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Hope you feel better soon SW. It's nice though to see you on the board again. You've been missed, at least by me.


Atechno - I wish I could use the excuse of excess alcohol comsumption for the drop in IQ points, but alas I did not drink all that much on Saturday. Oh well.

Feb 2, 10 2:34 pm  · 
Sarah Hamilton

Toddlers ARE fun!

Hope you get better soon, but maybe not too soon, steven.

Techno, I used your image above on my blog for tomorow post. Hope yo don't mind.

Feb 2, 10 3:31 pm  · 

liberty bell: you must meet to your radio/blog doppelganger:



I'm giving a presentation to a conference in April - middle school girls being encouraged to pursue education in math & science - and I will use links posted in this thread "A case for women's existence in the field of architecture". I know this thread was for the purpose of being provacative/picking a fight, but the links within highlight some really fantastic work done by female architects (that are not necessarily as visible as their male counterparts). I will use that black hole of a thread for something positive!

Feb 2, 10 3:48 pm  · 

cheese and rice I am having trouble not having typo's in my posts today.

Feb 2, 10 3:58 pm  · 

Hi Sarah I'll watch out for it

Feb 2, 10 4:03 pm  · 

techno, actually i've been sick a lot more than that. turns out i had an underlying respiratory infection that would go dormant and then grab hold of me whenever i had cold or flu exposure. i've not only gotten sick once a month since october, but each time it's knocked me flat. now i understand.

with the stuff i've been given, the devil is supposed to be exorcised by saturday. how often do you get to look forward to feeling better than you have in months?

Feb 2, 10 4:11 pm  · 
brian buchalski

some history(?) for all of you recent fancy haiti lovers...mmm, economic warfare at its best.

still alive!

Feb 2, 10 4:34 pm  · 

Re: Liberty Belle... I remember someone bringing her up when the tea parties first started.

Our Liberty Bell is much cooler and prettier.

Nice to hear you have a target date when you should be feeling better. YAY!!!

Feb 2, 10 4:38 pm  · 
Sarah Hamilton

Might want to line your walls and floors with plastic to protect them from the green pea soup splatter, Steven.

I'm sleepy. Abe, husband, and I are meeting friends tonight for sushi. It will be my first time. It's not so much the raw fish that creepsme out, it's the seaweed.

Feb 2, 10 4:41 pm  · 

oh don't worry SH, you can't even taste or notice the seaweed. I won't say you'll love sushi, because it tends to be love or hate and it just seems like some people randomly like it and others don't -- but I think I can safely advise that most likely the seaweed shouldn't be very noticeable. good luck, and enjoy!

hi smallpotatoes! you should hang around here more often. you, strawbeary, and just why... i'm fans of all of you and you should all come hang out in TC more often. (it's been nice to have straw around lately!)

Feb 2, 10 5:30 pm  · 

because i know you love meat - i don't, well, i don't eat it - here is a recipe i am making for my wife now, and let me tell you it smells, splendiferous!

Beef and Beer Stew

Feb 2, 10 5:32 pm  · 

because i know you love meat - i don't, well, i don't eat it - here is a recipe i am making for my wife now, and let me tell you it smells, splendiferous!

Beef and Beer Stew

Feb 2, 10 5:32 pm  · 

hey puddles - I saw that link a few weeks ago as well, and it reminded me of the English translated creole books we read in high school. It does recall opened angered eyes.

Steven at least I wasn't the only one to notice the trend and more importantly that something is being about it. As mentioned it's good to have a recovery date.

B3ta that recipe is almost identical to how we make Jamaican beef stew, it's definately comfort food. It's also one of the first foods I made when I quit being a vegetarian something about the smell of the beer as it breakdowns with the heat combined with the juices from the beef. Meat-lust = Heaven.

Feb 2, 10 5:43 pm  · 

Thanks manta...I will try to keep up. Even with the recent bemoaning out there - I still find so much design & professional inspiration/ammuition here!

Sarah - take my advice and order something "tempura". all things better when dipped in batter and fried.

Steven hope you are feeling better soon! Enjoy the down time if you can.

