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Jump that video was great! And I was so excited when Chevy Chase showed up as Gerald Ford... Hilarious. I love those guys.

Just got out of the gym. Exhausted and hungry. I got to be an architect and an energy analyst today, it was rather thrilling.

Mar 4, 10 10:50 pm  · 

I hope everyone is having a better week than me. I spent the weekend getting ready for a presentation, made reservations to rent the car, told to come back 30 minutes later to pick it up, then once back told that I can't leave the tri-state area, walked to train station and took a train to parents, borrowed their car, drove nearly 350 mi for the project meeting, got a speeding ticket about 4 miles away from destination after driving 300+ mi without incident, got SICK and unable to talk whatsoever during the meeting (literally my voice was so raspy and hurt to talk I couldn't even say hello), but it didn't matter because a major restriction/detail changed dramatically (without being told of course) that made all the presentation materials useless anyway. Sounds like a bad sitcom episode, but No, thats just a week in my life.

Mar 4, 10 11:15 pm  · 

Slart :o( Sorry.

At least tomorrow is Friday, right?

Mar 4, 10 11:34 pm  · 

Awww man slart. That sucks. Hope today goes much better for you.

Mar 5, 10 8:29 am  · 

For those who haven't seen it.

The swinging balls part is hilarious and irreverent re: Reagan.

Morning all.

Mar 5, 10 8:40 am  · 

Actually not sure that was video you were talking about Jump as this one is in the White House. They all visit Obama in a dream.

Slart that sucks. At least it is Friday right?

Mar 5, 10 8:44 am  · 

nam - I think Jump meant he watched in the subway, not that the skit took place on the subway. Its quite funny considering the fact that Japan seems to have very strict social etiquette on public transportation.

But yeah, TGIF, and I never say TGIF. I'm not bitter or anything. It could be a lot worse. But isn't it fascinating that I was sick enough for the first time in my life to lose my voice for a meeting that has been planned for months that included the coordinated gathering of over a dozen of different parties. Its like a bad punchline. The fact that I had such a hard time acquiring a car and getting a ticket right before the destination is just icing. I don't have any delusions that getting a speeding ticket wasn't at all my fault, but damn.

Mar 5, 10 9:42 am  · 
Sarah Hamilton

That does suck.

Tumbles, I gave a shout out to you in the blog today.

I ground my own meat the otherday. No, that isn't a ephenism like grinding the corn. I really did grind up a leg of lamb. It was actually a lot of fun.

I've got a big day today. Were having an independence day partytomorrow. Bring out the sangria!

Mar 5, 10 9:51 am  · 

slart - that sucks. hope you have a relaxing weekend

sarah - independence day?

Mar 5, 10 10:19 am  · 

I think as in not the official Mexican Independence day which is in Dept toast.

But rather Cinco De Mayo, on the 5th Of May, which commemorates the victory of the Mexican militia over the French army at The Battle Of Puebla in 1862.

Mar 5, 10 10:29 am  · 
Sarah Hamilton

Far from it! Texas declared Independence from Mexico on march 2. This is the independence day I celebrate. I just wait till the weekend to do so.

Mar 5, 10 12:44 pm  · 

ah texas independence day! do you guys BBQ?

Mar 5, 10 1:55 pm  · 

it seems funny to me that Cinco De Mayo and Texan Independence are so close in days...

Mar 5, 10 2:05 pm  · 
liberty bell

I'm freaking out I'm too damn busy and am tired of being so!

Mar 5, 10 2:20 pm  · 

hello everyone... so today i posted the website ive been building for the past couple months. It will be a work in progress, adding projects, taking some off and fixing/improving random things as i go. If you're interested, here it is.

thanks a lot to those of you who helped me along the way!

Mar 5, 10 3:23 pm  · 
Sarah Hamilton

March and May? Close?

Husband received a smoked brisket from his company for Christmas - I thought it was odd too. We're serving that, which technically is BBQ in these parts. We are also roasting/grilling some onion, peppers, and zucchini for our newly vegetarian friends. We plan to serve it all up in warm, corn tortias. We shall toast with the Sangria, made with Texas wine, or with Tito's vodka, which is also Texan. I'm making some salsa too.
I'm hoping it becomes a full weekend event sometime in the future, but right now, since we only have a grand total of 6 adults in attendance - including Husband and myself, its just a Saturday thing. But, if anyone is ever passing through the first weekend in March, any year, swing on by, and we'll toast to you!

