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Never had to take color theory - maybe thats why I stick to the stereotypical shades of off-white? I think it was available as an elective but since I transferred into architecture from civil engineering I wasn't part of that 'cycle'.


So its been a hectic week: I'm officially going to University of Michigan for grad school, I was accepted into a one-week workshop in France this July through the School of the Visual Arts, and I just emailed Paul my first Archinect feature. Thankfully I'm forcing myself to have dinner and a bad movie with friends this evening before I need to start working on other things this weekend.

May 6, 11 11:39 am  · 
vado retro

aaron you ARE color theory!

May 6, 11 11:58 am  · 

I've never had a class in color, and it's definitely a weak point in my professional knowledge.  My partner rocks at color, so I ride his subtly complementary coattails in this area.

May 6, 11 12:21 pm  · 

rusty I'm totally LOLing over the Vonnegut symbol used on that lighting thread - but calling you an asshole seemed funnier than just writing LOL!  I love it!

May 6, 11 12:36 pm  · 

i had a semester of nothing but color in arch school, but i still can't get clients to believe (in) me when we propose finishes/palettes.


maybe it's something about being in a midwest/south mostly rural state but male clients *always* defer to their female staff and female clients *always* feel compelled to rework everything. what IS that? am i not to be trusted with color because i'm male?! 


there was one project in which some of the finishes we proposed got installed before the client's staff could stop it and get it changed for the rest of the project. they approached us later and said that our section looked better when the project was complete. and they understood why we had done some of the things that they couldn't understand during construction. small victories, i guess. 

May 6, 11 2:41 pm  · 
Sarah Hamilton

I'm switching sides.  I like chocolate chip cookies with nuts.  Must be growing up.

May 6, 11 2:49 pm  · 
vado retro

do you toss in terms like analogous or triadic or split complementary or tetradic? or do you just pretty and nice?

May 6, 11 3:37 pm  · 

jump love this line   and now its all bartlett-y, which is both good and bad.


And Aaron congrats on the hectic week. Like the feature.


Also I skipped the beach with buddies to go to work tomorrow. Even though no one is "making me"... Can I officially say I am no longer a kid now?




May 6, 11 5:58 pm  · 

Also, high Erin. I like bold colors. Never studied them though. Not a big fan of minimalist monotones.


May 6, 11 6:04 pm  · 

Thanks Nam. I'm actually really looking forward to going through the feature with a fine-toothed comb in the morning. With the rush to get it out today I'm sure I overlooked something.

May 6, 11 6:58 pm  · 

Oh, I forgot to mention. I always let Mrs. B pick colors on our projects. She always does an excellent job and you know people always tell her they love her selections.  I'm more the,

"How the Hell we going to keep this one Standing Guy/"  Actually I did have the fun endevor of ripping thru some designs for a 25, 000 sf building located  in a country setting. Who knows if it has a chance in Hell in Happening....but with Spring it has felt like a good Exercise in Mental Health.  On the other hand I was doing some of that hands on stuff, cutting  a hole in a Commercial Kitchen Floor for a friend Client, so we could move the

condenser to the basement so it didn't have to work overtime trying to keep up with the kitchen ovens.  It is amazing the things we encounter in  a  "Simple Day of Architecture"

Ended up talking to a Bartender who was telling me how she could fix the Ice Machine when it broke down.  So we issued her a Certificate , as an Ice Machine Slapper Repair Woman, on the back of a bar napkin.  She thought we were just nuts....but so it goes.~


Night all~

May 6, 11 7:15 pm  · 

off to see my favorite honky-tonk-rock band play their derby eve show at the air devils inn. woo hoo! 


check it: (because i'm still incapable of posting a picture).


happy derby, y'all! 

May 6, 11 8:52 pm  · 

Steven, I've found that one of the few things I can say that makes people trust me on color is "I've worked with this material on a few projects, and this range of colors looks really outstanding in it because of X" or "and this sort of color tends to appear very dull." They seem to get that color changes between Illustrator and plastic/wood/metal/ceramic, and hearing that I've worked with the material before and know first-hand how color works with it seems to remind them that they are paying me for my expertise and that there is some degree of fact to it, not just opinions.

May 6, 11 11:35 pm  · 

why is it so hard to get people to believe that we DO know some things?!

May 7, 11 12:41 am  · 

because teaching is not easy.

May 7, 11 12:52 pm  · 

An interesting article about the possibility of Indiana's governor running for the Republican presidential candidacy.  Donna, what do you think of the guy?  Apparently he signed a bill to defund Planned Parenthood in Indiana... 

May 7, 11 1:12 pm  · 

He did what was expected, manta. Word was that if he hadn't supported that initiative, he would have lost a lot of the far-right support he needs in order to get some traction. Who knows what he believes? It's pure cynical calculated positioning.

