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my mum took my sister and I (age 8 & 5) from Colorado to Miami via New York - yes that was the long way. Some of it I still remember oddly enough. Maybe I'll do that trip with my kids when the time comes in one of these modified trucks (smile)

Mar 30, 10 10:17 pm  · 

techno, I was just looking for an image to post, but I wanted one with 373 plus something tipping over or teetering about to fall - like the block of page numbers is aaaiagh!

Mar 30, 10 10:19 pm  · 

So, I have a story. This one's pretty good. Apologies to those of you who have read this already, I thought it was worth repeating to the crowd here.

Four months ago, when I first joined eHarmony, I was almost instantly matched with a Hot Doctor named Jason*. He was 33, tall, supposedly spoke fluent French and from the looks of his pictures, very well-traveled. I agonized for about a week over whether or not I should, in the parlance of eHarmony, "send him questions" to initiate communication. In the end, I did ultimately send him questions. I never heard back from him, so I "closed" him about a month later and didn't think too much of it.

This afternoon, that very same Hot Doctor spent about 30 minutes sticking a probe up my nose and in my ears, feeling up my neck for tenderness and showing me the results of last week's CT scan of my sinuses, which depicted my facial structure quite clearly. Dr. Jason Stanovich* is the Ear, Nose, and Throat specialist that I was referred to by my Primary Care Physician. Initially when I got there and I saw his name was Jason*, I thought, "nooo, not again" but here in Portland and with the Universe having such a sense of humor, I now know not to take anything for granted. I was basically so stunned that I didn't even try to flirt, and I kind of chuckled my way through the examination... it was hard enough for me to concentrate on what he was telling me with the gears turning in my head and the tongue depressor in my mouth.

Oh and I almost forgot about the part where I told him how annoying it is when I'm trying to ride my bike and I have to blow my nose constantly, and he was kind enough to demonstrate how I might attempt a snot rocket.

After my visit, I stopped by the Receptionist's desk, run by a young lady who I had been friendly with earlier. I grinned and said, under my breath, "How do you NOT stare at him all day? He's adorable." And she grinned back and said in a whisper, "He's a pain in the a**!"

Thank you, Universe.

*Name made up to protect the Innocent Hot Doctor/Pain in the A**.

The end.


Mar 30, 10 11:29 pm  · 

for my first crab dish.. mmmm if i must say so my self. Well also the lady said.

Nite all.

Oh and anyone planing on reading the Infrastructural City with mammoth, me and et al...?

Mar 30, 10 11:30 pm  · 

oh and dj, hilariouss.. for real?

Mar 30, 10 11:33 pm  · 

For real, nam. For real. This is my life!

Mar 30, 10 11:37 pm  · 

snot rockets. hot!!

Mar 31, 10 12:14 am  · 


we were out looking at land with a potential client this weekend, and on the way walked past toyo ito's office. for some reason the garage was open and there sitting almost carelessly amongst the junk and the bikes was the amazing model for the opera house, split into two halves. its huge! and beautiful. i of course walked in and took a picture and we continued on our way. i toyed with posting it here but somehow that would be wrong so i won't.

BUT, i love that it was just sitting there. clearly mr ito's office is working and has no time for lallygagging and lavishing care on models. nice. i so want to be so amazing that i can set aside insanely brilliant work like its nothing at all some day.

the inspiration of a walk in tokyo.

Mar 31, 10 7:47 am  · 

DJ - HAHAHAHA!!! Snot rockets, that's so awesome. I hope you were at least able to be your funny and charming self. I always wonder if males remember those kinds of things too, or if it's just something we females are prone to remembering.

Speaking of dates... I had a great one on Friday. I had actually given him my card two nights before hand after my friend and I chatted with him at the restaurant/bar. Didn't think I would hear from him but I actually did. We started the evening off with him taking photos at sunset of two local firehouses and then ended it at the restaurantbar where we first chatted. He took me home and then we kissed for a while in front of my house. He said he was interested in seeing me again and soon, as did I and then *POOF... nothing. ARGH!!!!!!

To all the single males out there, please make note if you aren't interested in a girl, don't make out with her for any period of time. If she leans in for a kiss, just lightly give her a peck. Also, you can tell her you had a good time, but don't say you would like to see her again and soon.

