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snook, i just talked to my students about how important it is to get paid for your IDEAS, since that's the thing of most value that you typically bring to a design project. This varies of course - maybe the client needs your project management skills or ability to navigate a tough approval process or whatever, but if they come to you for design, then your design ideas are the most valuable thing you have. Someone else can always implement your ideas without you, sadly. So you have to make sure you get paid before handing over your design ideas to them.

Mar 27, 10 11:49 am  · 

hi all.... I can see the heavens. Today is beautiful. All is right with the world. Even if I'm hungover.

Mar 27, 10 11:49 am  · 

archi, your post perfectly fit the situation exactly for me now as well. So i will borrow.

hi all.... I can see the heavens. Today is beautiful. All is right with the world. Even if I'm hungover.

Glad to hear you are well.

Mar 27, 10 12:10 pm  · 

Sometimes I imagine that I'm a social person. Sometimes (today) I end up in a situation that reminds me what a loner I am.

Mar 27, 10 12:35 pm  · 

steven, maybe it is the pre birthday blues.

happy birthday.

Mar 27, 10 1:11 pm  · 

Haha. Thanks, OA.

Not blues exactly. When in a group of people, given the choice to mingle, meet, or keep to myself, I'll almost always choose the latter. And, while I might like meeting those people, I'm not unhappy on my own...

Good thing marketing is only incidental to my job, not primary.

Mar 27, 10 1:17 pm  · 

snook, jump, copper... it's a crappy decision to have to make though, to offer up something just on a chance that you might get paid for it eventually.

I'm not hungover today but I was really quite intoxicated last night. What can I say? That bloody mary was delicious and I needed something to distract me from my inner sadness.

Mar 27, 10 3:31 pm  · 

funny thing Steven, i am the same way, for me however it's the fact that i don't drink anymore.

Mar 27, 10 5:57 pm  · 

i hear you DJ dub::K

i guess it is like being runner in a race. only one person wins but if you don't join you don't have chance for the prize. train for years and years and years and still someone is faster stronger and wins. its a grind but what else can you do? it is reasonable to not try anymore if always losing the race, but also reasonable to try to get better.

what we need most is more races, or races where we are only ones invited to run. that isn't happening so much lately. time to make our own races and invite the clients to run for us?

Mar 27, 10 7:15 pm  · 

Aw hell, really Steven? I thought your birthday was AFTER mine! I know you're younger than me, but are we the same age for the next 15 days?

Happy Birthday! Glad you got to spend it doing something architectural and intellectual, both of which suit you!

Mar 27, 10 7:24 pm  · 


Mar 27, 10 8:25 pm  · 


Mar 27, 10 9:22 pm  · 

happy birthday steven, maybe we can share a cake from opposite corners of a party...

Mar 27, 10 9:59 pm  · 

It's really quite funny how many TC'rs are aries... good company. We should have an archinect meet up birthday party for us!! Philip did you make those cupcakes? Great idea

Mar 27, 10 10:40 pm  · 

holy sh!t I forgot to tell you all... I'm such a loser, and part to do with the excessive smiling today - I got the go ahead to host PKN Kingston. Whoo hooo... so I'll be celebrating doubly hard come my birthday

Mar 27, 10 10:45 pm  · 

minimalista: thank you?

techno - yay for PK Kingston! That's one I'd like to see!

Mar 27, 10 11:11 pm  · 

happy belated Steven...

happy Sunday everyone else...

Mar 28, 10 11:55 am  · 

thanks, nam. not late, btw. it's the 28th!

Mar 28, 10 12:16 pm  · 
David Cuthbert

happy birthday Steven Ward!!!

Mar 28, 10 2:52 pm  · 

Happpiness Birthday, SW

Mar 28, 10 3:15 pm  · 

Listening to John Denver while doing my taxes. Gonna be a rough night.

Mar 28, 10 8:43 pm  · 

woops, guess i wasn't paying attention to time stamp.

