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Wishing you the best of luck on your adventure! I'm glad you were able to get all your applications for grad school. Hope you can grind thru the last of your undergraduate stuff and be ready for a new start come Fall. In the mean time hope you can line up some sort of job to make make more money than unemployment. I also hope you find some nice cheap diggs!

Feb 13, 10 5:51 pm  · 
elmer t lee

. mmmm.

Feb 13, 10 6:09 pm  · 

Robert E Lee.....well that is a whole other story.....enjoy bliss Steven.

Feb 13, 10 7:43 pm  · 

Robert E Lee.....well that is a whole other story.....enjoy bliss Steven.

Feb 13, 10 7:43 pm  · 

back from the beach and a little tipped over the edge ie. tipsy. I was a great day. Jerk pork/chicken/sausage, beer and great friends. Why were'nt you there??

Feb 13, 10 8:16 pm  · 
liberty bell

I almost bought that, Steven! Instead I bought Bulleit as I was using it in a mixed drink, at a cocktail party: Bourbon Cooler = grapefruit juice, lemon juice, bourbon, and a dash of almond extract. I floated a mint leaf on top. Very yummy in a field of otherwise sweet drinks! And a fun evening (hic).

Feb 13, 10 10:09 pm  · 
Distant Unicorn

woah, what's with archinect lately?

place has tankkkkedddd.

Feb 14, 10 3:56 am  · 


I had a great valentines so far you all?
LIG, sucks man. At least you sound positive. And hopefully you wold have been moving there in a couple of months any ways..

I keep hearing over 1/3-2/3 of stimulus money is still waiting to be dispersed.

LB i know I have mentioned but Bulleit is my new favorite (for almost 6 months) bourbon.
Your drink sounds amazing. I never woud have thought of almond extract.

Sarah i just left an idea.

Feb 14, 10 5:40 pm  · 

Bulleit is good stuff - my favorite of this summer. The Elmer T is milder, more flavors, less burn. Good for sippin'.

Feb 14, 10 6:51 pm  · 

Als, this suprised me for some but in reading this article I learned that Frederick L. Olmsted was also responsible for many projects in Canada including the planning of the districts of Sunalta and Bridgeland here in Calgary.“.

The article is about the new Dean at the EVDS program at U of Calgary. A school I have thought about applying to.

Feb 14, 10 6:52 pm  · 
woah, what's with archinect lately?

I'll be honest, Im finding it less and less worth my time to come here. And its sad, because its really only 1 or 2 worthless fuckmooks ruining it. I just dont see any reason we should all have to endure their little cry for help or whatever.

Feb 14, 10 6:53 pm  · 

wonder if bourbon can help keep the norovirus at bay?

Feb 14, 10 7:46 pm  · 
Distant Unicorn

I'll admit I was/am a troll but I tried to keep this at least clever and subvert commonplace theory and ideals.

I even tried helping some people and posting my own work (no matter if that work was bait or not).

Some bourbon would sound good.

I'm stuck here until it stops snowing everywhere.

Feb 14, 10 7:52 pm  · 
liberty bell

You're right, oe, that it's just a couple of fuckmooks (love that word, it's new to me) making things suck.

Oh well, I'm too busy to be here anyway. This class I'm teaching is totally kicking my butt. Or rather, kicking the butt of my schedule. Plus, no school tomorrow so I'm a full-time mom all day with a meeting at 4pm, ugh. It's gonna be rough!

Feb 14, 10 9:22 pm  · 

Liberty demand a teaching assistant, I got one and life is good again

Feb 14, 10 11:10 pm  · 

i feel the pain LB. the only reason i could teach was because of support from biz partner and the skeleton of presentations from previous lecturer. teaching is a seriously hard gig. i have serious respect for folks like yourself who are real teachers.

trolling is usually not issue, but lately there have indeed been a few more threads than normal. i can't understand the motivation of most of them.

nam, olmstead did a big park in winnipeg too, which i always thought was cool.

Feb 15, 10 8:34 am  · 

He is burried in Hartford as he was a Connecticut Yankee! I had the opportunity to visit his home and studio in Brookline Massachusetts back in the 70's as a tag along on a GSD tour. It was real cool. One thing in particular I will always remember was that all the drafting tables were monsters and all of the edges of the table had a full bull nosing detail. We were told it was so to discourage the use of T-squares.

The firm had recently closed its doors back then and they were attempting to sell off the archives to a Major Univerisity. Our trip was really a dangling of the carrot for Harvard. One of the other things about this firm was they documented everything with Photographs so there was a beautiful vault of small oak file draws, with brass plaques filled with photos of original works, restoration of original works.

His firm did design work for our small civic park.

Feb 15, 10 8:56 am  · 

nam (and anyone else), if you haven't read the olmsted bio 'a clearing in the distance', it's well worth a read. beautifully written, but also makes clear how small the intellectual world of the mid-19thC was. the things olmsted was involved in, the people he knew, etc - pretty amazing - at least in part because only wealthy educated white men could be considered people of note, of course... nonetheless, a great window into the period and the people.

i even liked it despite the fact that the olmsted firm's involvement in the development of the huge and wonderful parks system of louisville barely got a mention. i guess we're too far south to be worth mr rybczynski's notice.

