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vado retro

is there a wedding channel? a station just of weddings and wedding related weddingness? there should be.

Apr 29, 11 9:56 am  · 
Sarah Hamilton

I think it's called TLC, or Bravo, or WE, Vado.

Apr 29, 11 10:05 am  · 

So I got a call back from associate partner in order to clarify my concerns. No, they can't pay for my flight, but yes, they are very interested in interviewing me and consider me a top candidate. Good! Problem is that the position may need to be filled anywhere between right now and end of the year. Such is life of "All Projects - Hold!". 


Can vado come up with lyrics for the named tune?


Or just a haiku.

Apr 29, 11 11:06 am  · 

I'm glad that you got clarification and I am glad that you are one of their top caniditates.  I like to believe employers these days would go to the trouble of asking a person to make that kind of sacrifice (financially) unless the person were a top candidate.  But then again, there are some inconsiderate people out there, just looking out for their own greater interests these days.


So, did that help you in your decision making?

Apr 29, 11 11:31 am  · 

Thanks melt! It definitively helps. At this stage of my career, I tend to thoroughly prepare myself for interviews; go through old project technical notes, familiarise myself with company's work, etc. In general, be prepared for many left turns a technical position interview can take. Oftentimes you will know more about certain topics then your interviewer. Other times, the company will have infinite knowledge with certain typologies. You have to prepare accordingly. Knowing that I'm being given a strong consideration makes the preparation fun!


I'll be booking a flight for an interview in a couple of weeks. And last I asked, they were only seriously looking at 2 candidates so far. I'm on top by default! :)


Last year I paid for all expenses to attend an interview for a similar position in Seattle. Of 90 applicants only 3 were qualified. I came in second (so they said).  I'm like Novak Djokovic of professional spec writers rankings. Damn you Federers/Nadals of the world! :)

Apr 29, 11 12:05 pm  · 

i'll keep fingers crossed for you, rusty... would be great to think you're walking around somewhere in nyc!

Apr 29, 11 12:25 pm  · 

Thanks elinor! If I do end up moving back to NYC I would love to organise an archinect gathering!


what an archinect gathering may look like.


or that garwrangler thingy.

Apr 29, 11 12:43 pm  · 

well..are people in nyc going to be at the archinect thingy tonight?

Apr 29, 11 12:56 pm  · 

I don't really care about the Royal Wedding either, but I did have to look up some is in London, after all, a beautiful city.


The two best pictures I found:

Westminster Abbey with trees


And the hat on the left wins the architectural ornament award:



The couple leaving in an Aston Martin was nice too...very James Bondian.


Ok, back to good old American stuff.....



Apr 29, 11 12:57 pm  · 

oh yeah, archinect NYC launch is tonight. Which means Paul's not around... 


I declare pants free friday on archinect! You're welcome to wear your favorite shorts as well, but not the type that bulges up on front and scares away potential clients.

Apr 29, 11 1:24 pm  · 

nope, not going to the official thing.  but if rusty organizes something, i'm there!

Apr 29, 11 1:57 pm  · 

sorry, I meant the hat on the right, obviously, although the one on the left is....well....something too.

Apr 29, 11 2:44 pm  · 

The girls in my studio and I are hosting a wedding viewing party tomorrow morning.  We are required to wear hats.  There are some rumors around these parts that some girls were using the laser cutter super late last night and making laser-cut hats.  


As of now, we have 4 magnum bottles of champagne for mimosas.  Not bad for 6 women...

Apr 29, 11 4:02 pm  · 
Sarah Hamilton

I casually mentioned that I had mimosas at 5am this morning, and people looked at me like I was crazy!  Maybe it's cause I work at a school.

Apr 29, 11 4:06 pm  · 
vado retro

yes i know that bravo etc have shows but i mean a 24/7 wedding only channel.

Apr 29, 11 4:21 pm  · 

with the trees in the abbey, perhaps prince william is a landscape urbanist? i wonder how his stuffy, old, classicist dad feels about that?