May 7, 11 2:48 pm  · 
vado retro

mitch daniels is an asshat.

May 7, 11 3:45 pm  · 
vado retro

gary johnson former gov of nuevo mexico is running officially and is pro choice an d wants to legalize pot


May 7, 11 3:48 pm  · 

Mitch Daniels is as awful a Repub as any of them, possibly even worse because he pretends to be moderate but when it comes down to it all he cares about is being re-elected.  Signed away Planned Parenthood which means our state loses ALL Medicaid funding for poor people as states are not allowed to pick and choose what they'll use the money for.  Indiana now has an anti-immigration law second only to Arizona in how heinously racist it is.  We also have one of the most stringent anti-abortion laws in the nation, and companies - PRIVATE companies! - are not allowed to offer domestic partner rights because that might allow the scary gays to be treated as equal citizens.


 Because of this civil-rights denying anti-progressive bullshit, there is a high probability that Indiana will be seeing the taillights of our moving van come January when all our commitments here are over.


Daniels is a prick.  

May 7, 11 4:48 pm  · 

Oh god seriously I just read the entire article and that reporter is a mealy-mouthed little weasel who was fooled by Daniels' "friendliness".  A contest between Daniels and that evil Alaskan c*** (whose name I won't mention because I don't want to drive up her internet presence) would seriously be the turd sandwich/giant douche scenario.  There is not a single Repub presidential candidate who isn't a complete asswipe (unless this NM Johnson guy vado mentioned is a R - is he?).

May 7, 11 4:54 pm  · 

Johnson is a Republican for Taos, New Mexico. Does anyone see the irony in this?


He's also not a New Mexican. He's from the Dakotas.

May 7, 11 5:13 pm  · 

vermont is one step closer to enacting single-payer health care... vermonters are up in arms right now because the state senate snuck in a provision to not carry illegal immigrants.  it's like new england is opposite-land.

May 7, 11 5:21 pm  · 
vado retro

well he must be a new mexican because he was governator when i lived there in the 90's  and had a construction company there and moved there in the 70s to attend UNM. and there are plenty of headlight spotting dear hunters in taos.


May 7, 11 5:22 pm  · 

Ah, I had a feeling you'd be able to shed some light, Donna, vado, and Steven!


I thought there might be more to this story.  For the record, however, Hendrik Hertzberg is a FANTASTIC reporter & political writer and rarely does get things wrong (although of course he has here).  I'm sad that he missed the mark but in general I think you Donna, in particular, would enjoy his writing.  (He's senior editor at the New Yorker and has been reporting so long he's got a great perspective on things - he was speechwriter for Carter, for example - so he can often give a more in-depth, articulate, and intelligent liberal view-point than many.  I highly recommend his book "On Politics" which is a collection of his essays over the years.  He also wrote "Obamanos!" during the last pres. election cycle.

May 7, 11 5:23 pm  · 

I wish he allowed commenting on his blog posts so I could post your comment Donna and see what he says.  It may be worth writing him an email...

May 7, 11 5:24 pm  · 

sorry I meant he wrote the book during the last election cycle... not sure why i said pres., it wasn't.

May 7, 11 5:26 pm  · 

on amother note....: Happy Mother's Day to all the Archinector Women of Valor!





May 7, 11 5:52 pm  · 

Meh, Indiana is lost cause. We have to send in a SWAT rescue operation to save Donna. Otherwise the outside world is knocking at our door, trying to tell us to live a little. 


Just came across this image of US/Mexico border. I want to ultimately practice in the world as depicted on the right!

May 7, 11 6:27 pm  · 

which side is which?



sounds like a good place to live donna. 


sad that parts of usa are aiming to outdo iran with the intolerance and the thought-control laws.


in some of my favorite sf books the dystopian theocracies are always ones where the islamic leaders and christian leaders realize they have lots in common and join forces. 

when it comes down to it they both want to tell everyone how to live their personal lives and are indifferent about democracy.


it is sad to see that particular SF plot-line playing out in the real world.

May 7, 11 8:09 pm  · 

Exactly, jump.  It's just mind-boggling that the christianist right can't see the extremist similarities.


I took Angus to the movies today - we saw Rio, which was cute, but mostly I enjoyed it for the animated views of the city (beautiful!) and favelas (vibrant).


And now, I'm going to go figure out how to buy a new refrig since my old one just broke.  I wonder if appliance repair people still exist?  Bye bye, 2 pounds of shrimp and all my homemade chicken stock!

May 8, 11 12:14 am  · 

@Jump... the right side is Tijuana, the left side is an industrial wasteland known as Otay Mesa and San Ysidro that are suburbs of San Diego.