Feb 15, 10 9:16 am  · 

Steven, The Olmsted Firm put their Stamp on most every Univerisity Campus that is why they were into landscape restoration work up until the 70's

Feb 15, 10 9:27 am  · 

Steven thanks for the recommendation. I will check it out.

Re: small world of 19th century privileged white men. Yeah i guess there was only so many people to go to if you wanted a park designed back then,.

Feb 15, 10 10:01 am  · 

i'm not just talking about park design (though he did almost single-handedly transform 'park' design into landscape architecture as a discipline), he also was a noted journalist and was instrumental in the start of the red cross!

Feb 15, 10 10:09 am  · 
Ms Beary

toaster, did you figure it out?

Feb 15, 10 10:34 am  · 
Sarah Hamilton

The ladyacross the street is having Fios installed. They're using on ofthose crazy cable burying machines and Abe is glued to the window.

Feb 15, 10 10:48 am  · 
brian buchalski

the thing about the 19th century is that they did not have (and probably did not want) the internet back then...otherwise i'm sure it would have been completely different.

Feb 15, 10 11:44 am  · 

what's a mook?

btw, does anyone else feel like doing what the bartender does at 1:04 to some of the mooks posting here if they were in front of you?

Feb 15, 10 12:48 pm  · 

and since I started a new page....

Feb 15, 10 12:51 pm  · 

oh, and the rest of that scene on the pool table is what most posts at Archinect are turning into nowadays.

Feb 15, 10 12:52 pm  · 

Unicorn - I personally don't consider you too much of a troll, but then again, I stay inside TC most of the time these days. As long as you have an intelligent point of view and don't flame ever person who disagrees with you, you are fine. But that's just me. I've lurked on a couple of threads and they are just horrible. Please Paul Alexander, et all. I miss the old Archinect... isn't there something that you can do about the horrible trolls.

Anyhoo - I had some Kentucky Bourbon Ale a couple of weeks ago and must say that stuff rocked. Loved the hint of vanilla. Not a full blown Bourbon drinker yet, but I have had some good ones from time to time.

snook - I'm slightly confused.. are you referring to Robert E Lee when talking about who is buried in Hartford, CT. Sorry.

Anyway, I have reached total snowverload. Off to watch a movie from my couch or something.

Feb 15, 10 12:59 pm  · 

strawbeary - sort of - I solved a geometry problem and that simplified things dramatically. I wish I knew how to use rhino - that would make my life easier.

This is definitely something that could use some scripting prowess - right now it's purely analog.

Feb 15, 10 1:21 pm  · 

methinks snook was refering to Freddy Olmstead being buried in hartford.

Feb 15, 10 2:40 pm  · 

unicorn what melt said..

also, i had some great coffee stout called midnight oil last night.

Feb 15, 10 3:06 pm  · 

I admit, I come to archinect during work hours. Probably more than I should. I like talking/reading about architecture. I like talking about totally unrelated things with people with similar academic and professional backgrounds, wherever they may be. I like a good debate once in a while, and I've never had anything against anyone that I disagreed with. Given the opportunity, I like to share my experiences if I think that would help someone.

But this is getting ridiculous. I'm too often appalled by what I read. Its not about disagreement or a different point of view as some of these folks make it out to be. That, we should be able to handle. But, I do NOT tolerate intolerance - as nonsensical as that may sound. I can NOT tolerate usage of archaic, pejorative terms being thrown around. Not because its not Politically Correct, but because it reflects dehumanization. Above all of that, there is also that sneaking suspicion that all of this nonsense is deliberate - simply for cheap satisfaction from responses from other members.

I've wondered before if I am in some parallel internet universe where only I can read my posts because of the lack of acknowledgement of my posts sometimes. But to go out of your way to get some affirmation of your existance as a screenname on an internet forum?

Feb 15, 10 3:33 pm  · 
Sarah Hamilton

We decided in our company that we would send chocolate chip cookies to our customers who spent a bit of money with us, so I've been baking, and something amazing happened.

I actually got the amount of cookies out of the recipe that it said you'd get! That never happens.

Why didn't we study these people you guys are always talking about in school?

And techno, you're fast on your way to winning my contest by default.

Feb 15, 10 3:48 pm  · 
Sarah Hamilton

Slart, I agree with you. I only hang out in here unless I'm REALLY bored. I'll admit that I laughed when Archie of "all in the family" made the joke about eating wth the lights on when the jeffersons came to dinner so he could see his guest. And I may say something offensive now and then but it's done because I feel I've gotten past the bigotry andmost of the world has too. Maybe I'm wrong. I never intend to offend people, ever. I'm not a hateful person, but I'm not always aware of how I'm perceived. Maybe I e said more than I should, but sometimes I wish we could just move on!

Feb 15, 10 3:56 pm  · 

Hey Slart - nice to see you around. How's life?