Apr 29, 11 4:56 pm  · 

Been sitting in terminal c of the philly airport for the past few hours and now my flight is about to board. Hi Phillip and all the other brotherly love folks! Gotta admire the view from the terminal of the refineries along the schuylkill.


all around the upper west side (NYC) this morning, there were groups of ladies dressed to the nines (with hats!!!) stumbling back from wedding watching parties. it was amusing contrast with the normal tourists and business-folks. If I had known about the 'nect party, would have stayed another night (if the missus would have let me). Oh well, hope to cross paths with folks in LA soon!


those trees don't even begin to offset the carbon emissions of all that hoopla in london. I still don't get it - but maybe because I'm a guy.


well boarding is starting, my row is next. ciao tc!

Apr 29, 11 5:34 pm  · 

Been sitting in terminal c of the philly airport for the past few hours and now my flight is about to board. Hi Phillip and all the other brotherly love folks! Gotta admire the view from the terminal of the refineries along the schuylkill.


all around the upper west side (NYC) this morning, there were groups of ladies dressed to the nines (with hats!!!) stumbling back from wedding watching parties. it was amusing contrast with the normal tourists and business-folks. If I had known about the 'nect party, would have stayed another night (if the missus would have let me). Oh well, hope to cross paths with folks in LA soon!


those trees don't even begin to offset the carbon emissions of all that hoopla in london. I still don't get it - but maybe because I'm a guy.


well boarding is starting, my row is next. ciao tc!

Apr 29, 11 5:34 pm  · 
Sarah Hamilton

Barry, what are you talking about?  They used horse drawn carriages!

Apr 29, 11 5:54 pm  · 

yea but Sarah those horses must of had gas from not getting a chance to eat. Can you imagine the rear exit emissions from those beasts?

Apr 29, 11 10:08 pm  · 

my mum is here for a month or so and she and the wife watched the wedding last night.  not interested myself, so i went to bed early.  the building and the decorororating was pretty nice.  was funny that my mum kept complaining about how the japanese translation was drowning out the english.  i was in the other room but kept hearing my wife pointing out that this is japan, get over it already (but politely).  foreigners are always saying funny stuff like that.



cool rusty.  good luck with the gig !


@ sarah, probably because usually only alcoholics drink in the morning, maybe?  now if it was 3am it would be ok ;-)   

Apr 29, 11 10:11 pm  · 

I was invited to a mimosa/pajamas party at 6am this morning too!  Sadly we all (a bunch of moms) decided last night that we had too much to do today to spend a few drunken hours in the morning watching TV.  So I only saw a few minutes at home.  n_, please post pics of your laser-cut hats!


The trees inside the abby were a MAJOR highlight for me - they looked awesome.


I'm just not a big fan a fascinators.  I'm a BIG fan of big hats, but the fascinators leave me cold.

Apr 29, 11 10:44 pm  · 

And oh, is the v3.0 launch tonight?  I'm just sick that I can't be there, so I'm in denial about it even happening.  My fantasy perfect night would be to show up at an Archinect party with Brad Pitt on MY arm - not the other way around.  A girl (inside an old lady) can dream, yes?

Apr 29, 11 10:46 pm  · 

i loved the wedding. everything about it. i'm a romantic. fuck youse.

Apr 30, 11 12:18 pm  · 

Youse wanted the babe in da big fancy hat...

Apr 30, 11 1:19 pm  · 

That little girl has the right idea.

Apr 30, 11 1:35 pm  · 

my 5yo daughter threw a FIT because they didn't kiss in the wedding ceremony. as far as she was concerned, it wasn't a real wedding.

Apr 30, 11 1:44 pm  · 

In the face of an otherwise pretty shitty day, here is some absurd beauty.

Apr 30, 11 2:17 pm  · 

Steven that is hilarious...

Apr 30, 11 2:42 pm  · 

came across this article in good mag about designing a kitchen if food was your client.  nick sowers sounds familiar - hasn't he contributed articles to archinect?


anyway - great stuff.  I'm working on redesigning my kitchen and had been thinking a lot about proper storage of fresh veggies and fruit and preserving (since we grow some things and have a farm share).  I had been trying to reconcile how we actually use our kitchen with your typical glossy architecture mag kitchen porn... but after reading those two installments I'm thinking I should really approach it as someone who grows their own food and design a kitchen that is not only for cooking, but also storing, preserving, and for prepping for growing.


