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Ohhhh Barry we are all ears~

busy here preparing for Pecha Kucha Night, my last month of ARB hours, and meeting with the external examiners. Fun times

Jun 8, 11 12:56 pm  · 
vado retro

there was an unemployed architect trying out for masterchef last night. she said she had 150k in loans and when asked by gordon ramsey why she wanted to leave architecture she basically said well, it left me in 2009.



Jun 8, 11 1:02 pm  · 
Sarah Hamilton

Man, I'm sorry I missed that, Vado.  Master Chef is one of the few reality shows we actually watch, that and pawn stars.

Couple of side questions, can you guys think of a hobby or career that would be good for a "binge purge" personality?  Someone who goes balls to the wall on everything?  And, why is Abram suddenly wanting to be a baby all the time?  Is that normal?  We don't have a new baby or anything.


And congrats to everyone who is so busy, and things are happening for.


Off to make pickles - wish me luck!

Jun 8, 11 1:09 pm  · 
vado retro

i prefer mc australia to the american version.


Jun 8, 11 1:36 pm  · 
Sarah Hamilton

I didn't even know there WAS an Australian version.  How can you understand them?  I watched an Eric Bana film the other day, and his dad - who is German but living in Australia was impossible to understand.

Jun 8, 11 2:26 pm  · 

Hi everyone.  I  agree wholeheartedly with David that you are all awesome.

I am jetlagged and overwhelmed but had a totally fantastic time in Venice.  The insider view of the art world is just as grubbing and self-involved as is anything into which you get a naked view, I guess.  Austrian pavilion was good, and Orhan I took a picture of Angus in the Turkish entry for you - it was a good project too.

David, look at the St. Louis City Museum.

Phillip, a HUGE congratulations and welcome to the club!  It feels so good to get it all done and honestly it's one of the few things in my life of which I'm nothing but proud.  COngratulations.  Now you're seriously ABD, right? Is that the correct acronym?





Jun 8, 11 6:09 pm  · 
vado retro

there is a new zealand version also. as well as a swedish and russian version and indian version.


Jun 8, 11 11:24 pm  · 
vado retro

happy birthday, paul!

Jun 9, 11 1:03 am  · 

That must be the most wonderful feeling.  Congrats Phillip!!!

Jun 9, 11 8:33 am  · 
Wilma Buttfit

Love love love the City Museum in St Louis!

Jun 9, 11 8:38 am  · 

my wife and i lived iron chef when it was on tele years ago in japan.  then we loved it when we were in north america too cuz the english was crazy funny.  but we are missing out on the master chef shows, in any language.  we are foody tv starved !


i agree everyone here is quite awesome.

Jun 9, 11 9:20 am  · 
Sarah Hamilton

Jump, you will have to elaborate on the English being funny - was it the translation of was it just Alton Brown?

And Donna, I'm glad you're back.  I've been waiting for your return to post this..

Abram chose a book from the library the other day, and while the book was terrible, I couldn't stop thinking that the main character looked and dressed just as I have always pictured you.

It helped to make the book a bit more bearable, and gave it an inside joke.

Jun 9, 11 9:35 am  · 

I've been compared to Ms. Frizzle by my students.  I'm fine with this.


Jun 9, 11 9:37 am  · 
Sarah Hamilton

If you can teach with even half the energy that Ms Frizzle has, then you're an awesome teacher!

Jun 9, 11 10:05 am  · 
Sarah Hamilton

I did my first attempt at pickling yesterday.  I won't know how it went until August.  Nothing like waiting around in suspense.

You can check it out here:


Ok, Archinect, how do I make the word "here" the link instead of the link being the link?

Jun 9, 11 2:57 pm  · 

@sarah, highlight the word that you want to turn into the link before clicking on the link button, then insert the link into the popup and push OK...

Jun 9, 11 3:02 pm  · 

SH - It's been a while since I've checked out your blog.  I am saddened that your son's curls no longer exist :o(

Jun 9, 11 3:59 pm  · 

@ Sarah, canning and pickling salt is just salt that lacks anti-caking additives and iodine. Iodine and the anti-caking additives that will make your pickles an unappetizing-toned brown-, purple- or red-hued pickle. The two main anti-caking ingredients in salt are sodium ferrocyanide [yellow prussiate] and Ferric ferrocyanide [Prussian blue].


