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Sarah Hamilton

Damn, it's a flash site. Silly iPhone.

Dec 21, 10 6:44 pm  · 

nice work diabase.

most homes are prefab factory made here, but none are as nice as yours. not even close.

don't sweat it toasteroven. ignorance can be remedied but an asshole is stuck with himself forever. i had same problem when i went from schools and towers to houses. The knowledge set is entirely different. am still learning really. but i am still the guy who hires the contractor and am quite happy to go elsewhere next time around. Biting the hand that feeds and all that.

last lecture of the year in a few hours. last meetings tomorrow, then 3 days off for christmas. hurray. i totally need some sleep.

actually this is a funny year because my kids don't want anything for christmas. i offered to buy an i-pad for them even and they are just not interested. i can't figure out how we managed to raise 2 completely un-selfish kids. amazing.

Dec 21, 10 7:10 pm  · 

Thanks Jump,

I know the Japanese home industry is highly prefabricated, but I dont know much detail. Ultimately, this is a building system that can be used to create a number of building types.

In Australia and New Zealand, we can use this panel as cladding infill for multi-storey buildings. We are also working on ARKit compsotie floor and roofing systems.

Dec 21, 10 7:23 pm  · 

May I have the honour?

Dec 21, 10 7:31 pm  · 

You guys are so awesome! Those ninja cookies are TOTALLY BADASS! And congrats to TK, beta, and n___________ ... Cuba! Amazing, my fingers are crossed for you...

diabase I love that little wooden house! I designed something similar but not quite for a pre-fab project a couple of years ago.

How is it that time is moving so quickly? I suspect it has something to do with me enjoying myself so much. I need to do something that I will not like just to slow it down a bit. Oh that's right, I have to study for 5 more exams, nevermind :o(

Honestly though, I am amazed I have been at home for 5 days and not gone completely insane yet. That'll make you want to speed things up...

Dec 22, 10 12:49 am  · 

Love the ninja cookies too.

n_ crossing my fingers for you and Cuba. I think it would be an amazing experience.

nice prefab houses. Not sure why but I've had a fascination with them for sometime.

SH - Yes. New Man is in my profile photo. Couldn't help myself. It was time for a change and it turned out to be a pretty good shot. Am freaking out about Xmas. Still do not have presesnts for oldest niece, brothers or dad. Am also making a pair of fingerless gloves for my brother's GF but there ain't no way in hell I'm getting then done. Still working on the first one. Sister-in-law is also an issue. I have the yarn to knit her a scarf, but don't have the time. Where the hell did the time go? :o/

Dec 22, 10 8:38 am  · 
Sarah Hamilton

We made a deal in myfamily years ago that says...

Only kids get gifts. Anyone over 18 is excluded, unless you just want to get them somethig. Certainly cut down on the headache of obligatory gifting. Brings some of the joy back.

Dec 22, 10 9:49 am  · 

i love giving presents at christmas. i have no problem with joy somehow. probably i am just too potato-headed to let it stress me out ;-)

my oldest decided this year to write a book to give to her mom. she just finished binding it today, 7 chapters long. pretty good for 10 years old. she decided recently she would like to be a writer when she gets older and this would be practice. kids are so amazing. no fear.

not sure what she is making for me but understand she needs her camera...somehow. am quite looking forward to seeing what she has done.

Dec 22, 10 10:24 am  · 

SH - we did that too about five years ago but it's no fun cuz I like giving gifts. This year I wanted to get the adults something little. Might not work out though. We'll see. I'm in a knitting mood these days so I would love to finish up the gloves and give them to her but it's looking like it'll have to wait unitl after the holidays are over.

Dec 22, 10 11:26 am  · 

donna - jump - thanks for the words of encouragement - I was feeling a bit down yesterday - that helped.

jump - right - the switch is a little difficult, and I often feel like I started my career over - however I'm learning a lot - and I'm finally starting to get a little more comfortable with contract admin. I definitely know why this career takes a long while to master...

well - happy holidays everyone!

Dec 22, 10 8:12 pm  · 

Sorry, ya'll, I hate to complain, but I'm TIRED of working late every night again lately!

