
Thread Central


also I had a great weekend. The missus and I had a dirty weekend planned for Miami but realised it was cheaper if we pooled the dough and she flew here. We split a case of 24 between us, and a bottle of champagne before we met with friends last night. Now the only thing I think to do is catch up on all the work I need to do before tomorrow arghhhh

Feb 7, 10 2:48 pm  · 

hey tc, for those getting ready to watch the game, I just posted a short ditty on the superbowl infrastructure.

Feb 7, 10 3:48 pm  · 

Barry - I thought of you yesterday when I watched this on the History Channel. It thought you might find it interesting, although I'm not sure when/if it will be playing again.

Anyway, off to go uncover my car from the snow. Going over to a friend's house to eat some gumbo and perhaps watch some of the Super Bowl. Ta ta.

Feb 7, 10 3:55 pm  · 
liberty bell

Wasn't there talk of lined or gridded sketchbooks recently? These are apparently slightly off-white with white lines - click on the image of them open to see the page. They looks really gorgeous.

Feb 7, 10 5:15 pm  · 

i bought the white line sketch book. it's nice real nice, and apparently they're all environmental and stuff...

Feb 7, 10 6:21 pm  · 


Feb 7, 10 9:59 pm  · 

kevin low/small projects

Feb 8, 10 2:02 am  · 

Morning all,

Nice photos holz.

Feb 8, 10 8:11 am  · 
vado retro

nam i like your friend's saints tattoo. (yes i was facebook cyber voyeuring...)

Feb 8, 10 8:59 am  · 
Sarah Hamilton

I'm good Dj Dubbydubbs.

Lb those are snazzy.

Holz, you gotta posts those on the detail thread. I'm gonna have to take a week and mve them all over there someday. Gorgeous though. You're amazing.

Feb 8, 10 9:30 am  · 

omg, I've done a folded perforated metal stair! well that makes me feel cool and hip! It wasn't my idea though, I just contributed. Also it didn't turn out that elegantly, because we had some issues with racking. We had to incorporate stringers into the stair because we didn't have two load-bearing walls on either side for support. This is a great idea though -- gets the stair into the narrow space without completely obliterating all light. Very nice!!

Feb 8, 10 11:05 am  · 

I didn't even see it. Which friend?

Feb 8, 10 11:50 am  · 

Holz, nice images, as always.

Jump - I might hold you to it. I just found out I have more vacation time this year so it will completely cover my trip to Korea and Japan, and then some. I did feel uncomfortable going to Japan because things seem to be more expensive there and I'm a cheap traveller, but I might be able to justify it!

Although my recent foray into real estate might leave me broke and hungry. OK, I'm dramatizing that... I just made a deal on a property that needs rehab. I'm optimistic it won't be too much work, but enough to make me feel like its mine. Its a fine line I have to walk to do enough things that are unique so that I don't feel like I'm living in a bland box, and at the same time not so unique it will lower the property value (as family friendliness and customizability seem to be high priority with buyers). But anyone know how much negative impact secret rooms has on property value, because I'm totally putting one of those in behind a sliding or folding bookcase. Its one of those cliche childhood fantasies I have to fulfill.

Feb 8, 10 12:05 pm  · 
brian buchalski

is the secret room ada accessible? is there secondary egress in case of fire? what do your local fire marshall & building inspector think about this room? or is it so secret that it is not even on any of the official records?...because in that case it sounds pretty cool (although an uptight buyer might have concerns with it's liability issues).

Feb 8, 10 1:14 pm  · 
Sarah Hamilton

Puddles, I'm sure hecould get away with it if it was merely called a closet on thedrawings.

Feb 8, 10 1:20 pm  · 

hmmm, panic rooms don't seem to require 2ndary egress in the movies.

Feb 8, 10 1:32 pm  · 

Well considering the complete lack of ADA accessibility of the house and it being on the second floor, I doubt it specificially needs to be ADA compliant (Have you seen how ridiculous old row houses are?). They're pretty uptight about other things around here, but not about rehabbing existing properties especially if the scope of renovations isn't too big. Technically, it could be a walk-in-closet, except it has a window and is accessible via a folding or sliding bookcase. OK... its probably not that secret. But I don't think you'd notice it if you weren't lookin.

Feb 8, 10 3:44 pm  · 

wouldn't a 2nd mode of egress defeat the point of a panic room? Maybe the key is to not put it in the drawings, treat it as furniture...