Feb 2, 10 5:48 pm  · 

welcome back around, smallpotatoes!

Feb 2, 10 6:04 pm  · 
brian buchalski

just stumbled across this quote in the nytimes:

[i]“Boys are paying attention to personal brands more than ever because it’s too easy to be criticized virally by a girl,” said Pat Fiore, a market consultant for body image products in Morristown, N.J. “The peer pressure is starting from the girls, who are discussing how much someone smells or what they look like, and it’s being recorded in real time by e-mail and texting.”

...what fascinating lives our children have these days. SpongeBob SquarePants Eau de Toilette Spray for Boys, anyone?

Feb 2, 10 6:11 pm  · 
Sarah Hamilton

Amen, sister.

Feb 2, 10 7:22 pm  · 

that is hilarious.

kids here seem to both take the technology and ignore it in equal parts. just like all of us did probably with computers and such way back when.

to be honest i am more computer literate than most of my students. heck they had never noticed google has google books and google scholar. and they didn't know how to take a youtube video of the intertoobs and insert into power point. and heck if my wife doesn't text more than anyone i know...

sarah i am not sure why there should be seaweed in your sushi. sashimi at least is just fish on rice with a dash of wasabi. you can get rolled sushi called maki-sushi which is crispy seaweed (called nori) rolled like a crepe around fish and vegetables and such, but usually seaweed is in the soup (called waka-me, which i think is maybe Laver in english).

me, i LOVE seaweed. miso soup with seaweed and tofu and mushrooms is one of the best foods made on the planet. my kids often have rice balls wrapped with dried seaweed for breakfast, usually with a bit of cooked salmon or a pickled plum in the middle. i usually have same for snack between classes at uni. funny thing that is considered a kind of junk food here ;-)

hope you enjoy it. bully for you that you are trying it at least. so many don't get that far and don't know what they are missing (or not missing, as the case may be)

Feb 2, 10 7:41 pm  · 

jump...this cowboy be a black angus kinda guy! no fishy for me..wicked smile.

Feb 2, 10 8:41 pm  · 

jump, in the states the word "sushi" is used to refer to maki, in general terms, which makes it a bit confusing! Hence the reason for the seaweed :) I always get annoyed when I order sashimi and I get nigiri. But I've never been to japan or any asian country so I don't even know if I'm using all the terms correctly myself! I always assume I've ordered wrong.

Feb 2, 10 9:23 pm  · 

yeh well i never did get nerve up to swallow a prairie oyster myself snook. so maybe i am half cowboy ;-)

i am actually not a huge fan of sushi though i will eat it if its placed before me. sushi wasn't really available in canada when i left but now is all over the place even in the conservative wee town i was born, which seem amazing to me. i can't imagine anyone i know from my family who would east it.

didn't know that mantaray. maki-sushi is good. we have it fairly often at home with the ingredients laid out a la carte and fill the nori as we like. the girls love it.

onigiri is awesome. it is sold in convenience stores like sandwiches in the UK. homemade of course is the best.

Feb 2, 10 9:45 pm  · 

funny I think I love a perfectly grilled medium rare steak as much as I do some fresh sushi. Haven't had sushi for weeks - no one to go with sh!te. Sarah I have no idea what you palette is like but trust me, your taste buds will be happy

Feb 2, 10 9:50 pm  · 

I cannot stand fresh-water sashimi - it tastes like pond water.

I also love seaweed. I put seaweed on my popcorn - I picked it up (in addition to learning how to identify the good Japanese junk food in Korean grocery stores) from my Hawaiian friends during undergrad.

Feb 3, 10 12:31 am  · 

on another note...

When I was helping my boss navigate this particular website today, I noticed that when I said "scroll down" I was also motioning with two fingers, as if that gesture was the universal sign for scrolling. I blame apple computers and their multi-touch track pads.

I wonder how much of these device-related gestures could penetrate our non-verbal communication once multi-touch technology becomes more pervasive?

