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Ms Beary

good morning all!

I got my Valentine present from my hubby last night! 3 days of lift tickets! I don't think I've ever gotten something that nice. He is getting good at this stuff.

Feb 11, 10 8:48 am  · 

Ooooh Straw that sounds like fun. Just make sure not to break anything.

copper_top - I am 99% sure I know who you are. Hope your date goes well.

This snow is completely annoying... I'm so over it. Actually had to shovel off the porch yesterday for the cats so they had a place to sit and stare out into the winter wonderland willing Spring to come.

I actually have a date for V-Day. Two of my girlfriends and I are going to one of the nicer restaurants in the city. The one knows the executive chef so she's hoping we can get some free appetizers and perhaps a bottle of wine. I'm looking forward to it. Hopefully it'll get me out of this funk that has been lingering like a blck cloud over my head since just before my birthday.

Feb 11, 10 9:08 am  · 
brian buchalski

for me, the jeane gang thread just underscores how weird the celebrity/star architect culture really is. despite seeing their names & work for years, i'm almost always surprised when i actually see what they look like (whether photograph or in person)...because it is just not something i really think about at all. back when i was in school, i remember sitting at lectures and scanning the crowd before the show started and wonder who the speaker was. even for the big names like eisenman & koolhaas, myself and my classmates (at least those sitting near me) had no idea what they looked like until they were introduced.

Feb 11, 10 9:16 am  · 

Puddles I totally agree. It's the same with radio personalities too... more specifically NPR folks. I always had a preconceived idea of what Ira Glass, Diane Rehm, Bob Edwards, Terri Gross, etc. looked like by the sound of their voices, so when I finally saw photos it kinda shocked me. But I'm not about to write this on that thread... I really don't feel like feeding the troll.

Feb 11, 10 10:43 am  · 
Sarah Hamilton

I feel thesame way about Archinectors. I picture them all one way and itrarely fits their photo.

Feb 11, 10 10:48 am  · 
bund deutscher architekten
Feb 11, 10 11:29 am  · 

got this email this morning...
Instructor Lehrman,

Hi, I was wondering if you could speak closer to the mic during lectures?
While I don't have a hard time keeping up with the pace you are going, I
find it easier to fall asleep when I can't hear that well.

Maybe they need to get more sleep!

Feb 11, 10 12:46 pm  · 
brian buchalski

freshman year i was struggling to stay awake during a small session in calculus class. you know when you are still kind of awake but literally the only thing you are doing is trying to stay awake and you're desperately struggling even with that simple task. well, i guess after 10 minutes or so of this my eyes finally shut and the next thing i know the teacher assistant running the session is tapping my desk, saying "hey, maybe you need to get more sleep at home" it startled me awake so it was probably worth the mild embarrassment.

a few years later, i also became notorious in the lectures at arch school too. even though it was a large lecture (probably 100+), i always insisted in sitting in one of the first couple of rows. usually i'm the only person there too. naturally, slides comes & the lights dim and i am suddenly struggling to stay awake & take notes because i was probably in studio til 4am last night. i tried really hard and even when my eyes were shut i had managed to train my right hand to keep scribbling notes (all completely illegible wavy lines by the way). fortunately i had a habit of drooling so after a few minutes the feel of spit rolling down my chin would cause me to perk up. i don't know if any of the lecturers ever noticed this (probably since i was sitting right in front of them) but several of my classmates found the scene to be predictably hilarious.

i've always wondered how good of a student i might have been if i could have managed to stay awake.

Feb 11, 10 1:12 pm  · 
Sarah Hamilton

Strange that it's worded "easier to fall asleep" instead of "harder to stay awake". My classes didn't have mics.

Feb 11, 10 1:12 pm  · 

tuna and manta, we have met, and DJDub, we are most definitely brunching Sunday. Sarah, I don't know what to tell you... my pic has been posted far too many times on this forum.

Barry, I would make an effort to comply. I had a professor once who whispered, and was deaf in one ear. At some point most of us stopped attending class because we couldn't hear him and he couldn't hear us, so it seemed pretty pointless. Although, I might point out to the student to make sure they get a front row seat if they are having troubles hearing.

Feb 11, 10 1:14 pm  · 

I try, but I can't hear myself. It's up to the TAs in the booth to set the volume...

Feb 11, 10 1:27 pm  · 
brian buchalski

[url=]abe lincoln & magnum pi = best poster ever?[url] too bad it's sold out so i guess we'll never really know...

Feb 11, 10 2:34 pm  · 
brian buchalski

damn it...seriously, wtf is up with my code skills lately...

abe lincoln & magnum pi = best poster ever? too bad it's sold out so i guess we'll never really know...

Feb 11, 10 2:35 pm  · 
liberty bell

That poster is amazing indeed.

Seriously puddles you need to get more sleep and stop screwing up teh html all over this place ;-)

Speaking of sleep I'm about to take a very brief nap.

