well because I was relaxed after having caught 2/3 of the best movie ever made on cable last night before bed - Gone With The Wind, of course.

Now it's catchup time. Over 40 emails to respond to that I haven't had the energy to deal with yet!

Feb 19, 08 7:15 am  · 

Today is the first day ever that I have called in sick. I've taken half days before but never a full-day due to sickness. While I feel like shit, I'm excited for my adventure ahead. I intend to sleep, drink oj, catch up on my celebrity gossip, and watch some French films.

Feb 19, 08 8:00 am  · 

Feel better n_

After hearing the news of Castro all I my brain could do was sing "Ding, Dong, Castro's out." You know like in the Wizard of Oz? Don't know why, as I really know nothing of him and his regime. I attribrute it to the things the media has been telling me since birth.

Feb 19, 08 8:12 am  · 
Sarah Hamilton

We have Thundersnow, while not every year, often enough to know what it is here in Texas. Something about warm air clashing with cold-fronts and such. I love it!

Glad you're on the up swing LB.

Feb 19, 08 8:35 am  · 

Ohhhhhh, LB, thanks! I didn't realize that at all. I think I may be putting too much ointment on due to major paranoia about spreading fungi. I actually just put some on and now that I look down on it like half my leg is totally white with 1/16"-1/8" of cream. Ha ha ha ha. I totally didn't get the message about rubbing it in... Good to know! Thanks a million!!!!

Have fun being sick, n! I haven't yet had the balls to call in for a full day either--feel too guilty and always end up going in in the morning, feeling like crap and getting nothing done, and then going home for the afternoon. Kinda stupid as it ruins both my work day and my sick day. So good for you for doing it the right way today!

Sorry to keep talking about it, but this ringworm thing is really a pain. You're supposed to wash sheets and towels and stuff, but it doesn't make any sense to do that--if you really truly did, you'd be washing your sheets literally every morning and all your towels after 1 use! Maybe that's ok for people with washers and dryers in their house but with the local laundromat 1 mile away I don't think that's gonna work for me. Rurgh. I'm so paranoid this thing is gonna get spread around. I can't figure out how to shower without getting freaked out, how to sleep, dry myself, pull clothes on, everytime I randomly get an itch in my scalp I fear it has migrated up there (apparently it can do that)... Ack! I hope none of you ever get this weirdo disease!!!

ok, thanks for listening and for your sympathy!!!

Feb 19, 08 9:31 am  · 
Feb 19, 08 9:44 am  · 
Feb 19, 08 9:44 am  · 

oh yeah. my favorite song.

Feb 19, 08 9:47 am  · 
Sarah Hamilton

How did square records work? Were you suppose to punch the circle part out of the square, or what? Come on older people, enlighten the young.

Feb 19, 08 10:37 am  · 

So Fidel is stepping down...hmm. Interesting. Well it might be worth sharing some fun facts. I am writing this as neighbour of both the US & Cuba - and having felt much of the heat of being a friend and ally of both.
1. The vote for president in Cuba is decided by the total members of the Party - much like an internal choice for republican/democratic candidate.
2. Fidel speaks 4 languages fluently, and conversationally in a couple other dozens. I went to rally in Revolution Square, that went on for about 6 hours, where he simultaneous translated his speak in Spanish,English and what sounded like French.
3. The continued embargo on Cuba, has done little to sway communism, rather has increased the affiliation exponentially. Not to mention has made leaders of the revolution in social saints of international acclaim.
4. Air Jamaica is the url airline that can fly over Cuba coast to coast.
5. The biggest import from Jamaica to Cuba is tourists.
6. Prior to Fidel, Cuba was ruled by a dictator, Fulgencio Batista, who openly associated with gangsters and US politicians alike.
7. Cuba has had nation wide recycling programs since the early 80s

Feb 19, 08 10:51 am  · 

no.4 should read only airline - duh. Oh and just for fear of any McArthur-ism I am no way associated with communism. But having a deep interest in regional politics systems I find it interesting that at the core of the varying systems of government internationally lies the desire to create a civil and just society. But the methods of getting there unfortunately varies considerably to the point of animousity between the systems.

