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SH..not sure what size foyer you have..but isn't that only $40.96?

seems to me that it'd be super slippery.

May 11, 11 4:23 pm  · 

funny I'm reading a couple dozen papers on de Stijl. Those guys were awesome... some days I feel like Van Doesburg, like it's resting all between the red square and the yellow rectangle, balanced but equal and like you just want to make a diagonal somewhere in there.


@Nam those peppers are a hybrid/bastard of scotch bonnets. Similarly deadly, but tasty. 

@Demolition Donna even if you drove a mini-van I'm sure it would have oversized sculptures sticking out of the back still making you the coolest soccer mom on the block. Get a tattoo on your wrist just in case that doesn't work

May 11, 11 6:22 pm  · 

I like that wine jug... only problem is you'd have to buy bulk wine which often tastes like feet (no reference to ****melt's earlier comment)

May 11, 11 6:25 pm  · 

@ donna, actually i think the problem about us being interestingly odd is that we are all so very mature now.  and cynical.  which maybe describes suburbia too, come to think of it.


to count as edgy doesn't a tattoo need to be on the face?


hmmmm, foot wine.

May 11, 11 6:44 pm  · 
Sarah Hamilton

I am so anti-tatoo, but I recently saw a white tattoo, and it was subtle and kinda nice. Techno, you could just poor in more than one bottle. !!!

May 11, 11 6:49 pm  · 
Wilma Buttfit

Just said good-bye to one of my co-workers who is moving out of state. Sad face. :(


Off to a kindergarten graduation! I wish I had that wine purse thing.

May 11, 11 6:55 pm  · 

Tattoos aren't edgy, they've been mainstreamed years ago.  I do have a friend - suburban SAHM - with a tiny, tiny little diamond stud in her nose, the size of a pinhead.  It's mesmerizingly beautiful and in a world of multiple facial piercing is so subtle yet intense.

May 11, 11 8:41 pm  · 



I have a similar one, de Stijl hanging on the wall to my bedroom done by Dominque Bonomour. I love it everytime I walk by it cause she made life so much better. She used to paint this on her dining room table. I feel blessed cause I have a little bit of her cause she went to sit with the Stars of Heaven. Much better than the book the executator of her estate sent me on meso american architecture.


May 11, 11 9:09 pm  · 

Actually thinking about was kind of a trade... I gave her one of my silly ass on red. ...cause she was as they come.

May 11, 11 9:12 pm  · 

out of control red...


May 11, 11 9:15 pm  · 

i have a great lecture on de stijl... now if someone would just give a teaching job so that i can use it... fingers crossed tomorrow...

May 11, 11 11:21 pm  · 

Good luck Philip!

May 11, 11 11:30 pm  · 

ditto with the luck!


May 11, 11 11:43 pm  · 

re: tattoos. we live in an urban-ish neighborhood (streetcar suburbs, i've heard 'em called) that's a little funky. when our daughter started kindergarten and we had a parents' orientation, my wife and i felt very not-tattooed-enough in that crowd. we were the oddballs!

May 12, 11 7:21 am  · 

Good luck Phillip.


I still enjoy my aum tattoo even though tattoos are now considered mainstream.  It will be my one and only tattoo.  I don't see the need to ink up my entire body.


Now if only I "aummed" a little bit more these days.

May 12, 11 8:36 am  · 

Good morning everyone!


Tattoos are one of the most addictive activities I've ever participated in. Lucky for me good ones are expensive and it helps keep things under wraps - my current count is only 14.


I got to play pool with a MacArthur Fellow from MIT last night. Extremely nice guy, and thankfully I was able to hold my own (barely) in the games.

May 12, 11 9:30 am  · 

tattoos are totally bad in japan.  can't get into publish baths or pools if you have one. 


a friend of ours got the full body dragon tattoo on his back, which was waaaay expensive, and had to give up swimming anywhere but the ocean.


crazy eh.

May 12, 11 9:34 am  · 

so, my good friends just won the competition to represent canada at the venice biennale.


check out here


these are the folks i interviewed for archinect not so long ago, with the odd name 5468796 Architecture Inc


very coolio.

May 12, 11 10:30 am  · 

good luck with the interviews!


I think I need one of those standing desks with a stool...  anyone else used one of those?