Feb 8, 10 4:45 pm  · 

I have designed panic rooms into high profile clients homes....with emergency phones, video monitors and the like. I'm sure the clients have added guns as part of their panic rooms after I have gone down the road.

Feb 8, 10 5:09 pm  · 
brian buchalski

i don't usually joke around here on archinect...but i was kind of joking in that last post. even so, architecture & regulators are always so serious that i could actually imagine there being a section in the building codes regarding "secret" rooms...which would kind of defeat the whole point of having a secret room.

to do it properly (i.e., not inform the authorities & keep it off all records) you probably need to make liberal use of poche.

Feb 8, 10 5:55 pm  · 
snook_dude really think the local Yocal building official has a clear enough understanding of the projects to know or not to know if there is a hidden room....I think not...unless you tell him.

Feb 8, 10 6:24 pm  · 
liberty bell

Oh my, I just googled the Google Super Bowl ad everyone has been talking about - predictably, it made me cry.

Feb 8, 10 7:15 pm  · 
Sarah Hamilton

But really, what's the point of having a secret room if nobody knows about it. Kinda takes the fun out of it.

Husband cut abrams hair on Saturday. It's cute as it can be IF he were a little girl. Since his hair is curly, it's doing this flip thing - imagine tringles of curls sticking out from his head, not unlike crusty the clown, but smaller and way cuter. And his bangs are cut to the upper third ofthe forbear and straightacross. I think my mom had thesame haircut when shewas 2 in 1957. Were taking him to the barber on Saturday. Poor kid.

Feb 8, 10 7:27 pm  · 

seems to have been either a quiet or rather busy Monday on thread central. I've spent most of my day writing, some spec writing, a bit of project writing, wrote an article too, a report, and now a job proposal. I'm thinking architecture schools need to have a course on random writing maybe with a proportional weighting as the design studio. And perhaps explains why Koolhaas is so good at what he does, having a studied scriptwriting before architecture.

speaking of does anyone have an email address for any cool architecture magazines we have a cool project done by some cool architects to send them. Speaking those cool architects both went skydiving this weekend...

Feb 8, 10 10:11 pm  · 

Techno, I have not been spinning lately but I do admire DJs and I've always thought my nickname would sound good as a DJ name.

holz, those stairs look like pantyhose... on a building... except they are sexier than pantyhose. There's something very promiscuous about them... am I the only one seeing this?

I'm going to be in LA this weekend. Erin, you around?

Now I have to google the Google ad...

Feb 9, 10 12:28 am  · 

... Oh THAT one. Did nothing for me.

Feb 9, 10 12:33 am  · 

erotic yes, promiscuous.. no

btw, i prefer stockings

Feb 9, 10 12:52 am  · 

Yes, I'm definitely here! Actually living very close to where I used to live too. Want to get brunch? Or drinks? Or both (and if so in which order?)

Feb 9, 10 1:29 am  · 

Erin I'm emailing you...

Ah yes, erotic would have been a better choice of words...

Feb 9, 10 1:32 am  · 

although... what would a promiscuous stair look like?

Feb 9, 10 2:00 am  · 

holz - spanish steps at night - at least that's what my roman friends would say...

Feb 9, 10 2:44 am  · 

SH - I think the idea of a secret room is NOT to have people know about it. What fun is it if everyone knows about it.

Great stairs holz. Very sexy indeed. I wonder though whether or not dogs would have issues walking up them. I've heard from some owners that their dogs don't like going up stairs that don't have risers. Would they have the same issue with those? Yes... my mind is sometimes a strange place.

Weather here is terrible. Roads are worse. It sill never ceases to amaze me how much snow removal in this city sucks. Hopefully going home will be better.

Feb 9, 10 8:36 am  · 


i agree i prefer stockings as well.

Archi is the project by cool architects your's?

What ad we talking about? The milkaholic, abe vigoda or Tim Tebow one?

Hey Erin! Personally i like brunch and drinks simultaneously.

Feb 9, 10 8:43 am  · 
liberty bell

Five to seven more inches tonight?! I'll bet school will be cancelled tomorrow. There go my meetings with potential new clients, sigh.

Feb 9, 10 8:43 am  · 
brian buchalski


...from purple fashion mag via fashiongonerouge">]fashiongonerouge[/url]

Feb 9, 10 9:07 am  · 
brian buchalski

aye...i keep screwing up links!

