
Thread Central

Sarah Hamilton

Well, Husband and our other partner talked, and are quiting our company. I'm glad we never got the lawyer argument worked out, and never got around to actually getting our business legally formed. Sure, I've got a few business cards and a url, but maybe I can come up with something else to do with for a year. Its sad, really. Husband was so excited, but the partner just wasn't holding up his end, and then his woman started the nagging, and she implied that I was nagging too! God, I think I might actually hate her; she always brings the Drama. Stupid [strike]cunt[/strike].

Glad others are happy! Off to make dinner.

Mar 11, 10 6:29 pm  · 

After three years, my bathroom light switches finally have a cover plate. YEE-HAW!!!

Mar 11, 10 9:57 pm  · 

wow sarah... dropping the C-word!!!

congrats tuna, that's a big accomplishment... i've got several of those sorts of things floating around that need to be taken care of as well... for instance, our towel rack is threatening to fall of the wall and all that i need to do is to take 5 minutes to replace the wall anchor... or i can just wait until it falls off the wall in the middle of the night and scares the shit out of me, my wife and the dogs...

Mar 11, 10 10:09 pm  · 
Sarah Hamilton

Yeah, well, she killed my husband's dream. Or at least is causing us to rethink and slow down. Still.

Your towel rack story makes me laugh. Sounds like a sitcom.

Mar 11, 10 10:20 pm  · 

Cunt!!! hehehe

Night all.

Mar 11, 10 10:36 pm  · 

funny I used that word for the first since my ex-girlfriend yesterday in a totally unrelated story.

Sorry about hubby's dream - but maybe it wasn't to be with those people. Keep hope alive.

Mar 11, 10 10:59 pm  · 
liberty bell

Sorry, Sarah, but with a spouse who has been through exactly that situation TWICE I can say it's not uncommon AND it gives you more strength and know-how the next time a similar but better opportunity comes along.

Had a good client meeting this afternoon. I'm headed out of town this weekend, it's work not play, but I do get one night alone in a hotel room, which is a huge luxury in my little world!

Mar 11, 10 11:02 pm  · 

Shh. Don't know if this helps or not.

They're having a rendering competition over at SketchUcation for the people at RenderPlus. They're handing out free copies for their rendering tools and sketchup plugins. They also have some jazz out for Revit.

Here's the link to the programs:

Not sure if they're good but a free piece of software is a free piece of software.

Mar 11, 10 11:30 pm  · 

well, this is quite a bout of insomnia. anyway, thought i'd pop-in and say thanks to TC for talkin bout Saul Bellow, I picked up a copy of Herzog and am enjoying it immensely!

Mar 12, 10 12:03 am  · 

nam's comment four post up made me laugh out loud. It came across as a cute and innocent child saying a curse word for the first time.

Mar 12, 10 12:42 am  · 

sarah, better to find out about her and her husband's cuntishness now than a few years down the line when y'all are tied up in messy business relationships... there will always be another opportunity.

Mar 12, 10 8:19 am  · 
Sarah Hamilton

Yes, I know. Husband is cutting him a check today. I guess they're still friends, which means that we are still friends. I just wish he'd get rid of his woman. Oh well, she must be a good lay.

Abram has begun to watch a bit of tv in the mornings, and now requests two cartoons by name. Its kinda cute. He seems to really like Maizy and Curious George. Maybe he just likes cartoons where the main characters don't speak words.

Mar 12, 10 9:05 am  · 
Ms Beary

I wish all my switches had cover plates. Someday.

Hiring lawyers suck. I've learned a lot by hiring one.

Mar 12, 10 9:20 am  · 
liberty bell

Sarah, you and I would have fun drinking and talking about things like who needs to get laid to improve their worldview. Teeheehee.

postal: excellent post on the honest questions thread about getting NCARB in 11 years. I cracked up at that one, and don't feel like wading into that conversation so I'll say it here.