Feb 19, 08 10:58 am  · 
liberty bell

mantaray, if you're wearing jammers that cover your leg to sleep, don't worry about changing the sheets every day. If the towels are thoroughly dry before you use them again you should be fine - maybe alternate between two towels every other day for a week. If possible, after you use a towel lay it out to dry in the sun - sunlight kills fungus, though I don't know if that will work through a window pane or not, as I know you don't want to be hanging laundry outside in this weather!

I'm mixing threads here, but this fungus info is mostly stuff I learned while dealing with thrush - the breastfeeding mom's version of it - which is the hardest of all fungus to get rid of. Again, it's info you learn only when you need to!

I just spent three hours writing out specific directions for exactly where every single one of the 232 cabinet and drawer pulls go on my big house job - anyone want to take a bet on what percentage the cabinet guys may actually get right when they show up to install them ;-) ?

Feb 19, 08 1:42 pm  · 
Sarah Hamilton

Wow, LB, why do you have to right out where they go? Are they not centered in the drawer face, or in a standard location on the doors, or are there so many different pulls that some go one say the third door on the left from the sink in the kitchen, and another goes on the second? I've never had to specify something to such detail. Will the cabinet guys even read that?

Feb 19, 08 2:10 pm  · 
liberty bell

Some are centered, some are centered horizontally but closer to the top of the drawer face. Some drawers have a pull while the drawers immediately below them have a knob. Some door pulls have the top hole centered at the bottom edge of the door's top rail, some are centered overall in the door stile. Some doors were made with mitered stile/rail connection (not my design) so the pull has to be mounted 1" below the seam. Some drawer pulls get the decorative backplate, some don' get my drift. There are lots and lots of cabinets in this large house.

Feb 19, 08 2:32 pm  · 

lb make sure and print a big sheet of the door pull locations to pin on the walls of the big house. I gave you strength on that one, I would best print it and give it to the clerk of works, ensuring that they stay there and watch that they place them in the correct location. I wish you luck.

I've of two minds today. I am reminded that my 6 years of working for the government here comes to a quiet end at the end of this month. And that I don't have a contract at the develeopment company just yet. I am feeling more shaky today than usual and just wanted to vent to thread central, as you do.

Feb 19, 08 2:46 pm  · 
liberty bell

techno, have no fears about your employment situation. If the dev company doesn't make it right for you, something else will come up and you are smart and resourceful enough to make it happen. In the meantime, you will be able to spend any down time on your own house, which will be a joy!

But go ahead and vent, that is why we are here. :-)

Feb 19, 08 2:50 pm  · 

ah thanks Liberty. You've put a rather sunny grin on this West Indian's face

Feb 19, 08 3:26 pm  · 

Atechno - I'm sending good vibes your way. Hope it helps, that's really nerve wracking.

Feb 19, 08 3:27 pm  · 

more good vibes coming from the pacific northwest, where it's actually a beautiful day today....

I don't know what happened, but all of the sudden I am swamped with work and stressed about it! I don't know how it got this way... maybe it's just because everything I'm doing is conceptually more rigorous than last quarter, but I'm really having to stretch myself to make things work. Just this week I've started to feel the difference between undergrad and grad school: I'm in three friggin studios, and in every one of them for once I'm really striving to do my best work instead of relegating one of them to the back burner (you know we all do it...). I may be getting to all-nighter stage soon. How did that happen?

Feb 19, 08 3:30 pm  · 

thanks guys for the + vibes. It helps not to worry eh?

Okay so I bought a hammer today, I think cnc's are really affecting everything they touch nowadays. This one by Husky, is a solid hammer covered in a plastic that I believed must of been designed by a soft handed architect. Its brilliant - pictures to come.