May 12, 11 1:03 pm  · 

toaster, I just got rid of my desk and now dock my laptop on a shelf at standing height (printer on one side, tv on the other for dual-screening) and so far I'm liking it a lot. hadn't really thought of getting a stool to put there though.

May 12, 11 2:28 pm  · 

Maybe tattoos aren't mainstream, but I feel like most people I know have one, so maybe I'm hanging out with edgy people (seems unlikely)?


jump, cool on your friends - this is for Architecture Biennale not Art, right?  I'm headed to the art one in - gulp -  two short weeks, argh!

May 12, 11 2:51 pm  · 
vado retro

way to go Jumpster. that deserves a tat!

May 12, 11 3:42 pm  · 

woooooooo hoooooooo!






May 12, 11 5:11 pm  · 

barry got laid?


congrats on the teaching job?

May 12, 11 5:23 pm  · 

Is that the announcement, Barry?  teaching job?

May 12, 11 5:27 pm  · 

something to do with your trip hopefully?


@ donna, yeah i think so.  very cool that you are going.  some of my friends have been invited to show there in last years and they had a blast but everyone says is exhausting. 


the free aiweiwei shirt seems the perfect accessory for the event.

May 12, 11 7:44 pm  · 

i too am getting the shirt already ordered. as for the tattoo thing. My dad has like 15 + all since 30s so i always have felt that if i am not going to get at least that many probably should just avoid.


Donna remind me again, are you going because you "know an artist representing" or just as art pilgrim-tourist?


jump is the no swimming thing because of the yakuza connection? Also very cool news re: your friends.


and finally, the last two pages of TC, which i just read seemed perfect.. Funny quirky and newsy.

nite all

May 12, 11 7:51 pm  · 

Nam, our good friend here is the curator at the Indy Museum of Art who won the commission of the American pavilion this year.  So we are going to support her - and because lots of our Indy friends will be there too - but also because husband has a solo exhibit opening at the IMA in September and this will be an opportunity for him to meet people.


We have an apartment, which I'm excited about.  I get to play pretend resident of Dream City for 8 days!

May 12, 11 9:29 pm  · 

I'm always impressed with designers or architects who are able to get tattoos. Because my greatest difficulty has always been choosing what to get. As an architect would I be happy with someone else's design? How would I know that I've reached the right design. Hmm tricky. 


I'm super tired. All this marking and trying to knock out a "tropical modern" project is tiring


cool beans on your friends  jump. 

May 12, 11 9:55 pm  · 

David a friend of mine got one of his thesis drawings on his back - not a building, a kind of abstracted geometric mapping thingey.  It's very, very cool.

May 12, 11 10:16 pm  · 

your trip sounds awesome donna.  great opportunity for hubby and great city to chill in for a week. 


@nam, i don't know the history of it but i guess it comes from the thing that criminals used to be marked with tattoos so everyone would know their past...or something like that.  whatever the reason the prejudice remains quite strong.  tattoo=no public baths or pools.  sounds weird to me, but the way of the world here still...


May 13, 11 3:28 am  · 

Jump, when I think about good tatoos, I think about the japanese ones.


Donna, this will be an amazing vacation!

May 13, 11 2:49 pm  · 

there sure are some amazing tattoos here, purpurina.  my friends who have them are mostly artists and westerners.  seeing a japanese person with tattoo is not so common still.  i am pretty sure it could mean not getting a job even so the edge thing is not safe enough yet for it to be normal. 


heck i was even warned that having a beard could be a problem with finding a job when i first came to this country (for me didn't matter in reality, but for japanese person probably could still be an issue).  such a surreal place sometimes.

May 13, 11 8:46 pm  · 

jump, are you sure you don't live in Utah? :)

May 13, 11 11:01 pm  · 

speaking of tats, has anyone done the non-permanent, distilled water technique yet?


May 14, 11 4:36 pm  · 

today has been thinking about how to negotiate my start-up package/contract. a big question for TC is do I need a good office chair (perhaps a Mirra, or Think)? haven't sat in anything fancy beyond an Aeron (and know I don't want one of those), but think a fancy sustainable seat might be nice perk that will help my performance...


beta - now you got me thinking that your thesis presentation will be a tat!


