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Hi Everyone.

Mar 24, 10 12:48 pm  · 

melt, I love you, and you are a guru to many of us.

So this is what I'm trying out. I'm tired of feeling the weight of 11,000 posts around my neck, so I'm leaving liberty bell as comment queen under vado (short may we reign! Someone topple us both in a peaceful and considered coup, please!), and being myself for awhile at least.

Like you said, nam, I need to think carefully about what I post. Which is extra difficult today, because I had a VERY difficult meeting this morning that involved my partner essentially quitting a job and leaving me to clean up the mess with an offended and sad client. Whew. It will be ongoing, but I'm in a very uncomfortable situation now.

At least I can use it as an example to my students in ProPractice tomorrow!

Mar 24, 10 12:54 pm  · 

yeah that sounds like a tough one donna

Mar 24, 10 1:30 pm  · 

holy crap!

Mar 24, 10 2:32 pm  · 

Here's a design challenge of sorts for all. Is there any way to design a contemporary/modern kitchen without the danger of it looking dated in a few years time? I'm currently looking at possible backsplash ideas and everything just keeps screaming "I'll look SO 2010 in five years time." Anyone? Anyone? Images always help as I am a visual person. I know, surprising aye?

Mar 24, 10 2:50 pm  · 

Wow ... who'd ever think Steven would lose his typical decorum ?

Mar 24, 10 2:54 pm  · 

it's not every day that a super-hero takes off her mask. you gotta get excited!

Mar 24, 10 3:06 pm  · 

hey all - sorry to interrupt, but i am refusing to let my favorite thread on archinect die - that's the name that architect and building thread -

in order to become more attractive to everyone, i posted a nice, some what easy challenge, by a very known architect on the thread, and would like to see more people playing, and posting not so challenging buildings on there -

and just so you know, even when you don't want to play, that's probably one of the best threads to get to know more about interesting buildings and not-so-famous-but-incredibly-taleneted architects!


Mar 24, 10 3:09 pm  · 

I usually just pick up some used kitchen/home design books from the 60s, 70s, and 80s - find something I think still looks good and borrow ideas.

or you can always get inspired by the bauhaus since they started really thinking about kitchens... haus am horn is pretty nice (oversized tile that runs the perimeter of the room).

IMO - stay away from stainless, subway tile, granite... it already looks dated.

Mar 24, 10 3:15 pm  · 

toaster - I agree... unfortunately the client has already bought all stainless appliances and is leaning toward stainless looking Euro cabinets. She also wants granite :o( Cross your fingers I can convince her otherwise.

I personally think subway tile is classic. My parents house was built in the early 1900's and renovated in the 40's/50's has subway tile in all the restrooms. A lot of house here in the city have subway tile.

Mar 24, 10 3:25 pm  · 
Sarah Hamilton

I was tired, and that was the best synonym for the screen name I was referrng to, dj dubs.

I'm about to open acad for the firsttime in 2010!

Mar 24, 10 3:37 pm  · 

ah - then either something white or bold color in a laquered finish or a large tile with minimal grout (subway tile could be nice)... IMO - You'll need something that compliments/intermediary with the starkness of the SS without distracting from the fineness/earthiness of the granite...

Mar 24, 10 3:41 pm  · 

Agreed toaster - cross your fingers I can convince her to go non-stainless on the cabinets. It's a top floor condo in a hip up and coming area with exposed brick exterior walls. I'd like to steer her away from looking like every condo in an old building but she really has her hear set on certain things. We'll see.

Mar 24, 10 3:51 pm  · 

melt, is there an island, or separate banks of cabinets? Something we do a lot is make the island one kind of finish - painted, stainless - then the surrounding cabs are another. This example here shows natural wood with a painted island. The island top is granite, but one that looks like a streaky marble.

Granite counters aren't bad, just don't use the brownish speckle or that pink speckle so common. There are all kinds of crazy-cool granites out there that don't scream builder-home quality.