Very happy I'm busy enough to be working this late, yes. Just tired. And after a meeting tomorrow morning and a couple emails after it's break time until Monday!

Dec 22, 10 11:00 pm  · 
Christmas 2.0
Dec 23, 10 8:27 am  · 

last meeting of the year this morning and straight to the shops. if you can imagine those crazy videos of people being crammed onto a train in tokyo that was what the shops were like this afternoon in shibuya. and all i wanted to get was some wine glasses and pencil crayons...;-)

@toasteroven, you know i am half convinced our profession is just too big. mastering every bit of it it is likely not possible. my pet peeve is that while I have a fairly large portfolio of schools and housing towers and hospitals, many of which i saw through from start to finish...but when it comes to houses our (potential) clients think i don't have enough experience.

just watch, when we get the opportunity to do something bigger we will hear that the series of houses we have been working on the last years are not enough to do projects with larger scope.

part of the architects job seems to be manging constantly the clients/people who don't imagine we can possibly be competent ;-)

funny how the world works that way isn't it?

Dec 23, 10 8:39 am  · 

Good morning...

Last day of work! Everyone finish their shopping yet. Jump I feel like I run into similar issues even in my work. Re: experience, responsibilities etc...

Dec 23, 10 9:03 am  · 
Sarah Hamilton

Just finished my homemade pineapple vodka and flask this morning. I then gifted it, since the receiver happened to be here. You can check out the vodka on my blog today, and the flask will be up tomorrow.

Hope everyone has a great day. I think husband and I are going to see Tron today. I don't know anything about it - I never saw the first.

Dec 23, 10 10:54 am  · 

Headed out to toss down a few beers at a Contractor's Annual Christmas Party. Listen to everyone talk about how this year sucked, but the pulled pork sandwiches will go down good with the Brewski's.

Merry Christmas to all those who will not be around for the next couple of days!

Dec 23, 10 4:28 pm  · 
Sarah Hamilton

Tron was decent, but I think I'm out on 3d movies from now on.

Dec 23, 10 6:15 pm  · 

i loved the original tron when it came out...but then again i totally loved all those action flicks in the 80's too. children are clearly not to be trusted.

all these 3d movies lately almost make me think its not utterly ridiculous to get one of those 3d tvs they are flogging all over the place. i think i am waiting for the version that affleck made in the beginning of paycheck ;-)

Dec 23, 10 7:38 pm  · 

jump everything wonders how we can possibly be competent and yet they also, in the case of houses, all think that they can design it themselves because "everyone can design, right?". Yeah, and everyone can sing.

So this is another problem of turning back into a kid when around your parents: paying for things. We went to the grocery store and I had to wrestle my dad out of the way to pay for it, then finally agreed he could pay for the next stop, the wine store. So what did he do there? Bought a case! So he can leave half of it with me! I love my parents, I love how generous they are (and how much they love wine!) but I always feel like a college kid again with them. We're taking them out to a fancy schmancy dinner next week, as a Christmas present - they've already said no presents because there is nothing they want. They're lovely people.

Dec 23, 10 8:01 pm  · 
Sarah Hamilton

How come no one has mentioned these?!

Apparently there are a whole bunch!

Dec 23, 10 11:01 pm  · 
Sarah Hamilton

Oh well, you get the idea. Lego has a better site.

Dec 23, 10 11:04 pm  · 

sh..i think they were commented on..don't know what page..but those have been out for a while...

Dec 24, 10 12:21 am  · 

Aren't those Lego architecture sets reeeaaaally expensive? I got Angus a Lego piranha, his current obsession.

Dec 24, 10 12:57 am  · 

so far this year i have received the empire state building and seattle space needle lego sets... they're pretty cool... i think that the tower ones are reasonably priced, but the FLW ones are much larger and more expensive...

Dec 24, 10 11:56 am  · 
vado retro

merry christmas to my tc family! have a safe and wonderful holiday season.

Dec 24, 10 1:55 pm  · 

Made tomatillo enchiladas for Christmas Eve dinner and watching Elf. Late tonight we will wrap Angus' big Santa present: a surfboard. Heaven knows it wasn't my idea ;-)

Merry Merry Christmas to everyone!

