
Thread Central

liberty bell

Exactly, techno - you always want to have a bottle to bring along if you get invited somewhere, or to open if surprise guests show up!

Mar 21, 10 11:32 pm  · 

I also don't really get the gap in theory/theory - Most students I know are typically very interested, it might just be how the material is being presented...

I meant the idea that there is this lack of interest...

Mar 22, 10 12:02 am  · 

i think that toaster is right... its about the way that it is presented... in the history/theory class that i'm TA'ing for we're making a very concerted effort to integrate the coursework into their studio projects... 2 of the 4 assignments (a critical case study and a research report) are required to be integrated with their studio projects... the other 2 assignments can very easily be framed to work with their studio projects and we're encouraging them to do so... during the first meeting of my recitation section i asked all of my students about their studios and one of them told me that he was shocked that i was asking since they had never had someone in a non-studio class ask about studio and try to coordinate with it...

we're also trying to frame history/theory as a productive pursuit... each lecture is topical and mixes contemporary projects/writing with historical projects/writings in an effort to uncover traces of contemporary ideas within older discourses... thus, its more about mining older projects for their potential contemporary effects than it is about memorizing a bunch of old buildings...

i think that it also helps to show a lot of pretty pictures during lectures to (hopefully) keep the students awake and engaged... i know from discussions with my students that in their history/theory 1 class last semester that the professor tended to only show 2-3 slides in an entire 90 minute lecture... one example that my student mentioned was that this professor talked about loos for 45 minutes and never showed any buildings... the only slide that they saw was a photograph of loos himself... even i would probably fall asleep in a class like that!

Mar 22, 10 7:20 am  · 

ha lb,
Yeah i totally butchered that one. I guess it should have read Me neither? Anyone?

Also, How about that Obama?

Our new CIO starts today.

Morning all.

Mar 22, 10 9:16 am  · 
Sarah Hamilton

So Elluvian is "exit" and Illuvian is "incoming"? I think I vaguely remember something like that form Earth Science Class, but didn't commit it to memory.

Morning. It snowed like crazy yesterday. I'm talking 6+ inches! Welcome Spring!

It's supposed to be 65 today.

Mar 22, 10 10:51 am  · 

6 inches in Texas? In March what?

Mar 22, 10 11:34 am  · 

sarah, that's a brilliant mnemonic - I'll share that with my students.

Mar 22, 10 1:36 pm  · 
Sarah Hamilton

Anytime, Barry. Maybe I won't be such a boring teacher afterall.

Mmmm. Smoked cheese.

Mar 22, 10 2:08 pm  · 

Sometimes I feel guilty cause I'm so busy right now. When I hear about people being out of work cause I spent the whole weekend sitting in front of a computer and tapped out the weekend with a client meeting on Sunday afternoon and I still have work to get done on that project.

Mar 22, 10 3:54 pm  · 

barry, thanks for the pretty pictures! Wow, you learn something new every day.

Yeah nam, how about that Obama?!? I heart that guy.

I am watching Dancing with the Stars and it's a pretty great cast. Buzz Aldrin is so cute!

One more thing, before I go talking about how much I'm drinking (still)....


Based on a Facebook post by one of ours earlier, Thread Central may not be a...

...anymore. Watch what you say!

Mar 23, 10 12:14 am  · 

i must have missed that one.

Mar 23, 10 6:47 am  · 

Steven, me too.

I suppose referring to anonymity etc?

Morning all.

Mar 23, 10 8:48 am  · 
Sarah Hamilton

Im not a facebooker, so I'm confused.


Mar 23, 10 10:10 am  · 

hmmm, after a quick scan of facebook friends' pages, I can't find whatever's being referring to... and it makes my super curious!

Mar 23, 10 11:13 am  · 

pic of the day:

today's lecture is about water quality, but that diagram is just too cool...

Mar 23, 10 11:22 am  · 
liberty bell

Hmmm, DubK, are you sure? Can you drop a clue, or was it something you misinterpreted?

I started the morning with an 8am meeting at the Historic Commission. Then lots of errands to get samples and drop them off and verify a dimension and check site progress. It's been a day of high and lows of this profession - one minute I'm excited, the next I wonder why the hell I try so hard!

But like you, snook, I feel guilty sometimes lately at how busy we are. Gotta keep on keepin' on, though, so the busyness stays manageable AND intact. Later all.

Mar 23, 10 12:44 pm  · 

barry I am surprised at the large depositional difference in height/number of layers..

Is it because the storm is generally a longer (as in sustained over time) but less abrupt event?

Mar 23, 10 1:08 pm  · 

hi all... dubK's talking about me...

if anyone is watching now, HI!!!

so last night zaha hadid lectured at here upenn... the lecture was kinda blah... lots of slides of beautiful buildings... but the commentary was essentially limited to "this is our project in _______"...

anyways, i had a serious big brother moment at the post-lecture dinner for faculty, lecture committee members, special guests, etc... towards the end of the night (after everyone had had several glasses of wine) i was talking with a few people including a faculty member... and she kinda jokingly said something about me being ambivalent about being at an ivy league school... the only place that could have come from was my two rants here on TC last week... i've had someone mention something from my blog before, but never expected that random posts on threads, particularly here on TC, would be picked up on...

sooooo, it may be time for an alias...

