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nam, I guess I'm partly influenced by respect for more professional design bloggers, ala Design Observer, so I decided that 'rationalist' could post all the fluff I want, but my real name is reserved for the good stuff

Feb 12, 08 1:36 am  · 

well, and that explains why my real name to pseudonym postcount ratio is so pathetically low....

Anyway, I just got FABULOUS news a couple hours ago: I'm going to Rome for a month next summer!!!!!!!!!! I'm super excited and having a hard time containing it. I want to go dancing. Now. And the bars all close soon, so that's a bit of a problem. Anyway, yeah, my study abroad app got accepted so I'm planning to head to Europe for the first time in August. YAY!

Feb 12, 08 3:07 am  · 
vado retro

a 100 pics of mies or of mdler?

Feb 12, 08 7:01 am  · 
vado retro

in the office at 7 this morning and i wasnt even the first here, which means i didnt have to shovel the walk.

Feb 12, 08 7:18 am  · 
liberty bell

Fever still running high after a night of limited sleep. Husband teaches till 12, so I'm shifting my morning appointments to the afternoon. Parenting is not easy.

rationalist: that's excellent, excellent news!

Later all.

Feb 12, 08 8:37 am  · 

okay - I'm almost worried that I'm going to bore you guys with this stuff/constant yampering about my house reno. Maybe I should start a blog - but what would I call it? Suggestions?

Anyhow I saw my demo/joiner guy yesterday and showed him the house. He says yeah and he can do it immediately (sweet!) Well he called me at 6am for me to pick him up (doesn't drive). I was too tired to argue. By the time I got back I couldn't go back to sleep - I just fed/walked puppy.

But I should have a demo'd kitchen by this evening - yah!

Feb 12, 08 8:56 am  · 

sorry: poor agnus at least he gets more quality time with the parents
congratulations: rationalist - Rome will be fun I'm sure

Feb 12, 08 9:00 am  · 

Great news on Rome. I have been wanting to return to Europe ever since i first visited 3 yrs ago.


Also, if I may rant.
Everyday i bicycle to work and for the last 8 months to a year there has been major construction both condos and road work being done along my route. I have notcied over this time that there is always quite a bit fo trash on the groun on the job site and floating across my bike path from off the jobsites.

This week one of the jobsites was wrapping up. I still see all the trash on the ground and it doesn't look like anyone has plans to make a final sweep of the grounds/site. On top when they are backfilling areas or laying sod etc they do this right on top of whatever trash is there.

What is the deal!!!!! Why can't people put trash (both personal and construction related) in to receptacles. Is it that hard? Are they igonorant..

Ahhhhh. Why do they hate the Earth?

Feb 12, 08 9:05 am  · 
Sarah Hamilton

Techno, you could always just start a new thread, in the vein of Steven's home improvement odyssey, and include pictures!

Feb 12, 08 9:06 am  · 

hmm sarah that's a good idea. Ack only 4 posts to 5000

Feb 12, 08 9:30 am  · 

tumbles, I mean the next summer which will occur, so "this" summer I guess. But August-September, so I can be around to hang out with you and mdler in July. ;)

nam- if you think that's bad, you should see this.

Feb 12, 08 9:44 am  · 
Oysters and Trifle

namhenderson, I thought keeping the jobsite clean was written into each set of good specs.

Feb 12, 08 10:34 am  · 

Rationalist - Those images made my heart sick. I feel so helpless now :'o(

Feb 12, 08 11:27 am  · 
Oysters and Trifle

No. There are things people are doing, and it would be great if more people were doing. I keep the street in front of my place free of plastic wrappers. Some Sundays I scour the whole street. This is important, especially for people living on the coast. They've also installed many debris barriers on street gutter catch basin inlets. Don't buy heavily packaged products (the farmer's market is great for that). In the past year, there's been a change at Trader Joes, and a bigger number of people are using the canvas bags. The city now accepts a bigger number of the kinds of plastics that can go in the recycling bins, as well as some types of styrofoam, so most of the garbage now goes in there rather than the regular trash bin, what a big shift. Apartments are now on board to get the recycling bins, if the landlord asks for them.

As designers, what are you doing to make plastic-less environments more sexy?

In my project car, an old van, I ripped out most of the plastic, all of the carpet, all of the skanky foam, and am in the process of putting in ikea canvas seat cushions and flor carpet tiles. Exposed, sanded seat springs are beautiful. Yeah, I'm a crazy, tasteless nutcase.

