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Really LB - I really liked Penelope Cruz's, though I must confess I'm rather bored by the awards and am planning to head to bed to read instead. Nite all.

Mar 7, 10 10:25 pm  · 

hi all. ate some deli food drank some red wine tonight.

Archi, what about a jig saw? it is hand held compared to a band saw and probably less expensive.

Mar 7, 10 10:28 pm  · 

I found the awards boring too. They were repetitive about the stuff they *just* presented, and they didn't repeat the stuff that they dragged out through the whole ceremony (best picture). I also wasn't very invested since I hadn't seen most of the nominated films. Movie tickets are so expensive now that I only see something in theaters every few months.

Techno, thanks for the link, that may actually be a possibility!

I got a lesson this weekend in facebook privacy settings. No matter what, if you've got inappropriate friends, you have to maintain constant vigilance.

Mar 8, 10 1:08 am  · 

The Oscars were quite boring tonight, I agree, but I have to say, I feel like these hosts are only as good as the material that is written for them, and I am starting to think that the Oscars' writers just SUCK. Steve Martin and Alec Baldwin are probably funnier at their kitchen tables than they were tonight.

I watched the whole thing to see if my favorites won and THEY DID! Hooray! But the last 5 minutes were very weird. There was no, ahem, foreplay before they announced the Best Film and I was a little unprepared. Still, yay!

Mar 8, 10 2:11 am  · 

morning all,
now i need to go out an see Hurt Locker

Mar 8, 10 9:07 am  · 
Sarah Hamilton

We watched until 1030 which was right afterbest foriegn or actor, I'm not sure. But we gave up and went to bed. So I don't know who won best actress or film.

I think I sawsnohetta at a school lecture. They the ones that did the building with q single stone slab on one corner? That was awsome.

Mar 8, 10 9:34 am  · 

If anyone likes folksy "irregular" country music, you should check out Tiny Fires.

Mar 8, 10 9:41 am  · 

wow thanks everyone for such positive remarks! its really appreciated!

Mar 8, 10 9:43 am  · 

ring ring ring tc help desk: I need suggestions for mixed use houses (house + office/workshop/public interface) for a precedent list. So far the examples I've been finding are all in Japan.... looking for a more global representation.

Mar 8, 10 11:36 am  · 

lletdownl, i think that the only thing missing is a little background music...

Mar 8, 10 11:39 am  · 

hmmm, techno... this seems like such an easy case study, but then when i try to think of specific projects i can't come up with many off the top of my head...

should be pretty easy to find a lot of loft-y live/work type projects...

i know that wiel arets has his studio in his house (the website navigation is kinda goofy, but it is one of the older projects)

i remember seeing several of these type projects in dwell over the years...

damn, that's all i've got at the moment... will post more if my brain starts working...

Mar 8, 10 11:52 am  · 

architechno - I think there are a couple recent teddy cruz proposals that might fit what you are looking for.

a lot of architects had their offices in their homes:


dwelling for non-architects starts getting harder - I feel like most of it is studio space + dwelling or professional service + dwelling... but not much cottage industry + dwelling.

one that I know off-hand is Dr. curutchet's residence in Argentina by corbu...

I can't think of any notable projects within the past couple decades, though.

Mar 8, 10 2:29 pm  · 

architphil and toasteroven - thanks. I've decided to add the Curutchet residence to the mix and hopefully I'll find a few more. The list so far
Curutchet - Le Corbusier
Moriyama House - SANAA
Dirty House - David Adjaye
a house/studio for/by a local architect
Double House - Tonoma
Covent Avenue Studio - Rick Joy

Unfortunately I need at least 3 more to round out the list

Mar 8, 10 10:33 pm  · 

OMG Techno, what was that house that was featured here on Archinect so many months back....I remember it was exactly one room wide and it was like four or five stories tall, with a room on each floor outlined in a different color neon light. The bottom floor was of course their public storefront studio space... I think it was in Scandinavia somewhere, of course... anybody know what I'm talking about?

Mar 9, 10 1:29 am  · 

Aha! Found it!

ShowCase: sculp(IT) Live/Work

I pretty much only remembered it because I thought it was awesome. And it IS!

Mar 9, 10 1:40 am  · 

Morning all,.

Mar 9, 10 8:13 am  · 
Sarah Hamilton


I had too much sangria, again. This time, it didn't hit until AFTER my guests went home and Abram was in bed. There was also more drama regarding a certain female that just doesn't seem to like me - at least she takes everything I say as criticism. Whatever. I hate drama in life.

