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KSA Facade

Feb 4, 10 8:57 am  · 

Manta, I agree you should maybe do an article on that topic. Consider it at least. Probably lots of students to be would be interested in.

Holz i agree with WonderK thanks for sharing the lovely pics.

And I am sorry but mayo on pizza sounds gross (IMHO)....

Feb 4, 10 9:04 am  · 
brian buchalski

pictures make the page load more slowly and should be kept to a minimum here. in other words, probably only photos of paris hilton or the little caesar are suggested.

Feb 4, 10 9:05 am  · 
brian buchalski
Feb 4, 10 9:06 am  · 
brian buchalski

damn it...i completely failed in my attempt to construct an elegant paris/caesar sandwich.

Feb 4, 10 9:08 am  · 

tulane switched their 5 yr b.arch to an m.arch in 2004. our curriculum had had us 'overloaded' with credits for the first three years, as i remember. the university always hated that, and we had to get special permissions from the registrar to allow it each semester. the switch to the m.arch for the same curriculum was basically because naab told the school that we were already meeting the curriculum requirements of an m.arch but just calling it a b.arch.

kentucky has phased out the 5yr b.arch over the last few years as well. i think the last b.arch class was 2008. they're now a 4+2.

Feb 4, 10 9:12 am  · 
brian buchalski

don't neglect the role of money in the demise of the b.arch. not only does 4+2 m.arch add an extra year of tuition, it adds two years of tuition at grad school rates rather than the (relatively) discounted undergrad tuition.

i suspect that the long term trend would be the repositioning of architecture as an exclusively grad school endeavor with 3-4 years becoming the norm. practically speaking, however, i don't think we'll actually see that happen.

Feb 4, 10 9:40 am  · 
Ms Beary

My 2 cents: The last I checked my school has no intention of changing their B Arch in to a Masters only or 4+2, so it might be a trend, but not a complete phase out.

I think a Master's only route as puddles suggests is a satisfactory replacement, but I am not a fan of the 4+2. The reason being, is the arch grads would be a more diversified, well rounded, and professional group than those from a B arch or 4+2, whose applicants tend to be about 17 years old.

Feb 4, 10 9:56 am  · 
Sarah Hamilton

Texas Tech has the 4+2 and no B. Arch.

Holz, those were great.

Feb 4, 10 10:42 am  · 
Ms Beary

Thought I'd share this because I think it's really cool. I found this a few days ago and have been taking free courses in 2 languages online (brush-ups for both) and plan to get foundations in at least 3-4 other languages at my own pace. I don't mean to sound like an advertiser, but I get feedback from native speakers too! It is livemocha
Something to do if you are laid off or planning a trip or just want to impress your friends.

Feb 4, 10 11:10 am  · 
brian buchalski

it's such a simple solution (keep business out of politics"Get business out of politics"*[/url]) to fix so much of what ails us.

jane jacobs points out in her excellent book systems of survival that it's an old idea...plato spoke cryptically (republic, book iv)that justice is minding one's own business and that meddling with others was the greatest wickedness. jacob's pessimistically titled last book in 2004, dark age ahead, unfortunately, seems more prescient by the day.

*the linked page includes a nice lead photograph, a kind of side note of arch history

Feb 4, 10 11:47 am  · 
Living in Gin

DAAP no longer offers the 6-year B.Arch. degree.

UIC switched from a 5-year B.Arch. to a 4+2 program just before I enrolled there in 1995. In fact, I thought I was going into the B.Arch. program, but at the last minute I was informed that I was going into the 4-year BA program. Our class was the guinea pig for the new program and the school had just recently fired Stanley Tigerman, so the curriculum was pretty much a train wreck. I never would have enrolled there if I had bothered to research the place. (Unfortunately, I didn't discover Archinect until many years later.)

Feb 4, 10 12:57 pm  · 

Why is fabric... esp. the kind that has a cool design on it so expensive? All I want to do is make a couple of pillows and everything I like is like $40/yd and up. MEH!!!!

Feb 4, 10 2:13 pm  · 
Sarah Hamilton

Melt, try Ikea. They sell fabrics by the yard. You can also look into simple getting scraps from the scrap bin. Sort of like at how at home depot you can get a lower price on scrap wood, ect, only softer. You can also just paint your own if its a print you're going for.