Feb 3, 10 12:55 am  · 

I've just noticed a japanese market on the way home from work that I need to check out this weekend. Mmmmmm, sashimi, and udon noodles, and mochi! Ooh, and those adorable gummy candies! The japanese really do make wonderful food. I never really had these things growing up either, but there's something irresistably wonderful about it. Is this some plot to take over the world through delicious food?

Feb 3, 10 2:09 am  · 

erin, my mum in law has a mochi maker if you can believe it. we use it at new year for sechi cookery (at new years the deal is the mums cook for 3 days and then we eat cold food for 3 and no cooking is done - that is sechi. not the best for me, but again, the girls totally love it). i love mochi with sweet bean paste inside. ma-cha mochi is also quite awesome.

no arguments from me, japanese food is fantastic. grilled fish with grated daikon and tofu and greens with ponzu sauce is always a thrill for the taste-buds for me. also goes great with alchohol.

if you drop by one day archi, i'll take you on a food tour of tokyo;-)

Feb 3, 10 3:50 am  · 

Hi all,

Re: Japanese food, I love maki-sushi, never had sashimi . Quite enjoy mochi but was confused for awhile because at least here (in US) Mochi is used to refer to a food product (processed) and it's main ingredient which you can cook with.

Toast, with regards to to device-related gestures I think that as more and more of our digital interactions are based on using touch and mutli touch and not just a mouse/keyboard the changes in both human culture and biology as well as in the spread/ubiquity of digital devices is a given.

Feb 3, 10 8:38 am  · 
liberty bell

taoster, that skill at identifying the good food and the junk in Asian groceries? That's a skill I desperately need.

Off to judge the Science Fair at my kid's school this morning!

Feb 3, 10 8:50 am  · 
Sarah Hamilton

Dang I wish you guys would speak English. Ok...Sushi adventure...

I absolutely loved the atmosphere, and the conveyor belt system. Abram loved it too, and I DIDN'T love that. I was a bit timid, so our friend would just pull stuff off, and say "Try it." Afterwards, he'd say it was eel, or tuna, or something. Most of the rolls had crab, which I like a lot, some had shrimp - which I normally hate, but was good here, and others had fish or eel. Abram didn't eat anything very well, and the woman charged him for the buffet - that seemed a bit steep but whatever. The Saki was good, and I don't know why folks go on and on about it. The things I didn't like... The Miso soup - sorry, it had a bitterness to it. The rice-rectangle with salmon - seemed to be missing a certain smokeyness, and the wasabi drizzle they put over everything -too hot, I'm a wuss. I did like whatever the brown saucy stuff was. And the fried sushi rolls were good too. All in all, it was a fun time, and I'd do it again. Who knew I'd like eel, and I just saw the little mermaid the other day! We did have to get Abram some chicken nuggets afterwards. Sushi is just not the thing for a 2 year old. He didn't like the rice, it was too sticky. He did eat some ginger, though. He ate FIVE chicken nuggets!

I know that was disorganized and rambling, I'm sorry. Guess its how I'm feeling today. Wish me luck!

Feb 3, 10 9:02 am  · 

Mmmmm... all this talk of sushi is making me hungry. The first time I had it I was in my final quarter at OSU. A professor took the class out. It was okay, but I didn't understand all the fuss. Not sure how it happened, but the second time I ate many years later I fell in love with it. I'll admit though there are only certain kinds I like. I'm not a huge fan of eel. Of the stuff I love I will eat it in sashimi, maki or nigiri form. I don't care. The only depressing thing is that it is expensive so I cannot always satiate my sushi craving.

Atechno - if I were there I'd definitely join you for some sushi. And I agree a good medium rare steak is right up there sushi in my book.

puddles - that article is indeed hilarious. Reminds me of a time when my friend and I were running on the track at our gym... this guy kept on passing us and everytime he did we nearly choked because he was wearing so much cologne.

Feb 3, 10 9:12 am  · 
Ms Beary

It took me a few times to appreciate sushi, but now I like it. Sometimes crave it. But I don't believe they charged a 2 year old for the buffet!!!! That is wrong.

Feb 3, 10 9:26 am  · 
Ms Beary

um... you know the whole type your name into thing on facebook? I had no idea my name was slang for oral sex, and extensively documented at that.