Mar 9, 10 10:56 am  · 

me too sarah

Mar 9, 10 11:41 am  · 

curutchet house is one of my favorite corbu buildings...

Mar 9, 10 12:24 pm  · 

woohoo!!! my wife got a job offer this morning... she's been unemployed for 12 of the 18 months that we've lived in philadelphia... it's gonna be nice to have a salary in the house other than my small stipend from penn and her unemployment compensation...

in other good news... although i still have another year of funding left from penn, i decided to go ahead and apply for a few teaching positions (given my wife's unemployment)... and i had a phone interview with the university of florida last week for a tenure-track position... i should find out in the next week or so whether i've made the final shortlist of in-person interview candidates... it would be kinda weird to move back to gainesville, but i think that would be outweighed by the coolness of teaching at my alma mater... anyways, i won't be holding my breath waiting to get the job 'cause i think that it is still a long shot... but i guess we'll see...

Mar 9, 10 12:59 pm  · 

archi, as I said elsewhere, it would be cool indeed. If you do make it to the in person interview and come down here, maybe we can meet up?

Mar 9, 10 1:01 pm  · 
Sarah Hamilton

How would that affect your wife's new job, Phil?

Mar 9, 10 1:22 pm  · 

sounds good nam... i'll let you know...

sarah... not sure yet... my wife and i have had preliminary discussions about her staying in philadelphia for at least a year while i would be in gainesville... i dunno... i guess we'll worry about that if it becomes a reality...

Mar 9, 10 2:15 pm  · 

oh and congrats to your wife!

Mar 9, 10 2:39 pm  · 

So many resumes sent out today. I worked hard on them.

Daytime wine was actually a good idea. Just realized I haven't used my personal phone in two weeks. iPhone won't charge anymore.


Mar 9, 10 6:02 pm  · 

I've decided I would love to spend a week working on a project with Mike Holmes. I think I would learn a lot..

Carry on, carry on.

Mar 9, 10 6:42 pm  · 

i would like a week with p- cruss...and not her brother...

Mar 9, 10 9:03 pm  · 

Congrats architphil and wife. That's awesome that you've got a phone interview. I'll send good vibes your way.

SH and nam - drama in life gets old fast... unfortunately it always seems to pop up from time to time. UGH!!!

Mar 9, 10 10:17 pm  · 
David Cuthbert

archiphil congrats on the interview.... the door is open run in!! I'm here killing time I had less that a quorum (50%+1) so called off class. I was thinking sweeten the deal by dropping an assignment on them... but I'm having a brief moment of kindness.

Mar 10, 10 9:07 am  · 
great site, and great program
Mar 10, 10 10:31 am  · 

Yay for the whole architphil fam! Good luck on the interview.

Also, yay for David's random acts of kindness.

As a big project is printed and about to start distributing, I'm contemplating the future of my freelance business. I wonder whether it will keep up as it has done, or whether my last couple of projects were just luck that's run out. Wondering how much effort I should put into maintaining the business, whether I should officially become a business or what. If I do, what my name might be. I'm contemplating TypeSpace Studio or TypeSpace Design.

Mar 10, 10 7:42 pm  · 

TypeSpace Studio is more alliterative.


Mar 10, 10 9:22 pm  · 

copper_t I think it's great that you are making the solo venture however you'll never know if it's viable unless you push a little more. It may not be worth registering it as a business just yet but watch it, nurture it and see. We expect amazing things. As for the name... why not project TypeSpace?

Mar 10, 10 9:24 pm  · 

Type Space Pty Ltd
Project TypeSpace
Domain ID:D104702083-LROR
Created On:29-Jul-2004 23:41:27 UTC

Mar 10, 10 10:23 pm  · 

I love "TypeSpace" -- just plain TypeSpace!

Mar 10, 10 10:38 pm  · 
liberty bell

I was about to suggest just TypeSpace, too. Great minds, manta.

I'm so tired. I'm working way to hard lately. Sorry to complain, I know a lot of us would like to be working at all, but yeah, I'm exhausted.

Mar 10, 10 11:15 pm  · 

Liberty I think you need help or a vacation. When was your last? I have a roof-less you can go camp out in - the idea of getting a tan whilst in your living room seems marketable.

Mar 10, 10 11:34 pm  · 

that should be a "roof-less house"

Mar 10, 10 11:35 pm  · 

Sounds like you could use a vacation for sure lb.

Archi's isn't a bad offer as long as you don't go in rainy season.

Cooper i actually like just TypeSpace better.

