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Sarah Hamilton

Hey, your artist was released!  Must have been all the shirts.

Jun 22, 11 6:51 pm  · 

"your" artist  !!

ahah.  sarah you crack me up.  so much for uniting against the red enemy and the scourge of communism ;-)

i agree it was wiener's personal life so really who cares.   republicans get a noisy democrat off their backs so now its all pussyfooting again.  what amazes me is that a republican who buys off the family of his mistress or one who solicits prostitutes gets full support of the same shitheads who called for wiener to resign.  how anyone can take republican politicians seriously on family values is beyond me.


perry is a bit scary to me frankly sarah.  not his looks but his policies.  he seems to be one of the new republicans who want to control how americans think.

Jun 22, 11 7:12 pm  · 
Sarah Hamilton

Well, I only said "Your" because I hadn't even heard of him until the shirts showed up.


And Perry's policies are retarded!  But I hope he runs so we can get him out of the Governor's Mansion.

Jun 22, 11 8:26 pm  · 

Sarah, if you have a Windows PC... the shortcut is alt + 0151 on the numpad.

If you have a laptop without a num pad, the shortcut is fn+alt+0151 on the function key numpad.


Jun 22, 11 9:02 pm  · 

lol sarah

i was only funning about the ai weiwei thing.  it is pretty sad that he is the only one in the news frankly. i wonder if usa wasn't so indebted to china if we would not be hearing more about how bad it is in communist land...what would reagan say?


Jun 22, 11 10:05 pm  · 

Reagan would say "Where am I, and where did I park my unicorn?" before wondering into the basement and getting lost there. 

Jun 22, 11 10:19 pm  · 

Ai had shown a "good attitude in confessing his crimes"


OMG that is frankly a terrifying sentence.  I'm glad he's out of detention but seriously, that sentence makes me think of Spanish Inquisition techniques.

Jun 22, 11 10:56 pm  · 

Okay, I totally understand that this stinks more than the Everglades on a hot day.

But just to play devil's advocate here, what if Ai Wei Wei really hasn't paid any of his taxes in a very long time— as in not being able to claim it was a mix-up or an accident, i.e., not one or two missing or underpaid payments?

We could call the Chinese government corrupt for not forcing everyone to pay their taxes on time and in full. Giving any person that kind of privilege is pretty disgusting if others are prosecuted for the same crime. If there's another side to the story, we should consider it with a grain of salt but it should be considered none the less.

It's not like the U.S. hasn't detained hundreds, if not thousands, of people illegally for loose associations, thought crimes et cetera and is holding them in illegal offshore prisons which may or may not be in former Soviet countries and or in communist Cuba.

Jun 23, 11 1:11 am  · 

you are not advocating for the devil you are a minion.


a minion i say !


i think the deal is that china always arrests people for taxes when they got nothing else going on...possibly

Jun 23, 11 2:32 am  · 

There's no excuse at all for arresting someone and not telling them why for 3 months, especially for financial, not violent, crimes.  That's how we roll in the West, yes?

Headed to L'ville today, and get to see Steven wahoo!

Jun 23, 11 8:08 am  · 
Sarah Hamilton

→  ←∟↔▲▼  →  alt+1050,1051,1052, 1053,1054, 1055, and that's where those secret codes end.

Ok, James, how my symbols aren't quite like yours?  And why are there these secret codes anyway?  It's like an In and Out Burger.


Morning, all.

Jun 23, 11 10:12 am  · 

Because... it  is 0151. Not 1051.


Jun 23, 11 2:46 pm  · 
Sarah Hamilton

Hmmm.  — Whoops.  My bad.  Damn secret codes.


Design question:  If your whole house has "popcorn" ceilings, but the texture is falling off the bathroom ceiling....  Should you replace with more popcorn, or change to a more contemporary look?  Maybe grass cloth for a tropical vibe?

Jun 23, 11 4:00 pm  · 

Depends on whether or not the popcorn has ever been painted. Although I remember reading on a DIY website that you should never have popcorn ceilings in your bathroom because of mold and mildew growth since popcorn is unfinished and unpainted.

If it has been painted, your screwed on two different fronts— it is going to be a lot harder to scrape it off and I don't believe you can popcorn back over it either.

I'd just scrape it myself because bathrooms are so small that the noise reduction factor is a moot point. Now, if your roof's plasterwork is shit... maybe look into orange peel or knockdown. Knockdown is really cheap to do and you can become an expert at applying it with like 3 tries.

Spray it on, wait like 10 minutes and smoosh it down with a wet paint scraper or drywall knife.

Jun 23, 11 4:27 pm  · 

Side note: if your house was built before like 1982, there's a high probability that your popcorn ceiling contains asbestos. Since the ceiling is cracking, there's a possibly that it is releasing asbestos.

