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woh what is going on with that image or is it just me?

May 16, 11 4:36 pm  · 

that image is a composite of a pair of stereo images that then had a 3d form extracted, then the images were projected back onto the 3d form - yes it's trippy. check out Laurie's other images on her blog to get a better sense of what she was really up to...

May 16, 11 9:08 pm  · 

A 'necter who shall remain nameless and I had a phone conversation today in which we agreed that we're stunned whenever yet another "What school should I go to?" thread pops up - do people who manage to find this site and presumably spend some time on it really, really STILL think going to architecture school is a good idea?!?

May 16, 11 9:23 pm  · 

Also, Orhan, I love the term starfucker and am so glad you used it above - I've often wanted to use it here on Archinect but often felt it was too crass.  But if the great one uses it, so will I, from now on!

May 16, 11 9:24 pm  · 

Donna, you are so right:  "do people who manage to find this site and presumably spend some time on it really, really STILL think going to architecture school is a good idea?!?"  Le sigh.


How are you all doing?


May 16, 11 11:15 pm  · 

I've never had a telephone conversation with Donna - I'm jealous. Though I've had a few heart to heart with her voicemail.


I'm slowly loosing my mind. I'm hopefully grading my last history essay and will be grading design portfolios for 45 students tomorrow, then 3 graduate dissertations. All grades have to go in by next Friday. Did I mention that I have a pecha kucha night event to plan and two projects that are struggling to get to design development and submission stage respectively? I love what I do but damn... big D is going to need a beach day very soon

May 16, 11 11:50 pm  · 

Donna and Emily.  I have frequented this site and still want to study architecture.  Perhaps I am crazy, but I don't mind.  I'm beginning my M.Arch this fall, my BS was in arch studies which has made me an interior designer since undergrad.  Let me just say that in LA at least, being an interior designer is much worse than being an architect.  There are no laws requiring anyone practicing interior design to be licensed as there are in pretty much every other state (at least in the Midwest where I hail from.)  Which means you have a bunch of idiots haphazardly decorating people's homes and calling themselves designers, making the whole interior design profession in LA kind of a joke.  This is one reason I am going back to get my M.Arch. Another is because of reading these forums, perhaps I am a sadist.

May 17, 11 12:05 am  · 

David, you ARE losing your mind - we've spoken by phone several times!


tbone, the main thing to me is not to accrue a lot of debt getting your degree.  It's still a wonderful degree and course of study, but graduating with crippling debt - and anything much above, say, $30K is going to be crippling in this economy - is crazy.  I just can't believe we haven't scared everyone off by now!


(And yes this is me, 44 years old and posting at 12:30am after finally finishing some drawings because I'm swamped and yet will probably be lucky to break $40K this year and that includes teaching part time!)

May 17, 11 12:26 am  · 
Wilma Buttfit

(sitting here trying not to google "butt glazing". That stuff goes on your permanent record!)

May 17, 11 12:37 am  · 

lol beccabec


i am still happy about architecture.  maybe i would recommend going to Canadian schools to avoid the American tuition, or even better go to Holland where it is still close enough to free.  but the profession?  still not hating it, and don't expect to.  i am just way too optimistic i suppose for my own good. 


i am making a decent living though.  for Tokyo not close to enough, but better than most who live here so it is easy to be cheery.

May 17, 11 5:04 am  · 

i can't say much good about my experience in architecture over the last two weeks, but in a (much) bigger picture, architecture is just embedded in who i am.


the good news is that any negativity will be washed away on friday. i get to see donna AND i get to be a capital-A architecture nerd all day long!


i just have to make it to friday. i just have to make it to friday. i just have to make it...

May 17, 11 7:18 am  · 

Yay, Friday!  Steven in Naptown archi-geeking all day!


I love practicing, I really do.  I'm just very tired of being broke - which could easily be blamed on my own inability to ask for enough money.  I'm currently doing work for two projects for which I don't yet have a contract or any kind of retainer.  But I love what I'm doing so much that while I don't NOT care about getting paid, I also just have good faith that I will be eventually.


Outside of that, though, the state of schools - with so much truth in what citizen posted about jurors just preening in front of each other at student expense - seems really precarious and abusive lately.

May 17, 11 8:06 am  · 
Sarah Hamilton

A brief interruption, but I had to share...