Feb 11, 10 3:14 pm  · 

barry - you made me snort with laughter. Our classes are much smaller, and don't need mics but folks still fall asleep every now and then. After telling them to wake up once or twice I just tell them to leave. And no matter how much I tell them to cycle their sleeping they never do so my lectures sometimes get interrupted with snores

Feb 11, 10 9:45 pm  · 
brian buchalski

still alive

Feb 12, 10 7:28 am  · 
liberty bell

I understand the frustration of seeing a student sleeping in class (a few of mine have too), but didn't you guys do it too? I mean, not intentionally, but we all had those moments puddles described: barely keeping your eyes open, head slumping, jerking awake suddenly?

Feb 12, 10 8:23 am  · 

LB - I did it every day in this one class I had at the same time and for the exact amount of time. I would do exactly what puddles described, down to the illegible handwriting. Felt incredibly bad every time I did it.

Feb 12, 10 8:28 am  · 
Ms Beary

I find out monday or tuesday if I get a job that starts the 1st of March. It is not in architecture, but again, I'm OK with that. Can't wait!

Feb 12, 10 9:14 am  · 

I'll ask here first, and then the general forums: does anyone know how to properly document complex parabolic forms? what would this look like?

Feb 12, 10 10:39 am  · 
Ms Beary

what kind of documentation, toaster? digital?

I ask because a dentist can document teeth by taking a mold. A surveyor can document complex shapes with lasers and software.

Feb 12, 10 10:45 am  · 
Sarah Hamilton

Good Morning. We got over 10" of snow between Thursday and Friday. Abram watched me build a snowman; he was no help at all.

Feb 12, 10 11:13 am  · 
Sarah Hamilton

What the eff!

Feb 12, 10 11:14 am  · 
Sarah Hamilton

Oh dear Lord!

Feb 12, 10 11:15 am  · 
Sarah Hamilton

Ok, I give up. Can someone fix that, and then tell me why its not working for me? I fee like puddles.

Feb 12, 10 11:16 am  · 
Feb 12, 10 11:19 am  · 

strange... cute pic tho!

Feb 12, 10 11:21 am  · 
liberty bell

Oh my look how pink his nose is!

I can't see it here, only a sliver of the left side, but when I right click-open image in new window I can see it.

I just read a bunch of beautiful poems. They are inspiring me to carry on even in the face of bureaucratic frustration.

Feb 12, 10 11:25 am  · 

Let's see if this works.

Very cute indeed. My what pink cheeks and a pink nose.

Feb 12, 10 12:05 pm  · 

strawbeary - in a drawing - like something you'd send to a fabricator who doesn't know how to use 3D models.

Feb 12, 10 12:12 pm  · 
Sarah Hamilton

Melt, how did you do that?!

The first time i tried w=400, then I just posted it whole, then I tried width=400. What did I do wrong?

We built an igloo this morning.

Feb 12, 10 1:09 pm  · 

sarah, have a single space between .jpg & width=418 to get it resized.
snow in texas? there must be something wrong with the climate!

Feb 12, 10 1:17 pm  · 
Sarah Hamilton

so... .jpg width=18? or do I need the ampersand? <---thats not a word you get to use everyday!

Yep, it was a record since they started recording 112 years ago - most snowfall in one storm ever. There is some power out from down tree limbs, but not at my house. It should all be melted by Saturday when we reach the 50s.

Feb 12, 10 1:42 pm  · 

SH- No... just the .jpg width=418

God I'm bored today. Had something to do but then I had to stop because there was an issue with the door header, the window sizes and the accent band. Now I'm just sitting here, staring off into space until it's all figured out. :o/

Feb 12, 10 1:58 pm  · 

see, i made sure i had the space... but after going back to inspect, it was removed... i'll blame NCARB for thwarting my efforts to post.

Feb 12, 10 2:03 pm  · 
Sarah Hamilton

I see.

I'm watchng a thing about Mt mckinnley and the creations of national parks.

Feb 12, 10 3:12 pm  · 
Living in Gin

Greetings, all...

Well, it looks like I'll be moving back to Cincinnati a few months earlier than I had originally hoped. Today was sort of a St. Valentine's Day Massacre at the office, with about 10% of the staff laid off, and yours truly was among them. Can't say I'm surprised, as the writing had been on the wall for a while. I'm actually amazed it didn't happen much sooner. We had a couple of big federal stimulus projects that kept us going through 2009, but now those projects are mostly complete, and new projects haven't been coming in to replace them.

I'm actually fairly upbeat about it, all things considered... I've been itching to move back to Cincy for over a year now, and the desire hasn't gone away. Unemployment benefits go much further in Cincy than they do in NYC, and along with my savings, I should be able to maintain a reasonable if modest standard of living for at least the next six months... By that time I'll hopefully be in grad school, preferably at DAAP. If I'm not in grad school and don't have a job in six months or so, then I'll start to panic.

In other positive news, this allows me to concentrate on my undergrad coursework full-time over the next couple weeks, as there's a big deadline on March 1st, and I wasn't sure how I'd find time to complete everything. I guess that problem is solved. I figure the next two weeks will be spend doing that stuff and packing up my apartment, I'll turn it in for review, and hit the road for Cincinnati. I'll have a couple weeks to get settled in Cincy, and then some more schoolwork during the spring quarter beginning in late March.