Nite all.

Mar 28, 10 9:11 pm  · 

thanks, all. just got back from a nice dinner out with a bunch of family. came home to news that holl got robbed again. what's it gonna take?!

Mar 28, 10 9:34 pm  · 

happy birthday steven.

holl is too american to win. now is still the age of the intellectuals.

Mar 28, 10 9:37 pm  · 

i don't know that i've ever thought of sanaa as 'intellectuals'. i guess i actually appreciate their work more than that - they, like holl, realize beautiful buildings that arise from an intellectual position.

but they're just not that accomplished yet, in my mind. hell, they probably bought holl's books in undergrad. as much as i like the rolex project, it doesn't yet seem to me to be a mature work. more like something that's almost there, but still has some clunkiness to work through.

holl has become one of our contemporary masters. passed over after the iowa art school and then the nelson-adkins; linked hybrid, knut hamsen, and the vanke center should have sealed the deal.

i guess my best hope is that the jury decided to wait until the unveiling of the holy grail - the mackintosh school! will be hard for anyone to make a bigger splash than that...

Mar 28, 10 9:48 pm  · 

...and yes, I AM claiming my Archinect Team Mayne T-shirt as a business expense.

Mar 28, 10 10:26 pm  · 

I confess that I've been too lazy to pay attention to what any of the so-called intellectuals have been doing in architecture over the past several years to know anything that SANAA has done, or even know which one is Sejima and which one is the other one. I've come to the conclusion that I actually don't care that much, talk to me when they've cured cancer or sheltered all the world's homeless.

I am startled to find out that Holl hasn't won yet though. As much as I am not paying attention, I do have a few favorites and although I do not count Holl among those, I do respect his work.

BTW, did anybody catch the recent article in Business Week about the [url=
"World's]]"World's 27 Most Influential Designers"[/url]? I chuckled a little bit when I saw that Dean Qingyun Ma made the list... he's so scrappy. Also note that Cameron made it on there, as did the senior VP of industrial design at Apple, Jonathan Ive, who is not only a lucky guy, but quite handsome.

Mar 28, 10 10:47 pm  · 

Dammit if I didn't screw that link up. God, I hate not having a delete or edit button. You can figure it out.

Mar 28, 10 10:50 pm  · 

Happy Birthday Steven!
Congratulations Techno!

I've been quaking in fear of my taxes for a month. I finally did them yesterday, and to my surprise I'm getting a substantial refund even after deducting the (ridiculous) cost of tax prep. I tried TurboTax this year, and to my surprise they showed at the end what my "effective tax rate" was after the refund: under 2%. Thank goodness the government recognizes it when you're flat-out poor and has mercy on you, cause I was going to be royally pissed if I wound up owing anything.

Mar 28, 10 10:50 pm  · 

copper, how'd you do them? Did you go to H&R Block?

Mar 28, 10 10:56 pm  · 

Steven I thought I was the only one that felt that SANAA's inclusion was a little premature. I don't figure to know or understand the jury nor the nomination - although I did receive a beautiful personalised email from the selection committee when I submitted Steven Holl's name, on behalf of my blog. I group SANAA with David Adjaye, Shigeru Ban and Toyo Ito - a bunch of architects you know will get it within this decade. But I guess if one wanted to be formulaic they'd believe that it was time for another asian representative. I most look forward to those like Cameron and Klein Dytham to be awarded for their non-building contributions, that's going to cause a stir

Mar 28, 10 11:37 pm  · 

DJ Dub K - all the designers mentioned on that list look like business men/women not designers. Funny how stereotypes work - I guess their influence is co-related to how beige and sedated they can appear to an audience

Mar 28, 10 11:40 pm  · 

hi archi. sent you an e-mail.

btw, i am pretty sure sanaa is number 4 not number 3. maki won too, along with tange and ando.