The lady across the street watches babies, and a mom just pulled up to drop off her infant with the infant in the driver's seat with her!  Now the mom also lives in this neighborhood, so she didn't drive far, but I was still shocked.  Even crazier, I'm not sure that I'm shocked because of safety issues, but just that she had the balls to do it.


As for the profession, I loved studying architecture.  I hated practicing, and now I'm pretty much out, with the exception of being here with you guys.  I don't know anybody in person that I can have archi-conversations with, or do archi-geek things, so it's all falling away.  Some days I'm sad about it, but mostly I'm moving forward, and don't think about it.  The debt, on the other hand, well, that it still there.

May 17, 11 9:04 am  · 
Wilma Buttfit

I miss architecture deep down inside and even I have been considering getting back into practice... another firm has asked me to come interview with them. I don't think I'm going to do it though because the free-lance-self-employed-gig thing I've been building is really taking off -- working 4 out of 5 of my "jobs" this week. Feels good to be needed/wanted. I am useful to society? Moi?

Donna - doing work without contracts was part of the eventual failure of the firm I worked at. Please be careful.

May 17, 11 9:18 am  · 

I went 4 days without seriously injuring myself! Well, mostly my hands. I've, for the past three weeks, been able to somehow stab, maim, pinch, burn or scrape some part of my hands. And it sucks because there are so many absolutely dirty things I can't do without risking an infection on some of the more serious injuries.


Newest injury is not so serious. More annoying than anything. Somehow got a mild chemical burn from wet concrete. Probably should stop mixing it by hand.


For instance, the garbage disposal broke and I was unable to fix it because the cracked disposal housing was spewing robot vomit into the plastic tub under the sink that conveniently houses all of the rubber gloves. And washing dishes with one hand is a chore in itself.

May 17, 11 9:28 am  · 

Yeah, don't put your bare skin in wet concrete.  It fucks up skin, badly.


becca, I thought you were employed by your own non-arch company, not freelancing, wha?



May 17, 11 9:33 am  · 
Wilma Buttfit

I have multiple part time jobs, that is one of them, yes. I have picked up a little bit of drafting and design work with a contractor friend of mine, am also teaching CAD, and also "work" at my friend's clothing boutique when she wants a day off.

May 17, 11 9:34 am  · 

"It fucks up skin, badly."


That needs to be printed in very large type on the front of the bag.


I was experimenting with coloring concrete with this slurry powder I got from a place that cuts stone for counter tops et cetera. It's a pretty muddy brown color with sparkles in it. Probably a health hazard in its own right. I noticed however that when it gets really wet and is left to dry, it naturally separates and makes cool colorations and patterns.


Well, it's technically illegal not-up-to-code where I live to put in your own sidewalks. There's a limitation in the code that allows you to pour your own slabs up to 12 square feet. So, I'm experimenting with making some molds to make some seriously over-sized "stepping stones."


However, plain concrete doesn't do much for me, stains are expensive and brickwork is out of the question. Using actual concrete in this equation comes out to being about $1.60-1.70 a square foot where as the cheap shitty patio stones cost close to $2 a square foot.


So, I'm experimenting with using this rock dust and making sample bricks for color comparison. It looks pretty amazing for being cheap and heavily adulterating and thinning the concrete mix doesn't seem to make it noticeably brittle.

May 17, 11 9:53 am  · 

Hello all!  


I was recently introduced to this website.  I believe Donna and Sarah may dig it because it's all Philly.


Here's one of my favorite lines thus far:


From the side, it becomes a sliver of 1920's elegance, there to remind you that there was once a time when architects knew what the fuck they were doing.

May 17, 11 2:37 pm  · 
vado retro

is that blog written by the honey badger?

May 17, 11 3:24 pm  · 

"Fuck you, I'm a bad ass architect and my opinions are more important if I keep repeating words like fuck and ass and donkeyshit and turdcastle throughout...oh, and end every post with FUUUUUUUuuuuuuuu....because then how can you argue with me."


Tired pose on the internet, but he does do a lot of research and makes some good points.

May 17, 11 3:40 pm  · 

Too much gratuitous use of fuck, and wrong call on Parkway House which is a really cool building in context, and the whole thing makes my heart ache for Philly, but otherwise good!

May 17, 11 4:07 pm  · 

Honey badger!!! Too busy eating cobras to blog. Mood: nomnomnom.


Had my big interview this morning. It went OK...


