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liberty bell

Um, holz, what are you balancing your birthday present on, while nude?

Jan 29, 10 8:47 pm  · 


i was thinking more like this, though

Jan 29, 10 8:52 pm  · 

Liberty don't you dare now that would be spreading the absurdity equally. Hope on a Saturday night and thinking to crack open a bottle of rum from my chest... but if I'm not careful I may be on the lawn frolicking in the nuddy and the moon is out so I guess it would be fitting

Jan 29, 10 9:46 pm  · 
Sarah Hamilton

No jump, I meant pay. Not you of course, since you aren't in the states.

Jan 29, 10 9:52 pm  · 

I swear I'm not drinking yet but I swore I typed Home on a Friday night - now folks are going to get worried.

Cute dog, who's is he?

Jan 29, 10 9:52 pm  · 

manta, it's not just that they've made me insecure: it's something I've been thinking about on and off for a while now. There are several factors: too many posts in the hammmmmmered thread, the fact that 'rationalist' doesn't really suit me anymore, and like ellebelle I've been thinking about it for a thousand or more posts now.

Am home, somewhat lamely, on a friday night working on a contract (the big one, for those I've spoken to about it elsewhere), watching movies, and drinking wine. Oh well, if I have to work on the weekend, this is the way to do it!

Jan 29, 10 11:38 pm  · 
(there is evidence the ancient men performed public sex acts to confirm authority over women, as normal and frightening part of the culture)

Ahh, really?! That's horrifying.

LB and rationalist -- curious, what is it about the post count that gets to you? I guess I don't relate. I never look at or think about my post count, it's like a non-thought to me. Curious as to your thoughts.

Jan 29, 10 11:51 pm  · 

Right BB code?

The roads (and Temple of Dionysus) in at least one major area (Delos) of Greece were decorated with giant marble penises.

These use to be widespread in Greece prior to the Hellenistic period. Apparently The Thracians and Macedonians were not entirely amused of owning an empire decorate by huge cocks.

They we're even used as panels.

Some famous and rich people, the kind who spread images around of themselves to display power, decided it was necessary for people to know what their face and genitals looked like.

A common feature of Grecian busts was to have the person's genitals attached to the front of the plinth. A primary reason as to why busts always have square bottoms.

One other little tidbit (relating to the public sexing of women for shame), the coliseum has an interesting architectural feature.

The reason why the bottom barrel-vaulted rooms are recessed was that they formed rooms primarily used for prostitution (mostly young male and some female prostitutes).

So, in addition of going for a fun outing of macho sports and lion fights... one could take a breather outside of the stadium and tag some hot man butt between fights.

Jan 30, 10 12:33 am  · 

ah sarah, sorry. you know it didn't occur to me that having kids costs money. isn't that stupid? completely slipped my mind that you all have to pay for things like having a child and the care leading up to the big event. wow, that has got to be bad for your nation's children.

of course it is free in canada but we pay for healthcare in japan. just not so much, and children are free. where i live they are free til age 12, medication dentist and optometrists included. i think the govt wants healthy kids for the lunches are almost free too, and healthy as shoot-heck. no coca-cola on the school-lunch menus here, nor pizza or hot-dogs. veggies tofu and fish make appearances quite a lot though. maybe that is why not so much obesity here...

isn't nuddy a great word? it sounds like a kind of fruit or something, but with unexpected potential.

the romans were brutal and interesting culture, weren't they? must have been horrible, but with interesting diversions, if you were lucky.

Jan 30, 10 2:16 am  · 

for ATP
a major aspect of my thesis was how ground and earth meet. i don't think there are many other architects who are better at this than h&dem

for all this effort, i'm really not moving very far... thanks, carlo

oh... so that's how you move a stone wall...

i asked the window what it wanted to be, and it said, 'f*ck off, mate - i'm a door'

the temperature may be hot, but i am cold and delicate

lo. ye shall create a wonderous place for the rain to go...

Jan 30, 10 3:42 am  · 
liberty bell

holz, those images hurt so good.

Jan 30, 10 9:33 am  · 
brian buchalski
"banning churches in europe is about equal to banning minarets isn't it, puddles?"

not quite...banning churches (i assume you mean western/christian churches) in the middle east would be closer to equally absurd. but really...both "europe" & the "middle east" are both too geographically broad to make such generalizations without sounding foolish. i'm sure there are plenty of examples of minarets in europe & churches in the middle east. if relatively small communites (e.g., switzerland in europe) choose ban or otherwise limit some things then i'm not sure it's worth creating an international fiasco over it. there's still plenty of other places that, for example, muslims can go to get their minaret fix. even in the alps, the swiss don't have full reign since there are still french alps, italian alps, etc.