I have to go to an 80's themed party in two weeks; its for a birthday. Problem is that I sortof missed out on the decade. I didn't watch tv, we lived in Ohio and listened to country music, and I was 7 when it ended. Do I simply go as a cartoon character like Jem, as a rocker, or just a cool-cat with bad fashion sense? I need help.

Good to see you LiG.

And when does the super-bowl start?

Feb 4, 10 2:28 pm  · 
Sarah Hamilton

Oh, puddles' article about tween boys is sad. Poor kids.

Feb 4, 10 2:43 pm  · 

Good suggestion SH. Unfortuntely that was the first place I actually checked out. They've got great designs and patterns but none of them are in the correct colorways that I need at present time, so it's back to the drawing board for me.

Feb 4, 10 2:48 pm  · 
Ms Beary

*m... order some larger samples! or patchwork old swatches (I made pillow cases out of old samples!)

Feb 4, 10 5:55 pm  · 

anyone on here ever use the website architizer?
i just put my office up on there! everyone should go look at it so we can start moving our way up the "most viewed" list...

heres the link for our section BAM!

Feb 4, 10 6:07 pm  · 

nah, i saw it and didn't bother, lledtdown.

it is interesting but as office, we find it more useful right now to be joining and getting involved in ULI and similar. but will look at it again.

by the way your pr blurb is mildly incongruous. "Murphy/Jahn is a unique architectural firm conceived to meet the challenges posed by the new millennium....70 years ago. "

First thing i think is ..when murphy/jahn was conceived 70 years ago were they looking ahead to the challenges of the new millenium already? I really don't mean this in a bad way because it is humorous to me but architects totally shouldn't write stuff like that. It feels like a bad political ad ;-)

Luckily your work speaks for itself so it doesn't matter. In our case we have similarly lame office description but none of the cool work. Every time i send out the text to a magazine for a publication or similar i cringe, but have not worked out a better way to describe ourselves. BIG has a pretty interesting self-description i would like to copy but we are not BIG and so would sound even worse. quite sad isn't it? maybe we should be required to take cretive writing course to graduate archi-school.

i see personality tests are in the threads again. and stocks are down all over. ah well, life as usual in the new dark ages.

Feb 4, 10 7:20 pm  · 
Sarah Hamilton

Thats weird. For a brief moment, we were on page 362. I was on top with two posts, then melt, then strawbeary and lletdown. Now we're back on 362? I'm confused.

Some jackhole hit or stole the side mirror from a car my company had just finished. Now we're out another 40 bucks on a job that was only bringing in 100 to begin with. Sucks.

Jump, I like to write, and my mother is an editor. If you'd like, you could send me your description, and maybe I could spice it up? Just a thought.

Abram thinks CDs are awesome. On the bright side, I may not have to listen to that Black Eyed Peas album anymore.

Feb 4, 10 8:24 pm  · 

jump, you can always blame the translation from Japanese for those moments. in my undergrad thesis, I had lots of fun comparing text for a Tschumi project that had been translated from English to Japanese and back with the original engrish.

Feb 4, 10 8:50 pm  · 

Thanks for all the feedback, guys! This is more interesting than I thought. Unfortunately I am also realizing that to treat the subject properly it will require more research than I had intended... such as actually calling the schools up and perhaps interviewing them about their thoughts, whether they have ever considered dropping the B.Arch, etcetera...

My original plan consisted pretty much of just calling up NAAB. Hmm.

Feb 4, 10 10:59 pm  · 

Oh man. It's Thursday and I still don't have good plans for the Super Bowl yet. All I want is a nice comfy place where I can eat my ice cream, drink beer, and scream at the excessively large TV with 12 other people. Why is this so hard to find in Portland? Humph, I'll just go to a bar....

Feb 5, 10 2:41 am  · 

you can always 'rent' a supersized flatscreen from wal-mart...

Feb 5, 10 3:58 am  · 
brian buchalski

i love football, but the super bowl sucks. far too much hype for my only, please.

thankfully only one week to winter olympics.

does anybody die of aids anymore? or has magic johnson managed to save everybody?

Feb 5, 10 8:02 am  · 

Brilliant idea Berry. I think I'll get right on that.

Feb 5, 10 8:19 am  · 
Sarah Hamilton

Dubbers, you're welcome to come here. I dont think we'll have ice cream, and there will only be six of us, but the TV is a 42er.

I just realized while writing my Friday List that buying a keg, and doing keg stands is great for the environment. Who knew that frat boys cared so much.