Really nice to be back in NYC. Didn't realize I missed the place till my Greyhound flight landed in midtown. Chilling out in Brooklyn for the rest of the week. A lot of people seem to be genuinely happy to see me come back. This place can so easily suck you back in.

May 17, 11 4:54 pm  · 


May 17, 11 5:12 pm  · 

Oh man, the honey badger comment just made my day. Thanks Vado!

May 17, 11 5:46 pm  · 

with such attention to the details of creating an online cussin persona i expect the photos to match exactly with the videos.  how disappointing to find that s/he/it is merely a poseur.  it is so sad to see the young people not taking their cussing seriously.


good like jjames.  concrete is not good to get on ya, that is for sure.  i know some folks who had skin conditions that lasted years after just a bit of a splash.  crazy material concrete.


thasa lota work beccabec!

May 17, 11 6:17 pm  · 

J.James R... post a pic of the slabs I would love to see them. Might I suggest getting a small bag of pigment? You can get them at the art stores, but you could also go to the hardware store - likely to be much cheaper. All you have to do is add it to the mixture or to the water before adding it to the dry product. Mixing and colouring concrete was some of the best practical work I did growing up... 

May 17, 11 10:43 pm  · 

Also, casting concrete against plexglas result sin a scary smooth surface and is an experiment all arch students should do!


I'm stopping for the night - before Jon Stewart for the first time in weeks!  And having a glass of bourbon.  David I'll think of you and our drinks with Bjarke as I enjoy!

May 17, 11 10:49 pm  · 

My issue so far is whether to build a form and form them in ground in situ  or get creative and make a mold out of foam, fiberglass or neoprene.


The neoprene, stretched out over a very sturdy frame, will result in insanely smooth organic forms. Fiberglass would let me find 2 or 3 large attractive large stone specimens and make super realistic copies of rocks. And lastly, foam would allow me to maintain uniform thickness while maintaining some creativity in shape and smoothness. But I'm not confident I can move 320-plus pound cast concrete pieces by myself. The fiberglass would be the more sturdy of the three with more uses. And I will never ever work with fiberglass again.


I can post pics of the samples I'm making. I'm just taking small amounts of concrete mix, "pigments [stone cutting slurry] and additives and putting it in small Tupperware containers. I'm giving it about 10 minutes of good vibrating time on top of a cheap subwoofer blasting really awful electro since I no longer own a sander.


I thought about using art pigments or powder pigments from home depot but it runs about $5 per stone which adds another $0.55 a square foot. I'm also doing the terrible person thing here and not using rebar or steel mesh because there's no freeze thaw cycle here. Once this hits about  $2.50 a square foot, it'll just be cheaper to pay a concrete curb guy to put up some curbs and either put in a wooden sidewalk or gravel.

May 17, 11 11:23 pm  · 

Also, I got the go ahead to convert this entire area of the yard into a Norfolk pine forest.


Like this. The soil where I am is completely unproductive for anything other than dense subtropical old growth forest and pine stands. Grass and most plants are just not possible because of the lack of anything other than extremely fine sand and this black coal-esque residue in the sand.



May 17, 11 11:27 pm  · 

SO tired this morning.  Up til 1am - despite my best efforts to not be - fixing the MCM couch that Angus bounced on too enthusiastically and popped through the bottom of!  Was drinking bourbon as I fixed it so the stitching at the last bit is, um, rather erratic.


Day of meetings today, which means no billable work is happening.  Steven, I think of you all the time when I'm in this situation - self-employment is challenging!

May 18, 11 8:25 am  · 

Damn I thought it was only me. I'm here struggling to get through the afternoon. Sometimes you just wish you were back in prep/elementary/primary school and could smack the person next to you and say, "you it" and allow them to finish the work for the day. 



May 18, 11 3:33 pm  · 

hi all, been busy with go-live but should be free of extra hours by next Monday!

May 18, 11 4:09 pm  · 

damn donna if I had known you were burning the candle to the very bottom the other night I would have  archintect'd you. I was also laboring away at 12:30...sigh.  Mine was a pro-bono project, but at least I do get the satisfaction  my work was for the betterment of mankind.


I don't know what the weather is like across the country but it really sucks here in New England.  Think I'm going to have to find a farmer to hay my front yard.



May 18, 11 4:55 pm  · 

been stuck in phoenix skyharbor for the past two hours since they canceled my original flight. It's RAINING in the desert! nother hour till my rebooked flight boards and I head off to pomona via burbank. at least there is (sort of) internet.