Alright, sorry, off the soapbox now.

Feb 12, 08 12:54 pm  · 
Oysters and Trifle

Oh, I forgot to mention: liberty bell, don't you love the stone yard? I got samples of most of smaller groundcover rocks, and put them in baby food jars. That's a lot of baby food jars. I found the pear-berry tasted the best.

Feb 12, 08 1:07 pm  · 

Nice soap box. Do you have room for more? Seriously, I do a lot of the same things you suggested above. I pretty much only use canvas bags when grocery shopping (unless I need more bags for kitty litter cleanup) and recycle like a fiend. There was one month I only put out one bag of trash the entire month, the rest went into my bin. I could do better with picking up the trash around the neighborhood, this video I think gives me a HUGE incentive now. I bring my lunch in plastic ware and wash the plastic forks I use. If I go to other people's houses and find out they don't recycle I take the wine bottles and such from the evening home with me to put in my own.

But, no matter how much I personally do, it's videos like those that make me feel I'm still not doing enough, and that is why my heart aches.

Feb 12, 08 1:10 pm  · 
Living in Gin

*sigh* I'm disappointed in you people. This far into the page and nobody has posted a 188-themed image yet?

Feb 12, 08 1:40 pm  · 

LIG, sorry I've been detracted. you may want to drop by this thread, we need your wit and wisdom.

Feb 12, 08 1:45 pm  · 
Living in Gin

I'll have to look at it later... Too distracted now.

Feb 12, 08 1:47 pm  · 
Sarah Hamilton

LiG, havent you posted the images for the last 10 pages or so? Maybe thats a bit exagerated.

Feb 12, 08 2:04 pm  · 

bah - rejected! lol

Yeah I'm with you folks. No recycling to speak of here - tiny island sufficated with imports from North America with their obsessive plastic packaging (say that 3x fast). The beaches on the NW coast gets loads of debris washed in from tide from nearby islands. We go and tidy up as much as possible - but most of the outlet from their storm drain run right out. I pray that one day soon, this island will grow what it needs to eat, and have them packaged in re-usable timber/paper based products. Sigh one day one day.

in the meantime - eat more grass

Feb 12, 08 2:14 pm  · 
Sarah Hamilton


Feb 12, 08 2:39 pm  · 
As designers, what are you doing to make plastic-less environments more sexy?

I'm currently designing an installation/exhibit for a class that focuses on just this. We're addressing plastic in society as an addiction that we need to ween ourselves off of and presenting choices for the common places you encounter plastic in your life. Will update with images come march-ish.

Feb 12, 08 3:37 pm  · 
Sarah Hamilton

Rationalist, what sorts of common places are you talking about, can you elaborate even just a little? This sounds interesting.

Feb 12, 08 3:48 pm  · 

choices you find at the grocery store, at the mall, in home furnishings.... my group made lists of every piece of plastic we encountered in our daily lives, and we're going to try to present alternatives to as many of them as possible

Feb 12, 08 3:52 pm  · 

Oyster, Tuna et al
I to pick up trash in my yard and along my street. And yes people should switch to canvas grocery bags etc.

I guess i just wonder, if people can't even get a fucking piece of trash in a trashcan how can they be expected to do these even bigger (although not really that difficult) steps?

Feb 12, 08 3:55 pm  · 

lletdownl, I would try to have no more than 2 nervous breakdowns per week. Maybe 3 as long as each is spaced within 48 hours of each and you are under care of close friends, family, or spouse.

Feb 12, 08 5:04 pm  · 
You better stop,
look around,

Here it comes,
here it comes,
here it comes,
here it comes

Here comes your....

the answer is nineteen, lletdownl.

Feb 12, 08 5:30 pm  · 
liberty bell

rationalist, the plastic substitute project sounds great, please do post the results here.

We pick up trash when we walk into the little shopping district near us. It's a good thing to teach Angus.

Feb 12, 08 5:32 pm  · 
Sarah Hamilton

Most parents these days would worry about 'germs!' I'm glad you're normal, LB.

Feb 12, 08 5:33 pm  · 

I don't understand how the trash floe in the Pacific got that big without us hearing about it until now. If it's plastic, it's floating, right? I am an environmental enthusiast but I want to see some video of this. Surely somebody with a plane and a video camera can fly over this monstrosity and take video of it for like, 30 minutes or something. Why weren't we told about it when it was the size of Vermont, rather than twice the size of Texas?