Mar 23, 10 1:15 pm  · 

Holy crap. I'm so out of it. I have no idea what that "safe place" thing even means (anyone else think the logo is creepy?). The only reason I had joined Flickr at one point was simply to post pictures on archinect (the sketch thread if I remember correctly).

Hi, yes, I'm the young guy that doesn't use any social networking sites, and have received NUMEROUS emails from my mom to join Facebook. I'm not some neo-luddite with strong beliefs, I just don't feel like it.

Mar 23, 10 1:16 pm  · 

you sure it wasn't something that just came out from your general attitude/stance as opposed to a direct reference to tc posts?

Either way if you do get an alias keep us "posted"...

Mar 23, 10 2:21 pm  · 

well, i've never mentioned it to anyone other than my wife and then here on TC last week... i dunno... and don't get me wrong, i love being at penn... there's probably nowhere else that i'd rather be doing my phd... it just so happened that i was in a bad mood last week and that coincided with the two things that i mentioned previously that really struck a nerve in terms of the whole privilege thing... plus, to some degree i'm still surprised that i'm here since both of my previous degrees are from public schools (UF and GaTech) and most of my phd colleagues come from places like harvard, columbia, and cooper union...

Mar 23, 10 3:04 pm  · 
Sarah Hamilton

It's 75 and breezy!!!

I think that's a logo for child abandoment places.

I'm going to husbands HS reunion on Saturday. It's byob in a small town. Would it be wrong to show up with stella artios or spaten? I'll have to drnk from the bottle unless I can find something better. I wonder if I can find his senior prom glasses.

Mar 23, 10 3:20 pm  · 

Mmmm, Texas Stroganoff cooking.

Mar 23, 10 3:23 pm  · 

i don't get it archiphil, what's the problem? do you feel like you can't speak your mind here anymore? or do you think you wouldn't want to offend your peers and professors? i don't think you said anything that shouldn't/couldn't be said.

i think people know the value of online message boards, it's a giant op-ed generating think tank capable of taking any position. btw, at least you don't go to yale... yale blows. (ah, 'nect memories)

Mar 23, 10 4:04 pm  · 
do you feel like you can't speak your mind here anymore? or do you think you wouldn't want to offend your peers and professors?

i guess that's it... i mean, its not like i've ever been dumb enough to make personally disparaging remarks about students/colleagues/professors/other here... it was just surprising to me that something that i wrote 370 pages deep on thread central would really be read by anyone other than the handful of regular contributors, much less someone that i know and work with...

plus, it didn't help that the comment in question was followed up with a kinda snarky, (probably unintentionally) condescending remark about the obscurity of my (former) research topic...

its really not a big deal... the whole conversation just kinda rubbed me the wrong way (not to mention that it was after 5-6 glasses of wine)...

anyways, carry on... enough about me...

Mar 23, 10 4:17 pm  · 

Oh wow, archinect is venomous. Did anyone see what I believe is puddle's profile?

"here's some porn for all you archinect faggots porn porn porn"

Mar 23, 10 4:22 pm  · 

one last comment that i forgot to mention...

i guess that it is also a lesson/word of warning for all of us (particularly those of us in the politically charged world of academia) to be aware of our online presence...

Mar 23, 10 4:25 pm  · 
liberty bell


I thought Yale Blows was incinerated by the Big Green Head after we all posted image after image of non-sensical hilarity in an effort to shut it down? What's it doing still alive?!

Mar 23, 10 4:26 pm  · 

on a completely different topic...

dubK, in my policy/design class today we were talking about some stuff that reminded me of your thesis/website... in particular the idea of developing a business plan around weatherization type stuff... i just emailed my professor your website and i'll let you know if he has any useful comments.

Mar 23, 10 4:32 pm  · 

doesn't look like there are even that many image son the thread montagneux posted.

Mar 23, 10 4:34 pm  · 

People pretend they don't pay attention to internet but I know they do!
They even post!!

Mar 23, 10 4:38 pm  · 

Good thing I don't have much of an online presence. The only time I changed screen names wasn't to retain anonymity, but because it was getting confusing due to others with similar names (architphil, you were one of them!).

Which is kind of funny, because one of the reasons I didn't change my real name when I became a citizen was because I was working with someone that had the name I was going to change to. Of course, thats just the part of the story and its more complex than that, but its interesting to think about.

Mar 23, 10 4:51 pm  · 

Wha? I didn't post any images!