I'm definitely looking forward to the third installment now.

May 1, 11 4:19 pm  · 

Kate is hot,

Where are the photos/details from the launch party?

May 1, 11 6:33 pm  · 

dia, things got weird.  per showed up with 3DH goggles.  He had hacked a VirtualBoy to augment reality into a 3DH construct.  Paul,  rightly so, realized the danger of this invention.  If everyone had 3DH goggles, physical architecture as we know, would cease to hold anyones attention.  And with the current crisis of the identity of our profession, this would have destroyed the need for architects and the need for archinect.  they decided to battle to the death... but just as things got under way, mdler & tumbles got up on stage, and well... got... it... on... there was a lot of ooohs, and aaahs, and then some ewwws...  someone in the croud shouted "yale blows" and the party then devolved into two main groups... people who were trying to decide which grad school to go to... and people complaining about the economy.  the people of TC were in the champaign room where WonderK had an exhibition of her flowers on display.


dia, i was wondering the same thing, i wasn't there.  but the above is what i imagine happened.

May 1, 11 7:18 pm  · 

nam, nick is a former blogger and the sound guru who also is specialist on war and architecture.  cool to see he is writing this.  thanks for the link.


how is the remodelling donna?

May 1, 11 7:41 pm  · 

great day at the beach. Apparently it's officially summer here, we've had a week of 30+ degree weather. It does make me wonder how we'll cope when it's July

May 1, 11 7:50 pm  · 

postal, that is sheer fantastical genius, there!  Nice job!


jump, I showered at the swim club today - first shower in a week, though I've been sponge bathing in the laundry room utility sink which has been fine.  Probably at least a week before we get the tub installed.


My favorite phrase lately is "first world problem".   Today I saw maybe the ultimate first world problem-solving gadget: a little shoe with interior bristles that suction cups to your shower floor so you can scrub your foot back and forth in it - wash your feet without bending over....because god knows bending is soooo hard.*  So in my mind not having a shower in my own home for a  few weeks is just a little first world problem. 


*Yes I understand that bending is a medical difficulty for many people and this shoe would be helpful, medically, for them  But the way it's marketed is "so con-VEN-ient!".


Those Nick Sowers articles are really fun and great at tweaking how we think about simple household actions and our consumer society - but honestly I don't care if I'm hurting the feelings of the bananas by setting them on the floor briefly.  As long as my chickens are happy and warm, I think that's treating my food pretty well.

May 1, 11 8:10 pm  · 

Apparently Obama's about to announce that they killed Bin Laden. My Montenegrin Chinese sources told me so.

May 1, 11 10:46 pm  · 

He was hiding in an Alabama trailer park.


Too soon?

May 1, 11 10:49 pm  · 

Oh, and those of you who followed the royal wedding, and were wondering why the honeymoon was postponed without explanation: pending Bin Laden news.


Americans, you are on need to know basis these days. Queen mother gets the first dibs.

May 1, 11 11:40 pm  · 

I'm very disturbed by this party.  Relief is one good thing, justice is good for all, but this partying and cheering and calling for further blood just makes me sad.


I can't tell who of my Facebook friends' "America Fuck Yeah!" posts are ironic and not.

May 2, 11 12:24 am  · 

Donna, I've been watching the footage kind of skeeved out by that... I am glad that justice is served, even if it all feels a little odd & eerie at this point (10 years on), but... I don't know.  It's still a human being's death.  Do we need to be screaming in the streets?  On the other hand, look at all our (and our allies') soldiers that have given their lives to fight his bullshit exploitative "cause"... and the countless, countless civilians simply caught in the crossfire, injured, abused, dead due to the accident of their birth location and time period... I don't know, the entire thing just seems so sad to me.  But I am glad that he will not be making any more videos goading the poor and uneducated to kill themselves for him.