And, stainless appliances are still cool. It's a matter of picking the ones that are well-designed and sleek in stainless, not just bulky clunky designs with a silver finish.

Mar 24, 10 4:20 pm  · 

Also, if you can do the granite tops thick - 2" - they look better.

Mar 24, 10 4:23 pm  · 

sounds exciting! good luck!

you never know with some clients how receptive they'll be to something they hadn't been thinking of. people you think would be open-minded end up hating everything and just want you to do something they've seen before, and the people you worry about the most end up loving everything you show them and even push you to go further... after a while you start to figure out how some people will react, but it's always amazing to me when people go along with my ideas.

Mar 24, 10 4:42 pm  · 

secret rooms never go out of style!

Mar 24, 10 4:47 pm  · 
David Cuthbert

All this name changing is giving me a headache. I'm glad I can come in here sit and relax without anyone bothering me. Different computers with different names but the same refreshing taste. Liberty even if I must stop posting I will be I would prefer to have your comments and post stamped into history.

Mar 24, 10 5:02 pm  · 

donna/LB - your work is really nice...

my aversion to granite and SS is because I did a lot of high-end multi-family until recently and those were the finishes du jour... there's a bit of a backlash against SS appliances out here on the east coast since they've become so ubiquitous...

Mar 24, 10 5:27 pm  · 

Is anyone else about ready to link to some porn in order to get banned?

Mar 24, 10 5:38 pm  · 

Dear Ms. Donna Sink,

I must welcome you to Thread Central. You have only a few posts so you've OBVIOUSLY not spent too much time around here. In any case, welcome, we take all kinds in these parts.

Your friend,
The Artist Formerly Known as WonderK

Mar 25, 10 1:07 am  · 

Oh, and OH MY GOD, TAXES. I nearly forgot. What the heck do I do... I had like 4 addresses last year... should I hire somebody? Jeepers.

BTW, I just want to say that virtually every post I've made in the last two weeks has been brought to you by some sort of alcoholic beverage. Perhaps I'm taking up puddles' torch in his absence? I won't be posting any porn though, sorry monty.

Mar 25, 10 1:10 am  · 

Thanks DJ Dub.

toaster, thanks for the comment about my work - what are people out east using instead of stainless? I admit liking white appliances lately, they seem fresher. But are there new finishes coming along that won't look like avocado refrigerators of the 70s in ten years?

Mar 25, 10 7:23 am  · 

i think FLAT BLACK should be next.

Mar 25, 10 7:27 am  · 
Sarah Hamilton

Flat black seems hard to clean. Maybe not, though.

Good Morning all. I'm going back to 4th grade today!

Wish me luck.

Mar 25, 10 8:24 am  · 

Morning all..

I personally like old farmhouse style appliances (enameled etc) vs Stainless.

Mar 25, 10 8:34 am  · 

What is your opinion on getting electrical permits pulled for small residential jobs? My friend/client has completely gutted her kitchen and is redoing it. Her contractor is already working on the job and has added outlets but never pulled a permit. She is also switching out her gas water heater to an electric one so that she can have a gas cooktop installed. I guess the gas pipes aren't big enough or something and in order to install the proper size it would be a lot more trouble than it's worth as she lives on the 5th floor of a walk up. Anyhoo - do you think it's overkill getting permits for such a small job? I'm really only concerned with the electrical but I guess if you are redoing the electrical they are probably going to want everything else. I'm just worried and I don't want my client/friend to get screwed in the end.

Anyone have any insight on this slippery slope? Thanks.

Mar 25, 10 12:07 pm  · 

I will be doing granite or some quartz countertop (I get the funds tomorrow!), but not SS. I wanted the base cabinets and major appliances to read as more or less one mass so I'm matching the finishes (Black), and having that counter the light and glossy finish for the wall cabinets. We'll see how this kitchen turns out...

