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thas way cool donna


as for that wondering about the life thing, man i feel like that all the time. 

May 4, 11 7:17 am  · 

Lars - I feel you, I've been grumpy of late as well.  I think it's partially because of the eternal bouts of rain we've had this Spring after a long winter.  Oh and BTW - turns out we had a stain deck (instead of a paint deck) so I was able to figure the color desired.  That's good to know though about the GC.  I'll let my co-workers know.  They are the one's working on the project, I was just helping out.


James - no one outed you, unless you are referring to jump's post and if that's the case, I'm sure he didn't mean it intentionally.  Many people on TC have been outted in the same way here by other members.  It just happens, especially from members that know each other outside of the forum.  Writing styles are easy to pick up on after a while.  I'm sure if I changed my screen name, people would figure it out quickly enough 

On that note, everyone just needs to go to their respective corners and take a moment to simmer down.  In the meantime, Donna that is great news to hear about both you and your friend.  How is the bathroom renovation coming along?  Are you using any of that sexy Ann Sacks tile in it?  This inquiring mind wants to know :o)

May 4, 11 8:41 am  · 

yeah simmer down TC  :p


I was hoping to go to beach this weekend (with a friend who is moving back to London) but since I have a major go-live date/deadline on May 14th not sure will be able to.

Probably one of many reasons i am grumpy lately...



May 4, 11 9:54 am  · 

My next door neighbor who is a lovely woman, a painter, and in probably her 80s, is getting ready to sell her house and move.  I'm sad, because I adore her, and I'm fearful some nut case will move in.


But I'm also struggling today because she's putting stuff out on her curb for Goodwill and some of it I really want...also I'm seeing some cool stuff come out briefly then be moved back in.  There's a possible Eames DSR swivel chair - it's fiberglass, but I can't find a mark underneath - sitting out there right now.


I'm struggling because I'm really in a GET RID OF STUFF mode lately.  I do not need any more objects in my life - in fact I find myself fantasizing - fantasy only! - about the house burning down so we could start over and own less than half of what we do now - a calm, stark, quiet interior.


So I inspected and rejected the possible Eames, but I' watching other things come and go and seriously - physically! - fighting the urge to go out and grab it all.  We humans must have some gathering/survival impulse it's hard to fight.

May 4, 11 10:34 am  · 

Donna: I can relate to your dilemma. When my parents shut down their house to move into a retirement community, they couldn't take much of their stuff with them. My siblings and I divided up all the 'extra' stuff and took it to our respective houses. Now, I think we all regret the additional accumulation in our own homes. My wife and I subsequently have adopted a "rule" whereby nothing new in the way of furniture enters our house unless TWO pieces of existing furniture leaves first.

May 4, 11 11:12 am  · 
Sarah Hamilton

Donna, I think it's Security Drive.


And I came across this quote the other day..


We must be willing to let go of the life we have planned, so as to have the life that is waiting for us.


It really spoke to me.


That is some rule, Quiz.

May 4, 11 11:15 am  · 

Have I ever mentioned how unfairly irate I became at my poor husband when he bought a second set of barbeque tongs?  TWO?!  Why do we need two?!?  My good friend helpfully pointed out that a pair of tongs doesn't take up much space.


One thing in, TWO going out sounds like a great, fantastic idea, quizzical.  You don't have toy-aged kids, though, do you? ;-)

May 4, 11 11:16 am  · 

Sarah / Donna -- fortunately, we have our own children (now adults) who are more than happy to accept all the extra pieces of furniture we're getting tired of storing. 


Regrettably (delightfully) we do still have all of their toys in the attic from when they were small -- we're holding on to those until the grandchildren start to arrive.

May 4, 11 11:21 am  · 
vado retro

a woman i went out with for a bit casually just defriended me on FB. i think it was because in one of her pictures where she was wearing these big retro glasses i typed in the theme song from the sitcom Maude. oh well.

May 4, 11 11:22 am  · 

I recently realized that I really struggle on projects where I have to do everything myself.  I'd much rather work with at least one other person - so we can at least divide and conquer.  I know this is probably considered "bad" or something in our profession - where we're supposed to be self-starters and "figure things out on our own" (the latter is BS, IMO), but I know I work better if I'm able to use someone else's brain and I feel less overwhelmed if i'm getting and giving support.


anyone else like this?

May 4, 11 11:40 am  · 


i would look at picking up the eames chair as picking up 200 dollars off the street..but that's just me.