In any event, I'm getting back in the saddle and am in the process of setting up a date with another guy for Friday. I'm not all that excited about this one, but what the hell, at the very least I'll perhaps get a free drink out of it.

Mar 31, 10 8:51 am  · 

*melt, maybe he's just waiting X number of days before calling so as to not seem so eager?

so glad to be married and not have to deal with the games of modern dating...

Mar 31, 10 9:46 am  · 

Very cool encounter.

Was it the Taichung Metropolitan Opera House (see below)?

melt, sucks. I have always taken the honesty tack. But free drinks are cool..

Mar 31, 10 9:47 am  · 

Phillip - perhaps, but it is Wednesday already. I sent him an email, letting him know that I's still be up for getting together sometime, if he's still interested and if not, perhaps I'd see him around. Did you ever do this? I'm just curious, personally I think it's just stupid.

Nam - interesting photo, though I'm not sure why it's not showing up.
Let's see if I can make it work

Mar 31, 10 9:59 am  · 

Weird, now they're both showing up. Oops. Oh well.

Mar 31, 10 10:00 am  · 
Ms Beary

dubK - HILARIOUS! Thanks for sharing. I never dated. Although I had a few bf's back in the day, all were friends first. Not sure who has success with dating services, I'm inclined to think that friends of friends make the best mate material.

I want to set my brother up with someone. He is almost 35 and really never dated. At all.

techno - my uncle drove my cousin and I, ages 17 and 19 from Chicago to Michigan via Florida. We were on the road for a month.

Loving my new "job" at the reading center. Doing bookkeeping is fun, I like to count money and that is really all it is. Especially when you get to keep the money. Worried about payroll and taxes and doing everything correctly and timely though. Going from unemployed to employer is quite a step! I am sure I can keep myself busy full time doing this. I created a summer flyer for our services too. And by full time, I mean 2 HALF days a week, and one is from home. :) My earnings won't be what I had as an architect for a few years at least, but the flexibility, perks and benes more than make up for it! Off to walk the park!

Mar 31, 10 10:18 am  · 

dubk, that is hilarious. I would have been laughing my butt off had I been in a similar situation.

We always call it "farmering" when you blow a snot rocket - because that's how farmers blow their nose when they're out in the field with no hanky.

jump, that's a cool story and I also love the idea of being so unconcerned with a brilliant model. Also, I'm in agreement with not posting the pictures - everyone deserves a little privacy, even near-Pritzker winners..

Mar 31, 10 10:30 am  · 

Phillip, usually X=3, so he should have called Monday. Later than that is a sign that he's not actually that interested, though he'll probably stick around til he gets laid. Of course shit happens in people's lives that cause delays, but those are the exception.

Mar 31, 10 11:13 am  · 
David Cuthbert

I'm in a bind which should be the word of the week snot rocket which seems to be the fan favourite or lallygagging equally thought provoking.

I for one would love to see that picture of Ito's garage and model. But I'm a big archi-nerd and like things like that. There's a group on flickr called "inside architects office" (run by archinecteur P2an) and much like the excitement when they publish a new unhappy hipster I get all giggly and bright eyed.

DJ & *melt - very funny dating experiences, when told the "opportunities" I missed when I was actively dating I doubt the men know what they are doing. Don't read too much into it - that more than most things frightens us off

Mar 31, 10 11:21 am  · 
"Did you ever do this?"

well... no... but since i'm a freak who has been with my wife continuously since 12th grade i never really had the opportunity... that said, i agree with copper in that X should equal about three days... i would think that if he was interested that he would have called on monday or tuesday to set something up for this week... he probably lingered on the making out hoping that it would become something more...

david, i vote for lallygagging... but only because it always reminds me of one of the greatest sports movies of all time...

Mar 31, 10 11:51 am  · 
Mar 31, 10 11:55 am  · 
Distant Unicorn

How about we start some architecture threads? Or is it not even worth it?

Mar 31, 10 12:22 pm  · 

Lollygagging is such an awesome word. One of my favorites actually. Can you tell I don't have much to do today. Waiting on a client's redlines... snore.