sanaa are very intellectual. their work is not what i would call intuitive in the way holl's is. not as intellectual as oma but to me at least on that side of the fence. it is easy to understand - this causes that, lift up push down, move over, slide away, get light, block light, get space, frame view. recipe book kind of work. and all in the name of some kind of exploration of architecture for its own sake. you can read about it in japanese publications, maybe not so much in english. its much like ando, a continuation of the escapist poetic reduction stuff of shinohara (1970's), who was big influence on ito, and so on...they were all anti-urban, reacting against the failures of metabolism.

holl does stuff pretty much just because he wants to, and wraps his work around conceptual framework, but it is all intuition. it works and is beautiful but i think on the wrong side of discourse today, somehow. it is also very much work grounded in the 1970's, but maybe tainted too much by american po-mo and so longer trusted. ?

hmmm, now i think on it it is interesting that most of the architects who dominate today still ground their work in 1970's theories. is there nothing after that? are we all trapped in 1970 too?

Mar 29, 10 2:38 am  · 

i've often thought that architects, as they come into roles in which they can have the discretion(/power?) to affect how the work gets designed and made, revert to what they wanted to do when they came out of school.

so maybe some came out in the 70s, some in the 80s?

those of us who came out in the 90s haven't hit stride yet.

Mar 29, 10 7:18 am  · 

dubK, I did turbotax online this year. I got screwed on the fees since I had to do the business version; fingers crossed for you that you get a cheaper setup.

Mar 29, 10 10:57 am  · 

Happy belated birthday Steven.

Mar 29, 10 11:55 am  · 
Sarah Hamilton
Happy birthday to you
happy birthday to you
you look like a monkey
and you smell like one too!
Mar 29, 10 2:02 pm  · 

I would say happy birthday, but I have too often forgotten my parents' birthdays (Damn lunisolar calendars... gets me every time). So, have satisfying B-days, everyone.

Are you using H&R Block Dub K? I'm not going to talk badly about H&R Block in general, but I had a bad experience recently. I was constantly checking his #'s and found errors. In major things, like the YEAR, or instances where he forgot 0's. Deductions that I had to remind him to his surprise (isn't that your job, sir?). Oh and that whole iGoogle account thing which led me to reset the password and be paranoid about my online privacy in general.

Finally paid for all the kitchen stuff from IKEA! That 20% sale sure was helpful. I would've been over-budget without it, and now I'm actually under-budget. I might post pics once all done.

Was it Nam or LIG that discussed the whole wisdom teeth thing a long time ago? The thought that I wouldn't be impacted by not taking out my wisdom teeth is catching up to me, and now I've been on a soup and smoothie diet for the past 3 days, and I didn't even pull them yet.

Mar 29, 10 2:20 pm  · 

What the heck is up with Google lately?! My Gmail is unbelievably slow, and half the functions on iGoogle won't load at all.

Mar 29, 10 2:33 pm  · 
Distant Unicorn

Ugghhh, what is wrong with people on Craiglist!?!

110th Street IS NOT the Upper East Side. That is EAST HARLEM.

I'm thinking about applying for the administrative assistant job being advertised now. And like all of my job applications, I realize how little money you end up with after taxes in New York City.

And even if I can swing 40k for an A.A. job, that's 2000 a month out of pocket.

Wondering if it is easier to find apartments while actually being in NYC than relying on craigslist. Any suggestions?

I've been looking at other websites (the more commercial variety) and craigslist seems like a rip off. I found one legitimate ad (I called the real estate office) on a different website leasing a 2 bedroom in the East Village for $1400 a month plus a $1000 for broker's fee and a $800 security deposit. I mean, it is pretty dumpy, not going to lie.

However, a similar apartment on craigslist is renting for $2000.

Mar 29, 10 2:38 pm  · 

slart, yes that was me. I avoided getting them removed for years because of funds. Just finally got them removed late last year.

I went the no surgery, simple extraction route. Although less and less dentists want to go this way now as it is cheaper (for us), it seems.