Feb 5, 10 8:34 am  · 

Morning all,

Thankfully it is Friday. In my exciting news of the week,
At my Community Redevelopment neighborhood review board we had elections for officers and I was nominated (not by myself) and elected to office of Chair.

Yeah for me!!

Feb 5, 10 9:07 am  · 

i don't like football OR the super bowl, but this year it's much more fun than normal:

with the saints in, there is lots of saints-related new orleans music
(see here
AND mardi gras is right around the corner.

it would be a fun time to be living in nawlins right now, ya'll.

Feb 5, 10 9:12 am  · 
Jah is my Co-pilot


I remember seeing a post a while back (year maybe???) in which someone posted a wonderful list of questions to ask clients (as a response to the original poster's question), to really get @ what they are wanting for their project. After searching the forums for a good half hour, I still can't find it...

Does anyone have any ideas as to where to look for this? I remember it was a great list, and of course, I didn't bookmark it @ the time.

Any help is much appreciated.

Feb 5, 10 10:00 am  · 
brian buchalski

if only the super bowl would add minarets...then i could despise it even more!

Feb 5, 10 11:10 am  · 
Sarah Hamilton

The superbowl for me is like cinco de mayo for others; it's just an excuse to get together and drink wth friends.

Feb 5, 10 11:55 am  · 

A little late on the response, but Jump, thanks for the comment. The architizer site is nothing exceptional. Ill be shocked if it creates any work, or connects us with a potential client.
But as ive been saying to my bosses, the goal of things like this, and the updating of our website, is to attract attention. Perhaps it will attract a client, but i feel like any exposure is good. Get the kids talking about you... the better known your name is, the more likely it is to come up! Such a simple concept, but it couldn't be more true...

Im with you on the inane office statements as well... to be honest, i just copied and pasted the thing, ive never even read it! hahaha....

shhhh dont tell on me...

Feb 5, 10 3:22 pm  · 

Thanks for the invite Sarah! I would if I could. And I feel much the same way about the Super Bowl... it's as American to me as Thanksgiving and (almost) as good a day to drink as St. Patrick's Day. Almost.

nam, congrats on being elected Chair!

Steven, how are you feeling?

Feb 5, 10 3:38 pm  · 

WonderK thanks..

Re; Superbowl,
after much discussion the decision has been made to combine my Superbowl party with my sisters and her roommates house warming party as they just moved in at the end of my block into a house with a great big fenced in yard and they have a huge flatscreen courtesy of her boyfriend's love of First person shooters...

Feb 5, 10 4:43 pm  · 

So I guess I missed all the talk about japanese food by a page. Jump, don't think I missed that invite for sushi. I've planned on going to see Kyoto again in April since I pushed my plane tickets back (forward?) from last year. Personally though, I've had plenty of marketable Japanese food (sushi, ramen, udon, takoyaki, okonomiyaki, etc); what I really want to try is what Japanese people eat at home. There are just no restaurants for that it seems.

As for the whole B.Arch discussion I've missed again is that basically, good or bad, it is for people that are more sure about it as their profession. As a B.Arch-er my plan is to become licensed, THEN go back to school for a masters with a bit of credibility and familiarity with the profession. I want to be able to affect practice/profession, to teach, and to research with a specific topic in mind. Not that you can't do that as someone with a bachelor degree going straight to a master's degree, but I just can't imagine it'll be as effective.

Feb 5, 10 5:12 pm  · 
Sarah Hamilton

Jump, I meant to ask you...

A few weeks ago, I saw a lady at my local walmart in full Geisha robes. Maybe they were simply traditional Japanese robes, but I've only seen them on geishas on TV. She was with her daughter and grandchild, who were in plain clothes, and she wasn't wearing the white make-up. I was fascinated, and wanted to, but didn't stare. Is there a reason she'd be wearing that, or do you think she really was a geisha. Its fun to run into foreign cultures in benign places.

Feb 5, 10 5:43 pm  · 

Sarah I have to ask. Was she Caucasian or Asian in appearance?

Feb 5, 10 6:01 pm  · 

I always run into the buddist monks in the local grocery store....which is odd as all get out. I always think to myself...this is the most unogranic store but I guess it is close to their temple.

Feb 5, 10 6:18 pm  · 

I almost forgot: I wanted to weigh in on the issue of the screen name change, as discussed a few pages back, but I forgot about it until now.