*M - Obviously its going to depend on locality, but there are web permits or EZ permits around here, that can be had quickly and without much headache. Although if the contractor started work already...

Mar 25, 10 12:25 pm  · 

Aww crap... that's was I was afraid of. MEH!!! Doesn't help that I'm not imprssed from the work he's done so far and he really hasn't addressed any of the question she's asked him so far. He's cutting corners and I don't like it. Double MEH!!!

Slart - it sounds nice. You'll have to post photos when you are done with the project.

Mar 25, 10 12:58 pm  · 

I am thinking anything from House of Kolor is going to be the in thing at my house. Open source appliance colors.

Mar 25, 10 1:53 pm  · 

for me, pretty much anything dealing with changing gas lines should probably be permitted... i'd say the same thing if he's adding electrical outlets as you'll need to make sure that the circuits aren't overloaded... but, i'm pretty much a by-the-letter-of-the-law (or at least the spirit of it) kinda guy...

for those of you on FB, does KK=beta?

also, today really just confirmed for me that going back to get my PhD and teaching was the right decision... i met with two of my brightest students for about an hour today... it is such a joy to talk with smart people who really care about what they're doing...

Mar 25, 10 1:58 pm  · 

DubK, the years that've been really complicated for me I've gone in to an H&R Block. I feel like they charged too much for what they did, but at least it was done. Speaking of which, it's probably going to be another complicated year for me...

I'm feeling like absolute shit at work today. I'm basically an in-house designer, but today I found out that a project that I was expecting to work on is getting done by an intern instead, while I piddle around and stretch out other work. AWESOME. I just LOVE being so valued.

Mar 25, 10 2:00 pm  · 

Yeah, I'd force a permit on anything related to gas and electric. Liability and all that being a big deal if the house blows up or burns to the ground.

Mar 25, 10 2:06 pm  · 
Distant Unicorn


It is getting to close to the bottom of the page. Don't die on my Archinect faves. I will literally go insane without quality reading.

P.s., I have a soft spot in my heart for 1950s Formica... the one with the gold flakes in it.

Mar 25, 10 7:32 pm  · 

Hey Unicorn - long time no see. Welcome back. You around for a while or just stopping by?

Mar 25, 10 7:39 pm  · 

black granite...honed where it is at...or black slate honed finish....pencil sexy!

Mar 25, 10 8:01 pm  · 
Distant Unicorn

I read. Don't always post. Stopping by for now. My iPhone has yet to be shut off. I just don't like posting from it. Hard to post tons of trash talking with that annoying autocomplete feature.

I had a job interview today for an okay job. I didn't show up. It was to be an "administrative assistant." I guess I need a job but I just don't feel like I could sit around in an office for 9 hours everyday at the moment.

Well, at least not at a "boring job." It was for an insurance company. I also turned down a job in Renton, Wa two weeks back. This was more or less because driving gives me panic attacks now. I don't think I can drive a car anymore unless it is between 10 a.m. - 3 p.m.

That's everything.

Mar 25, 10 8:02 pm  · 
Distant Unicorn

Oh about the driving and panic attacks... I'm not sure if I'm certifiably insane now or what.

But I think it has to do with my "new" car I got a few months back which is a 1993-1994 Honda Civic. It's in OK shape but it is a cop magnet.

Since July of last year... I have been pulled over like 19-22 times. Only once (the first time) was I doing something actually wrong. In December I was pulled over twice and had a gun pulled on me both times. One involved me being dragged out of my car and thrown on the road.

Ever since then I die a little each time while driving.

Mar 25, 10 8:07 pm  · 

Phillip - I got that write up, very well researched I'll drop a note this weekend about it. But my immediate thoughts are that it reads like a Blake, informative and with a heavy dose of juicy gossip. Oh and yes you are correct about the FB question, I had to ask myself.