Actually I was just commenting to a friend the other day, how i was amazed that there was such an improvement in my quality of life afterwards. Less accidental chewing of my cheeks, less pain/headaches etc....

Mar 29, 10 3:46 pm  · 

jump - thanks I got the email. Haven't had a chance to open it up, I've been really busy with so many things. And thanks about the PK Kingston. You all know that you are on the roster - all you need to do is fly on in. Nam it's a short flight after all.

Happy Easter everyone

Mar 29, 10 10:47 pm  · 

Archi, Soo true.

Maybe for a fall escape.

What ho everyone?

Mar 30, 10 8:20 am  · 
Sarah Hamilton

What ho? You sound like a pirate.

Good morning. I went to my school district's job fair Saturday. Cross your fingers I get a job. Even better, doublecross that I get a job within walking distance. That would be suhwheet!

Mar 30, 10 10:07 am  · 
Ms Beary

Back from spring break. I am so relaxed, feels great! We drove to LA, met up with friends and took a ferry to Catalina Island...

The drive out took 24 hours, mostly because we wanted it to and cut way south. Driving across southern New Mexico at night was like being on a safari. I saw 20+ deer, 4 elk, and 3 jack rabbits in a 60 mile stretch. At least it kept me awake. I actually did fall asleep while driving in a canyon in eastern Arizona, but only for a second. Oops. Wasn't going very fast. Sunrise east of Phoenix in springtime was unreal - so much color and life! Visited Joshua Tree National Park and the Mojave desert in So Cal. Awesome!

Saw dolphins and whales from the deck of the ferry. Catalina Island was cool, but once we got there, there was no way out of the town, which was confining. The island was bigger than I thought. The interior is pretty much closed off, hard to get to. We took a golf cart tour around town. The Chicago Cubs used to train there! Saw some endemic plants in the gardens. We only lucked out on getting above average food once. :( But I got a nice tan and a pedicure, and of course good conversation with my friend, we met in architecture school. I saw a bunch of her projects in LA too, very nice. Spent a few days there, ferried back and caught the sunset on Venice beach, then found the canals, very pretty.

Drove back to Denver via Nevada and Utah. Took some back roads in southern Utah that had several feet of snow alongside. Passed thru a town called Circleville that sat in a circular valley with peaks all around, seemingly equally spaced, equidistant, and of similar height and shape. Very peaceful. I love, love, love the landscape in Utah and it is my favorite state to drive across. We even planned it so we'd be hitting the good stuff in late afternoon, but my camera battery died just as the sun in the west behind us lit everything up in front of us, orgasmic, but no pics! Saw a cross country bicyclist heading into the 100+ miles of nothingness at sundown. I guess he decided it was a good idea to do at night when it was cooler and he needed less water. Scary exciting to think of cycling that far with nothing but the landscape.

Mar 30, 10 11:24 am  · 

Wow beary sounds amazing.

I still remember with extreme fondness a few summer cross country roadtrips i took as a kid hitting all the major national parks.

I remember be disappointed by Old Faithful and the Grand Canyon but loving the southwest parks like Zion and Joshua Tree.. Mainly for the landscape, colors and both's interaction with the sun.

Sarah good luck.. Walking to work is the best.

Anyone know a good recipe for crab bisque?

Mar 30, 10 11:30 am  · 

thanks, all, for the bday wishes. it was a good day - really a good weekend - smack dab in the middle of a lot of not-so-good days. my plate is so full, things are falling off of all sides....

Mar 30, 10 11:39 am  · 

sounds awesome strawbeary... my wife and i want to take a cross-country trip in an RV some time during our life...


Mar 30, 10 2:53 pm  · 

Did someone say crab bisque? Yummy...

Appears to be a slow day on TC. Hope everyone had a good one. Nite all.

Mar 30, 10 10:03 pm  · 

Ugh: allergies, too much work, cranky clients. I'm tired.

Mar 30, 10 10:14 pm  · 

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