I had coffee this morning with a big deal architect in our city who has agreed to come talk to my students. He's an example of all the best aspects of our profession - every time I spend time with him I feel invigorated and optimistic. Hopefully he'll make the kids feel the same way!

OK, off to help my mother in law find an apartment. I think prospective landlords should offer a glass of wine upon entering the property - a welcoming gesture.

Mar 12, 10 10:13 am  · 

N that was definitely the intended take..

Postal, as for Saul Bellows am almost done with Henderson the Rain King. It was more impressive than I expected.

Especially re: the main character's struggle for enlightenment or as he puts it shutting up the inner voice always saying "I want"...

If only I can get there some day.

Morning all.

Mar 12, 10 10:34 am  · 

lb, yeah seriously, why are people so bitter about the profession? how do you get that far into a career and realize that you haaaaate it soo much. it's not a perfect profession by all means, but c'mon...

i think there's a lot of general unrest, maybe a lot of pressure around the globe in our profession that's making people cranky. it's understandable.

nam, i am seriously upset i hadn't read him before. i've been on a little bit of an interior dialogue bender it seems: concrete island, crash, brothers karamazov, crime and punishment, and now herzog are the fictional books i've just read... i was thinking late last night that if i ever crack up, i'll be a pro.

maybe that's why i'm such an optimist about our profession, i have yet to be driven to murder...


Mar 12, 10 12:19 pm  · 
Sarah Hamilton

Lb I'm sure we'd have fun just drinking!

I am so glad that spring has arrived. It's about damn time.

Mar 12, 10 12:56 pm  · 

ellebelle, congrats on the teaching gig!

Mar 12, 10 1:49 pm  · 
why are people so bitter about the profession? how do you get that far into a career and realize that you haaaaate it soo much. it's not a perfect profession by all means, but c'mon...

I was bitter after a string of abusive bosses, but I've (mostly) gotten over it.

There's also the post-layoff or unemployment bitterness where you start getting irrational and blame the profession - but I don't get why people are cranky if they have a decent job doing decent work. maybe some people are just always grumpy.

Mar 12, 10 4:25 pm  · 

There are so many reasons that people get bitter about architecture... a big issue is simply the education/investment to pay ratio. People think they can handle it, think they love it enough to deal, but at some point their love of it will wane (even if it eventually picks back up again) and then they are left wondering if the investment was worth it. Add egos and clients who don't value the work, and that's a recipe for bitterness right there.

I've been sick at home for two days, feel like I swallowed a cheese grater in my sleep, and I am bored silly. I've ended up starting the conversion of my website to Wordpress. It wasn't too hard, but it sure wasn't a 5-minute install like the claim either! Now I've got to go through and populate it with content.

Mar 12, 10 8:28 pm  · 

had a long chat with other staff members this evening, probably around 4 hours - the funniest thing is we all joked that there must of been this invisible bottle of wine that kept us there chatting. But it was great as the conversation jumped from generation to generation, and about practice locally and overseas no one judging talking about a time when work was flowing. The best part was there was no pessimism about the now - rather a humble "it is what it is" outlook.

Mar 12, 10 9:28 pm  · 
Sarah Hamilton

I couldn't figure out the wordpress install, I had to have mystep brother do it.

I wish I had fun designer/architect friends. Oh well.

Mar 13, 10 9:14 am  · 

i love the idea of an invisible bottle of wine. i think maybe all of my future meetings should have that as a prerequisite.

Mar 13, 10 10:01 am  · 

I know Steven but it makes you wonder if it's red/white or maybe some other colour, twist top, cork, faux cork, or some other magical stopper/opener. Could be a great project... rethinking the invisible bottle of wine

Mar 13, 10 11:32 am  · 

copper top, how did you convert your Web site to Wordpress? I have been interested in making my blog my default home page for sometime but what seems like a simple conversion in theory actually takes a lot of steps, and I'm lazy.

