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My old white man senator, of course, voted against it. Because he's old. The world will be a different place in 25 years.

Cookie-making failure: two of the batches of dough were supposed to be formed into log shapes BEFORE putting them in the frig to chill. So, they're unchilling to be formed and rechilled.

Guess I better draw some elevations while I wait.

Dec 19, 10 11:56 am  · 

Hi guys! Long time no see.

I am back in the Midwest for Christmas and checking in... I hope you are all well. I will try to catch up on TC in the next couple of days.

In the meantime, ****melt and I saw TRON: Legacy on Friday night and it was kind of bad-ass. I mean, I think you will all really appreciate it if you have not seen it already. It is still infiltrating my dreams, so I started a thread on it here:

I am relieved that DADT was finally rescinded yesterday... but still disgusted by John McCain's reaction to it, and by the entire Senate's inability to pass the 9/11 first responders health care bill. It was all the Daily Show could talk about on Thursday night, I couldn't agree more:

Also not sure if anyone else has posted this video on here, but there's a HILARIOUS video about the upcoming "Portlandia" floating around the internets, and it's so true... watch here:

Finally, I passed Site Planning & Design! I can't believe it... it's a Christmas miracle, LOL. 2 down, 5 to go...

Dec 19, 10 5:44 pm  · 

dubK: woooooo hoooooooo!

donna: those cookies sound divine!

lars/manta/et al: that's one of the main reasons that I took the plunge into teaching - practice just wasn't cutting it. the good news I that I just had one tenure-track (via skype) interview! won't divulge where unless I get an offer to keep from blowing my cover.

Dec 19, 10 7:34 pm  · 

dubk, congrats on nailing done another beasty...huzzah!!

i had a "date" last night, and brunch with my "date" after church...going slow, going slow.....but i am crushing big candidate in a bio-fuels field...

Dec 19, 10 7:37 pm  · 

that is very awesome dubk. also very glad to hear good news from you too TK.

architecture is definitely a lifestyle. i went in to teaching as part of it though, not as an escape. the extra money is nice to have but doing this plus office is harder than picking just one side of the coin to stand on.

inexplicably we are suddenly very busy. not sure if it is a tipping point or an anomaly.

the symposium at our school was pretty good. Maki was very good, which goes to show that an 82 year old architect can be relevant and inspiring. Sejima was quiet but spoke quite well in English was nice. But i most enjoyed the presentation from a fellow named wang shu. i had seen his work before but it brought home how china is starting to produce architects who have something to say on the world stage. a good thing.

there were also a number of speakers less well known but doing great stuff that was cool to see. some were clearly not in favor of star-architecture as a group and seemed mildly offended to be in the same room (they were enviro-centric cultural warriors of a sort). i kept waiting for sparks to fly, but sadly not quite enough oxygen in room. it would have been nice to see that debate happen. it is a pity that authority sometimes creates a barrier to real discussion.
luckily that seems not a problem on archinect ;-)

Dec 19, 10 8:24 pm  · 

hey dubbers, congrats on the test

and jump, good to hear you are staying busy with work.

I remember seeing that Ningbo project somewhere. With the stone, massing and hand crafting aesthetic it seems like it should be in a middle of a field. The pictures you linked to showing it in urban context were interesting...

Buzzed again, this time on Baileys and Jameson. Night all.

Dec 19, 10 9:39 pm  · 

For those not on FB:

Ninja-bread men!

beta, glad you are buzzing on the crush - be careful but have fun!

DubK, congrats on the test! Keep at it, within a year you'll be done.

jump, that project (Ningbo?) looks very cool. Must go google...

Dec 19, 10 10:11 pm  · 

hi all. I'm heading to Cleveland tomorrow afternoon to spend the holidays with the missus. There seems to be a gathering of 'necteurs in Ohio. Hopefully I'll get to meet up and report with images of fun times and my sunny smile.

keep warm folks

Dec 19, 10 10:16 pm  · 

dubK, congrats on SP!
I am studying for PPP right now and it is really teaching me how totally whacked the Chicago Building Code is. ARE tests are (naturally) based on IBC, and there are SO many differences with Chicago, which is unfortunately the code I am most recently familiar with... argh! This is kind of a mindfuck. Here's hoping this stuff sticks in my head.

Dec 19, 10 11:30 pm  · 

Congrats, Dub!

LOVE the ninja cookies.

I'm currently writing my thesis proposal for the US government to review. Yep, I'm trying to do my MArch thesis in Havana, Cuba. I have to submit a research proposal to (hopefully) get approved for a research travel visa to Cuba. The Bush Administration cut research visas by 70% so competition is tough. I'm crossing my fingers this is possible, because at this point, the redevelopment of Havana post-US trade embargo is totally fascinating me. Please Santa, I just want a research visa.