Jun 9, 11 4:21 pm  · 

Sarah - like this.

(Thanks Vado!)

Jun 9, 11 4:23 pm  · 
vado retro

if you wanna buy a piece of midwestern garage punkarama featuring a song cowritten by ya go.

Jun 9, 11 5:12 pm  · 

I'm quickly getting tired of the self-discipline involved in self-employment.

Jun 9, 11 5:14 pm  · 

hear hear donna!

@ sarah, the english was funny because it was a loose translation and they made it funny the way it was dubbed and such.  not that the show wasn't slightly weird to begin with.  the host is a famous actor in japan who played his part well.  the american show that followed was less interesting that way somehow.


Jun 9, 11 5:36 pm  · 
Sarah Hamilton

See, and I thought he was really just some rich guy who loved food, and was really bored.  Japan's Food Emperor or something.

Jun 9, 11 6:37 pm  · 

self-discipline?! no wonder it didn't work for me.

Jun 9, 11 7:06 pm  · 

vado, mc australia is superior to both us and nz versions, but the british version is probably still best for purists. australia also has a junior masterchef version for 8-12 year olds. these guys can cook better than I can, and it is strangely compelling. In australia, masterchef is an institution and weirdly enough, even my 7 and 4 year old boys like to watch it.

Sarah, the nz and australian accent are gradually becoming one. back in the day, my sister was a kid tv model and had to pretend to be an australian. you also had australian ads with aussies putting on fake nz accents. now it doesnt happen. You can still fin aussies and new zealanders with horrible accents, but weirdly enough when I lived in Melbourne, no one picked me as a kiwi and when i got back no one picked me as an australian.

I imagine its similar to the US/canada accent - I can only really tell the difference when a canadian says he/she wants to go outside. But decades of american television means we can understand most american accents, even the strange ones.


Jun 9, 11 7:33 pm  · 


for some reason this always stuck in my mind, but the worst, and I mean absolutley worst depiction of a NZ accent was by steve guttenberg in this movie which I strangely watched in a motel room in rotorua in 1994. It was so bad, it is imprinted on my memory for all time.


Jun 9, 11 7:43 pm  · 
Wilma Buttfit

Donna, just pretend you are working for someone else. That's what I do sometimes to get stuff done.

Jun 9, 11 8:30 pm  · 

outside?  do canadians say that differently?

i used to think didn't have accent but once was accosted by fellow in london and i spoke back to him and he couldn't understand a bloody word i sed.  think it saved me from a fist fight actually cuz he thought i was just some tof, but really was only a foreigner, which was a lesser infraction.

Jun 9, 11 8:35 pm  · 
Sarah Hamilton

Yeah, the curls were pretty much falling out anyway, and I felt that since he was older, it was time for him to leave the beauty shop and cross the street to the barber shop. I wish the curls could've stayed, but he was looking more moptop, and not hip-kid-model. Thanks for the tip, James.

Jun 9, 11 9:09 pm  · 

Its the 'out' rather than the 'side'. Similar to the way one pronounces oats as in porridge.

When I was in the states a few years back, everyone assumed I was from England. I almost got beaten up when I was in Chez Jays in Santa Monica, because someone at the bar objected to me using the term 'mate' - which is probably the 1 thing I did pick up after living in Melbourne for 4 years. I never said it before that.

Jun 9, 11 9:11 pm  · 

jump, it's the "out" sound that gives Canadians away: out, about, without, snout.  That and the ice fishing gear, of course.

I sadly drop my g's far too often lately (We're goin' to the beach, I'm runnin' out, etc.).  It's trashy, and lazy, but it keeps happening more and more.

What I picked up while studying in Austria was saying ciao (which I don't do anymore but would like to) and pronouncing the architect Otto Wagner as "Vaaahg-ner".  I still do that.

Jun 9, 11 9:18 pm  · 

Interesting.  I can totally tell when someone is from Canada.  The intonation on certain words is just slightly different from Americans (at least Mid Westerners).  I love it.