"the romans were brutal and interesting culture, weren't they? must have been horrible, but with interesting diversions, if you were lucky"

most life 2,000 years ago was brutal. rome was special because it was a metropolis of nearly 1 million people in a pre-industrialized world. they achieved this via a remarkable culture of discipline (during the pre-empire days of the republic) that lead to both military victory and an efficient administrative control. it didn't last, of course, but for awhile it was pretty exceptional. even just to study the logistics of feeding that many city dwellers in the era is pretty eye-opening with respect to the number of boats that needed to bring grain up the tiber on a daily basis.

and, yes, romans did have a fondness for the penis. an erect one was consider a symbol of good luck and might be displayed in a house similarly to the way in which some home owners now display a horseshoe. but it's hardly surprising when you consider some of the numbers from that era. average lifespans were something like 30-35 years. half of babies born did not survive infancy. of those, half did not survive childhood. in order just to maintain population, a woman might have to have eight pregnancies just to statistically give a chance of two of them reaching adulthood & replacing the mother & father. of course, in an ambitious state like rome, an expanding population would have been desirable. not surprisingly, a woman might very well spend half or more of her adult life (say, approx. ages 15-35) pregnant. hardly any wonder that their was such appreciation for the virility of an erect penis in such a time & place.

Jan 30, 10 9:35 am  · 
Sarah Hamilton

Puddles you utterly fascinate me.

Dammit, I was going to say something else, I'm sure it was profound, but I've forgotten it.

Holz, could you post those in the detail thread please?

Jan 30, 10 9:48 am  · 
Sarah Hamilton

Well I can't find any decent images to prove my case, but "Willa's Wild Life" seems like the perfect cartoon for an Architect's kid. Its incredibly G rated, but wonderfully drawn. There was a shot of a school that reminded me of the Grosse Point library.

Jan 30, 10 1:20 pm  · 


I'll just leave this here-- "The inauguration last week of Qatar's first Christian church — a small Catholic chapel bearing neither bells nor visible crosses — has been hailed as a welcome step forward in relations between Catholicism and Islam."

Jan 30, 10 2:21 pm  · 

there is some amazing porn in the orgy rooms of the wealthy homeowners of Pompeii. sex was all over the place, truth be told, but much of it was covered up to protect delicate sensibilities in our own time. funny enough there are people who have built careers on the subject and even teach courses " sex in the ancient world, a survey", etc etc. we live in such a funny world. ironies are always sleeting around.

arthur c. clarke still has my vote for most useful view of religion, but i suppose we will have to disagree on the banning of minarets puddles.

nice images holz. ground meets wall: that is a real problem indeed. we spent a good bit of time dealing with the very same just a few weeks ago and still not sure how to do it on the cheap.

i have all kinds of work to do today but i think i am gonna bake cinnamon rolls instead with my daughter. feeling kind of guilty. this whole workaholic lifestyle is twisting my brain. not a chance that is supposed to be a normal feeling.

hm, you think there were workaholic men/women in paleolithic times? is that why art and technology took off then? or was it just a matter of steaming when it was time to steam?

Jan 30, 10 8:13 pm  · 
Distant Unicorn

I'm okay.

I leave for Canon City, Colorado in three days. I don't know there. I picked it off a map.

Wow... this place has gone to shit. I'm sorry Archinect is ruined temporarily. Looks like the drama has pulled a few new good people out of hiding.

Also, I'm not going to bother to give that thread any more consideration... but my point a-la-"wages of whiteness" still kind of remains about the gross misapplication and stereotyping of hipsters. Have you seen the last twenty posts?!? It's funny. And I'm sorry so many people laugh at modernist architecture.

Fortunately... someone is actually going to give me cash money for my early 90s car. So, I may not move to Nowhere, Colorado if I can get more than a grand for it. My other options are some shithole in New Hampshire (a random selection) and NYC (the only place where anyone has ever emailed me back regarding a job-- although even if I sell my car and all my stuff, I will have approximately 45 days to land a job [not happening!]).

I guess I'm being sued over my student loans (uhh finally, I don't know... I don't check my mail or answer my phone for that reason). I can't make a case that I was defrauded by getting conned into a shitty program with shitty finances and that my degree is probably worthless (I know I didn't really go above and beyond in college [my job at the time forbade me from getting involved in any socio-political group on campus]).