Mar 11, 10 8:15 am  · 
Ms Beary

Happy to annouce that the stars have aligned. I work now! I have purpose and reward! AND my second week on the job is this thing I forget existed: SPRING BREAK! I will be spending the first part of the week skiing on the continental divide. Then we will be heading across the great american desert to LA (sorry kids, only going to be there for a night) where we meet up with an old friend of mine from architecture school. Then we jump on the ferry to go hide for a weekend on Catalina Island! Anyone ever been there? Anyone want to hide in my suitcase? ha ha ha.

Mar 11, 10 9:24 am  · 
Sarah Hamilton

I'm so jealous. I want a job and purpose. I think I will have to wait until August, though. I'm not sure if I've given up on the whole becoming an architect thing, or if its just been so long on the back burner that its actually no longer hot. I'm going forward with the teaching thing, and somedays its sad, but mostly I don't think about it. I have found that I function best when I do things because they need to be done, and not because of choice. I think the world might function a bit better if we removed the idea of choice from a few things.

Glad things are going well for everyone though. And LB, I was serious about helping out if you needed it.

Mar 11, 10 9:33 am  · 

ugh beta, i wish i was a graphic designer, or at least on top of what I do. sounds like copptop you're in that realm too? but where's the time and money to go kick it in graphic design school? i guess i'll just have to be satisfied watchin layertennis every week.

Hmmm...Type_, TypeSpace!, Type:Space, SpacesforType, SpaceType...

i like SpaceType as long as the firm's bio states that you're from another planet or your end product is gauranteed to be "outta this world!"

ok, sorry, just having fun... TypeSpace sounds good

Mar 11, 10 9:34 am  · 


i'm having a typeface/font dilemma... i'm currently working on my dissertation proposal and i'm trying to decide on a way of laying it out that looks good but is still easily readable... right now the different pieces are:

title: helvetica neue italic @ 18 (all lowercase)
subtitle: helvetica neue light italic @ 12 (all lowercase)
epigrams: helvetica neue light italic @ 10 (and right justified)
section headings: helvetica neue bold italic @ 12
main text body: helvetica neue regular @ 10 (currently left justified, but might switch to fully justified)

here's my dilemma... i really like the way that this looks right now... and i'm OK with using a sans-serif font for the body of the text on a document that isn't too long... but i think that i really need to use a serif font for my actual dissertation since reading an 80-100K word document in helvetica neue might be brutal...

any suggestions for a sexy serif font that will look good with helvetica neue titles and section headings?

Mar 11, 10 10:28 am  · 

architphil before you go hurt your head trying to decide figure out if the school has a policy on the typeface I know most dissertations (at least the ones submitted for review) are usually to a standard <- it makes reading all of them a little easier. We used APA International for standard essays and dissertations - 12 point Arial/Helvetica 1.5 spacing 1"/3/4" left/right spacing no header, 3 line footer, 8 point end notes. Hope that helps.

Mar 11, 10 10:35 am  · 


yeah what Archi said. I know UF had/has a standard.

Mar 11, 10 10:55 am  · 

penn has standards for certain things (margins, etc.) but the typeface is open... although they do have "suggestions"...

Mar 11, 10 11:01 am  · 

Hi TC! been too busy to post much.

Copper, if things work out, I may have a job for you creating a logo. If the project shows up, I'll drop you a note asking for a fee proposal.

Got other good news pending - seems that I have a 'summer' job running a research project that I've been busy writing proposals for over the last few months. More details when it is confirmed and the official press release is out. But it's nice to be reviewing student resumes for the RA positions that the grant will fund.

Mar 11, 10 11:03 am  · 

Congrats Barry on the summer job. You'll definitely have to let us know more when it is confirmed

Architphil - I would just go with what Penn "recommends." Maybe it's just me, but I always read "recommends" as "required".

Mar 11, 10 11:58 am  · 

trade gothic?

Mar 11, 10 12:29 pm  · 

Phil, I would try a slab serif (they've got a little more contemporary kick to them) like Egyptienne or Glypha. I think Egyptienne's proportions would match better, but Glypha has such a lovely light weight to it.

Thanks for the naming advice all. The reason I was looking at adding a 'Studio' or 'Design' to it is that is taken already so the url would need something more to it. But in practice the descriptor could lay low, though it is always nice on business cards and such to have some indicator of what sort of business you are.

Barry, at the risk of sounding less than professional, I'd be super excited to do a logo for you! I'm trying to do a little more work in identities, so it would be a piece that I'd be excited to work on.

Mar 11, 10 1:18 pm  · 

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