May 4, 11 11:43 am  · 

lars, I feel like I'm just letting someone else have that good fortune.  But so far it's still there.

May 4, 11 12:10 pm  · 

if only i was in indianastan... i would pick that thing up in a heartbeat.

even with my room of three broken eames plywood chairs, two eames rockers and broken plastic side chair... i can't leave one of those guys on the street.

May 4, 11 12:21 pm  · 
Sarah Hamilton

I feel like that.  I'm a great collaborator.  I can expand on anybody's idea, and make it ten times better.  Toast, we should open a business.


Quiz, I never pictured you old enough for all that.  Then again, I feel like the age of this site is between 20 and 36.  Obviously I know that many of you aren't in that window, but I think I feel like everybody in the world is this age.  Weird.

May 4, 11 12:22 pm  · 
vado retro

Donna if its out there for Goodwill why not grab the stuff and write a check to goodwill or write a check to me. same difference.

May 4, 11 12:51 pm  · 

Sarah -- oh my, you are so kind. Yep, I'm ancient and headed out to pasture here pretty soon.

May 4, 11 1:28 pm  · 

Toast, I feel the same way sometimes... work with good partners is much more fun and productive. especially competitions.

May 4, 11 1:39 pm  · 

vado, perhaps your ex dropped you from fb because of your constant mocking of our future president Mr. Trump?

May 4, 11 1:57 pm  · 
vado retro

she never got to the ex stage. this woman not to be confused with exgf/future wife.


May 4, 11 2:04 pm  · 
Sarah Hamilton

Aw, I forgot all about exgf/future wife.  That should've been on the Quote list.

May 4, 11 2:16 pm  · 

Along with "Cambridge (the real one)"


I caved and grabbed the pseudo-Eames, after checking with the lady of the house to make sure it's OK.


On the other topic, I SO MUCH prefer working with people.  I'm so freaking lonely being self-employed in my house.  I mean it has its benefits - schedule, working in pajamas, music selections, Brad Pitt porn - but I do SO much better working with others.  This is partly why I emphasize the collaborative part of what we do.  I'm definitely not a solitary genius, either or both.

May 4, 11 3:21 pm  · 

I like the purge two for every new piece...


the neighborhood yard sale is this weekend and with our looming july 31 move-out date, we're purging tons of stuff. My biggest heartbreak is my kick-ass tripod that I've barely used in the 10 years that is has mostly been gathering dust in the corner. Anybody want a really good Bogen set of legs with a pistol grip head (was over $250 new) - make an offer!


Otherwise I'm gearing up for my film festival may 12th at the bell museum that I hope tons of folks come to - should be a fun panel discussion about how making videos teaches students about design and sustainability.



May 4, 11 5:28 pm  · 

I'm going to try to post a picture....hope it works...this is a newbie for me in the new land of oz... [img][img]


I happened upon one the 1954 models this week. I was to broke to buy it.

May 4, 11 6:47 pm  · 

sheet....that was easy...

May 4, 11 6:48 pm  · 

On the working-with-people topic, my intern started yesterday! I'm soooooo excited to have someone to bounce ideas off of, and even more excited for the potential for going home on time. 

May 4, 11 6:50 pm  · 

sheet ....that was not so easy......where did my pic go?  I saw it in the box....then gone like lighting....but no boom!

May 4, 11 7:11 pm  · 

snook - there are a couple problems with your image posting:

  • the new text fields do not accept code; you need to use the image button to embed an image (the button above the text field, on the very right)
  • the url for the image you are trying to post has a "/" after .jpg which won't work.

hope that helps

May 4, 11 7:40 pm  · 

a few weeks ago i saw a dozen eames chairs go out the garbage at uni.  i ran out of the office to grab them but by the time i got out of the building the truck i saw being loaded up was gone.  i guess some professor in the building bought them ages ago and retired and no one knew what they had.  what a waste.



kids take up 10 times more space than adults.  it's amazing to think that before the kids were born the only furniture we had was a sofa and a kotatsu (floor table, no chairs).  somehow that doesn't work with kids.

May 4, 11 8:33 pm  · 


May 4, 11 8:58 pm  · 
snook_dude had the age of 1954...but it was still HOT!  Thanks Donna.

May 4, 11 10:11 pm  · 

ooh, donna, what kinds of things were there? your friends to the south could maybe be interested in rehabilitating some cool furniture that you don't want in your house....

May 5, 11 6:51 am  · 

hey we got that table in the office.  very nice.