Ellebelle, we shall poor a glass for you too. Hey, I can freelance if you need some help!

Mar 5, 10 3:31 pm  · 
liberty bell

Nice job, lletdownl! I really enjoy the cartoon/diagram images of buildings that scroll right to left. Love that IIT dorm project - is it one people like, like living in? I'm shocked, though, that upper management is all male. One would think a woman or two might be higher up in the firm?

Anyway, nice website. It's very Jahn-ian, if that makes sense, in a good way - what I like about his work - constructive stickiness* as texture, machine-ish, very modern, and brawny - are reflected in the website.

* stickiness meaning like sticks, not like honey.

Mar 5, 10 4:06 pm  · 

thanks LB for the kind words... yeah... there are actually only 2 women in our office right now... even before the economy collapsed we only had a handful... 25% at the most... not really sure why that is... i wouldnt mind a few more women around!

Mar 5, 10 4:26 pm  · 

mmmmmmmm, brisket...

i agree with LB... the cartoons/diagrams of the projects are cool... what's up with "archineering" though? that's a neologism that we could probably survive without... but i'm guessing that it is a term that helmut likes to use...

Mar 5, 10 4:37 pm  · 

I really miss good BBQ - it doesn't exist in the northeast. when I lived in St. Louis, you'd see guys on street corners with the converted oil drums everywhere - even in Michigan, you head up north of Detroit and many places would have their park with the town BBQ pit...

no random people cooking meat outdoors around here. I don't even smell that many grills going in the summers.

I just learned that you cannot look at just your state's accessibility guidelines for multi-family housing, you also have to look at the FHA, ADA, and ANSI guidelines for accessibility AND your state's/municipality's code and then go with the more restrictive. usually the state requirements are more restrictive, but not always - and this is where people are getting sued because they don't realize they also need to look at the federal laws.

and - WTF do states have any codes that are less restrictive than the federal guidelines? that doesn't make any sense to me.

Mar 5, 10 4:40 pm  · 

have y'all seen logorama? it is an animated short-film that is nominated for an oscar this year... everything in the movie is a logo... it is also pretty funny... ronald mcdonald going on a crime spree through the city whilst being chased by michelin man cops... by the way, the language of the movie may not be safe for work...

Mar 5, 10 4:43 pm  · 

yeah i saw that through the new york times i think architphil. it is clever.

nam, sorry, i meant to say i was watching on the subway. slart is right, japan has ettiquette about cell phone use (no talking on phone on train), but watching movies and such is pretty common. gameboys psp and tv on phones have been common for last few years actually (i-phone functionality is not such a new thing here really, just better designed)

the actual problem is that i like laughing. and laughing loud too. and jim carrey cracked me up. i think i looked like having a bit of a seizure. crowded train too. luckily i don't get embarrassed easily.

Mar 5, 10 7:39 pm  · 
liberty bell

I just watched Whip It. It made me miss good Lexington Barbeque, finest in the world.

And it made me miss Detroit a little too (it was filmed there).

I'm out of wine. Which is making me whiny. Must hit liquor store (or at least Trader Joe's - their Prosecco is cheap-n-good) tomorrow.

Mar 6, 10 12:07 am  · 


the prosecco ain't all that bad - and it's almost as cheap as good prosecco is supposed to be.

i really miss that my folks don't live in italy anymore :(

Mar 6, 10 1:34 am  · 

I just saw The Hurt Locker tonight. It was a very good film. Sunday night's Oscars should be interesting.

...And I'm spent. I hope everyone has a lovely weekend!

Mar 6, 10 4:03 am  · 

on that note, I saw the messenger a couple of days ago, i think it was interesting,, anyone seen it?

Mar 6, 10 9:02 am  · 

I haven't seen a quarter of the films at the Oscar's this year I'm so out of touch. Hope everyone's Saturday is going well. I'm about to grab an early lunch and go help a friend move some boxes. Her house was flooded last week and mould started growing. It's just her and her young daughter and well they are feeding me with red wine and so I'm not complaining.