Phillip and copper - I have no doubt that was the case, which kind of aggravates me more. He probably thought it was a sure thing when I gave him my card, but the fact of the matter is, I thought he was absolutely hilarious and I thought it would be a hoot to get a drink with him. He's the kind of person I think would be fun to lollygag around with. His loss.

Mar 31, 10 12:25 pm  · 
Sarah Hamilton

Crazy, I never dated either. I've been with husband since the end of 9th grade. It's good to know there are others out there.

Dj dubs, that is really funny, though. Sounds like a movie.

Mar 31, 10 12:59 pm  · 

Love the story, DJ.

Mar 31, 10 1:00 pm  · 

@sarah, it is good to know that there are others out there! one of my good friends here at upenn has also been with his wife since high school... my wife and i actually went out for the first time in 8th grade and then dated on and off throughout high school... we've been together non-stop since the week after spring break of our senior year (1996) although we didn't actually get married until 2003 when i finished grad school...

Mar 31, 10 1:39 pm  · 

373 pages?

Nice user friendly page....

Mar 31, 10 3:54 pm  · 

that's right design_mutt, welcome.

Mar 31, 10 7:30 pm  · 

Thanks guys. I'm still laughing at it myself 24 hours later. I mean, what are the chances? And why does this crazy stuff always happen to me? I've said it once, I'll say it again... I'm good at many things, but "men" appears to not be one of those things. I wish I would have found my dude in high school or something but here I am! Actually I wish I had a really skilled matchmaker who would just set me up in an arranged marriage. Ok, not really. Well maybe.

Side note, anybody ever watch the Daily Show drunk? I just watched last night's episode and the wine only MADE IT BETTER. Also Robin Williams was on and there's nothing quite like watching your two comedic heroes crack each other up. Jon was giggling like I was yesterday. Awesome.

Apr 1, 10 1:44 am  · 

but at least you have fun DJ dubk. that is the important thing.

yeah nam it was that one. quite awesome. his office is really non-descript and nobody would know it was office of superstar except for the wee little plaque next to the door and the glorious model in the garage.

Apr 1, 10 8:09 am  · 

I hear you DJ... I feel the same way sometimes. I really wish I had me a good yenta (matchmaker) that would just magically find me the perfect man. I am beginning to think of myself as the one date wonder. Ehh!!!

There was a Gin sighting last evening here in the 'Nati. Good to catch up with you.

Apr 1, 10 8:23 am  · 

jump very cool.

I just saw that design recently for first time.

It reminded (a bit) of the proposed (and now defunct) plans for a new museum in Berkley that he was going to do.

Welcome mutt...

Apr 1, 10 8:27 am  · 
Sarah Hamilton


I really don't have a problem with arranged marriages as long as all parties are on board, and keeping the happiness of the couple in mind.

I will have t catch that daily show episode, maybe during abes nap today.

I finally updated the header on my blog to something less snowy!

Apr 1, 10 10:42 am  · 
Ms Beary

An old bf's parents had an arranged marriage. They were very much in love and it worked well, blew my mind.

Apr 1, 10 11:09 am  · 

One of my dear friends had an arranged marriage of sorts. Her parents had done the arranging but she had full control over the entire process, i.e. she could bow out at any time... they ended up falling completely head over heels in love with each other. It's so damn cute it's kinda gross :o)

Apr 1, 10 12:00 pm  · 
Sarah Hamilton

Do y'all remember how months, many many months ago, I told you how I redid my guestroom for around 700 bucks, and that I'd post photos of it?

Yeah, I'm just now getting around to it. Sorry. I think I may blog about it on Monday, but you guys can get a sneak peak!

Ok. Sorry for the interuption. Back to talking about arranged marriages.

Apr 1, 10 2:27 pm  · 

Me like SH. That blue, to me, is so warm and inviting.

OK - ransom grammatical question as I am constantly seeing this on drawings and I'm really not sure if I'm going crazy "... areas of concrete removal shall be coordinated with plumbing drawings to INSURE exact dimensions..." Shouldn't it be ENSURE? My understanding has always been that to INSURE something is to take an insurance plan out on something, as opposed to [i]ENSURE[i] which is to make certain something happens. Am I not understanding the statement correctly? I really am curious.