Jun 9, 11 9:57 pm  · 
Sarah Hamilton

Don't know if any of you watch Americas got Talent, but we caught it last night, and there was a minesotan on - they were in the twin cities. The guys accent and word choice had me rolling. He's what I figure canadians sound like. Like the mom from Bobbys World. Who I used to think was Irish when I was a kid. Funny. Beta, Tk, do you guys talk funny? Do you say "Oy yeh." When I was in school in Philly, I had to translate certain words. Apparently, Texans use the word "pin" for pen, and the yanks kept getting confused. I started saying "pehn" and I always felt a bit like a downsyndrome kid doing it, but it worked.

Jun 9, 11 10:23 pm  · 

my step mother talks like the main character in FARGO, and i suppose most of my relatives got a bit of that in them too.  not sure about the "out" thing.  only newfoundlanders say it like oot, as far as i know. 

pin eh?  yeah that would cause confusion for me too sarah.  i'd expect something sharp and stickity to be involved ;-)

Jun 9, 11 11:37 pm  · 
vado retro

i love mc australia. especially after they ditched the useless woman host from season 1. I love the chef's gary and george and love matt preston who must be six foot six and always has a cravat. they are very gracious,, very enthusiastic and very supportive of the contestents. also, since i have really started cooking a lot, i realize how little i know.

Jun 10, 11 9:18 am  · 
Wilma Buttfit

Excuse me, I need a drink of wudduh.

Jun 10, 11 9:29 am  · 

what is wrong with me - I was trying to talk to a coworker about circuit breakers, but I had trouble coming up with the term "circuit breaker" so I was saying stuff like "the box with the fuses, but they aren't fuses anymore - the switch thingy that goes when you put to much stuff in the outlets..."  he eventually figured out what I was talking about, but it took a lot longer than necessary.


I always have a hard time remembering the name for things on the spot - especially architectural terms and products - which often makes me look like an idiot - especially if the person I'm talking to is impatient - I can picture it in my head, I know exactly what I want to talk about, but the word isn't there.  yet I can bust out terms like "remonstrated" and "fecundity" in casual conversation.

Jun 10, 11 2:37 pm  · 

That happens to me all the time as well toaster.  It's annoying as hell and I feel like a complete idiot when it happens.  It's even worse when the German word pops into my brain but the English one completely alludes me.  That doesn't happen so much anymore but when it does I shut down the verbal thought process until the correct language synapses are firing again.  My friends just chuckle when it happens.

Jun 10, 11 3:21 pm  · 

that happens to me a lot too... although these days, since returning to academia, it is usually that i can't immediately recall the name of an architect or building...

Jun 10, 11 5:28 pm  · 

Guess I better stop posting and go work on making some cookie robots for Angus' birthday party!

Jun 11, 11 9:49 am  · 
Sarah Hamilton

Donna, what do your robots look like?  I wonder if we have he same cutters.

Jun 11, 11 12:37 pm  · 
Sarah Hamilton

Man, where is everybody!?

Jun 13, 11 4:27 pm  · 

Working!  Working like mad!

Sarah we had to make cookie robots that look like the ones in Despicable Me, so they were 3D - I have pictures somewhere, I think on Brian's camera.

Jun 13, 11 4:37 pm  · 
Sarah Hamilton


Jun 13, 11 5:16 pm  · 

hello Sarah et all.

You should check out Bryan's essay on the results of the first annual PS1 Peoples’ Choice Awards.

staying busy myself. had a wonderful time at a wedding this past weekend. But drank a bit much too get to much sun the next day on the beach.

Jun 13, 11 6:54 pm  · 

I just decided, and sent in my form making it official, not to renew my architect's license in Pennsylvania.  It's only $100, but it just seems silly to pay it when I'm really unlikely to ever work in PA again.  Still, kinda difficult.

Jun 13, 11 8:58 pm  · 

donna, do they not have an inactive status? 


Jun 13, 11 10:28 pm  · 

They do - that's what I'll be.  Still makes me sad.

Jun 13, 11 10:49 pm  · 

Wait a minute Donna, isn't your Indiana license a reciprocal one?  I thought you had to keep your originating license current or else you lose the reciprocals based on that original?  At least that's what I've understood from checking out my own situation.

Jun 13, 11 11:52 pm  · 

ACK!  Eek, is that true?!  Goddammit.  Guess I'll wait to mail this envelope til tomorrow.

Jun 14, 11 12:54 am  · 

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