Happy week, ya'll. (PS. I NEVER EVER actually say ya'll in real life).

Dec 19, 10 11:39 pm  · 

n_ great topic - it is a fascinating area of research that sadly has been limited to social and economic projects. I've waited patiently for an architectural one. When you do get your travel visa (notice the vote of confidence) do let us know - most flights are still via Jamaica (fingers crossed that it remains so post-embargo) and I still maintain some contacts with some architects there through the university.

Dec 20, 10 12:05 am  · 

those ninja-bread men are SO awesome. I want one. Nice job decorating, Donna! Did Angus help? I can imagine any wee one would want to decorate ninja cookies.

Dec 20, 10 12:43 am  · 

ninja cookies! way awesome (i totally say that in real life).

very cool proposal n. i hope you get to do it.

Dec 20, 10 1:14 am  · 

good morning all,
a short week but likley a busy one...

n_, the thesis sounds interesting if it gets approved you will have to update us with more info re: topic etc....

Dec 20, 10 8:06 am  · 
Sarah Hamilton

I saw a nova or nature special on how the trade embargo has actually frozen cubas ecosystem in time. They have more flora and fauna than Florida does simply because they haven't been able to develope. Pretty interesting.

Donna, those are awesome, and so boy. Boys are so funny. Abram would love those, and robots. He's really into robots right now.

Melt, is that NewMan I see on facebook? Nicely done.

Dec 20, 10 8:44 am  · 

n_ good luck on the research visa. Cuba also apparently has an amazing population of 50s-era American cars, all scrupulously maintained and used as daily drivers. Hot rodders dream!

Dec 20, 10 9:35 am  · 
Ms Beary

2 weeks of vacation days starts today! Was going to go snowboarding today, but there are storms in the mountains. That means I will go tomorrow on top of 18-24 inches of fresh snow!

I made 7 dozen cookies, 3 kinds total, and only about a dozen of the gingersnaps are left, the rest were eaten already!

Dec 20, 10 10:06 am  · 
Ms Beary

and n_.... wow!

and beta - yay, but yes, be careful!

Dec 20, 10 10:07 am  · 
Ms Beary

Maybe I won't make it up to snowboard tomorrow either! Was just informed by the mr. that some areas are going to get 8 FEET of snow by Thursday!

Dec 20, 10 10:18 am  · 

Wang Shu: Design Philosophy
I design a house instead of a building. The house is the amateur architecture approach to the infinitely spontaneous order.
Built spontaneously, illegally and temporarily, amateur architecture is equal to professional architecture. But amateur architecture is just not significant.

One problem of professional architecture is, that it thinks too much of a building. A house, which is close to our simple and trivial life, is more fundamental than architecture. Before becoming an architect, I was only a literati. Architecture is part time work to me. For one place, humanity is more important than architecture while simple handicraft is more important than technology.
The attitude of amateur architecture, - though first of all being an attitude towards a critical experimental building process -, can have more entire and fundamental meaning than professional architecture. For me, any building activity without comprehensive thoughtfulness will be insignificant.

I found this of interest after viewing the picture posted by Jump.

Dec 20, 10 11:17 am  · 
Sarah Hamilton

Snook, I'm not really sure what the interviewee is trying to say, but I think I agree with the last sentence.

I think were selling another car today. Oh, didn't I tell you that a week after husband sold the Pontiac, he bought a 95 5 series BMW? Maybe it's a 97. I don't ask questions anymore so that I won't get attached, or waste valuable brain space on what is sure to be temporary.

Husband has the "new house itch." I checked out what was for sale in the area, just for grins, and YUCK! Everything is so, so, souless? I mean, it's just awfull. No character, and silly things like built in desks, or tv niches, or my favorite, a fireplace wall with odd, stepped pass-through in the wall. I'm guessing you're supposed to put potted ivy on the legdes, and you'd be able to see it from both sides! Awesome!!

I guess he thinks our house is small, and yes, our kitchen is terrible, but I like to think of our house as a bingalow, or cottage even. I think if we just redo the kitchen, he'll like the house better. Someday.

Dec 20, 10 12:03 pm  · 

he he he, a fireplace wall with odd, stepped pass-through in the wall. I'm guessing you're supposed to put potted ivy on the legdes, and you'd be able to see it from both sides! Awesome!! This is straight-up courtesy of Frank Lloyd Wright! He invented it. So you have The Master to thank for that oddity ;-)

Dec 20, 10 12:36 pm  · 
Sarah Hamilton

Ok, now I have to post the images. From the master..., HA!

Hopefully that works, just so you can see how awesome it really is.

Dec 20, 10 1:57 pm  · 
vado retro

the end of suckfest year three is coming to a close with no change on the horizon.