For those of you in the Cincinnati area, or who have connections there (you know who you are), here's a couple things I'll need once I arrive:

1) A place to live. I'd rather avoid having roommates if possible, so I'll be looking for a studio or one-bedroom apartment for less than $600/mo. Preferably near the UC campus, or at least on a direct bus line to campus. I have one cat, and the landlord will have to be okay with the fact that I'm collecting unemployment and have some credit issues.

2) A car. I'll probably be looking for a late 90's Jeep Cherokee, Grand Cherokee, or a Volvo sedan or station wagon for a couple thousand bucks or so.

3) A job. Although I'll be able to survive on unemployment benefits for a while, that doesn't mean I wouldn't rather be collecting a real paycheck. At this point I don't even care if it's architecture-related or not, full time or part time, temp or permanent.

So, if you see something, say something... Any help or leads would be much greatly appreciated.

Feb 12, 10 6:39 pm  · 
Living in Gin

Sorry for all the typos above... Remind me to do a better job of proofreading before I turn in my schoolwork.

Feb 12, 10 6:43 pm  · 

sorry to hear that LIG. good luck though. i hope you make it into school of choice this year and all goes smooth. quite cool you have plan already.

one of my students was snoring in class couple weeks back. i thought it was a bit funny really, especially when he woke up.

the why can't i buy a canadian thread is funny.

Feb 12, 10 8:30 pm  · 

Gin sorry to hear about the lay off. I how soon will you move to Cincy? And does it make sense to move there seeing as you haven't heard back yet from the various grad schools you are applying to? I mean what if you move, sign a lease only to find out you are moving to [insert otherschool in another]. I'm sure you'll land on your feet - just don't close the horse flaps just yet... opportunities rarely support myopic visions.

Feb 12, 10 11:10 pm  · 

now that's how you f*ck up a post without spell checking - I'll blame the tall Friday night drink next to me

Feb 12, 10 11:11 pm  · 
Living in Gin

Right now, the plan is to load up the truck on February 27th, and hit the road either that afternoon or the next morning, depending on how much help I have loading the truck. Assuming there are no blizzards or other delays along the way, I'll arrive in Cincinnati sometime on the 28th.

It may or may not make sense to move back to Cincy without hearing back from grad schools, but it would make even less sense to stay here in NYC when my monthly unemployment benefits would just barely cover my rent, and when I have no intention of staying in NYC for grad school anyway.

If possible, I'll sign a six-month lease in Cincy, which will take me through the summer and I'll then have a better idea of where I'll end up. Hopefully I'll be able to stay in Cincinnati beyond six months, but my other two most likely options for grad school are only a hundred miles away from Cincy in either direction, so it wouldn't be a major long-distance move to either Columbus or Lexington.

Feb 12, 10 11:22 pm  · 

ATP, don't you mean drinkS?

Feb 13, 10 1:39 am  · 

sadly holz it was just one drink... I plan to have the accompanying drinks in a few hours (it's about 8am here) when we hit the beach.

Feb 13, 10 7:43 am  · 
Sarah Hamilton

Techno! You're going to the beach? I'm stuck with snow. I'm so jealous.

Feb 13, 10 9:31 am  · 

I'm on my way to LA! I hear it's warmer there than I am now, which is cool.

Did you guys hear there's snow on the ground in 49 out of 50 states? They aren't sure this has ever happened before..

Feb 13, 10 10:30 am  · 
Sarah Hamilton

DJ-Dubs, I did hear that - crazy.

I had a competition on my blog, and nobody has participated. Sad, really.

Feb 13, 10 12:05 pm  · 
liberty bell

Oh, Sarah, I'm sorry - I have your blog bookmarked and I keep forgetting to check it. I'm so scatterbrained, which I'm hoping will come in handy as an example for my child of why NOT to smoke pot in high school. My brain has never been the same.

Feb 13, 10 12:24 pm  · 

Ha ha, LB.


Best of luck with the transition, man. I can't help you with the job or the car, but I really liked the place I rented at fall quarter. It's the purple building with the fiberglass gorilla in my blog. Really old building, but rent is cheap as hell ($255) and everything's 1BR. The neighborhood (camp washington) is not exactly pristine, but you're right on the corner in a sweet location (literally next to gas stations, restaurants, post office, laundromat, banks, etc.) It's a 3-4 minute drive to DAAP every day, and I'm quite sure there are 1-2 bus stops outside the building.

I know the landlord (an eccentric, old, gay, theatre costume designer/manufacturer) and typically he only rents to DAAP or Music students at UC but if you're interested it might be worth a shot asking - you can drop my name. Just email me if you want the phone number.

If you end up enrolling at UC though I'd definitely apply for a campus job in DAAP (either at the computer lab or the RPC [rapid prototyping center]). Or maybe you can TA for a CAD course or something.

Feb 13, 10 2:29 pm  · 
Living in Gin

Thanks.... Today I got in touch with a landlord who has a one-bedroom for rent just off the Ludlow/Clifton business district, and I'm hoping to work something out with him. I'll certainly keep your place in mind, though.

Feb 13, 10 4:19 pm  · 

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