You could paint over it to try to seal the asbestos in but it's probably best to just get rid of it.

Jun 23, 11 4:30 pm  · 

Sarah...just don't do Butt-hole Stucco.....being from near the Southwest you most likely will understand that "Architectural Slang"....If not I will try to point you in the right direction.

I'm sure Donna....knows Butt-hole Stucco from her days in Tucson...

Jun 23, 11 8:06 pm  · 

Thinking about economics....quoting a client who saw this bumper sticker on the back of a contractor pickup:  "I wish it was as easy to get a Building Permit as it is to get on welfare."

Well I have the fricking same feeling about  Final Certificates of Occupancy. 

I'm being held hostage...

Jun 23, 11 8:12 pm  · 

AHAHAHAHAHA!!! That's awesome snook.  So true.

Jun 23, 11 8:32 pm  · 

That *is* pretty funny, snook.  There used to be an art teacher at Herron School of Art who parked his van in the school parking lot every day.  On the side of his van was painted "I love teaching art but I also love paying my mortgage."

So tired - and wrong about seeing Steven today, sadly, I got mixed up - I'll see him Saturday.

Got an email from a client tonight that says, among a list of items, "(Client corporate name) does not want the mural in the space - please revise this component of the finishes."  No explanation of why, what the issue is, suggested direction to go, just "no".  And they wonder why our hours rack up?!  I'm not a mind-reader, man, and I suspect you don't like it because you don't get it - this is why you should just hush up and trust your designer!

Jun 23, 11 9:57 pm  · 

snook, did you see the sad mystery of the Bavinger House?  I know you're a Goff fan.

Jun 24, 11 8:33 am  · 


I have been following it.  What a sad state it is to see this jewel following the path of Demolition thru Neglect! 

Jun 24, 11 12:47 pm  · 

This is most likely an incomplete list of people who worked on the Bavinger house as Architectural Students while in Norman, Oklahoma. It was published in a phamplet shortly after the house was completed.  I pulled it off the Friends of Kebyar Site.

Working Assistants:
Banks Upshaw
Mitch Surgot
Roland Hickman
Charles Birdwell
Ernie Burden
Bill Haney
Dick James
Howard Alan
George Kovaciny
Roger Van Frank
Cecil Keller
James Bowman
Roy Tanaka
Val Agnoli
Sanford Roberts
Lee Ward
Rol Ristine
Carrol Littlejohn
Stan Porch
E. B. Owen
John Papaconstanou
George Papaconstanou
Don Buller
Bob Bowlby
Dick Whitaker
Bob Hendricks
Fareed Hassen
Jack Golden

Jun 24, 11 5:08 pm  · 

Yay New York.

Jun 24, 11 11:03 pm  · 

yeah - we've come a long way in the past decade.  NY is a big deal.  the fact that the governor was the one pushing for it and that the state senate is controlled by republicans was even more amazing.


Jun 25, 11 12:12 pm  · 
vado retro

rather than replacing the popcorn perhaps you could cover it with say tongue and groove, so fun to say, wood or sheetrock and then your grassy tropical layer?

Jun 25, 11 12:23 pm  · 
Sarah Hamilton

You know, I got to thanking about it Vado, and it's already sheet-rocked, and since someday, we will probably sell the house, instead of doing the grass cloth, I thought of doing bead board.  It's similar to your tongue and groove, which is fun to say, espescially since with a Texan accent, it comes out as tongue in groove, but in any case, the scale would be too much for a small bathroom.  I think I'm excited about the bead board idea.

It will work in a bathroom, right?  It can get steamy in there — probably why the sky is falling!

Jun 25, 11 3:23 pm  · 

popcorn ceilings are a big problem in older homes in CA... ohhhh they are so shitty.  I hate them.  I've seen people have cobwebs caught up in them, dust, all kinds of crap.  Who knows, they probably contribute to allergies in some fashion.  Not to mention they're ugly as hell.  So I know in CA at least you can hire people to come over and basically destroy it all... don't remember how they go about it.  Might be worth it in your case.  That's one job (like drywalling) that personally I'd rather let other people do for me... (assuming I had the $$ of course)

Jun 25, 11 6:08 pm  · 

good morning all,

Sarah I love bead board ceilings, it is really big for sun rooms/libraries etc..

I decided to bail on going into work today, but went yesterday.

Jun 26, 11 1:41 pm  · 

I've never understood popcorn ceilings.  They are so unaesthetically appealing I don't understand how they ever became so popular.

Jun 26, 11 2:47 pm  · 

the texture covered cracks in plaster in old houses. Looked like new without all the work of actually making it new. now, why you'd do it in new construction...?!