You know... despite the fact that they recently sent the old financial aid chair to prison for many years for taking kickbacks for reducing the standards to receive grants and work-study programs. I guess I should have never taken out loans in school. (I wasn't and engineering major so my parents had absolutely nothing to do with paying for my education-- in hindsight, I suppose they were right. There might be an air of nobility in pursuing a traditional liberal arts education but it certainly does nothing but alienate you from everyone else).

I guess no one hated me enough to steal my account?

Well, it's like 5:30 a.m. and I still have a whole pile of malt liquor left to drink as my brother's porch is filed with mosquitoes and I can't get inside (he is currently working in France). This porch is pretty bitching though past the bug bites. It's got a tiki bar and a TV. I think I can rough it out for a week here while it is still cold.

Jan 31, 10 5:25 am  · 
Cacaphonous Approval Bot

I tipped a forty and I tried to steal your account - it seemed like the proper thing to do.

Jan 31, 10 8:32 am  · 

Puddles would be a fun guest to invite to a history lecture. His recounts of history are both critical and satirical; lending it to the use of history in the application of understanding and reinterpreting the world around us.

happy sunday everyone

I'm at work knocking out a few lectures for the week. Only problem is the computer at work is without the software I need at the moment so after an hour of this I have to head back home. Although i fear I'll be sliding back into bed instead.

Jan 31, 10 1:09 pm  · 

Hi all. Had a blustery weekend at the beach. Nice images re: Romans and details by H+M..

Also, Co, ain't bad Orochi. At least the parts I've seen.
Ta ta.

Jan 31, 10 10:44 pm  · 

Oh and the ta ta wasn't intended as a signoff for you Orochi. Just good night.

Jan 31, 10 10:46 pm  · 
Sarah Hamilton

Did anybody else get the email from "one world architects?". Ikept waiting for the part where they needed me to send money, but that part never came. Now I'm wondering if it was legit.

Good morning!

Feb 1, 10 8:57 am  · 
liberty bell

I highly doubt One World Architects is legit. I haven't gotten an email myself (nor one from Edna - is gmail just that good at limiting spam?!), but from what I've read of what is posted it sounds sketchy.

Meetings most of today. It's sunny out!

Feb 1, 10 9:04 am  · 
Ms Beary

went to a kickass party over the weekend. Lots of young architects and interiors people were there, and I'm pretty sure NONE of us are employed! A few newly self-employeds, who were broke but optimistic and weathering the storm.

Cañon City is a prison town. The landscape is VERY intriging there, however.

Feb 1, 10 11:28 am  · 
Ms Beary

here'e an idea, drive west past Cañon City about an hour to Salida, it is a very nice town.

Feb 1, 10 11:32 am  · 

ellebelle, I got Edna's email despite being on gmail. Edna just must not find you as amazing as she finds me.

manta, I think it's self-conciousness about how I got to the post count (by being bored, thinking every stupid thing that comes into my head is worth writing/reading, etc). Plus, rationalist is now the least-anonymous pseudonym ever, which bugs me a little.

Feb 1, 10 1:03 pm  · 

oh jeebus, like that helped.

Feb 1, 10 1:10 pm  · 
Beware of beautiful days.
Bad things happen on beautiful days.
It may be that when you get happy, you get careless.

Beware of having a plan.
Your gaze is focused on the plan
and that's the moment when things start happening
just outside your range of vision

-Nicci French (2002) The Red Room

spotted in Fuzzy Planning

Feb 1, 10 1:12 pm  · 
Sarah Hamilton

I'm going to postrecipes on my blog for those of you interested. I'm just waiting for my computer to catch up first.

Feb 1, 10 2:46 pm  · 
Sarah Hamilton

That is the ugliest Mercedes I've ever seen. The GLK? Does that stand for good looks killed?

Where is everybody?

Feb 1, 10 9:28 pm  · 
Sarah Hamilton

I don't think Toyota should be advertising how great and reliable their cars are right now.

Feb 1, 10 9:30 pm  · 
liberty bell

Ugh, Sarah, my kid is making me crazy. He refuses to sleep. He's still up at 10:30 all the time lately, sneaking a flashlight under his covers to read, then he's exhausted and unfocused the next day which makes ME short-tempered and snappy and then he gets stressed at my temper so he can't sleep and then it all starts over again.

Honestly, having a kid has been the biggest challenge to my sanity. I'm seriously losing it.