Anyone wonder how is it the trolls haven't found their way in here? Now I probably jinxed us all.

Can anyone explain to me why my cats seem to start asking for their afternoon food time earlier and earlier? I have one literally sitting to the left of my keyboard staring at me.

Feb 15, 10 4:18 pm  · 
Sarah Hamilton

Melt, I've often wondered that but been too scared to ask.

It's a true sign of parental love to allow a child with vomit-breath to sleep on your lap. I think my arm is asleep.

Feb 15, 10 5:20 pm  · 

Haha, I hope this isn't a response to my comment about not being acknowledged.

I finally finished reading the entire "Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy" book series - my namesake. And became depressed. I felt the last book had a dark tone overall, which the author had apparently admitted. The author has been added to my list of heroes that passed on without hitting their full creative potential, which includes Charlie Parker, and now Douglas Adams.

I officially can't back out of buying a property now that I've been trying to acquire for a while now and fix up. Its a bit bittersweet because the reality is not as exciting as the premise - tons of paperwork, fees, additional paperwork to admister those fees, and additional fees associated with all the paperwork, and so forth. The excitement for the potential and ownership of a home is being nicely balanced by the dwindling budget for renovation and the dreadful feeling that home ownership is going to put a damper on my mobility. I'm looking forward to having my own clay studio and kiln in the basement, though. Sometimes, I just like the feel and smell of being covered in clay and dirt.

Feb 15, 10 5:20 pm  · 

Awwww man... you've got a kiln? I'm am so f***ing envious I'm turning green. I took a "wheel" class my last quarter at OSU then I proceeded to take classes at the local rec centers around town. Then I took another class with a friend when I was in design school but haven't done it since. I totally miss it. It's my occupational therapy. It might sound crazy, but I consider my own form of meditation as I find it hard for my ADD brain to slow down using traditional methods. I haven't done it in years but with all the stressors of the current world I am completely and utterly craving it. Only problem... I can't afford taking classes and don't know anywhere that will fire my stuff without me being in a class. Sigh

SH - that is total love.

It's still snowing here. I really should be doing my taxes but I just don't feel like it.

Feb 15, 10 5:33 pm  · 

slart- congrats on the property! it usually takes 4-5 years before you can start doing some serious renovation if you just spent all your $$$ (like we did) - unless you were lucky enough to be able to include renovation costs in the mortgage.

when do you pass papers?

Feb 15, 10 5:43 pm  · 
brian buchalski

i feel hangover all day...ugh

anybody else see this thread where people are complaining about other people? it's pretty bizarre thread...if anything, archinect has been getting better recently so i'm not sure what there is to complain about.

as best as i can tell there is probably only 200 or so people regularly involved on the forum. complaining about them is hardly endearing.

i wonder if archinect would benefit by charging people for access to the premium content that i post regularly? it's pretty good stuff and i'm sure that is why most of you even bother to come here.

Feb 15, 10 5:48 pm  · 

yup....Fredrick Olmstead is burried in Hartford.

Feb 15, 10 5:55 pm  · 

Ole Fred is in good company as Katharine Hepburn is also burried in Hartford.

Feb 15, 10 6:00 pm  · 
liberty bell

I was born in Hartford! I won't be buried there.

I'm exhausted, physically, mentally, emotionally.

slart, without revealing too much, what part of town is your new property (is it too dilapidates to call it a house?!) in?

Feb 15, 10 7:24 pm  · 

Happy Valentine's everyone. I've had a long day. I spent most of the day writing a proposal for the studio I work with to complete the master plan for what could be the largest satellite town attached to Kingston. We so worried that if we don't get involved it may turn into a historic pastiche town for the wealthy - Polo Clubs and Golf courses included

Sarah sounds like good news

Feb 15, 10 7:31 pm  · 

liberty this one is for you! Actually I can imagine Jump doing this in Canada. My cousin's son fed his candle in a heart shape....just cause it was valentines day.

Feb 15, 10 8:29 pm  · 

Feb 15, 10 8:29 pm  · 

someone is going to have to reduce the width....cause I'm to wooped.. for the full effect

Feb 15, 10 8:30 pm  · 
liberty bell

hahahaha snook that's awesome! That's an idea so goofy and wonderful that I would never come up with it myself, thank goodness for fun smart people in the world!

Feb 15, 10 8:33 pm  · 

I did roll modest renovation costs into the mortgage, enough to make it habitable I'd say. LB - if you remember the area I'm in now, its walkable from here (although admittedly my walking radius is much larger than most). Speaking in restaurants, it would be in the neighborhood roughly in the direction of a bar/restaurant I think you mentioned before (named after a city in Northern Africa) from a pretty well known belgian beer place. Does that make sense?

*m - I don't have the kiln yet. Its a goal of mine to have it once I finish the work on the house. I'm no fine artist - Its a meditative thing for me as well.

Feb 15, 10 8:39 pm  · 
liberty bell

Total sense, slart. Got it.

Go ahead and call me a dweeb: I love watching figure skating.

Feb 15, 10 10:49 pm  · 

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