Mar 23, 10 6:11 pm  · 
liberty bell

Here are the people I would love to see post or know about if they were posting anonymously:

Thom Mayne
Brad Pitt
Michael Speaks
Zaha (yeah, right)
Joshua Prince Ramus
Charles Moore (he's not living, I know, but I'd love to hear from him)
anyone at SHoP
all my friends at Ball State who seem to know everything about everything I post but never fess up if they post too

Mar 23, 10 7:05 pm  · 

lol, lb.

hm, that is tricky thought. i don't bother being too careful about maintaining anonymity and i guess there are people i know in the real world who read what i write here and therefore know more about me than actual face-time would account for. nothing wrong with that except it isn't two-way, so people maybe know more about me (or lb, or architphil) than i/we know about them.

maybe that is the real strange thing. in my imagination that is what it must be like for famous people, so many strangers or near strangers who know un-earned details of their lives, but without the reciprocity.

maybe the internet allows 15 minutes of fame type experiences to happen? a shell experience of the famous, but without the benefits.

perhaps that could be a bumpersticker. like, "honk if you read my blog!"

orhan you are too right!

Mar 23, 10 7:53 pm  · 

i use my real name for no other reason than the fact that it reminds ME that what i'm saying is public and that i have to own it.

Mar 23, 10 8:08 pm  · 

steven, that's actually a good idea... maybe i'll try to figure out how to do a name switcheroo...

Mar 23, 10 8:57 pm  · 

wow, that was way easier than expected...

Mar 23, 10 9:01 pm  · 
liberty bell

Easy peasy!

Mar 23, 10 9:06 pm  · 

Donna & Phillip, I concur with Steven. Since I started teaching, my archinect alter-ego has been mostly retired.

Mar 23, 10 9:44 pm  · 
Sarah Hamilton

Me too!

I do sometimes miss the herbicide, even if he is technically still here. It was just such a nice name.

Mar 23, 10 10:18 pm  · 

wow I step away for a few hours trying to force myself to learn Vectorworks only to return to LB using her real name - which oddly enough turns out to be her alias since the name Liberty Bell and the acronym LB is synonymous with both Thread Central and Archinect... she like Steven Ward and Vado Retro, et al are an international architectural institution. And as such it is no wonder Phillip that you would get caught in the archi-paparazzi.

Mar 24, 10 12:07 am  · 

Who's the herbicide?

Also, dear Philip, what Web site are you talking about? See, I still like to pretend that my new-ish version of my very old screen name is still my "anonymous" name and I don't like to mix business with pleasure. I know all of you know better and there are probably a lot of others who don't buy my charade anymore but it still gives me plausible deniability. (Denyability... denibility... how the hell do you spell that word?) Nevertheless, I've had to ask Paul to pull a couple of errant posts down so if you all could help me pretend for a while longer I would appreciate it.

AHEM. Paging n_...n___... n_____ where are you? Somebody hacked into your Gmail and sent me spam earlier, n_. Change your password!

Mar 24, 10 1:28 am  · 


Did somebody say something about my Web site? I felt a disturbance in the force :o)

Actually I've gotten a lot of comments from it, people really like the idea and it's starting to make more sense now that everyone is talking about weatherization and what not. This is what I do for a living now, Phillip, so feel free to email me if you have any questions.

This evening I got a call from one of my building science heroes !!! Speaking of a disturbance in the force, I sent her an email and she actually called me back. Sometimes I feel like a teeny-bopper but instead of getting excited by celebrities, I get excited about smart people.

OK, back to my wine.

Mar 24, 10 1:34 am  · 

dubK, clearly i was referring to archinect!!! :)

see, there i go outing someone else while talking about being outed myself...

Mar 24, 10 7:21 am  · 

steven's explanation re: anonymity is probably the best summation of my use of my real name.

I figured they can find anything on the nets anyways.... SO why not just say it"myself"

It has actually stopped me a few times from posting stuff either on Archinect or other sites that wasn't exactly necessary or particularly nice...

Mar 24, 10 8:28 am  · 

Atechno - I was thinking the same thing, I leave for a bit to socialize in the real world, and come back to people outing themselves. I've thought about it, but I'm still pretty anonymous, although I'm sure people could figure it out. Not only that but I'm not one of the famous Archinect gurus we all dearly love.

Mar 24, 10 8:36 am  · 

Hmm, an interesting turn in the last page with everyone outing themselves. I'm not important enough and, heck, I'm not really worried about what I've said but what I might say.

and "AHEM. Paging n_...n___... n_____ where are you? Somebody hacked into your Gmail and sent me spam earlier, n_. Change your password!"

Holy Crap! Just last night, I REvisited my tax guy (yes, I have a tax guy...long story) after a month because I needed additional paperwork that I just got recently. I went to google to search for a website on HIS computer, and WHAT THE HELL. My igoogle page loads up. I just signed off, but what the hell is going on here? I politely sent him an e-mail afterwards saying that he should clear history. All this after watching a news program on online privacy and how we have none.

Mar 24, 10 9:26 am  · 
Mar 24, 10 10:09 am  · 

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