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Sarah Hamilton

Techno, I just made you a details thread. I didn't post any images cause I don't have any, but its started.

And is anybody else having page-load-speed issues? Maybe its just me.

Jan 26, 10 4:13 pm  · 

Hi all,
Me and the lady will be staying on the beach with an ocean front balcony this weekend for our anniversary. And i took monday off.

It won't be sunny but looking forward to a mini-break.

Jan 26, 10 4:16 pm  · 

oh and sarah thanks.
expect me to visit and comment more often now..

Jan 26, 10 4:17 pm  · 
Ms Beary

Specifically looking for:
- Calculating the value of the business
- Advice on business structure, tax implications, and what & how to draw a salary, starting a self-employed retirement plan, etc
- Reduce risk of neglecting to think of something that effects the price or profitability of the company
- Maybe help with the negotiation of the sale.

I suppose a bank or credit union would do that if we took out a loan or line of credit, but I don't think we are. I imagine hiring the business's current accountant hourly would be much cheaper, but isn't that a conflict of interest?

Jan 26, 10 4:29 pm  · 
Ms Beary

Hmmm, I watched 4-5 videos on YouTube this morning on cutting hair: then proceeded to give myself one of the best haircuts I've ever had. I should probably just read a few books and do my own due diligence!

Jan 26, 10 5:00 pm  · 
Sarah Hamilton

I need a haircut. Just a trim, really.

Jan 26, 10 5:07 pm  · 
Ms Beary

A trim is super easy, I recommend the YouTube Beauty School route. I actually cut my hair 3 times this morning, being very timid at first and going over and over it until I got used to it. Essentially the first 2 rounds were trims, the 3rd time I did some styling, nothing drastic, but I did do some new layers and shaping.

Jan 26, 10 5:32 pm  · 
Distant Unicorn

What kind of business is it strawbeary?

Jan 26, 10 7:07 pm  · 
Sarah Hamilton

I've got curly hair, lots of curly hair, and think I'd better leave it up to a professional. I do cut Abram's hair, though. His bangs are kinda lopsided. I promise to get him a real boy haircut come spring.

Speaking of....

I want Husband to take Abe for all his haircuts, after his first, as a guy bonding thing. The way I see it, they go to the barber, sit and talk with all the other men, get their hair cut, and then go for ice cream. I feel I shouldn't be involved with those sorts of things, and that a barbershop is no place for a Mom, or Wife. Husband is fine with the "guys only" part, but balking on the barbershop part. He wants to just go to Great Clips, and has informed me that the Barbershop isn't like the one on Andy Griffith. Is this true?!

Jan 26, 10 7:17 pm  · 
Ms Beary

there is a barbershop my husband goes to that only takes cash, and is only for men. the barber smokes, ha, but he is good and fast and cheap.

unicorn, I'm hesitant to say too much b/c I don't want to jinx it. I tried to calculate ROI today, but have NO IDEA if I am doing it right, so I am going to proceed to hire the pro.

Jan 26, 10 7:35 pm  · 
liberty bell

Sarah, real manly barbershops exist (though the one we go to employs two women, so it's not a guy-only zone). Brian and Angus totally do the male bonding thing when they get a haircut, I'm not invited. Hold your ground!

Jan 26, 10 7:35 pm  · 
Distant Unicorn

Well can you say whether it is service or retail?

Jan 26, 10 7:39 pm  · 
Ms Beary

service. it is the co my hubby works for.

Jan 26, 10 7:48 pm  · 

my parents felt it was necessary for the barber to be a guys event for my dad and i too. it was traumatic. i hated it. hated the smell, the light, the rough use of the razor, the blue liquid with combs in it. because i hated the whole experience, i hated getting my haircut. as soon as it was my choice, i went to places as different as possible from a regular barber.

abram isn't old enough yet to exert his will, so go for it, sarah. but if he ends up hating it, it's not doing anyone any good to be all sentimental about it being a guy ritual/old barbershop thing.

strangely, now i go to a regular old-style barber and love it. took me until '95 to venture back in so....yep, 17 or so years before the trauma wore off.

Jan 26, 10 8:19 pm  · 
Jan 26, 10 8:20 pm  · 
Sarah Hamilton

Hey! My Grandparents live in Kenedy, Tx. The oldest Polish Settlement in the United States is in that Area Code - Pana Marea, CHeck it out. Nice quiet country, those parts.

Jan 26, 10 8:45 pm  · 
Distant Unicorn

Here you go Strawbeary...

This would be the basic break down assuming a) gross annual income of 600000, b) 10 year business loan at 6% and c) no money down.

Although most loans require 10% upfront... so your resulting annual net income would actually be higher.

But basically, to value a business (especially a service-based business), you multiply the annual average gross income by 3 to 8 times.

This shows you what differing estimates of what a business is worth, the cost of the financing for such variations and the profit you can or can't make from various overhead costs (just replace the word liability with overhead).

Jan 26, 10 9:52 pm  · 
Distant Unicorn

Whoops, Column E is suppose to read monthly gross income!

