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watched it david... barcelona has too much class for any other club on earth at the moment... the passing up front is some of the best in the world, ever really...


May 28, 11 7:30 pm  · 

hi TC, I am still run-down, still sick, but at least have the long weekend. Hoping to get some sea-side air and sun this Sun- or Monday


holz, does that mean you are working on Sunday as well? Are you still free-lancing type stuff or you got a real (aka full-time/salaried) gig now?


even though it's Sat, i am hopefully going to bed soon(ish). night night

May 28, 11 8:27 pm  · 

lars - class or skill? two very different things!



no work on sunday - it's supposed to be nice here so BBQ is in order.

i think my last day at work is coming up though. i've been doing temp work while my own thing gets started. kind of looking forward to have time to hang out with the baby this summer.

May 28, 11 10:21 pm  · 

well holz..

i think with the english class=skill... i'm not sure if they're nasty off the pitch or not... and on the pitch they're usually pretty classy...if you ignore the game against madrid... i'm also not sure i like iniesta..maybe busquetts as well..but the rest of their team seems to not dive so much.  the only player i really don't like all that much is Alves.

May 29, 11 4:36 pm  · 

Been frickin busy this weekend...."Tag Sale"  Mrs. B has been planning it for a month and well  this was the weekend. We cashed out just over four hundred dollars..which was alot considering we were disposing of things we just don't need or use.  I have been asking her all week what you going to do with the proceeds?  I still don't know yet.  The nice thing about it is my garage is a heck of alot cleaner having recycled alot of paper and metal and the Mrs.has some mad money, as it will make her happier.

Tomorrow is Memorial Day and well for all those brothers and sisters and assorted other relatives who have served their time in the military, my hat is off to them.  I'm by no means a war monger, but  it is ever present and those who serve and those who have served my thoughts are with them.  My thoughts are also for all those who have served in the Peace Corp, America Corp, Habitat for Humanity, UN missions. We never think enough of them. I'm thankful for every person who volunteers their time to better society as a whole. I don't care if you picking up trash along a river bed, or a Red Cross worker in Missouri....Thank you for all you Give !







May 29, 11 4:59 pm  · 

happy Monday folks. I know you are all still enjoying your long weekend. JUst wanted to pop my head in and say howdy.


I'm sitting in a coffee shop (as I'm sure Donna is doing but in a far more picturesque location)  eavesdropping on a interior designer and her client. She's presenting him sketch plans, but It's really interesting because he keeps yanking her pencil and re-drawing things. On a side note is there a more architectural word that eavesdropping??

May 30, 11 9:32 am  · 

urban eavesdropping = flaneur(ing)


not working today, but strategizing about negotiating my salary - wish me luck! any tips?


May 30, 11 11:35 am  · 

if it was meant to be funny, you'd need to tone down the attack-dog approach, i think.


if i were to take it seriously, i'd say you failed the interview due to non-professional character even before you got in the door. 

May 30, 11 5:24 pm  · 

friend of mine recently turned me on to this publication:


gentrify, gentrify


interesting mag - comes out three times a year.  your basic lit/crit with a little philosophy thrown in - often wry, pretty smart, and entertaining.


disclosure - one of the editors is a friend of this friend, but I don't know this guy personally.

May 30, 11 9:33 pm  · 

in addition to a "like" button, would be totally cool to have a "fancy graphics lover" button.

May 30, 11 11:20 pm  · 

You're kidding, right David?  Took the pencil out of her hand and re-drew things?  RUDE!!!!  Bring your own damn pencil and bum wad when coming for a brain storming session/presentation meeting jackass. 

May 31, 11 8:31 am  · 

I totally would love it if a client did that melt.


in our office we are always drawing on each others sketches and tearing up each others models (we don't use trace paper usually).   i would say it is an unofficial requirement in the office to be ok with that.  i hadn't thought about it, but is that not normal approach? 