May 14, 11 6:16 pm  · 

today has been thinking about how to negotiate my start-up package/contract. a big question for TC is do I need a good office chair (perhaps a Mirra, or Think)? haven't sat in anything fancy beyond an Aeron (and know I don't want one of those), but think a fancy sustainable seat might be nice perk that will help my performance...


beta - now you got me thinking that your thesis presentation will be a tat!


May 14, 11 6:16 pm  · 

in los angeles job you will be issued one of these by the courtesy of golden state...

May 14, 11 6:24 pm  · 

btw, couple of yesterday's mid term shots from my interdisciplinary 4 th. year studio. they are working on 80 acres site with a mixed use program and with some existing historical buildings on the site. the site is in whittier, california. it is a breath of fresh air away from new urbanist courtyard schemes and bubble buildings. this is an expandable modular scheme.

project plan

ground level plan

May 14, 11 6:35 pm  · 

i've loved my c2c 'zody' by haworth, barry. and it wasn't SO expensive. designers can wrangle a discount through haworth reps. 


i'm at work. will be tomorrow too. whee!

May 14, 11 7:38 pm  · 

ha steven me too. until about an hour ago. 7 days of 11-12 hr days this week..


barry the case could be made in light of ergonomics, lost sick days etc. Also along the lines of Viridian Design approach Bruce Sterling articulated, that something you spend that much time sitting in of your/day year (or sleeping in) should be high quality. Less things better ones.


Anywho.... to bed

May 14, 11 9:38 pm  · 


this is similar to courtyard concept the city of whittier envisions. sitte's drawings interrupted with parking lots...

May 14, 11 10:17 pm  · 

orhan - I'm curious - what strategies are you teaching for grappling with large sites?  seems like you're teaching a systems approach.  IMO - the second scheme, while more formalist, does work better from a pedestrian perspective than the first scheme.

May 15, 11 12:41 pm  · 

toasteroven, it is the same scheme with different views. with this team we are trying to densify the northern half of the site and creating rather large park public park on the south. you are right, we are trying a systems approach with expansion and contraction capable system. first picture is the model showing first and subsequent floors, total of three or more if needed, superimposed. second drawing showing what touches the ground, a footprint if you will.

we now have to go back and try to break the formal make up of the ground level and deal with a more organically and ecologically behaving open space.

these projects are in their sixth week and we will complete the quarter in first week of june. there are three types of housing involved totaling 600 units, large big box commercial programming, small school, office spaces, park, historical preservation of buildings etc. are involved. quite a loaded program..

another team takes a more pragmatic actual grid approach with a vehicular grid superimposed with a secondary diagonal grid defining pedestrian circulation and public spaces. looking north to south this time and gradually eases to surrounding single family neighborhoods on the west side.



May 15, 11 1:59 pm  · 

Orhan, the site models looks really good. Are the students modeling any performance metrics for the site (i.e. stormwater, energy, VMT, LCA of the buildings, urban ag, carbon sequestration, or habitat)?  Or if you want to really challenge the students, ask them to analyze the urban heat island created by their projects!

(today I'm obsessing over UHIs as I work on a grant proposal)





May 15, 11 2:21 pm  · 

barry, there are discussions and incorporation of your points in paranthesis. stormwater and energy is the most pronounced areas but not in deep detail. site has a 3% slope on east west so, there are components to projects dealing with water. some are doing big moves with it. we have nine teams of four students each. two from architecture and two from landscape departments. it is whole another component of the studio to get them productively stay focused on this large project of ten weeks time, there are operational dynamics and social aspects to it. next year there are talks of including planning students and adding another quarter to the studio.  

on another subject of your recent job situation and inquiries, cal poly is quiet but busy and prolific in socal arch school scene with regional pedigree.. content is often very talented but less flashy and starfucked. 

May 15, 11 3:05 pm  · 

public service announcement:


do NOT look for images of "butt glazing" in google with safe search turned off.

May 15, 11 10:25 pm  · 

Oh wow, those search results go down hill very fast.

May 15, 11 11:59 pm  · 

Or anything else on this list, either!

May 16, 11 7:44 am  · 

thesis week at UMN is over and there were a lot of great projects presented in both the MLA and M Arch side of the rapson courtyard. I'm sitting on the far left of Laurie McGinely's jury below - she won thesis prize for her investigation of ‘ephemeral modeling’ and generation of 3d models from stereo photography.

A few more projects are here.



May 16, 11 10:47 am  · 

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