May 2, 11 12:53 am  · 

manta, if dead rock stars and rappers are any indication, Bin Laden is good for at least half dozen more albums.

May 2, 11 1:01 am  · 

Since we have a new Archinect, how about a new Archinect competition? I propose an anti-monument to the whole affair. For example, Fast Company wrote this nice article about Berlin's Topography of Terror museum titled, "How to Build a Monument to Nazi Evil Without Celebrating It."




The museum was designed by Ursula Wilms with Heinle, Wischer und Partner.


What do you all think? Is there a way to from the issue via architecture?

May 2, 11 1:49 am  · 

no kidding rusty.  that song ain't over at all.  and now we gonna get all the bootleg stuff.

May 2, 11 2:18 am  · 

I agree with you Donna and Manta.  Though I'm relieved, I must admit I felt the same way when they found and then later killed Saddam.  It's still a human life.


LOL rusty!  I was thinking the exact same thing.  How many videos of him will be uploaded to the internet for how many months/years? 


So what do you think is next on the Security Council's checklist?

May 2, 11 8:21 am  · 
Sarah Hamilton

To be honest, I'm not sure its real.  I do tend to react to death with "you're kidding, are you serious?" sort of thought, but this is different.  I mean, he was immediately buried at sea.  I'm not usually a conspiracy theory kind of person, but this seems too easy to pull off.  We've been hunting this guy for ten years, and then we get him over night, with no US casualties, and bury him that same night?  I don't know.  


Anybody else get that vibe?

May 2, 11 8:49 am  · 

holly shit i literally thought you all were joking about Osama....crazy although not sure it will do anything in grand scheme.morning all.






May 2, 11 8:52 am  · 

I love conspiracy theories as much as the next person - maybe even more so since mine are often the result of my creative mind going wild. But I think I'm more concerned with what is likely to happen after this. On release of the information all airports and transportation when on the highest alert since their introduction and that worries me. To what end? Surely not to the news agencies and media, they are having a field day. Nothing to be said for those fools seeking retaliation. How shall we transition from this?


J.James brings up a good point about how to move from this. I'm presently reading the secret lives of buildings and this seems so befitting. A millennia or two ago this victory would of called for momentous celebration and the adoption of lofty titles like, "the great conquer" - but somewhere along the way this was considered unfashionable but have we  as a culture really progressed from the chest thumping perhaps not. Can architecture that seeks to educate not celebrate give us an opportunity to? Archinect please give us an opportunity respond


And in a moment of true irony all the breaking news was interrupted to show an ad for the Lincoln MKZ set within the courtyard of Kahn's La Jolla... damn



May 2, 11 9:33 am  · 


i think obama was left with a tough decision...put osama's body on display for the world to see..or bury him according to islamic law (within 24 hours).  i think he was worried about what would happen if he defiled the body by not burying him more than having people not believe that the man is dead..i think the backlash would be worse.  it does leave questions as to whether or not it's real..but i imagine that they have some sort of proof that's indisputable.. his picture with a newspaper of friday's date..maybe with his fingerprints.. or something else that's more convincing..whatever that may be.

faking it is possible but it would be too big of a risk to take though if osama were still alive.

May 2, 11 9:33 am  · 
Sarah Hamilton

Yeah.  I suppose you're right.  I have just read one news article, and heard a short blurb on NPR.  Maybe I should dig through more news.  The above was really just my gut reaction.


I too am concerned about the backlash.  At the same time, I don't know that "chest-thumping" is such a bad thing.  It fosters pride, and serves to keep the defeated down - up to a point, that is.

May 2, 11 9:41 am  · 

I think a lot of people are concerned about the backlash Sarah.  That was actually the first thing I thought of when I heard the news.


Momentary Thread Hijack:

Does anyone here sometimes feel that while the internet has done a world of good bringing knowledge to out fringer tips, it's also done us a huge disservice by also making us more almost addicted to instantaneous gratification.  I mean, sometimes, no matter how hard you try, you just can't get stuff RIGHT NOW.  Carry on.

May 2, 11 10:03 am  · 

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