Dec 24, 10 7:12 pm  · 

donna, aren't you guys landlocked?!?

i remember when lego didn't come in preconfigured sets, you got tons of pieces and had to use yer noggin. my parents are keeping the bin of a million lego pieces we accumulated while living in europe for when lil holz is older.

happy saturnalia, archinect

Dec 24, 10 8:15 pm  · 

merry christmas all!

christmas day here already. Santa was good to the kids. christmas eve dinner last night very nice time with family and friends.

an intern gave my oldest daughter one of those FLW models last year for christmas. we did it together. quite nice.

my daughter painted my portrait from a secrete photograph she took. rather good painting. my youngest decided she should make a book too, which turned out to be really amazing. 6 years old and decided to make a book? like i said before kids are amazingly fearless. i wish we were more like that as adults.

@ donna. exactly! our clients can do our job apparently which is dead simple ;-) after the house is built they realize their mistake, but by then is too late. best clients are the ones where we are doing their 2nd or 3rd home.

Dec 24, 10 10:33 pm  · 

My husband gave me a healthier back for Christmas: new office chair, a bluetooth keyboard, and a laptop stand. Now I can draft while seated ergonomically instead of all hunched over! Those of you who use a laptop for your regular daily work: it's not good for you. Get a stand, or an external monitor, and be healthy(er).

Off to get the ham in the oven! Hope everyone is having a fun day!

Dec 25, 10 11:42 am  · 

holz, i remember learning about saturnalia in latin class during graduate school. you ever celebrated it?

Flogging and all?

Merry Christmas all..

Dec 25, 10 9:45 pm  · 

i use a laptop donna. i think i am ok. what are the bad bits i don't know about?

Dec 26, 10 12:53 am  · 

@tc merry, though belated, Christmas

So the missus and I had over our non-christians friends over for dinner. The prep-time took us over 24 hours but the cooking was done in about 1.5 hours. The menu: glazed ham, rosemary and red stripe infused lamb, cornbread stuffing, huggy buggy bread pudding, crescent rolls, port & champagne, sorrel sangria and champagne and more. Everyone was on the floor after the 4th helping of food (yes, 4) with smiles and laughter watching silly youtube videos especially this one.

@Jump I must say your kids constantly amaze me. They truly do sound fearless is an understatement

Dec 26, 10 12:26 pm  · 

jump, ergonomically, the screen is supposed to be close to eye level, with the hands down so upper arms are parallel to the floor - you're not supposed to look DOWN at the screen. But with a laptop that's impossible. If you sit in ONE chair ALL day with a laptop, it tends to be compounded poor posture over time. If you move around a lot, or sit in different places, it's probably fine.

I also just had a really crappy Ikea desk chair that was 12 years old. So the new Herman Miller chair helps!

Dec 26, 10 10:07 pm  · 

OK, this just made me weep with joy - a video of two kids coming down the stairs on Christmas morning every year for 25 years.

My 7yo son is going to go to college practically tomorrow!

And jump I agree with techno - your girls sounds so amazing.

Dec 26, 10 10:39 pm  · 

happy christmas and merry new year! here's hoping that all of you spent the holidays with loved ones.

i went to my first x-mas eve service this year, by myself, and it was extraordinary.

Dec 27, 10 6:15 am  · 

Morning all, anyone working this week? At least it is a short week again.

beta, its funny even though I wasn't raised christian, with all the relatives I have been to midnight mass more times than some christian friends of mine.

To be honest it was always one of my fav chuch experiences.

Dec 27, 10 8:27 am  · 

Angus just made up a joke:

What do you call a building design that fails?

A blooperprint.

Not bad for a 7yo!

Dec 27, 10 10:41 am  · 

I'll chime in - I met jump, his wife, and his children this summer. They were all very, very lovely people. One of his daughter's had drawn a section drawing of a castle (or dollhouse) which was totally rad and so imaginative for a young kid. The other designed a piece of furniture (if I remember correctly). It was wonderfully delightful to see well-educated and behaved kids with so much imagination and personality.

I was able to pass on some knowledge with them by teaching them how to do the witch's broom trick using string. I hope I earned some street cred with those girls.