How is everyone today? I have a bit of free time, and I'm close to being bored. I mean, I don't even know how to enjoy free time!

Mar 13, 10 6:04 pm  · 

ok so I've been searching for a completely free dvd ripping software for the last 2 days and have pretty much come up empty. The options are all free now, but give you a crap rip, and pay later with the promise of something better.Sigh... help

Mar 13, 10 7:47 pm  · 

dubK, I actually just wound up re-doing the site. It wasn't hard, I used wordpress with the f8 lite theme. There are some things i wish I had more control over, so i may upgrade to the full f8 theme at some point in the future, but I'm pretty happy with it for now. This sounds like too much work I'm sure, but since I'd developed the content for the previous one it wasn't too much trouble to reformat slightly.

tumbles, of course it is! How many girls round here do you know that are copper on top?

Mar 14, 10 1:00 am  · 

hey, that's not too shabby, copper top... looks much better than my wordpress experiment!

Mar 14, 10 3:20 am  · 

yeah i need to at some point to convert my blog to a real website.

I would definetely stick with wordpress

I spent my Sat bbqing and catching up on sleep and nothing else.

Mar 14, 10 12:03 pm  · 

lb came to my house last night. you all can be jealous.

Mar 14, 10 12:38 pm  · 

nam you and me too - I've just been too involved with actually blogging to make it fully functional and I'm on blogspot... which whilst stable is a tad beige in it's outlook about what blogs/websites can be

Mar 14, 10 2:27 pm  · 

nam you and me too - I've just been too involved with actually blogging to make it fully functional and I'm on blogspot... which whilst stable is a tad beige in it's outlook about what blogs/websites can be

Mar 14, 10 2:28 pm  · 

I like that... "a tad beige in its outlook about what blogs can be". It reminds me of when my trainer said that when I was doing push-ups I was "recruiting my core".

tumbles, I would love to come play creamery with you! But this is the first REAL complete day off I've had in a long time. Yes I'm still doing laundry and other stuff but I have absolutely nothing on my calendar today... no place to go, no shows I want to watch. It's rather nice.

copper top, your new site looks AWESOME. Well done! My god, you can't even tell it's a blog. I really need to revamp mine....

Actually I was just stopping in to make sure I didn't drunk post last night. And I didn't! Hooray.

Mar 14, 10 5:28 pm  · 

I'm just hanging out waiting for the Cassiana sale to drop to 50%.
I doubt that will ever happen, but you never know in these trying times.

Mar 14, 10 6:23 pm  · 

Nam, that sounds like a good saturday to me. My saturday consisted of walking through crazy rain and wind and working in the office past midnight, to make up for missing work during the week due to sickness. I'm posting this from the office...

Copper Top - Nice website. I thought you were new.

I guess with IKEA's recent sale on kitchens (up to 20% off?!), I'm definitely going with them. Maybe I'll post pictures to show the results. And since when did granite cost so much less than quartz countertops?

Oh and what do ya'll recommend seeing in Seattle and Vancouver?

And the bitterness for the profession on this website IS getting to me. I'm optimistic still and I'm constantly trying to switch over to more design oriented work, although I'm being patient as I can be. I guess I'm optimistic with the understanding that I have to be optimistic to even get close to reaching my goals.

Mar 14, 10 6:59 pm  · 

So my little sorta freelance project just got a whole lot bigger. My friend just informed me this evening that in a week's time she'll be leaving for Germany for two months and basically wants me to run the whole show. Mind you we've only been bouncing design ideas back and forth, nothing serious.

SW - I'm envious of both you AND LB for being able to hang out with each other.

Mar 14, 10 8:00 pm  · 

vancouver (from mdler's trip - is he still alive?)

Mar 14, 10 8:37 pm  · 

mdler is still alive! Working at a food cart business, the last time I checked. I think he gets to turn old airstreams into food carts, very hands on, it's right up his alley.

