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Well, I really hope it's the artery blockage then. Can they do a test that positively confirms that?

It would be so awesome if this could be resolved with some blood thinners. I'm genuinely pulling for you! You are too good at googling obscure topics just to leave us like that :)

Mar 30, 11 2:57 am  · 

rusty I admire your page number flair.

Mar 30, 11 8:24 am  · 

morning all,

What rusty said X/O, hope it works out for you...

So Dia you eventually want to be more like a vendor, spec supplier? From website it looks like the product is a stand-alone unit... For multi-unit i suppose they would/could be stacked?

Mar 30, 11 8:33 am  · 
Sarah Hamilton

Manta, I kinda feel like that every time Abram pulls out the duplos and waffle blocks. Sometimes I'm genuinely impressed, and I think of posting images and such, but don't because I don't want to bore people. Glad I'm not alone - although, that guy is much funnier.

Mar 30, 11 9:39 am  · 

nam: Still working on the school thing. I'll hear back from the Medialab at the end of April regarding the waitlist. Michigan is offering enough funding to make me consider moving somewhere colder than Boston. Should be hearing from SCI-Arc soon and ETH applications aren't even due until the end of April.

Mar 30, 11 10:31 am  · 

To anyone who can help,

I have been admitted to the 3-year master's program at the University of Miami, and am still waiting to hear from U Washington. Also, I am on the waitlist at Clemson. Can anyone give me more advice as to which program would be ideal? I have seen that Miami can be very traditional in their teachings and with the New Urbanism ideals, I feel I may be pushed in a distinct direction in becoming an architect, rather than given the freedom to become my own creative and unique designer...? ANY info or advice is much appreciated.

To put it simply, I am fearful of obtaining a degree from Miami without having learned much more than traditional architecture and New Urbanism concepts, and then finding it difficult to practice architecture with the freedom of creativity and modern design I desire. I have also read that it may be hard to find a job with a firm unless they are New Urbanists just like Miami.

Mar 30, 11 12:58 pm  · 


I highly recommend directing your question to a thread called "I will answer all your M.Arch questions here". We have a guest expert answering such questions right now.

Mar 30, 11 1:11 pm  · 
...finding it difficult to practice architecture with the freedom of creativity and modern design I desire

This will be a huge - HUGE! - challenge no matter where your degree is from. Go to the place that will graduate you with the least debt.

Mar 30, 11 1:19 pm  · 

Donna, a thought occurred to me as I read your last post.

If truly talented, ambitious students start bypassing expensive degrees due to debt concerns, this will no doubt raise the quality of education of 'lesser' schools. Student bodies in architectural programs have a great say in the direction of said schools, from instructor hirings to facility improvements.

Kinda, sorta, potentially exciting development.

Mar 30, 11 1:27 pm  · 

Hell, yes, rusty. A small group of really talented, dedicated students can easily raise the awareness and ability of the entire student body, or at least their own graduating class.

Mar 30, 11 1:43 pm  · 


The product is a wall panel - the structural system is incidental to that and so far we have been constructing small buildings.

So yes, you could build complete units and stack, or you could produce a traditional steel and concrete building and use the panel system, including glazing etc, as curtain walling.

In New Zealand (specifically) there is a growing interest in using cedar as a cladding material on medium-rise buildings.

We are also looking at timber structures for high rise buildings too.

A precedent for future business might be [url=]KLH[]/url]


Mar 30, 11 4:19 pm  · 

woops - A precedent for future business might be KLH


Mar 30, 11 4:20 pm  · 


thanks for the info. I wasn't sure if product was the building or not. I guess maybe i should have read more...

very cool.

Mar 30, 11 4:55 pm  · 

hey thats what i did rusty! should i send them a bill?

maybe its an american thing because there are so many schools but i thought most of my mates in grad school on the cdn prairie were exceptionally good, and the standard of education there high.

of my closest friends a half dozen now have own offices (and doing cool things with them). most of us left canada though, right after graduation. it is much easier to go to a cheap school and become whatever your ambition asks of you than to live in a city that doesn't like architecture and do the same thing once you try to hang a shingle out the front door.

or at least that is what i used to beleive...

Mar 30, 11 8:46 pm  · 

Finally found time to post this today after several months of fermenting. perhaps a future scenario thread is called for?

titles of other posts I'm working on are: nuclear landscapes, solar farm design – moving beyond, water urbanism, infrastructural wilderness, & the infrastructure gap...

Next time I write a grant, I'm gonna schedule a vacation immediately after the due date! I'm crisp and very well done today - like the salmon skin from dinner tonight.

Mar 30, 11 9:19 pm  · 

nice, barry.

Mar 30, 11 9:40 pm  · 

very nice...

Mar 30, 11 9:48 pm  · 

some days life just Architecture....

Mar 30, 11 9:49 pm  · 

jump, you went to Moose Jaw College, right? :)

My only knock on Canadian arch. schools is that they do very little so solve the problem of the built work by Canadian firms ( which is shockingly boring). It's a conservative country, I guess*. Or maybe our finest moved to Japan?