Feb 1, 10 9:48 pm  · 
Sarah Hamilton

Haha. I know what you mean. Abe has had a cold for two weeks now. I took him to the Dr since it'd been two weeks, and they said to just wait it out. That kid owes me 25 bucks.

Feb 1, 10 10:59 pm  · 

hi all. Spent a day at the b-side job (the one in a re-purposed container). Went for a site visit and saw some really sloppy work. Almost took a picture of it for the bad job site thread - although I can't find it for the love of all that's holy.

went in the afternoon to teach, after 20 minutes of running around trying to get the projector set up was told that another class was booked in the room. Postponed the class for Wednesday. Also heard the school was closing due to the water shortage in Kingston - time to start pumping it in from the interior of the island.

Anyway here's a picture of the entry of b-side job

[img width=400[/img]

Feb 1, 10 11:30 pm  · 

oh for f'sake

Feb 1, 10 11:31 pm  · 
liberty bell

techno, sounds like you're having a rough night. Nice photo!

1am, I've still got four things on my to do list for the day. Ugh.

Feb 2, 10 12:59 am  · 

Awww LB I'm right there with you. I ran out of hours yesterday, so my To Do list for next weekend just got longer. :o/

Hope you're able to sneak in a short nap if need be today.

Atechno - love the photo, but I'm still trying to figure out the context of the grates. I know it's part of the entry but how does it work the rest of the design.

In other news... my birthday was Sunday and I feel as though, all the sudden I've lost another few points off my IQ. Hopefully it's just because I've had little downtime for the past two months. Perhaps a couple of low key weeks will help.

Feb 2, 10 8:36 am  · 

LB hope you made it to sleep at some point.

I am back at work feeling refreshed after a long weekend away.

Working and thinking and developing... Seems slow around here..

Feb 2, 10 8:36 am  · 

Archi, are they some sort of Brise soleil?

Feb 2, 10 8:47 am  · 

*melt I'll take another photo next time I'm there and maybe it will clear things up. There are huge apertures cut in the container that look toward the entry of the site, and the screens block the sun. Also don't worry about the loss of IQ - I suspect it might of been the weekend of celebration (booze, baby, booze) than anything else. I think you are mighty smart

Feb 2, 10 8:51 am  · 
Sarah Hamilton

I love the word bris solie. It sounds so pretty and fancy. At least here in America, I don't know that it has the same appeal in France.


Feb 2, 10 9:32 am  · 

canceling my lecture today cause the shrub is sick (he's still sleeping). Now I just have one lecture to fill next week to keep the class on schedule.

Happy birthday *m.

lb, do you make him pay for the batteries?

Feb 2, 10 10:48 am  · 

I must admit I heard a feature story on NPR this morning featuring a radical libertarian/tea party-er/blogger who goes by "libertybell".

Stopped me in my tracks this morning until it was clarified that she is not the lb I was thinking of...anyone else hear this?

I don't frequent this thread but good morning and lb hope you got some shut-eye.

Feb 2, 10 11:13 am  · 

hi smallpotatoes

Feb 2, 10 11:24 am  · 
Sarah Hamilton

Potatoes! How have you been?

Feb 2, 10 11:51 am  · 

Hi Sarah! I am well - staying busy at the office, home 1 weekday + still teaching a class. My tater tot is so big now - just had his second birthday. He is really givin' us the business - "string-willed" I believe it's called? toddlers are so much fun!

Feb 2, 10 12:11 pm  · 

hi namhenderson!

Feb 2, 10 12:12 pm  · 

i've never been told by a doctor to not leave the house before. sort of like a self-imposed quarantine. apparently a temperature of almost 104d is not socially acceptable! it's kind of ok because, after the prescriptions i was given, i already feel a little better and i'm just sort of enjoying the downtime.

that's why i'm all over the threads, today, by the way, if anyone wondered. i'm sure i'll be called out by someone soon because i'm posting so much i must be wasting time at work, blah blah.

Feb 2, 10 1:00 pm  · 
liberty bell

Steven it's a pleasure to see you posting, always, even in a feverish state.

Feb 2, 10 1:57 pm  · 

Steven correct me if I'm wrong but isn't this the second time you've been sick since making partner? Also is that a weird thing to say out loud? I just noticed and I'm not generally a worrier but just wondered if it might be trend. Since having experienced work related illness culminating in my seizure and two dislocated shoulders I am often reminded, and share to others to some time slow down.

Feb 2, 10 2:25 pm  · 

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