Mar 6, 10 11:21 am  · 
Sarah Hamilton

We're a bunch of alcholics. I'm at the liquor store now. Well I'm sitting in the car with Abe while husband gets the booze. We needed more rum for the sangria - it takes 3 cups!

Mar 6, 10 11:54 am  · 

hey thanks architphil... yeah... the archineering term is terribly tacky and comercial, but helmut firmly believes in those buzz words... you should have seen earlier versions... i got rid of as many as i possibly could, unfortunately the scrolling marquee and archineering remain.

So, google has this thing called google analytics. It analyzes traffic on any website you register... number of visitors, length of visit, where they were directed from... even WHERE they visited from...

i got the first set of data this morning, and found out that between last night and this morning 26 people vistied our site. 20 from the states, 3 from japan, 1 from finland, 1 from latvia, and 1 from indonesia. It also tells me what cities people visited from! its really amazing... i love google... its amazing they offer this for free...

anyone else every used google analytics? or their webmaster and keyword helper stuff??

Mar 6, 10 12:13 pm  · 

Does anyone know anything about Snohetta?

I was thinking about applying. Probably won't. Can't ever get past writing a cover letter. Fear of rejection sets in far too quickly and the immediate kind of acceptance that at best I have a 1-out-of-18 shot of getting the job (that's worse odds than scratch off tickets!).

I didn't want to start a new thread or call attention to what seems to be a good firm in this regards. So, I'm asking the kind (and probably a little tipsy) people of TC!

Mar 6, 10 1:43 pm  · 

regarding snohetta... in my opinion they do really nice work... i've met one of their partners, craig dykers, twice and he's a really nice guy... just based on my conversations with him it seems like it would be a cool place to work.

Mar 6, 10 1:58 pm  · 

Their website is amazing. And I can tell they are a pretty open and transparent office by the fact that all of their biographies and email addresses are published on their site (including the titles of who and what).

I know it's bad for me to do this and seriously dents my ability to find a new job.

But lately, I've only been-- kind-of-conservatively to put it one way-- applying to jobs I know that I can do. I mean there's some other jobs I could probably "get by" in. But I kind of feel like I don't need to be tossing around resumes.

I know it is all "doom and gloom" and you "have to do whatever you have to do," but I just don't feel like burdening anyone with an unnecessary proposition especially with the number of applicants other people get.

And their open position I feel is one of those jobs where I would ultimately excel in. Plus the idea of working in Oslo for part of the year and learning Norwegian is spiking my interest!

Mar 6, 10 2:15 pm  · 

Hi lletdownl.... the site looks great. It loaded quickly and cleanly, looks polished and you've done a great job. I REALLY like the line of outline drawings that scrolls across the bottom in the "work" category... that is awesome. I think the only thing that bothers me is the white line drawn around the text boxes when you click on a link and get a blurb, but whatever. Nice work.

I've been working with Google Analytics for a couple of years with all of my Web sites. It especially came in handy when I created the site for my master's thesis last year, and I was able to send out the link to the site, ask people to view it, and then I could see where people were coming from around the country (and the world). Their graphics are so good, I was able to incorporate some of the reports into appendices for my thesis document. Cool stuff!

Mar 6, 10 6:09 pm  · 

jump - so, I'm guessing a no pants subway ride is a major no-no in japan?

Mar 6, 10 7:27 pm  · 

|letdown| love the site - I visited twice and sent the link to a few people. It's perhaps one of the better flash sites I've seen and it really is quite pleasant to navigate. Also the images are beautifully shown... as often not the case when bigger firms get websites

Mar 6, 10 7:42 pm  · 

the scrolling sections/outlines ROCK, lletdownl!

Mar 6, 10 8:15 pm  · 

Hey SW I received a copy of an email on Thursday saying that Kentucky was a no go. The reason though left me a tad bewildered as it was considered not urban enough. Sadly our efforts will materialize at a later date. But thank you again for the support you were able to lend.

Mar 6, 10 11:42 pm  · 

I'm trapped in a room right now.

Quick Backstory: Huge review on Monday. I've slept approximately 9 hours in 4 days. I smell disgusting. I look disgusting. I feel disgusting. And I needed to lasercut acrylic.

Situation at Hand: Due to unforseen circumstances, I have to use a laser cutter in another building. Now, I'm laser cutting my acrylic. (Estimated file cut time = 4 hours, 42 minutes). I started at midnight. I was in a rush and grabbed Saltine crackers from my desk so I could snack on them while I waited for my file to cut.