Half of my old classmates (I went to Curling Beaver U) also left Canada, only to be forced back during the last few years of 'great global economic purge™'. We never got a chance to establish. Lady luck sometimes poops on you.

I do have to agree with you that having a low debt when you start your career is such a liberating feeling, you don't even appreciate it until you see someone else dragged down by it.

*Having spent the last decade in states (and having moved around) I have to say that built work in the US is much, much better than what you'll see in Canada. A shame really.

Barry, that's really interesting. It's like doing risk management on global scale. Some of the charts ar truly funky (like the one where graph lines curve back into themselves). What role, if any, can architects play in this? Who's our client? Mother earth? What's the service we provide? Empathy?

It's an unfortunately overpoliticized subject. It's extremely interesting nonetheless.

Mar 30, 11 9:58 pm  · 

Barry, where does the Got Milk chart come from?

I look forward to the anarchy part. Although, I wish there was a part before then when we get to kill all the bankers and speculators. Same part perhaps?

Mar 30, 11 10:09 pm  · 

mantaray what a way to close a page. I had to read it in bits because I was laughing so hard. Then promptly sent it to the missus.

So I spent 9 hours focussed on one project - finding out half the things originally drawn were wrong. And troubleshooting for two others. And today was supposed to be a teaching day - that didn't happen. I guess I owe my 45 students a drink, especially since I'll be out tomorrow as well. Anyhow I must get my rest client meeting first thing, then two engineering meetings, and a publication one. I'm curious which one will make me curse the most. I'm soooo drinking this weekend. Archi-Sailors unite (curse & drink), Donna are you with me?

Mar 30, 11 10:56 pm  · 

does moose jaw have a college? cool.

u manitoba in truth, source of great luminaries as the patkaus and harry seidler.

if we are making generalizations, i think japan is much better at building than usa, myself. we have earthquakes here galore, but american buildings somehow seem to be overbuilt and heavy. perhaps there is a psychological thing going on. forced to build heavy we try to make it look lite, perhaps...?

but anyway, yeah most everyone leaves canada, just because there is no other way if you are ambitious. except for my very good friends from college days, who are making a go of it on the prairies and seemingly able to do interesting things.

makes me think, maybe the reason the scene in canada is a bit humdrum is because folks like me (and you too, i guess) moved out after getting that super good education.

Mar 30, 11 10:58 pm  · 
i think japan is much better at building than usa, myself

Never been there, but from the daily arch porn I see, I would tend to agree.

It comes down to demand for good design. If architecture in the US was even half as popular as guns and cars, we'd all have personal assistants typing out these messages for us.

In Canada's case, the extreme cold eliminates a lot of design opportunities. Bland culture doesn't help.

That said, I think Montreal's the coolest city on the continent (after NYC and SF perhaps).

Mar 31, 11 3:06 am  · 
but american buildings somehow seem to be overbuilt and heavy.

our structural engineers aren't as smart.

Mar 31, 11 7:26 am  · 

actually - I take that back (maybe it's this attitude?)

I used to work with someone who was trained in germany, and he kept saying that american architects never think about structure until it's too late. I think there's something else, though...

Mar 31, 11 7:48 am  · 

Archi i will actually be spending the weekend canoeing and camping down a river with a couple of buddies. So [iArchi-Sailors unite (curse & drink)[/i] will be in full effect.

although since none our architects maybe just the sailors part :o

Also, rusty didn't know you were canadian? I am too, by birth, but haven't had a chance to live there yet. Just visits with that side of family...

morning all,

Mar 31, 11 9:16 am  · 

main some major typos in there, should read So Archi-Sailors unite (curse & drink) will be in full effect.

although since none are architects maybe just the sailors part :o

Mar 31, 11 9:18 am  · 

that should read man.... guess i am not paying attention this morning.

Mar 31, 11 9:18 am  · 
Sarah Hamilton

Nam needs more coffee this morning!

Mar 31, 11 9:33 am  · 

rusty, click on the 'got milk' image for the source.

architects (& LA/Planners/engineers) have everything to do with determining what our future will be - as we design the built environment that consumes umpteen gizillion tons of resources, and hundreds of quads of energy (okay, those are VERY technical terms). If we can start creating regenerative places, there is hope for a soft transition. if not, then mad max is our future.

our client is humanity - e.g. the AIA's recent 'public practice' article...

I've resolved to stop using the word 'sustainable' and instead use 'regenerative' from now on.

Mar 31, 11 10:20 am  · 

what about resilient barry or does that have a different implication....

Mar 31, 11 1:00 pm  · 

barry are you resolved as well to use the word green to only refer to colour? What if that colour had to be re-named what would it be?? Leaf? Mold? Moss? Or some funny symbol.

Oddly Nam I actually understand exactly what you meant - drunk sailor/architects unite (fi true)

Mar 31, 11 2:34 pm  · 

archi, how long ago did you change the theme for your blog? i feel like it was just a week or so ago that i last visited.