Mar 25, 10 8:13 pm  · 

beta, you know I adore you, right?

melt, that tile is Ann Sacks but I can't find it on the website. And yes, absolutely get a permit. Absolutely. Especially in a shared building (condo, right?).

copper, copper, honey...didn't you go through a very similar situation at your last firm, a young (annoying) intern taking charge of your job in ways she had no business doing? hang in there, hon.

I was at Ball State reviewing all day on four hours sleep and honestly I am TOO old for this! But it was a fun, fun day.

Mar 25, 10 10:24 pm  · 
n_ much name outing on TC lately.

DJ dub::K - I WAS HACKED!!! Yep, after four years of being too lazy to change my gmail password, someone (IP address from China) finally went in and spammed the majority of the contacts. AND THEY ERASED MY CONTACTS. That's been the worst part of this hacked email account fiasco.

Ok, I'm on Spring Break right now. I've had 7 guest in the past three weeks and am totally exhausted.

I hope everyone is doing well. And, I'd like to kindly remind you to change your password more often than once every four years.

Mar 26, 10 3:08 am  · 

Hi all,

Been kind of busy and off internet the last day or so.

Unicorn, that job sounds like my current one. Except my job title is different.

N_ really? So not only do they hack you but they also delete your contacts. I wonder why? So you couldn't warn them?


Mar 26, 10 8:21 am  · 

donna- baked enamel (white or colors) or custom finishes for appliances (especially fridges)...

people are also starting to get more interested in refurbishing vintage appliances - especially anything that has interesting hardware.

Mar 26, 10 9:55 am  · 

donna, i know but, we talk on the telly now and again, so you know i am essentially a sane individual.

Mar 26, 10 1:48 pm  · 

Donna, indeed I did. Though this turned out to not actually be a terrible situation (esp. because the PM on the job isn't always fun to work with) but more an issue of terrible communication. And potentially a little PMS. And I know, I know that's a terrible admission but it does occasionally happen. In my own defense, when I sense that's a possibility I put on my headphones, maybe vent a little on the 'nect, and try not to piss off the people around me because I've overreacted to something.

Mar 26, 10 3:16 pm  · 

I swear there is a male version of PMS... at least that's what I tell myself whenever someone who is usually rational is a moody-crazy person for a couple days...

mmm... yerba mate...

Mar 26, 10 5:00 pm  · 

i was hacked through hotmail once. all my contacts were sent spam from me. after that i deleted all my contacts and keep it empty myself. makes the account a one-way affair, but that is ok.

Mar 26, 10 7:05 pm  · 

Can you imagine walking into a number law offices and asking a lawyers to provide you with a full preview of how they might go about resolving and issue for you.

Can you imagine walking into an health insurance company and asking them to carry you for a couple of months, just because you want to see how their billing is handled.

Can you imagine walking into an automobile dealership and asking if you can drive a car off the lot and return it in a couple of months just because you want to get the cars feel.

Can you imagine walking into an Architects Office and asking him to provide you with design concepts and not expect to pay him for his time. I'm sure the Lawyer, the Insurance Agent and The Car Salesman would show you the door. So why do Architects always fall for giving away their services for free. We all know how much goes into developing a design for a project over a million dollars. Yet we rush to the table just to offer up our ideas.

Mar 26, 10 7:32 pm  · 

can you imagine asking three contractors to bid on a project and then only pay one of them even though it took each of them a month of serious effort to put the bids together?

the job is a beast. not a nice animal at all.

i think you are making the wrong comparisons, snook. not that i don't get pissed off by the set up either.

Mar 27, 10 4:30 am  · 

I feel similarly to jump. First of all, the car comparison is off because you're comparing services to goods. A more apt comparison is that you walk into an auto dealership and try to talk the salesperson down on the price of the car until it eats into their commission. And THAT happens ALL the time. I'm not saying it's great, but we're not alone in the suckiness of it.

Mar 27, 10 11:41 am  · 

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