Feb 3, 10 9:30 am  · 

Sarah, I am surprised that Abram liked the pickled ginger..

Also, straw i tried that just now. Didn't know Henderson had so many meanings...

Feb 3, 10 10:55 am  · 

Anyone else see the Toyota advertisement above. Finding it rather comical that they are boasting their dependability and quality. It's not that I don't think they aren't either of those things, it just seems rather ironic.

Feb 3, 10 12:05 pm  · 
brian buchalski

getting busted at work surfing the web looking for sexy photos has got to suck but doing in on live television is just hilarious. suppose that might also explain why the bankers are responsible for the financial meltdown.

Feb 3, 10 12:43 pm  · 
brian buchalski

from the same article posted above:
“I defy anyone to tell me that an eighth-grade girl doesn’t look like she has more power and control than a boy.”

i dreamt last night that in the future eighth grade girls were in control of the entire world...even dictating what adults would do. we were all hapless servants to their whims. pretty much scared the shit out of me.

Feb 3, 10 2:18 pm  · 

puddles thanks for posting that link - hilarious! Also a true sign of the constantly evolving demographic of 'tweens. I would be interested in seeing a study that tried to pinpoint the social conditions that cause the power to shift back to the male side as these kids mature (SEX?). It's also more support for why I should kill my TV before my son ages one more day.

My talk to tween girls is going to center on showing examples of successful female role models in the design and engineering industry, and then a quick exercise where they solve a design problem...something they can take home with them...which is still in the works. It's important to me that they KNOW of role models beyone the "sterotypically female" interior designer.

Feb 3, 10 3:36 pm  · 

lol strawbeary. my name means king, or kingly, noble etc - but there were lots of other fantastic meanings as well which i think people named william made up on their own - cuz i ain't heard no one use my name that way ever ;-)

conveyer belt sushi! wow sarah. that is cool. i wudna thought it was in the usa. that is the cheapest type of sushi-joint here in japan. well, apart from the stuff you buy at the supermarket. usually a meal costs about 10 bucks. much of what you describe sounds slightly odd to me though, so i guess it ain't the same as here.

then again pizza here usually comes with corn (which i quite like) and mayonnaise (which i hate) so it is no surprise that usa changed the pattern.

i just got 50 papers to mark by monday. then am done for the term. hurray!

Feb 3, 10 6:59 pm  · 
Sarah Hamilton

Jump, the best pizza I've ever had was in Rome, but had tuna, artichokes, and mayo on it. It was divine. And if the sushi I described has you thrown off, I'd be curious to know what the fried crab-stuffed jalapeno dish they had would do!

Feb 3, 10 9:08 pm  · 

fried-crab stuffed jalapeno!!!! that sounds PHENOMENAL. I am of the "love sushi so much I wish I could eat it for every single meal and I would die a happy person" persuasion. I am from the west coast though so have been eating it for a large part of my life, and was introduced to seaweed snacks at a very young age and grew up loving it, so I guess I never had a chance. However I am all TOO aware that what I think of as "sushi" probably has nothing in common with the real, honest-to-god japanese varietal, so I can't wait to go to Japan some day and see how far out of joint my experience has been! Jump if I ever make it there I would beg for your kindness in giving me a few tips. But that won't be for years and years given my finances so maybe you will have moved on by then. Or you will be too busy and famous of a star-chitect to give me sushi pointers. ;-) ha ha, I know you don't go in for the star-chitect biz.

anyway... the following bit on this thread has got me thinking :

There is a reason that the vast majority of 5-year B.Arch. programs have converted to 4-2 programs in the past 10-20 years. The B.Arch. is largely a dying breed.

People parrot this back and forth constantly and I suspect it is simply a talking point that someone posited on a thread at some point and it has now been repeated by so many subsequent posters that it is simply assumed to be fact.