Feb 9, 10 9:08 am  · 
Sarah Hamilton

But Melt, what fun is it if you can't brag to anybody about how you have a secret room. And besides, everyone knows that secrets rot us from the inside out.

Morning all. Its supposed to snow here on Thursday. Yuck!

Feb 9, 10 9:36 am  · 

not architecture.....but damn if we could only make architecture look so good: enjoy the eye candy

Feb 9, 10 9:41 am  · 

Liberty Bell and Steven Ward I'm getting to get in touch with you desperately. I've suggested to the school of architecture to send the first year graduate students to Louisville, Kentucky for their study tour in November but I need an introduction to Michael Speaks for them to take it as seriously as they should.

DJ dubbers hmmm spinning does apply to bicycles as much as it does to two turntables and a microphone so it works for me

Feb 9, 10 10:32 am  · 

snook I like this photo better,

Especially if one reads the graph
Like most advanced racing sails, the Alinghi's are a sandwich of polyester film sheets with a filling of carbon fibers providing strength. The fibers are laid out in radial lines calculated to match the loads, and where the fibers come together in areas of maximum stress the sail has a distinct look, as if it has been dusted with ashes.

The lines of carbon fibers within the translucent sails against the backdrop of the sun are purty....

Feb 9, 10 11:19 am  · 

This one actually shows it better

Feb 9, 10 11:20 am  · 


Feb 9, 10 11:23 am  · 

I wasn't looking at one photo in particular I was looking at the full slide show. Make me wish I were filthy rich!

Feb 9, 10 11:32 am  · 

Is there anywhere that one can actually watch the America's Cup? The whole thing fascinates me, exp after this on NPR. Growing up, my parents had a monhull sail boat. It was fun, but I always liked when I got a chance to ride in my parents' friends' catamaran. They're are so much faster and a lot more fun. I'm sad to hear that the grinders are gone as well as the need to have the crew dangle off the sides. It would still be cool to watch though... just different.

Feb 9, 10 12:37 pm  · 

what do you need techno?! email me.

Feb 9, 10 1:16 pm  · 

I'm in Vegas! Not as cool as it may sound because I'm just here on a layover... and my flight has just been delayed. And what better website to look at than Archinect's TC while I wait. Screw work e-mails.

As for the secret room, I actually think it'll be more fun when someone realizes there is something wrong and figures it out. Its not like its going to be a secret lair full of secret things. And it won't be really personal like that little room in the movie Billy Madison (I think thats the right Adam Sandler movie.)

Feb 9, 10 2:30 pm  · 
Sarah Hamilton

Layovers suck almost as much as layoffs.

Abram just brought home a bagful of valentines, many of them had suckers and hard candies attached. Am I weird for not letting him have candy so much? I mean, he had a bit of candy cane at Christmas, but thats been it. One valentine had a heart-shaped slinky attached; much cooler. Maybe I'm just crotchety; I don't understand why 2 year olds have valentines between peers anyway.

Maybe the secret room should really just be a bookcase door.

Feb 9, 10 3:29 pm  · 

Not to get too whiny, but I've noticed some patterns emerging from flying.

1. Airports that provide free wireless internet never have outlets that seem to work. Airports that have conveniently placed outlets that actually work don't provide free wireless.

2. If your trip contains one or more layover, your seat in the longer leg of the trip will never be what you want. If you choose window or aisle as your preference, they will throw you a curve ball and you will always end up with the middle seat. Between big hairy men.

Now back to your regular TC programming.

Feb 9, 10 3:42 pm  · 
brian buchalski

layovers don't always suck. depending on your schedule, i've actually had some nice lunches/dinners/drinks while hanging out at the airport. what does suck is when your flight gets cancelled and your suddenly stuck in a shitty airport hotel in san juan, newark, cleveland, etc

have they eased off the security restrictions since the christmas day underwear bomber? that business of spending the last hour of the flight in your seat is just ridiculous. i've been waiting for an inevitable news story to break of a flight that get stuck in one of those 40 minute holding patterns and some poor adult is reduced to shitting his that for a "bomb" on a plane.

Feb 9, 10 4:37 pm  · 

I say good for you.

Slart, i have personally experienced 2...

Also melt, it looks like you have to download their proprietary player but the official cup site looks to stream footage

Feb 9, 10 4:39 pm  · 

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