Dec 20, 10 2:33 pm  · 

Well Sarah, at least your home doesn't have this issue...

Did I mention that I caught a peeping tom outside my window a few months back? Well I came home friday night to find out that he was watching the girl two units down from me. She was really freaked out and called the cops, which made me wish that I had when it happened to me so that there would be a record of the pattern.

My roommate is between jobs right now so I want to wait until he finds something so that I know if we should move together, stay in the same area or relocate, or if I should find my own place or what, but between that and the leaky ceilings, I'm pretty much over my current location. The complication is that I can't actually afford anywhere better.

Dec 20, 10 2:46 pm  · 

it's amazing what can change in 6 months. 6 months ago many of you said "this" gets better with time, i never understood how, the pain was still raw as road rash, but here i am, at the end of the year, telling you all despite the ending of my marriage; this year is shaping to be one of my most happiest. no, it has nothing to do with my crush, well a little bit, but i get the sense that might grow next year. i finally broke through in this city, found collaborators, starting to connect with the movers in the city, incoming chair on the arts commission, etc...

i am, who i always wanted to be, and that is better than i could've hoped for 6 months ago.

thanks to all those that consoled and kicked and convinced me that, perhaps this is for the better, it is and it will be.

now, perhaps when i get my shit taken care of, dissolution and such, there will be others willing to come on up and seek refuge in the best city north of chi-town, east of portland, and south of toronto?

Dec 20, 10 3:17 pm  · 

glad to hear you sound so upbeat and dare i say happy beta!!!

Also, copper sounds bad and definetly a reason to move...

Dec 20, 10 3:41 pm  · 

suckfest...ya the economy is sucking the desire out of me to do anything. If I told you what came across my desk today, you would all say run away as fast as you can. I on the other hand have to keep a mind on the economy recovering at an extremely slow pace,
So maybe in a month I will know I have work in a couple of months.

Till then I will build a fire in the fireplace and try to stay warm thru the dead of winter and hope some more small projects will walk thru the door.

For the Record I'm sucking on a beer 5:21 pm....and it is Monday Night...but it is a Holiday Week....well for some of us anyhow.

archi...she should be headed to the Island....instood of you going to the cold.....but think you will manage to generate enough heat to stay warm.

copper top....I had the roof blow off the top of an apartment I once lived in during a bad Tucson Monsoon rain storm..

Base ball bats or electronic lasers work wonders on peeping toms.
A laser will thing your one well armed lil lady and he will not return...Just be sure to shine it in his eyes and then move it down to his heart.

Hum Bug!

Dec 20, 10 5:26 pm  · 

Thanks for the support, folks

Donna - I just watched a video on Cuba and they said that 1 in every 6 cars is an American car from the 1950s.

beta - I'm glad that you are in a great place with life right now. It sounds so trite to say but time can do amazing things in an recovery process. Every day gets better and better and the pain gets less and less. Your attitude of your new life is wonderful and admirable. Go you.

Guess who just dropped a crate of eggs on her parent's kitchen floor? Guess who fails at adulthood in a comical way? Guess who prepared a gin and tonic before she cleaned up the mess?

Dec 20, 10 7:12 pm  · 
vado retro

today is my mother's 81st birthday. she said you are my baby and you can always come and stay with me.

Dec 20, 10 7:23 pm  · 

vado, nothing better than a mother's love.

Dec 20, 10 8:34 pm  · 


love the fact that you made yourself a gin and tonic first..

Nighty night

Dec 20, 10 8:35 pm  · 

knowing priorities is a good thing.

that article is more or less what he spoke of at symposium snook. he talked about being illegal, which i am not sure i understand. but the sentiment is pretty cool. it is something i agree with which is probably why i liked the work more than most big architecture projects out there today. much of it is just too professional/slick....boring.

Dec 20, 10 8:45 pm  · 

Oh god...oh god no...oh Sarah, that house makes me hurt everywhere.....

n_ I too love that you made yourself a drink first. I invited a friend over for dinner tonight and though I tried and tried to wait until he arrived to pour some wine, I broke down. Sure enough two minutes alter he arrived!

I think most of us lose some of our adult-ness when we are around our parents. Mine are about to be here for a week.

vado, you might like Phoenix! But you sure as shit won't find an architecture job there! Not that you want one!

Ugh, interior elevations to do tonight and it's already after 10 pm? Plus no new Daily Show to listen to while I work?! Damnation.

is anyone getting up at 2:45am to watch the eclipse?

Dec 20, 10 10:14 pm  · 

Wow, Sarah, it's actually impressive how much badness is packed into those two little photos!


Dec 20, 10 10:58 pm  · 

sarah - the steps along the fireplace are for your collection of "precious moments" figurines.

reminds me of something....

so close....

yet not...