May 5, 11 7:14 am  · 

About those chairs, I confess that I cursed who designed it during my school time.
I had a bruise on the middle of my back, especially when I got taller during my teen years. When I started college there was more of sitting on those. It took few years after graduation for that mark clear from my back. Perhaps it was just the pseudo’s fault.

May 5, 11 9:08 am  · 
Sarah Hamilton

I confess that when it comes to MCM furniture, I'm mostly out.  I identify with Morris more than Eames or Corbu when it comes to furniture.  Don't get me wrong, I love the lines of a Gropius  or Mies building, but I'd fill it with hand-created furniture instead of the machined.


Did I just lose my Architect card?

May 5, 11 10:33 am  · 

hi all... staying busy?


May 5, 11 1:02 pm  · 
vado retro

so donald trump was supposed to drive the indianapolis 500 pace car. a grassroots effort to dump him started and he just backed out citing a conflict with his perhaps presidential campaign. uhhh okay.

May 5, 11 3:56 pm  · 

Ya... I heard that.  I also heard he's supposed to be driving some sort of convertible.  That's gonna be interesting.

May 5, 11 4:04 pm  · 

So do architecture programs require students to take a color theory class?

May 5, 11 4:13 pm  · 

Jeez, that's gonna mess-up his hair do. I wonder when he is going to announce that he loves to kill baby seals.

May 5, 11 4:14 pm  · 

melt - at my program it was an elective - which I took.  lots of gouache on bristol board.  I think I was the only person in that class who got an A.

May 5, 11 4:27 pm  · 

I just realized - everyone I took that class with (in undergrad) ended up at the GSD - except me.  weird.

May 5, 11 5:43 pm  · 

@ melt we had itten's color theory class in undergrad year one.  luckily we didn't have to wear robes or shave our heads, but yeah color theory out the wazoo.  the bauhaus was our teacher and kandinsky and itten were the source.  in 2nd year we were all eisenman all the time, but it was too late.  fucking bauhaus.


funny sarah.  i am just he opposite.  i find gropius leaves me cold as architect but the furniture he inspired is all great.  and when it comes right down to it Eames' chairs are the most comfortable on the planet.

May 5, 11 8:31 pm  · 

I had one of Joseph Albers students teach my color theory class when I was really young and living in Boston.  We worked with silk screened paper and forms were  hand cut  with an exacto knife then glued to a matte board. I still have some of my studies  stashed away. Aside from  that you can only imagine I have a wierd sense of color.


Along the Line of Color....can you be an architect and be color blind?

May 5, 11 8:38 pm  · 

melt, we didn't take it as a stand-alone class, but it certainly got lecture and exercise time in freshman studio and drawing classes.


And yeah, lots of Itten. When I got to grad school and was required to teach color theory based on Albers, I found it awkward and much less teachable. Itten was more forthright about strategies, and Albers was more about experimenting until you found the magic, which was understandably frustrating for some students.

May 5, 11 8:39 pm  · 

 my color theory class was taught by a guy who does stuff like this:

I wish I had saved my work from that class...  

May 5, 11 10:10 pm  · 

In my undergrad I took Helen Keller texture studio elective. It was rough. 

May 5, 11 10:47 pm  · 

groan rusty


when i went back to do m.arch my uni had dropped the bauhaus like it was radioactive.  they also got rid of all structural classes that were harder than mickey mouse level.  they mostly got rid of anything that had the smell of rigor, really.  and now its all bartlett-y, which is both good and bad.


i wonder how they deal with color now. probably not part of the curriculum even.  is it something like that that inspired the question?  young graduates who don't know who munsell is or something?

May 6, 11 12:00 am  · 

LOL rusty!


Yes and no jump.  I heart Itten and I heart Munsell.  Color Theory was one of my favorite classes at school.

May 6, 11 8:30 am  · 
Sarah Hamilton

After 5 years, I am finally printing my portfolio.  The school I'm working in, scratch that, the classroom I'm in, has a plotter.  My Mentor corrects me all the time that it is in fact NOT a plotter, but I'm an architect at heart.


The paper is a wonderful 68lb gloss photo paper, and I'm in love.


Of course, as with every time you print something, there are things I've missed and things things I would love to fix - such as font sizes and colours, but oh well.  It's actually going to be printed.  What more can I say?!


Today is going to be a giddy-good day.


Donna, hows that bathroom coming along?

May 6, 11 11:20 am  · 
vado retro

tint tone shade people.

May 6, 11 11:22 am  · 

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