Feb 12, 08 5:47 pm  · 

Perhaps this is a job for Green Thread Central.

Feb 12, 08 5:48 pm  · 
Sarah Hamilton

WonderK, I think there is a documentary about it. I remember reading an article way back when pop-corn was being found dangerous. Could never figure out what floating plastic had to do with popcorn, but thats what the headline said, and the article was about plastic.

Feb 12, 08 5:50 pm  · 

Popcorn is dangerous now too?!?! Damn it.

Feb 12, 08 5:58 pm  · 

There is totally a mini-documentary on it here.

Some of it is floating, but most of it is submerged... and the big thing is that it's basically out in the middle of nowhere. Once they found the current patterns that predicted Garbage Island, they had to trek out there on purpose to confirm its existance.

Feb 12, 08 6:11 pm  · 

Bummer, I like popcorn.

Rationalist I too would love to learn more about your project. After that video I was pondering that exact thing after watching that video. Please share when you are finished.

TK - I hate to say it but I think I'm over that thread. Bummer again, I thought it had so much potential. Sigh

Anyway, everything is printed out and ready to go for tomorrow's meeting. Three schematic designs for both the interior and the courtyard, as well as two preliminary color scheme boards with photos. Don't mean to toot my own horn but I think the color boards look absolutely fantabulous. I'm just praying the our vision matches what the client's. They've already shot down one architect's schematic.

Feb 12, 08 6:18 pm  · 


You're assistance is requested on this thread.

Feb 12, 08 6:26 pm  · 
Sarah Hamilton

On the popcorn thing, it was the cancer causing butter flavouring thats dangerous, but they quickly removed it. Besides, how can you eat popcorn without butter!

Anybody else having a rough morning? I totally fell asleep in my car, after parking it safely at work. Oops. Am I technically 'tardy' if I'm in the parking lot, but not at my desk?

Feb 13, 08 8:52 am  · 

i wasted my 5000 :-( post commenting on US infrastructure and what to do with the 1 trillion dollars.

Feb 13, 08 9:43 am  · 
Sarah Hamilton

Techno, you never mentioned that its like a 10+2 hour flight to your island! Thats crazy. Wait, do you get to arrive in a crop duster, cause that could be cool.

Feb 13, 08 9:58 am  · 
Oysters and Trifle

Congratulations, archi-dave on the big, clean number.

rationalist, that's great, I'd love to see how that turn's out.

Now, here's something architectural, for no reason:

metal grate landing - door interface

Feb 13, 08 11:18 am  · 

huh from texas? Naw you can fly direct from Dallas to PR, to Antigua then a 12 minute flight on a plane a little bigger than a crop duster (not by much)

Its pissing down with rain, and I wish I was back in my bed hugging puppy.

Feb 13, 08 11:57 am  · 
Sarah Hamilton

Can I take a boat from Antigua to Monte?

Feb 13, 08 12:13 pm  · 
Sarah Hamilton

What time zone are you in?

Feb 13, 08 12:20 pm  · 

@ Atechno I heard a blurb on the radio this morning that the winner of the Westminster Dog Show was a beagle. Thought about you and your puppy and it made me smile.

Meeting with the client went well. They were very excited about the ideas they saw. Hopefully we'll hear back by the end of the week so we can get started on the next step. Yay!!!

@ LB - I hope your son is feeling better today.

Feb 13, 08 1:00 pm  · 

- yes a very well behaved and groomed beagle called UNO. I caught a summary of it this morning - it made me smile; especially since my puppy was especially misbehaved yesterday. She ate my sandwich off the table as I went to grab a hand towel - and growed at me when I tried to take it back. So I only had one sarnie for dinner

Feb 13, 08 2:05 pm  · 

Sarah sorry no more ferry from Antigua - but if you are planning on coming over within the next 5 years it might be re-instated. The time zone is eastern so its 15:11 atm.


Feb 13, 08 2:10 pm  · 
Sarah Hamilton

Techno, I sent you an email! Ok, its not really that exciting.

Feb 13, 08 3:43 pm  · 

Slow afternoon here. I'm getting a lot accomplished today, even if none of that involves my assignments :-/

Feb 13, 08 8:03 pm  · 

emily & orhan, here is a job for you!

Feb 13, 08 9:13 pm  · 

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