I hope everyone is having a happy holiday season. Hands down, this is my favorite time of the year.

Oh oh, Steven Ward - I had an impromptu drive to St. Matthews to run an errand. There is an isolated mid-rise building (maybe 6 stories or so) off of I-264, near the Breckenridge exit. It has a crazy ornate facade skin and seemed to house a Ruth Chris Steakhouse or maybe Morton's Steakhouse (I saw a sign for one of those on the building)? I only drove past it on the interstate but am interested in it. Are you familiar with which building I'm talking about? Does the building have a name?

Dec 27, 10 1:35 pm  · 

it's kaden tower, n_. by taliesin.

you were so close to me! i'm pass the kaden tower almost every day!

Dec 27, 10 2:54 pm  · 
Sarah Hamilton

I just folded up the tissue paper, and snagged the ribbon from my Loft bags to be used later for whatever. Is that weird?

Dec 27, 10 3:17 pm  · 

sarah if you are referring to saving wrapping and tissue paper my family does too.

Dec 27, 10 3:34 pm  · 

the greenie in me says yes save it all... the 5 yo kid however rips the paper to shreds and basks in the confetti of Christmas wrapping raining from the sky.

looks like I may be heading out of state tomorrow or the day after to Pitsburgh.

Dec 27, 10 5:29 pm  · 

Pittsburgh is pretty rad, techno. email me if you need suggestions on where to go.

The Loft bag/box ribbons are the BEST! I would have snagged those too.

Dec 27, 10 5:44 pm  · 
Sarah Hamilton

it was actually from the shopping bags, but it's close to being that crazy. We save gift bags, boxes, and bows, but I have never reused wrapping paper. Interesting.

Dec 27, 10 6:31 pm  · 
Sarah Hamilton

They are pretty awesome ribbons. A nice, springing pink print. Would actually make a nice headband, if I could wear them. Not sure what I will do with them, yet.

Dec 27, 10 6:36 pm  · 

We got or Winter Welcome starting yesterday...and the wind is still howling! Not alot of snow but it keepings recycling inself, because the wind can't decide what direction it wants to blow from.

Takin some pain killer after shoveling some snow today...and not the liquid kind...popping some pills.

Out with the Old and In with the New!

Dec 27, 10 7:09 pm  · 

reusing wrapping paper is one thing, but my mother-in-law washes and re-uses generic, store-brand ziploc bags... (she saves wrapping paper and bows too)... and this is a woman who is a doctor at the mayo clinic and gets paid very well... i guess that you can take the girl out of alabama, but you can't take the alabama out of the girl...

Dec 27, 10 9:51 pm  · 

I wash and reuse Ziploc bags, too. And I save bacon fat, and I slice the ends off of tubes of cosmetics to scrape the inside clean.

On the opposite end of the spectrum, and open container of milk is absolutely not allowed in my refrigerator for more than 7 days - no matter how full it is or what the date is, 7 days after opening it's gone. Sour milk skeeves me out.

Dec 27, 10 10:05 pm  · 

that's a fantastic joke donna!

n_, thanks for teaching them that cat's cradle trick, It has now been incorporated into the oeuvre and practised with other shapes that really are remarkable.

we saved wrapping paper this year as my youngest is into making her own paper (she got a paper making set this christmas), but i am bad because i can't stand to keep anything i don't need in the house in near future. even old photos bug me. i know it is bad. but our house is pretty clutter free even though we have no storage to speak of. i look forward to living a zen life without having to throw the wrapping away.

Dec 27, 10 10:38 pm  · 

where i grew up, recycling, conserving, reusing were not political, logical or practical choices, but accepted way of life. it has changed a bit now, but still not nearly as much as america. this country is a waste king even now. but i am hopeful it is fast changing specially with younger urbanized populations, with the help of public education and cost of living.
most other places on earth energy prices are much higher, things cost relatively more to fabricate / deliver / buy and therefore, necessarily recycled by the consumers. how do you like to buy gasoline 7 or 8 $ a gallon? that is how much it costs in turkey, which borders with the most oil reserves in the world, like in iran, iraq and azerbaijan.

Dec 27, 10 10:40 pm  · 

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