May 31, 11 9:11 am  · 

jump - I think it's normal in an office where people respect each others' design ability.  i have a tendency to do it because I think it's a crucial way of communicating with people (and I don't mind when clients do it) - but I've had a couple bosses freak out on me if I dared put any marks on their stone tablets that descended from mount sinai.

May 31, 11 9:19 am  · 

It is so not a Tuesday...


May 31, 11 5:00 pm  · 

tuesday was track and field at my kids' school this year so my wife and i both took day off.  the rainy season stopped just long enough for the event - now back to pouring rain for the rest of the week.



@toasteroven, pity about the uptight bosses.  i guess i am lucky cuz i am the boss and my partner and i can set the rules.   i do ask before drawing on someone else's sketch, and would not mind a negatory response, but would totally be unimpressed if a person got titchy over it....

May 31, 11 5:46 pm  · 

The "sketch-on-top-of-others" policy in our office is to ask first, but most not only allow it but encourage it. I've had one person flat-out refuse, tough, and I thought it was strange considering the scope of the sketch. Not a big deal though.


By the way, is it possible to search just the thread title?

May 31, 11 7:17 pm  · 

well thats just it philarch, the output is a building not a piece of paper.  so who cares what happens to the models and the drawings....we give credit for projects to everyone involved so it isn't like the sketches will be the only reminder even for an intern....maybe i am not theoretical enough ;-)


am sure steve holl doesn't allow people to draw over his stuff.  not sure if that is good or bad....

May 31, 11 8:00 pm  · 

I wouldn't be opposed to someone sketching over stuff, but I would be rather peeved with anyone "yanking" away my pencil.  "Yanking" has a negative connotation in my mind. 


yank  (yngk)
v. yanked, yank·ing, yanks
1. To pull with a quick, strong movement; jerk: yanked the emergency cord.
2. Slang To extract or remove abruptly: yanked the starting pitcher early in the game.


I was just looking through a long list of companies that have matching gift programs for employees that give to charitable organizations and I can honestly say that I was surprised that I did NOT see one familiar architectural firm on the list.  I saw a few construction companies and I saw a few "vendors" but no architectural firms.  Do you think it's because of the economy, the fact most firms are small or that firms just don't have the needed profit margins to have such programs?

May 31, 11 8:26 pm  · 

the architectural firms think of themselves as the charities. I'm actually more into giving of time and talent than money... the former has a more lasting effect and the value when counted in dollar value is usually significantly more.


Or maybe they just don't publish it. We do alot of hush hush pro-bono work

May 31, 11 10:50 pm  · 

Very good point David.  Never thought about.  We've done a good amount of pro bono work as well, which I also feel does have a more lasting effect in the long run.


I was still kinda surprised, considering when the economy was good our firm gave money (though quietly) to some great organizations in the city, which got us at least one project.  But I do see it as another way any company can get their name out and potentially get more business.


BTW - anyone heard from rusty!? I am curious if he heard anything regarding his interview.

Jun 1, 11 8:21 am  · 
Sarah Hamilton

I'm the say way about the pencil.  Bring your own damn pencil, but I also have to admit that while teaching, I was always using the students' pencils.


Yeah, where is Rusty?

Jun 1, 11 9:02 am  · 
Wilma Buttfit

I'm depressed because I met a 22-23ish year old who got an offer for $90k salary with a $30k signing bonus for his first job out of school. He is in petroleum. That's just sick.

Jun 1, 11 9:29 am  · 

...but he's in petroleum...  money is nice, but it's not everything.

Jun 1, 11 9:56 am  · 


"am sure steve holl doesn't allow people to draw over his stuff.  not sure if that is good or bad...."

i think that steven actually makes his staff draw like he does..or at least that's what it looks like from the outside...some of those watercolors definitely aren't his.


i could see a reason why a young architect would want to preserve their sketch...sometimes those sketches are all that's definitely their own during the building process for when they want to put them in their portfolio.  i know my portfolio has a lot of photographs and not too many it's hard to tell what i did or what another may have done.  am i missing hard is it to draw on multiple layers of trace?  it would seem to make more sense to me almost...since sometimes sketches don't turn out the way you expected them.