Anyway I used said hammer with a ply to remove ceramic tiles...and it was surprisingly easy. I removed all the tiles in the bathroom - less those around the toilet which has to be removed first. Then I tackled those left back on the kitchen wall - not as easy with the wall tiles but still successful. I have maybe 2% left to go. Not bad for an hour's work during the week.

So now i'm cooling out with a glass of rum and ice, pondering the evening's activities with the puppy snoring next to me. Is it normal for dog's to snore - shit she keeps me up at night with it sometimes.

Anyhow y'all have a good evening - although I suspect I'll be back here addiction is strong with me.

Feb 19, 08 6:08 pm  · 

got home tonight and it was cold. Very cold inside (it was only 5 degrees F outside). The furnace was broken!!!!

Last week we had the furnace tuned up, so it was quite a surprise to have it brake down. Called the gas co and 30 minutes later a repair guy showed up. Figured out that the draft inducer fan was frozen/jambed (and the cause of the funky hot electrical insulation smell). He pulled it off and discovered a decapitated bird wedged into the fan!

I thought I heard chirping from the fire place!

So after some vacuuming, the fan started turning again and the hot water started circulating again.... phew! could have borrowed some space heaters from the gas co, but I'd rather get the main boiler pumping through the radiators.

So in the warmed months, we gotta get a chimney cap installed for the landlord, so we don't get any more birds nesting in the chimney!

Feb 19, 08 9:12 pm  · 

how many folks are moving to philly?

Feb 19, 08 9:13 pm  · 
Living in Gin

I think Philly is by far the most underrated city on the east coast, and possibly in the US. But the city desperately needs an influx of smart, creative people to give the city a good kick in the ass. With enough of a push, Philadelphia could be set for an incredible comeback.

Feb 19, 08 9:35 pm  · 

Archi, sounds like you are making quite a bit of progress.
As for the worries of future employment, just drink some more rum..

LIG..Yes i am starting to believe it myself.

Feb 19, 08 10:28 pm  · 

Atechno - got any photos of the new digs yet? I wanna see the progress you are making.

Just got back from an enjoyable evening of good food, good wine and good conversation. Time for some shut-eye as it's past my bedtime. G'night TC.

Feb 19, 08 11:29 pm  · 

got to go to a benefit dinner (potential client) last night with an open bar of maker's mark and a talk by the president of maker's mark, bill samuels jr. goofy guy, interesting talk.

Feb 20, 08 7:40 am  · 
Feb 20, 08 7:44 am  · 

^^cool photo

I just slid into work, literally. It's snowing pretty bad and the roads are way slick. Slid all the way down the big hill to get to the highway... I was in first the entire length of the street and could feel the anti-lock breaks doing their jobs. I can never remember which way to turn the steering wheel, with the way your car is going or the opposite. I think I chose wrong. Fortunately I didn't hit anything Slid through about two stop signs. Almost slid through a couple of red lights even. Safe at the office now. Am supposed to go out to take more photos of our site, but I think I'll let the guy with the four wheel drive, drive. Be safe to all those driving in horrible weather today.

Feb 20, 08 8:15 am  · 

Sounds exciting. No coffee needed this morning i guess!

Feb 20, 08 8:23 am  · 
liberty bell

tuna. my husband tells me you should go ahead and push your car into the higher gears, even at very low speeds, on slick roads, because it gives the engine greater torque (?) and thus more power to move on slick spots. I used to always drive in second gear at 15 mph in snow - he tells me to go ahead and put it in 4th gear to do this.

Feb 20, 08 8:26 am  · 

lb- higher gears gives less torque by having the engine rev slower, so you're less likely to spin the tires.

tuna- glad you made it safely to the office. I'm just glad my car started at -11 degrees F (and that the furnace is now working).

shout out to Sarah, who's big day has finally arrived!

Feb 20, 08 10:13 am  · 

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