Mar 31, 11 3:22 pm  · 
Sarah Hamilton

This whole week has been dragging..... Come on 4:15...

Mar 31, 11 3:23 pm  · 
Ms Beary

I prefer the term common sense, but that isn't going to catch on.

Mar 31, 11 4:13 pm  · 
Sarah Hamilton

Wow, you got prim and proper, Ms. Beary.

Mar 31, 11 4:49 pm  · 

'common sense' implies that there is 'common' ground, i.e. that there is a body of knowledge that is so ubiquitous that it creates a version of 'sense' that is 'common'.

there doesn't seem to be. everything is contested territory these days.

Mar 31, 11 4:50 pm  · 

Hi All,

A quick question:

I am in talks with the organisers of Maker Faire to exhibit at the New York event in September. At this stage it is not a definite, but I am planning to go.

I was wondering whether it might be appropriate to see if there are any NY-based Archinectors who might be able to help me out at the exhibition. I intend to build a 10m2/100sqft structure at the exhibition and would need some help.

I probably wouldn't be able to pay a wage, but I could make things comfortable food and drink-wise. I think it is only 2-3 days and runs over a weekend.

What do you reckon?


Mar 31, 11 6:09 pm  · 

dia, so you decided to do the Market Faire exhibit after all. Very cool! I know you'll have a blast.

If I was still in NYC, I'd help in a heartbeat.

Let's see. elinor is there. She seems really cool. olaf ninja's there, but he's a gangsta. Not sure if they'll let him out of the looney bin for that long.

Why don't you start a new thread over this? New Yorkers are always famously busy, but will never miss out on a chance to participate in something cool.

A friend of mine used to build exhibitions around NYC (mostly fashion related). He's a crazy Australian that often volunteers his time whenever something needs to be built. He'd definitively help out. Send me a message if interested.

Mar 31, 11 7:32 pm  · 


thanks for the response. I have a bit to organise yet, but we have built our first prototype and it seems to do its job using MDF - never mind the structural ply we will be using.

Need to chat to some of my project partners to gauge interest in supporting me over there.

I will probably advance this a little more seriously in June when I expect to have alot more detail to work with.

Pretty exciting - I haven't been to New York since 2002. this time I should have a little more money so I wont have to subsist on pretzels and hotdogs.

Mar 31, 11 7:53 pm  · 
Sarah Hamilton

But they're so good, dia!

It does sound like fun. If you ever do a project over my way, let me know.

Mar 31, 11 8:00 pm  · 

common sense works for me.

refraining from using sustainable will probably just confuse everyone barry. it's finally a word everyone understands such a waste to banish it to purgatory.

understand the point though. the world is totally differnent and going to be differenter from here on out. even usa can't afford to pretend the asnwer is more drilling anymore.

we are coming to peak load time here as summer rears its head. there is no way we can cool the buildings we have, and no way to keep trains working or any of the rest without power used more carefully. so there will be rolling blakouts for the next what 5 - 10 years now. that is going to mean a whole new way of life and there is no choice involved. this is the crisis warned about for the last 20 years.

i really do hope we make a good transition or whatever we choose to call it, cuz if we don't japan is seriously fucked.

Mar 31, 11 8:01 pm  · 


take your time figuring out the fine print. This happens in September no? You have plenty of time. btw. September's the best time in NYC.

When time comes let me know if you need a hookup. My guy is probably the most skilled carpenter I've ever met. Outside of 9 to 5 he volunteers his time with a number of Brooklyn workshops, and the work has been exhibited all over NYC galleries and even museums.

Prices in NYC have skyrocketed since 2002. Be prepared to pay through the nose. You'll be lucky to afford pretzels and hotdogs! :)

Mar 31, 11 8:18 pm  · 


Its probably sacrilege, but I wasn't that impressed. Very bready... Maybe cause I had too many of them.

Mar 31, 11 8:31 pm  · 

He sounds very good rusty, I will be in touch.

Mar 31, 11 8:33 pm  · 

Listen pal, I won't go into your jazz cafe and critique the music about which I know nothing if you'll stop critiquing my being a topic about which YOU clearly know nothing.

Ohmygod I'm so ready to stop everything and just give the hell up.

Mar 31, 11 8:47 pm  · 
"Listen pal, I won't go into your jazz cafe and critique the music about which I know nothing if you'll stop critiquing my being a topic about which YOU clearly know nothing."

Wait. What? What's going on there?

Mar 31, 11 9:10 pm  · 

yeah - what's going on? do we need to all need to open up some archinect can'o'whoop-ass?

Mar 31, 11 9:11 pm  · 


I don't own a jazz cafe, but if I did I would play Ornette Coleman 24/7.

Mar 31, 11 9:24 pm  · 

Donna, is this about all Indiana rape victims being automatically assumed as liars?

Democracy at work.

Mar 31, 11 9:34 pm  · 

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