Donna, will likely be heading east via nap-town in early august, will you be around for a visit?

May 18, 11 6:09 pm  · 

Dude..Steven, You should strip nakkered...and run around in the it doesn't rain in Phoenix that often....Then you can tell people you streaked Sky Harbor while it was raining....bam...then maybe the airline will upgrade you to first class for entertaining  all the people stuck in the Terminal.

May 18, 11 6:43 pm  · 

ShEEEET I ment DuDe BaRRy!


May 18, 11 6:44 pm  · 

Barry I expect to see a video on YouTube of you streaking thru Sky Harbor tout suite.


Is Sky Harbor not the best name for an airport ever?  Maybe that's why I still think of airplane travel as glamorous - I grew up next to the most glamorously named landing strip of them all!

May 18, 11 8:26 pm  · 

sky harbor may be a glamorous name, but those terminals are about as banal a purgatory as could be value-engineered. didn't streak, just sat and worked.


Now safely ensconced in my hotel room, I'm basking in the eucalyptus scented air and the wail of the freight trains heading for cajon pass.

May 19, 11 1:05 am  · 

yeah but Donna, did you have to always fly out of the Barry Goldwater terminal? That always brings it back down to earth for me.

May 19, 11 3:04 pm  · 

Does everyone know that something cool or interesting can pique your curiosity but not peak it?  My level of geeky grammar interest hit a new peak when I learned this today.

May 19, 11 5:36 pm  · 

duh, donna!!!


the author of that philadelphia blog recently started showing up on one of my neighborhood's forum discussion sites with much the same potty mouth...

May 19, 11 5:46 pm  · 
Sarah Hamilton

So I'm thinking of creating a "center piece" of photos from Husband's youth, mixed with things that were cool when we were young.  He's turning 30, and we're having a partay.  What was cool from your child hood?

May 19, 11 7:30 pm  · 

Sarah...damn you be ole farts like me...Now what was I doing at the big three- 0?  Humm...running naked thru Sky Harbor most likely!


May 19, 11 8:13 pm  · 

On another Note or Two....Donna you ever venture into the Biker Bar on Speedway  Blvd.

with the mangled Bike  suspended in the air?

May 19, 11 8:15 pm  · 



If you did.....did you check your gun with the Philly behind the Bar?

May 19, 11 8:16 pm  · 

Actually the blog has some good points if you ignore the language. You might have to be a local to really sympathize with it though. There are some empty lots here that just make you wonder. And all those Furness buildings that never survived; such a damn shame. Funny thing, I've been toying with the idea of building a house in an empty lot in Philly, only to find that the small lot costs more than the house I bought in the same neighborhood.


Hey y'all. Slartibartfast here. Changing my name back to the original. Been checking out 3.0 but first time to post in it, I think.


By the way, anyone find some competition requirements for file sizes ridiculous? I swear I spent more time trying to get it fit the file size requirements than actually put the content together.

May 19, 11 9:10 pm  · 

omg, donna, I swear we are siblings from another mibling.  or whatever.  anyway:


Does everyone know that something cool or interesting can pique your curiosity but not peak it?  My level of geeky grammar interest hit a new peak when I learned this today.


Just yesterday I used the word "pique" in conversation - actually it was with an executive at my company, and a very well-spoken one to boot - and after repeating it I realized the executive didn't understand what I was saying!  So I had to cast around for another word - and unfortunately I completely drew a blank.  It's like my mind was filled with "pique" and there wasn't room for anything else.  A very awkward moment, not least because I was trying hard not to make it obvious that I, a peon, was using a word she didn't know...


(As it happens, I was using it in the sense of "he had a fit of pique"... which is such a fun sense of that word!)


Anyways afterwards I found myself meditating on the fact that sadly that word is disappearing from our language.  Only losers like me who read a lot of 18th cent. british lit probably use it in convo.  On the other hand, we get good new words like convo which is such a vast improvement on conversation and I love it.

May 19, 11 11:37 pm  · 

wow, I am wordy today!  Sorry guys.  I haven't spoken much today so I guess it's pouring out of me now that I'm home.

May 19, 11 11:38 pm  · 

It just really is strikingly weird to have a whole interaction over the word "pique" and then the very next day see someone else talking about it here.  I probably haven't spoken that word in 15 years, and here it is... in Donna's head & mine at the same time!

May 19, 11 11:39 pm  · 

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