It's home to the San Ysidro McDonald's massacre of 1984. A unemployed guy walked in and executed 21 people and shot 19 more with an Uzi, most of which were either Mexican or Mexican-American.


Real nice place.

May 8, 11 1:02 am  · 

which means rusty wants to move to tijuana?


scary true donna.  i'm still holding out for the star trek future.  most likely we'll be getting more hate and shit, but you know, glass half full and all that...

May 8, 11 5:03 am  · 
vado retro

listening to bix beidebecke wearing a straw cowboy hat, a tshirt with a deer on it, eating homemade curry and writing about intertexuality.

May 8, 11 5:39 pm  · 

happy mothers day yall

and based on the above image i would rather live in Tijuana too.

May 8, 11 7:04 pm  · 

whelp. will be getting the divorce papers in the mail this week. sad. happy. moving on. scared.

May 8, 11 9:44 pm  · 

beta, at least it will be behind you? maybe?

night all. might get a chance to meet with EPA and a Responsible Party representative this week. Coolio.... On top of that a busy week at work. Or new EMR goes live 12:01 May 14.

May 8, 11 10:31 pm  · 

Happy Mother's Day to the Archinect ladies!

May 8, 11 11:37 pm  · 

oh, it's behind me, behind me in a way that, this object is not as close as it appears. let's just say i am sad, because while i did not want this, i am happy that it's finally done and i can move on.

May 9, 11 12:54 am  · 

Have I ever mentioned how much I love my MacBook Pro, and nearly everything about it, but how its iPhoto software makes me want to throw it out the window?


Sorry.  Back to regular programming.


Happy Mother's Day ladies... I cannot believe it is May already.  Time flies when you are having fun?

May 9, 11 2:59 am  · 

Steven I feel your pain.... a few hundred pages back (whilst I was still in Montserrat) I was complaining that every colourful project I undertook was attribute to my female/Japanese coworker. That an island boy couldn't come up with things like that. 


We didn't do colour theory per sae but we spent about 1/2 semester learning about it nonetheless.... colour wheels and gray scales painted with near  perfect execution in gouache.   

May 9, 11 9:33 am  · 
Wilma Buttfit

Never had color theory in college, it wasn't offered, but my color wheel was the best in high school art. Although, that isn't saying much if you knew where I went to high school.


Where ya moving to, Donna?

May 9, 11 11:28 am  · 

Somewhere sane, I hope.  Not many of those places left, sadly.  Actually recently had a job possibility somewhere hot, but my husband ixnays anything hotter than we are now.  He wants to move to Iceland, of course.


beta, it will feel good to have that resolution, I'm sure.  Hoping for the best outcome for you - you have time to play and discover for awhile, it seems.


Today was early morning meetings, then yoga, then free delicious lunch provided by a lovely client.  Sometimes clients do this: they have a little lunch at their home for the crew of guys that did their project and we designers are usually invited too.  I think it's a lovely tradition - very gracious.  If my bank balance was just a tad higher, I'd say today has been a wonderful day of work.



May 9, 11 1:50 pm  · 

Donna: no leaving before you can give recommendations my grand midwest tour at the end of the summer. If I'm driving out from Boston with a car full of junk I gotta make the most out of that trip.

May 9, 11 2:05 pm  · 

Emily, I agree.  


iPhoto is horrible.  Apple nails it with so many products, except for iPhoto.  

May 9, 11 4:31 pm  · 

Aaron that trips sounds like an awesome time. feel like stopping by fl?


Also I was so busy forgot to eat lunch today. That ever happen to y'all?

May 9, 11 7:12 pm  · 
Wilma Buttfit

I forget about lunch all the time. Today I went shopping during lunch though.


Aaron, why will you be bringing a car of junk to the midwest? Some cool ritual I hope.

May 9, 11 7:21 pm  · 

i'm close to donna! and louisville's got so much to do, you might just have to decide to stop here! 


and i'm sure donna is just teasing about the no-further-south thing: she's moving here. i'm sure of it. positive. 

May 9, 11 8:03 pm  · 

I think I've reached a certain zen level of yogi jedi with architecture. I spent roughly 10 intense days working on a proposal  - including knocking out a 3d. This morning we decided to take the project in a completely new direction. You'd think I'd be cheesed off about this but I was really un-emotive about it. Not that I don't care about the project... but it just seemed to be a better direction.... so it is as it is. Fingers crossed the client won't think we are twiddling our thumbs.


Okay back to grading papers.

May 9, 11 8:35 pm  · 

Strangely enough SW, I've actually been contemplating a move down river now for a few months.  I keep hearing it's a lot more progressive than this God-for-saken river town.

May 9, 11 9:18 pm  · 

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