I miss puddles. Granted a lot of his posts hacked me off, and most were totally inappropriate, but he added a certain "je ne sais quoi" to the threads that we don't have anymore.

Mar 14, 10 9:16 pm  · 

I agree Dj.

Slart doesn't sound like a great Sat but i guess at least you could make the hours up...

Archi, maybe we can do it together. Hehhe
Nite all.

Mar 14, 10 9:30 pm  · 
liberty bell

Yes, you all should be jealous I hung out at Steven's house (which is beautiful) and played with his girls (who are beautiful) and drank bourbon (which was lovely). I was tired, though - and I'm so tired tonight, too.

Agree, DubK, I miss puddles too. He always made me laugh, and think.

Slart, IKEA kitchens really are pretty good, especially for the price - go for it.

Mar 14, 10 11:30 pm  · 

i heard mdler has a new life and flipped 400 burgers last wednesday. the guy is a cult figure!
puddles? what happened to him? he was very creative. i liked the way that he never offended you on a personal attack but always criticized the situation. is he banned?

oh, hello btw..

Mar 14, 10 11:36 pm  · 

Yeah Puddles was very creative.. I think he was banned for his first comment on the Moderator thread.

Morning all.

Mar 15, 10 8:14 am  · 
Sarah Hamilton

Maybe we should start a Resurect Puddles thread.

So a junk store has an eames lounger down the roadfrom me. I haven't actuallygotten out to lookat it, but that's a prettyhard shape to miss. The thing is that I don't have space for it in my house, and I don't particularly like the chair anyway. But I know that if ts real, then I could get a 4000 dollar chair for fifty bucks.

Maybe I should just buy it as a gift for my mom or something.

Mar 15, 10 10:37 am  · 

sarah do it.

Mar 15, 10 10:54 am  · 

Isn't it possible Puddles is resurrected already via a different name? In that case, do you miss puddle's antics, or his name?

Thanks for the links holz.

lb - The first page of thread central took a long time to load for some reason today and noticed that you posted a picture of a kitchen 4 years ago. Was that IKEA?

Mar 15, 10 11:35 am  · 

I swam to work today.

Mar 15, 10 11:49 am  · 

Toaster - Are you in the NE? I hope you didn't get blown over.

I'm making Irish soda bread for the first time ever this afternoon for a dinner with my design friends. Wish me luck. Then I go over to talk to my friend/client about her renovation condo project. I'm quite nervous about it as she is pretty much giving my free reign while she is in Germany i.e. I get to make all the design decisions pretty much without her. This makes me incredibly nervous as I do not want to make any real decisions without her. Has anyone ever done this before? Picked finishes for your client who is no where to be found. I'm just curious how it all worked out.

I too, miss puddles. I was thinking of him last week while filing my nails.

Mar 15, 10 1:21 pm  · 

swam? is work on an island?

as for puddles it is possible he has resurrected himself but i don't get the feeling he has. No one has posted things in that seemingly puddles style lately..

good luck melt!

Mar 15, 10 1:39 pm  · 

yep - NE - it's been 3 days and it's still raining. Every single person (except for myself) in my office was late because of a flooded basement.

Mar 15, 10 3:25 pm  · 
David Cuthbert

Sarah I have a birthday a few weeks and an Eames Chaise lounge would be excellent, especially with a story behind it. I'll even go to the trouble of shipping it to Jamaica :-)

Hi all I'm under a cloud today and have been all weekend. I think I need a scotch, a cuban and a friend. And really where is puddles. I think we could start with the conspiracy theories - after spouting off about the underground channels he was kidnapped and now suffers from Stockholm syndrome and has been elected grand chair of the People's International Cynical Society (PICS) whose mandate is to secretly and craftily spread sexually objective images on otherwise office appropriate website viewing.He's gone underground, beyond the public's eye and is considered highly sarcastic

Mar 15, 10 3:33 pm  · 

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