The Real Problem: I foolishly ate the Saltines all at once and know I am PARCHED. Like extremely parched. And I can't leave this room because I can't get back in. None of my studio mates have access to get into this building so I'm TRAPPED. CAN'T GET OUT AND I NEED TO DRINK WATER OR I'LL DIE. I can't abandoned my acrylic on the laser cutter (I've seriously thought about this but I need to leave this room with the acrylic in hand so I can finishmy model). So now, I'm sitting here, parched, cranky, smelly, and waiting for a few more hours. Three hours later and two to go.

Mar 7, 10 5:57 am  · 

no problem, archi. only - i didn't get that message out of the email i got from her. not sure the school admin would either...

Mar 7, 10 7:38 am  · 

n_, that sounds horribly but remarkably like a situation i would get myself into. sorry.

Mar 7, 10 7:41 am  · 

hi all, seems like it was a busy weekend here on tc.

Sarah yeah i guess i had my dates wrong. I wanted to see Hurt Locker and The Messenger. Haven't seen either. Not many people i know want to see those kind of heavy(ish) movies.

Spent the weekend catching up with an old friend in town and doing laundry.

How about you all? I might do some grill action this afternoon.

Oh and jump, the moment Carey started "swinging" i too busted a gut.

Mar 7, 10 9:12 am  · 
liberty bell

Oh, n_, honey - post here and let us know you survived, OK? That does sound like something I would get myself into too. Reminds me of when I had to make five round trips to the dumpster with my Ford Festiva packed to the ceiling with smelly trash bags, due to my own lack of planning, due to lack of sleep, due to an architecture school deadline. Oh, the things we do.

Mar 7, 10 10:42 am  · 

n_ - definitely something I would get myself into - except I'd also probably have to go to the bathroom. hope you survived.

Mar 7, 10 11:54 am  · 


I made it out, drank 32 oz of water in about 2 minutes, went back to my studio, took a 3 hour nap at home, then dropped a dozen eggs on my kitchen floor while I was making breakfast. Yes, I am that clumsy folks.

This quarter is over in two weeks and I. Can't. Wait.

Mar 7, 10 2:20 pm  · 

Glad to hear you made it out and hydrated yourself. Sorry about the eggs. Good luck with all your finals.

lletdownl - great site. I too love the line drawings as well as all the background photos, esp the shots of all the details. Sounds like everyone is having a great weekend. Probably helps that some of us are finally getting a reprieve from winter.

Mar 7, 10 5:06 pm  · 

TC help desk: TC help desk, good afternoon how may I help you?
atp: Hi. Uhm I thinking of setting up a workshop to build models and I have a curiosity I was hoping to resolve.
TC help desk: Curiosity??
atp: Yes. I was wondering if there's a motorized saw... like a band saw I guess to cut chipboard/cardboard. I've always done it by hand but it is labour intensive. And I don't have the cash for a laser or CNC.
TC help desk: let me throw it out to the masses and I'll get back to you.
atp: thanks in advance.

Mar 7, 10 5:10 pm  · 

n_ glad you made it out alive. I think the eggs may have had to do with a lack of sleep more than clumsiness. It happens.

SW I was worried you would say that. If she hadn't told me that prior I'm sure I'd be confused as well. I will talk with her and kindly ask her to confirm in two words or less what the situation is.

Mar 7, 10 5:21 pm  · 

cooper top I found another link for you

tc seems quiet I guess everyone is watching the oscars - night all

Mar 7, 10 9:46 pm  · 
liberty bell

atp, scroll saw? Or I have a pair of electric scissors that cut corrugated easily if roughly.

I watched one hour of the Oscars red carpet show and didn't see a single dress that I even liked, let alone loved. So I turned it off.

Mar 7, 10 9:59 pm  · 

no naked subways here. but on halloween people used to have parties on the yamanote line (the major ring route that goes right around the city center - it takes an hour because the city center is seriously big). which i always thought was kool.

snohetta is very good. on so many levels.

also so is google analytics. i sometimes look at it just for fun. one of those japanese visitors to the helmut site was me, btw. i didn't stay too long, sorry. but it looked good.

Mar 7, 10 10:05 pm  · 

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