I mentioned a bit ago that I did my own little search and could only find two schools who had, in fact, converted their existing B.Arch programs into M.Archs -- Kansas and... now I'm blanking on the second... Minnesota or something -- and in the case of Kansas at least the existing degree was merely re-accredited as a Master's, with tweaks to a handful of courses. I remember when my own uni went through accreditation that the course reqmt's between B.Arch and M.Arch were absurdly similar, with the exception being that the B.Arch had more design studios but generally one or two fewer theory / history courses. That's off the top of my head.

In any case, I'm so tired of hearing this all the time that I've decided to do a bit of my own investigative journalism on this topic. This will involve some research in the coming days. Therefore if you know of a program that has converted its B.Arch please chime in and let me know.

SW -- I think I remember you saying something about Tulane once?

Feb 3, 10 11:14 pm  · 

Had my first class with my TA present, she's boss knows how to handle herself and she's taking initiative too - so she's treated by running the tutorial all on her lonesome tomorrow.

my weekend starts now!!! whoo hooo

One of these days I'm going to jump over there and call you up on that culinary excursion.

Feb 3, 10 11:22 pm  · 

as a curious side note, the poster who posted the comment I quote above went on to state the following :

I suspect that the reason is that there is simply too much material (general education, required arch classes, studio, arch electives, etc) to cram into a 5-year B.Arch.

which is an odd reasoning to reach for as there are more years in a B.Arch than an M.Arch, so if you couldn't cram the req'd amount of education into 5 years, how would moving to a 3 year program be any better...? Plus it ignores the obvious fact that these programs have been flourishing for decades and were accredited to, in fact, cram precisely that much material into 5 years... that's why it's a difficult course of study, it's more like an accelerated Bachelors + Master's program (albeit with a different depth of focus in the studios) than a true Bachelor's. Anyway, I digress...

Feb 3, 10 11:22 pm  · 

manta, USC didn't convert but introduced a B.S. in addition to their B.Arch. It's intended both as a catch-all for students who aren't into the intensity of the B.Arch (you know, want to double major, or sleep, or something), and as a fallback in case they should be forced by NCARB to do away with the B.Arch in the future.

Feb 4, 10 12:07 am  · 
liberty bell

manta as a proud holder of a B Arch I am excited about your research.

Class tomorrow. night all.

Feb 4, 10 12:12 am  · 

you should do an article on that manta.

anyone here who makes it to japan i will personally take out for sushi !

Feb 4, 10 12:35 am  · 


under the column of kinda kool news, a good friend and member of our office just published this guidebook on tokyo.

Feb 4, 10 12:40 am  · 

manta, I believe the other school you are looking for is the University of Cincinnati. Once they realized that nobody else had a 6-YEAR Bachelor's of Architecture degree, they decided to transition to the 4+2 system. I don't know that they still offer the BArch at all.

Once again I blinked, and two pages went by and I had a hard time catching up.

Steven Ward, I am glad you are now on antibiotics and starting to get better. (Fingers crossed!) That sounds like some serious stuff... take care of yourself!

Also,, I wanted to reiterate how much I enjoy your little pictoral essays slipped in between all the banter. I liken it to getting on an elevator, the same elevator you get on 6 or 8 times a day, and hearing a great song for the first time in that elevator EVER. Which is not to say, mind you, that I don't enjoy reading about everyone else's days/children/classes/work/illnesses/hangovers, or that everyone else on Thread Central is my version of Muzak.... BUT, frankly, it's refreshing, and it brings a smile to my face, and when I see it, I stop and pay attention, rather than skimming. So, thanks for that.

In honor of holz I will now post a picture of a proposed office building in Hamburg that is both energy efficient AND rainbow. And who doesn't like rainbows?

Feb 4, 10 1:37 am  · 

there are days when i want to quit, put all my books in storage (sniff) and run off to work for sauerbruch & hutton...

i have a major softspot for well designed, energy efficient architecture.

thanks for the kind words, WK - here's some swiss elevator muzak to end your day.

Feb 4, 10 3:16 am  · 

Great images holz - the last one for whatever reason, reminds of of KSA's facade

Feb 4, 10 8:52 am  · 

ARGH!!! That's annoying.

Here's the Photo

Feb 4, 10 8:53 am  · 

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