Apr 1, 10 3:12 pm  · 

you're correct... it should be 'ensure'... most archies are horrific spellers... i remember back when i was working that one of my cad monkey minions misspelled 'beyond' as 'beyound' on a few standard details that then got copied onto projects all over the office... somehow it managed to spread everywhere before i had a chance to redline it... i kept seeing it for months and it drove me bonkers...

and speaking of horrific spellers, so are the teabaggers...

Apr 1, 10 3:27 pm  · 

btw, i mean 'cad monkey minions' in the most lovable possible way...

Apr 1, 10 3:29 pm  · 

Sarah really nice room.
Particularly like the blue.

Apr 1, 10 3:58 pm  · 

we need an architectural matchmaker... like a genie that pops up only during the late hours when you are working to find you the love of your life or a least a date. He arranges twilight meet up at the diary queen or 24hr coffee shop

Phillip I think what you mentioned about the spelling goes back to the comment left on the "don't like software/building models" thread that most sets of public drawings are done by the lower level staff - and even if they are redline'd often represent the most basic of education level in the firms. Not to say that they are less smart, much less that we can't all make mistakes but rather the understanding that mistakes like those have lasting repercussions.

Apr 1, 10 4:25 pm  · 

Oh and I agree that's a really beautiful room decor Sarah... quite nice

Apr 1, 10 4:40 pm  · 

WOW!!!! Phil, I'm at a loss of words. But then again, I am sure one can find the same kind of evidence for the other side too.

Anyhoo - I believe the misuse of INSURE is actually a common thing. In fact, at my first job after design school I went through a few template sets that were riddled with the mistake and changed every one. My PM used to write it everywhere until I pointed the mistake out one day. I see it so much that I was beginning to second guess myself.

Apr 1, 10 4:41 pm  · 

Phillip I just vaporized half an hour reading those signs. Hilarious.

Sarah the guest room looks great - I love the fabric screen.

Apr 1, 10 4:51 pm  · 

donna, i did the same thing first thing this morning... i was almost late to class because of it.

also, agreed on the blue... being able to paint rooms colors other than white is one of the few things that i miss about owning my own house...

and speaking of arranged marriages... it always feels like the 'nect is one giant marriage arranger around this time of year... the onslaught of _______vs._______ threads is beginning...

Apr 1, 10 6:33 pm  · 
Sarah Hamilton

Thanks guys. I actually do value your opinion. It makes me feel jittery to hear/read you say you liked the room. I still need to paint the shelves white, and I was going to paint the table white and the dresser grey with crystal hardware, but I've run out of steam. I will pain. Those shelves though.

Apr 1, 10 8:50 pm  · 

I thought I was the only one who read through all of them. Was I the only one who felt it was utterly hilarious and utterly tragic at the same time?

Apr 1, 10 10:50 pm  · 

I miss Vado.

SH, that room is lovely, and reminds me of what a horrible architect I am when it comes to my own living spaces. I feel deficient. But that's no reflection on your lovely room!

Apr 2, 10 2:05 am  · 

yeah, vado disappeared like a month ago. did he get bored?

Apr 2, 10 2:24 am  · 

Sarah, I love the room! It looks so cozy. I am terrible at doing stuff like that. I need my old roommate to help me make my spaces look nice.

Phillip, thanks for the link... that's going up on FB. Although, I need to do another friend purge soon I think... somebody random texted me tonight after I posted a status update and they wouldn't say who they were. Creepy.

Apr 2, 10 2:47 am  · 

sorry to hear about your boy issue. on the other side of things..i don't think i'd want a girl to go out with me only for a free drink or two... do you think you're kinda flippin the script a bit? where he may be all excited to go out with you? at the very least i feel your pain... i've def been there.

i've just reentered the dating cesspool..well haven't really gone on any dates.. i think new york has to be one of the worst places to date. people just have too many options... i kinda don't wanna go on any more first dates...maybe i'll just call em second dates so as to remove the stigma.

Apr 2, 10 3:08 am  · 

Hey lars.. Isn't NYC like Sex in the City. With a super glamorous dating like?


Also, yeah what happened to Vado?

Morning TGIF!!!

Apr 2, 10 8:11 am  · 

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