Jun 1, 11 10:04 am  · 
Wilma Buttfit

I like drawing all over stuff. I guess I justify this by putting the importance on the drawing being the medium for an idea and don't think about the drawing itself as a sacred object very often. Especially during a brainstorming session or progress meeting.


lars, I didn't say I was jealous. I am sickened! :)

Jun 1, 11 10:44 am  · 

I prefer using trace paper cuz it's easier to see what was going on after-the-fact.  There's nothing more frustrating than having to go and re-create something and not knowing which lines to follow and which ones to ignore.  Sometimes it can just down right messy.  I love it when our clients bring trace paper to the meeting and sketch the hell out of something... not only can it help me see how the concept evolved but it helps to understand their own thought process.

Jun 1, 11 11:09 am  · 
Sarah Hamilton

I think I chose the wrong career, Becca.  That's a TON of money!  Maybe he's on the good side of petroleum, like making medical plastics?  Plastic jugs used to carry water to the people of the congo?  Just making it look nicer.


On a different subject, a week ago I mentioned a tensile structure of my own design was standing up?  I promised a picture, and here she is, in all her glory...


Ok, so it's not capital A architecture, and it's not a pretty picture, but it sure was shady!  Worked well for our party.


Back to bumwad talk.

Jun 1, 11 12:08 pm  · 

beccabec.. i would really like that signing bonus too... i don't want to say that i don't like money!.. but petroleum?  seems like worse than a lawyer right now.


seems like i've been spending like crazy recently.  one of the things though is plywood to FINALLY mockup some furniture designs i've had in my mind for years this weekend! and a rental car to get it all back down to my house.


that and i'm selling scratchboards pretty regularly recently..which has made making them even more fun..

Jun 1, 11 12:16 pm  · 

Love the tent Sarah! You need some GI Joes and camels to complete the nativity scene. Throw in a petroleum engineer in there as well.


Petroleum engineers are by far the best paid engineers of them all. Being a naval architect also pays well. I posted a report about it in another thread.


I'm alive. Still recovering from a really nasty cold.

Jun 1, 11 12:45 pm  · 
vado retro

rusty, let's see some qualifications.

Jun 1, 11 4:14 pm  · 

Play nice vado.

Jun 1, 11 4:18 pm  · 

Ha! a signing bonus... sure would be nice


But you know what? when I interviewed for getting back into architecture, I only picked out firms that I really wanted to be a part of. Ones where I really respected the work and process. I was employed at the time so I wasn't just looking for a job. So yes, I was fortunate to be in that kind of position. But its nice to be able to really want to be there for the work and experience. I'm know that isn't guaranteed or even unique in our profession, but its nice to have that potential.

Jun 1, 11 9:55 pm  · 

So the missus posted this link, about how doctors make marginally more than teachers. I sure I could find one about architecture. Maybe then we could sign up for social assistance.

Jun 2, 11 8:58 am  · 

Sarah I'm loving the tent. Fantastic work big A or not. I'd love if you could design a smaller portable one that I could take to the beach. Especially now since hurricane season has started - you never know when a sunny day at the beach is going to change to a dip in the bog.

Jun 2, 11 9:04 am  · 

nice canopy sarah!


a signing bonus would be totally awesome.  some architects get bonuses to agree to do designs.  a premium for the name value, agreed to in the contract no less.  not us unfortunately.  closest thing to a perk i have received so far is airfare and a hotel room to go to an interview in other country.


unlike most folks here i really hate trace paper.  my partner uses it but i can't stand having paper laying about.  i want it all to fit into the back pocket of my blue jeans.  luckily muji has designed the perfect sketchbook and pen for just this purpose.  perfect.


yesterday stayed at the university guest house because of late meetings.  it was designed by maki and is very very nice.  breakfast in the lounge was brilliant.  and the 3 minute walk to my office this morning was nothing less than brilliant.  thinking i will make this a regular thing. 