Dec 20, 10 10:58 pm  · 

LOL toaster that is brilliant!!

Dec 20, 10 11:23 pm  · 

i, am george bailey. thank you clarence.

Dec 20, 10 11:47 pm  · 

toast, what is that?

And did anyone besides sara get up to watch the eclipse?

I wanted to but was too tired....

Dec 21, 10 8:09 am  · 

that, nam, is loos' villa muller. awesome. i think loos was ahead of his time in anticipating needing a place for 'precious moments' figurines.

even hummel figures weren't around then:

though loos may have been accustomed to the germanic tradition of collecting tchotchkes (, i wouldn't have expected him to be for it...

Dec 21, 10 8:58 am  · 

nam - don't you know your modern arch history? muller house by adolf loos.

Dec 21, 10 8:58 am  · 

steven - lol

Dec 21, 10 8:59 am  · 

I got up to see the eclipse. But we were (and still are) 100% overcast here, so I went back to bed w/o bothering to waking up Angus. Sad.

Dec 21, 10 9:26 am  · 
Sarah Hamilton

I wanted to get up, and it was a clear night, but after fighting Abe to go to bed for an hour, I plum forgot. Also wanted to catch the news to see whythere were paddy wagons, cop cars, and even a helecopter at the gas station down the street yesterday.

Dec 21, 10 10:37 am  · 

ok - I want to rant here - I'm really f-ing tired of technical staff not respecting the work of us designers. so what if I didn't know about f-ing trenching the slab for electrical work. why do you have to be so f-ing smug about it?

and of course I don't know everything about renovation work - I spent the past 10 years as a designer on new-build. I'm trying to learn something here... I'm not the enemy - I want to work with you!! If I admit that I spent most of my time on the front end of large projects, don't be such a f-ing asshole if I don't know something about construction on fast-track projects.

I'm not sure how this happens - you see this on the forums - this attitude... this lack of respect of people who don't have a certain set of knowledge - as if you don't know the minutia of water-proofing details you are somehow worthless. I'm really f-ing tired of this (and part of the reason I sometimes want to get out of the profession). why the hell can't we work together?

Dec 21, 10 11:12 am  · 

Aw, toaster, If eel your pain. Did I tell you about the time the garage door installer basically told me I'm a complete idiot because I had OK'd rerouting a duct into the place his track needed to mount?

The thing to keep in mind, as I told myself on that job: in a typical house project the architect is responsible for 100,000 decisions. The garage guy is responsible for about 15.

Your engineers are smug because they know, and only have to know, everything about a tiny field of knowledge, comparable to you, who has to know how their expertise coordinates with the expertise of 3-20 additional experts plus the client's needs AND your own goals for the project.

We DON'T have to know all the answers - we have to know where to FIND the answers, and if the engineers want to be pleasant about getting us that info, then we're all the more likely to continue working with that firm in the future. if they're going to be jerks about it, there are plenty of other firms looking for work right now!

As a guilty aside: this is where my gender has always served me, as did my youth back when I was just starting practice: technical guys could feel liek they were "helping the poor little girl to understand" instead of having to prove themselves somehow as they would with another guy. Not that I didn't get my share of older engineers who wouldn't explain things to me and would only talk to my boss because they figured I couldn't understand it what with my ladybrain and all, but mostly I got the benefit of being a woman.

Dec 21, 10 11:21 am  · 

Typo: If eel your pain.....if that eel would stop biting me, I would feel your pain.

Dec 21, 10 11:22 am  · 

Donna - I really hate it when someone tries to trip you up on some topic to show their superiority. of course I don't know the pricing difference between mohawk and shaw carpet - or the different widths of ceiling track. do I know the lb/SF of various kinds of green roofing? nope - not off the top of my head.

Dec 21, 10 12:34 pm  · 

sorry for the downer everyone - what started me off was that someone made fun of me for noting a floor core for electrical instead of trenching from a column. I'll remember now, but I'm really tired of people laughing at me for not knowing things I've never done before. it just seems really stupid.

and you're right that it's the gender thing - you're supposed to deflect with even more obscure facts instead of playing dumb. I'm not a fresh-faced intern anymore - I should know everything about everything especially because I have a penis - doesn't matter if its the first time I've seen it - I'm already an expert.

Dec 21, 10 2:27 pm  · 

Dear TC'ers,

I thought that I would leave you this year with something I have been working on for a bit - ARKit.

Inhabitat has just ran an article and we have been published in a book by Links and soon Thames & Hudson.

I have been assisting Craig on this project for about 5 years, and now we have projects in Australia, NZ and India. We also hope to see you in the states some time soon.

All the best for 2011.


Dec 21, 10 6:39 pm  · 

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