Jun 26, 11 6:06 pm  · 

bead board ceilings are typically found on porches around here - although for some reason people have a tendency to paint them smurf blue.  or you can do like my old bathroom - completely tile the ENTIRE ROOM (we're talking every f-ing surface) in some weird faux psychedelic marble tile.  so every time you go to the bathroom it's like you stepped into a scene from the original 1967 "casino royale"

Jun 26, 11 7:32 pm  · 

toast that image just made me realize we TCers seemed to have ended the tradition of the image announcing new page

Jun 26, 11 8:23 pm  · 

I've never understood popcorn ceilings.  They are so unaesthetically appealing I don't understand how they ever became so popular.


Not a question of aesthetics - shit is CHEAP.  Sprays on, requires no finish effort = developer's wet dream.  You think aesthetic choices went into the last 30 years of tract home construction?  Hell no.

Jun 26, 11 10:34 pm  · 
Sarah Hamilton

I secretly always liked my grandmother's ceilings.  They're some sort of 1970's texture, but with a small amount of glitter.  It's like looking at the stars.

Jun 27, 11 8:12 am  · 

Manta - never thought of it that way.  I grew up in a house that was built in 1906.  A builder's show house at the time.  No textured ceilings anywhere.  I grew up in a city where most of the houses were built before the 40's so it's rare to see any textured ceilings.  They don't make them they way they used to.  Despite the aggrevations of owning an older home (mine was built 1926) I don't think I'll ever buy anything that dates after plaster and lath stopped being used.

Jun 27, 11 8:27 am  · 
Sarah Hamilton

Is there really a benefit to plaster and lathe over drywall?  My dorm room had plaster walls since it was part of an all-girls school back in the early 1900s — apparently Grace Kelly went to school there, not that any of us college students knew who she was at the time, or cared for that matter.

Jun 27, 11 11:25 am  · 

I prefer plaster and lath because it just feels more substantial.  It also seems more sound proof then just drywall IMO.  Doesn't mean any of this is the actual case, it's just my preference.

Jun 27, 11 11:34 am  · 

Hey Sarah you know this road?

In honor of our old (maybe now resurrected) tradition?

Jun 27, 11 1:47 pm  · 
Sarah Hamilton

I do not, and looking it up online said it was in Far West Texas, near Barstow, but I can't find it on the map.  I love how our Farm to Market signs look, though.

Jun 27, 11 2:16 pm  · 

Sarah, I agree; if you have popcorn ceiling you must have glitter!

Jun 27, 11 3:34 pm  · 

*I have to apologize to Steven before posting this: I know you aren't a Cracker fan, but the solo stuff is different and so, so good!*

I'm working on some graphic stuff for a project and listening to this in-store appearance by David Lowery doing his solo work and it is SO FREAKING GOOD!

Jun 27, 11 11:00 pm  · 

And yes, agree: I also have a little bit of love for the glitter ceilings.

Jun 27, 11 11:00 pm  · 
Sarah Hamilton

So why does it seem so wrong to like the glitter ceilings?


I think I'll be painting most of today.  Fun fun fun!

Jun 28, 11 8:29 am  · 

Hello, good morning everyone! Sarah, don't be shy on the glitter.

There are some popular things, such as red doors, that I had some dificulties to understand too. Sometimes people do it, even if does not match the rest of the outdoors.

Jun 28, 11 8:48 am  · 

Sarah - your affinity for glitter makes me think of this wallcovering from Innovations.  It's fun stuff.

Jun 28, 11 8:59 am  · 
Sarah Hamilton

Melt, that makes me think of another wall I saw online recently on pinterest...

Jun 28, 11 9:02 am  · 
Sarah Hamilton

Not that I would ever do anything that extreme in my own house.  Scales all wrong.

Jun 28, 11 9:03 am  · 

Wow.... the large scale of it makes my eyes hurt.

Jun 28, 11 10:08 am  · 

hi all... just back from a long weekend "mancation" in the mountains of north carolina with my three college roommates... good times... got in some whitewater kayaking, a round of golf, won a little money at the casino, and a little bit of hiking... now it is time for a lecture-writing marathon since my summer history course begins a week from today... it is gonna be a long month, with class 2 hours per day for five days a week from july 5th til august 5th...


Jun 28, 11 12:02 pm  · 

I am struggling soooo hard to wrap up this little pro bono project I've been working on for awhile... it's an outdoor sign for an organization I myself am a part of (so I care about it probably too much)... I just need a second set of eyes to critically look at the thing with me and say, no, that proportion is wonky.  Tighten it up here.  etc. etc... how do you self-employed people do it without any other person to bounce ideas off of?!?!  Ack.  I am DYING to have someone critique this thing.  But nobody I know in my city really has the time.  It would involve taking a trip to see the thing in person & in order to really get a real critique we would have to get into the details of the thing - probably a good 3 hours of looking at it I would guess.  How can I make someone do that ?!

Jun 28, 11 12:53 pm  · 

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