My (current) screen name has, I think, become so prolific that it doesn't afford me the kind of anonymity that I would like it to anymore. And this is referring specifically to my use of it on this forum. I had such a hard time picking a screen name that once I found one, I USED it, a lot. And now it's everywhere, and it's ME, in a sense, and you guys call me "dub K" and "dubbers" and it's cute and I like it, which is why I've been so reluctant to change it. But I really want to.

So I guess I'm wondering... I don't know... if it's OK with you guys if I change it? I know I don't need anybody's "permission" but it feels so weird. I mean, it's been 5 years, and over 6000 posts.

rationalist and liberty bell, if you would like to go the distance and change your names with me, let us know... or just do it, you don't need my approval!

Now the question is... who will I be next?!?

Feb 5, 10 6:55 pm  · 

sarah, i don't know why she would dress up in the usa that way, but maybe she is in a tv commercial or something. i have same reaction to the kids here who wear cowboy boots here. seems incongruous to me, unless they are riding a horse or something. but you know, whatever...

geisha are quite rare here now. you can see in kyoto most often. there is still the oiran walking down the street in a procession thing going on in asakusa here in tokyo, but that is sort of weird because an oiran was like the queen of prostitutes, and used to be confined to a part of the city surrounded by a moat and was not allowed to leave really...

in everyday life kimonos are pretty common (no one wears the white make up though). the lady down stairs from us teaches classes in wearing them (yes you can take classes!) an she is usually walking in kimono when she goes outside. on coming of age day guys and gals dress up in trad kimono and go to ceremonies around the country, and for funerals and weddings and parties a kimono is not out of place. my girls and my wife all have own kimono. i wear my father-in-law's for festivals but don't own my own because they are very expensive. mum-in-law does traditional dancing so she has quite a few in her dresser. mind you she also has a grass skirt because she is totally into hula and dances on stage once a month or so...


i'll be here slarti, just let me know when!

Feb 5, 10 9:23 pm  · 
Sarah Hamilton

Nam, she looked about 38-40 and was Asian, so she was probably 50. Her kimono was a beautiful light green with deli are gold and pink flowers - I think. She was wearing the funny litle socks with her sandals, and the obe sash belt. At least that's what I think it was. I read memiors of a geisha and that's what I pictured. Have to wonder if they are as difficult to tie as mentioned in the book. She was beautiful, though. Something so nice and femnime about it. I wouldve loved to talk to her. I'm the person who given the chance grills one about their culture. I'm told it can be annoying.

Feb 5, 10 10:41 pm  · 
Sarah Hamilton

Oh, dubbers, if you change, will you email me so I know? I'd miss you.

Feb 5, 10 10:42 pm  · 

Sarah, thanks for the description. And also second your request.

My whole problem with screen name change sis that i feel like i develop a relationship and then its gone. But end of the day it is all virtual and i have met few archinecters in person.

I personally don't desire anonymity, for myself. I yam who I yam....

Feb 6, 10 4:15 pm  · 
liberty bell
this is the most unogranic store but I guess it is close to their temple.

This is the funniest damn thing I've read in awhile!

Jah, I don't recall that thread on questions to ask clients - if you find it bump it up, please, it sounds useful!

DubK, change names if you want to, you too rationalista. I might if I feel motivated - I'm so exhausted since teaching these last few weeks.

On the geisha robes: I have a lovely Japanese robe given to me as a wedding gift by a Japanese friend of ours. I wear it rarely, as a bathrobe in warm weather, and I feel very slim and beautiful in it every time. It's REALLY long, which makes me think it's made for Westerners, but nonetheless, it makes me feel pretty.

vado, check your Facebook.

Feb 6, 10 10:32 pm  · 

I realized I could change my name, stay the same, and have some fun with punctuation all at once. :o)

Sarah, do you still want me to email you?

Feb 6, 10 10:40 pm  · 

nice one DJ dub::K

Feb 6, 10 10:58 pm  · 

nite all

Feb 6, 10 10:59 pm  · 
vado retro

as soon as i find a female, that how to orgasm female thread is really going to help me out.

Feb 7, 10 6:15 am  · 

Sarah you said Abram is into CDs... as in construction documents? I mean there is not reason that you couldn't start him young. And it would look good on his resume for pre-school "0-3 years architectural draftsman"

WK love the name change... am I to assume that you've been doing some disc jockeying on the side? Do tell we want the juicy details. ps. ice cream, large screen tv... for the superbowl? Aren't you a Bengal fan? I thought you'd be boycotting this all and walking travel channel with Dhani or something

Feb 7, 10 2:37 pm  · 

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