Jun 2, 11 9:34 am  · 

Hello everyone! Catching up, I hope you guys had a good time this weekend!


Sarah, I like the canopy, we can use some good shade this summer.


Becca, I wish I could find happiness looking at petroleum and make that yummy 90K + 30 in s.o.b.


I love tomatos and got 30 more organic plants that poped up this weekend.

Jun 2, 11 10:17 am  · 

jump I hope you have some pictures of this guest house - I'm thinking I would love to take a visit. Also show us what the sketchbook looks like

Jun 2, 11 3:05 pm  · 
Sarah Hamilton

If you guys go to my blog, there are simple instructions on how I made the canopy. Cost us just under 100 bucks. And David, isnt that what they make beach umbrellas for? Oh yeah, I think that's it.

Jun 2, 11 4:31 pm  · 

david here is quick shot of the lounge space.

maki did the entire campus plan 20 years ago.   been meaning to blog about the place at some point.  it's kinda different to be in a school designed in 1980's modernist style.  sort of like being at the bauhaus, it's all of a piece, much more than any campus i visited in canada/NA.


my sketchbook is this one (minus the pocket cover) i go through about one a month.



Jun 2, 11 6:29 pm  · 
Sarah Hamilton

That spiral fits in your pocket?! I never pictured you for an elephant jeans sort of guy.

Jun 2, 11 8:20 pm  · 

Rick, those who forged these paths for us also decided to take a massive dump on them and then set them on fire. 


A lot of us can't wait for the boomers to retire. From life.


One of the funnier things I've read all week.

Jun 2, 11 9:28 pm  · 

@sarah, it fits perfect in the pocket, like it was designed for it even.  never thought about it before but is there a standard pocket size?  unicorn would know.


here is thumb for scale figure.

taken from my phone, which is by the way a major new tool for design lately.  sketch, photograph, message in seconds, get feedback all while talking to the others involved in the design process halfway across the city.  i love technology. 


...and wee sketchbooks.


outa curiosity many others out there using phones as design aids?

Jun 3, 11 3:57 am  · 



I just received  some field measurements from a site about 30 miles away via phone. So I don't have to drive out to the site and burn petro and waste my time driving thru the countryside.  Well I kinda like driving thru the countryside but all for not burning gas, when not needed.

Jun 3, 11 7:37 am  · 

Beautiful sketeches jump.  A couple people in my office have gotten sketches via phone images.  It's awesome but kinda comical when you're trying to read small handwriting.

Jun 3, 11 8:15 am  · 
Wilma Buttfit

I think the petroleum guy's job was finding and figuring out how to extract from new sources of the stuff. Petro jobs are not going away anytime soon, it's reality.


Jun 3, 11 9:46 am  · 
Wilma Buttfit

Just learned that one of my very first projects I helped design is now flooded.

Jun 3, 11 9:50 am  · 

sorry to hear that beccabec.  hopefully it won't be too damaged.


thanks melt.  the new phones are so awesome since they are zoomable.  way its working lately is my partner prints sketches out on a4 paper at the office and someone builds a model and i get to see it in 3d when i get there.  i find the whole process very cool.  its like magic almost and i get to be part of the design process even if i'm 30 km away on the other side of the city.


thats very cool snook. reminds me of that painting by whatisname, where he phoned in the numbers on a grid and had a painting produced remotely.

Jun 3, 11 10:52 am  · 



That sounds like something Sol Lewitt would have done.  If your ever in Northwestern Massachusetts, within the next twenty years you can see an impressive installation of his work at the MassMoca Museum , North Adams .  It takes up several floors.   Ando has also designed  a nice gallery at the Clark Museum, just around the corner at Williams College.


Jun 3, 11 4:35 pm  · 

If you can't get there the exhibit is on Mass Moca's web site...just click on a drawing and enjoy:


Jun 3, 11 4:39 pm  · 

i think that was laszlo moholy-nagy when he was at the bauhaus, jump. trying to show the relative unimportance of the hand of the author.

Jun 3, 11 9:44 pm  · 

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