Jan 26, 10 9:54 pm  · 

I think it's awesome that your husbands have bonding time with their sons at at the barber. SH hold your ground...

Jan 26, 10 10:00 pm  · 

In other news I wish today were yesterday.

SW - great to see you're back. Hope you are awarded the project. I'll keep my fingers crossed for ya.

Jan 26, 10 10:01 pm  · 
liberty bell

I managed to stab my Miata key into my eyeball today. It's got a little scratch or bruise, I think - I can feel a weird tingle at one spot in my eye. I hadn't even had a Bloody Mary first! But I decided to give my eye a rest by not CADing tonight. In fact I think i'll go to bed.

Strawbeary, very exciting, I hope all works out for you guys.

Jan 26, 10 10:17 pm  · 
Sarah Hamilton

Libertybell, I can understand how a Miata can make you want to gouge your eyes out, but using the actual key is just - ah crap, whats the word that goes here!?

I'm teasing. It would have been more effective if I could've remembered that damn ironic, but not ironic. Damn.

Thanks everybody for reading my blog. Its starting to get some action, and that makes me feel good, so thank you.

Now, if I could just get some folks to post more images in the Architectural Detail thread....

Jan 27, 10 8:28 am  · 
brian buchalski

i'm not a fan of barbershops. i vastly prefer salons. if you can't get a nice scalp massage with the hair washing then what's the point?

Jan 27, 10 8:39 am  · 
liberty bell

Oh, Sarah, Sarah, Sarah...don't slam the Miata...the driving experience is so good even in an old beat up one like mine...better even than driving the MG. Tight, powerful, low, close, responsive....everything one wants in a lover I mean a car.

Jan 27, 10 9:03 am  · 

morning all,

I don't go often. But occasionally i do like to go to an old fashion barber and get a real shave (with a flat razor) with my haircut.

Jan 27, 10 9:22 am  · 

LB - you echo my sentiments completely about driving... and other things. The only thing more thrilling than to get behind the wheel of a tight, powerful, and responsive vehicle, is to get the same exact thing when you slip between that sheets. ZING!!!!

And now my friends... back to Photoshop.

Jan 27, 10 9:33 am  · 

i just took daughter with me to get haircut at salon this wek. we both use same place. japanese barbershops are horrible. they are stuck in 1970 and keep trying to give me a comb-over style a thing for my thinning hair. its the frickin damndest thing. no matter what i say they can't understand that comb-over is not a good luck. hair salon folk make my aging head look young. male barber makes me look like a moron. granted the latter is probably more representative of the goings on inside my head, but sheesh. and the salons give massage after hair cut. that probably sounds strange but is a nice thing once you are used to it.

best bonding experience with my oldest daughter was teaching her to rollerblade. 2nd best was spending a day getting my visa renewed. it is a day long process all in so she had to come. was quite fun to spend the day with her, just 2 of us having lunch, waiting in lines, et cetera.

its the bonding that matters. where it happens is not so much important.

Jan 27, 10 9:40 am  · 
Ms Beary

Thanks Unicorn, I'll check that out. But I read yesterday that using a multiplier is not a good way to value a business because it is basically arbitrary (where does the multiplier come from?).

I like how the barber always does a great job of cleaning up my man's neck hair. I hate going to the salon probably because I can't stand the humidity, the smells, etc.

Jan 27, 10 9:47 am  · 
liberty bell

Wake your brain up. You have three minutes to solve this two-part problem:

The Mitchell family's cell phone plan allows a base of 1,800 minutes each month. There are 3 members of the family: Dan, Claire, and Rose.

Write an equation that can be used to determine the number of minutes (m) each family member can use each month if each member uses an equal number of minutes.


The cell phone plan charges $0.35 for every minute over the 1,800-minute limit. Last month:

-Dan used 116 more minutes than his equal share
-Claire used 52 minutes less than Dan
-Rose averaged 18 minutes of phone calls each day during the 30-day month

How much will the family be charged for the number of minutes over their base limit?

Show your work.

Jan 27, 10 9:48 am  · 
Ms Beary

I got an answer, lb. But what is that all about?

Jan 27, 10 9:55 am  · 
liberty bell

It's a 6th grade standardized test problem the principal gave us at the last PTA meeting.

I solved it and honestly, it felt so, so good to be using those brain cells like that again, I mean good like how a massage feels! diabase once posted here that he thinks brain cells need to be exercised so we should do things like not set speed dials in our phones, just remember the number, and I thought that was a good idea.


Jan 27, 10 10:03 am  · 
Ms Beary

I don't want to ruin it for others. I was going to ask if that wsa the problem you got at the PTA meeting. Funny.

Remember how they used to say that you can't grow new brain cells? That is wrong, you can!

Jan 27, 10 10:09 am  · 
liberty bell

I have no doubt you got it right, Straw. You're good at math - funny that I can tell that from your posts here.

Jan 27, 10 10:34 am  · 

3x = 1800 min.
x = 1800 min. / 3
x = 600 min.

D = 600 + 116 = 716 (bad dan!)
C = 716 - 52 = 664 (bad claire)
R = 18(30) = 540
D + C + R = 716 + 664 + 540 = 1920
1920 - 1800 = 120
120 x $0.35 = $42

Jan 27, 10 11:04 am  · 

whoops, I guess I should read all the way down... now I feel bad for posting it. I got as far as "Show your work" and decided it looked like fun. Guess I should've read those last couple of posts :(

Jan 27, 10 11:05 am  · 
liberty bell

It IS fun, isn't it, rationalista? And your answer is correct, as I'm sure Ms. Beary will confirm.

Jan 27, 10 12:17 pm  · 
brian buchalski

when i was in engineering school (pre-architecture days for me) and studying things like electromagnetic waves, i used to do complex equations all the time (e.g., ordinary differential equations). supposedly it was "math" but there was almost no numbers involved...just a bunch of greek letters instead. today, i doubt that i could even read one of those equations let alone solve it.

Jan 27, 10 12:57 pm  · 
brian buchalski

here's an example of what it was wonder i transferred to architecture school. yikes.

Jan 27, 10 1:03 pm  · 
Ms Beary

oh no! my logic was good, but my computation was sloppy. I missubtracted 716-52. That pretty much sums up my math skills though!

Jan 27, 10 1:32 pm  · 
Ms Beary

My parents were both teachers, so while I went to public school, I was also home schooled, which made me a smart-ass, not smart.

Jan 27, 10 1:34 pm  · 

We had a vendor of a "green" product come in today and do a presentation. On the surface it all sounded fine and dandy. It even supposedly has cradle to cradle certification. Yet the more questions we asked, the more and more it seemed the product's green claims dimished.

He kept mentioning his "manufacturer in China". Perhaps it's just me, but I don't understand how a product could be touted as being green if it's not locally/regionally manufactured. He also couldn't actually elaborate on the cradle to cradle aspect of the product... i.e. what happens at the end of the product's lifespan. Do we just call the distributer up and they come get it? I don't know... it all just felt very fishy. I looked at their website and it doesn't say anything about where their product is manufactured, just that it uses good waste management processes and is made up of 75% recycled content. Don't get me wrong, I love the fact that they are conscientious about waste management and incorporate recycling into their production, but I can't help but to feel there is a little green washing going on.

Jan 27, 10 3:20 pm  · 
vado retro

once when i was an undergrad i went to a local yokel barber. his name was probably earl. anyway next to earl's barber shop was a vacant lot which had recently been enclosed with a six foot high wood fence. while i was in the chair earl got to chatting with another patron about the fence. the patron, i'll call him Hiram said that he didn't think it would be more than a week before the fence was covered with grafitti. There was a particularly good stencil grafitti artist in town by the name of Tomcat Spray who was doing very good work at the time. Well, I was about to say that I sort of liked some grafitti and that some of it was art, when Earl stated that if he had anything to say about it that when a grafitti "artist" was caught that the penalty should be that the grafitti "artist" would have to white wash the fence with the teeny tiniest artist paint brush they made. That would teach 'em Earl said defiantly. I just shut up and let my hair grow for four years.

Jan 27, 10 6:51 pm  · 
Sarah Hamilton

Vado, thats funny. I can't help but laugh at "Earl's" sentencing.

I just got a Velux catalogue in the mail. I don't know why. I'm certainly not in the market for a skylight at the moment.

Jan 27, 10 7:07 pm  · 

hey Sarah thanks for starting the thread.

I've had a busy fixing the missus' car - it's been sitting there for a while and the guy who was working on it previously was obviously using it to incur more business ie. m'ucking it up.

Also I had a long chat with the international community architecture that is not Architecture for Humanity about what we can do in Haiti. Looks like we'll be hosting a charette to get the students involved. Looks however like it will be based on OTS components. Should be fun.

Jan 27, 10 9:36 pm  · 
Sarah Hamilton

Did pelosi and Biden coordinate their outfits? Purple tie, purple jacket... Looks like the prom.

I'm fairly conservative, but I'm not sure why the repubs aren't standing on some of these points.

Jan 27, 10 9:43 pm  · 
Sarah Hamilton

Wait, what did he say about student loans? Is that retroactive? Is teaching "public service"?

Jan 27, 10 9:45 pm  · 

oh and like Steven I had was taken to the barbers with my dad and I really really hated it. I felt admonished when I went, like it was punishment of some sorts. And I did grow my hair out, tried going to the salons, and eventually when I was old enough to not be bothered so much went back to the barbers, and enjoyed at times. But most days I do it myself - it's good when you head looks like Yul Brynner

and Sarah I am slightly addicted to your blog... it's nice and easy green without the guilt and I left a few comments (although I wanted to leave more) and I shared it with friends and the missus

Jan 27, 10 10:08 pm  · 

Sarah agreed. An regarding student loan question I will message you some info.

The short answer is yes, but also not just teaching. Plus, some stuff similar was passed a few years ago.

Jan 27, 10 11:24 pm  · 

Also, while I am biased that speech convinced me again.

Night all.

Jan 27, 10 11:24 pm  · 
Distant Unicorn

What did you all think of the results from the Switzerland issue?

Jan 28, 10 12:07 am  · 

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