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Orochi I interviewed her before. If interested can read on my blog...

She seemed like might be interesting to work for. Especially if you have interests in branding or multi-scalar scapes..

Dec 15, 09 12:48 pm  · 
Sarah Hamilton

Beautiful as always, Steven. Those turned out really well. I made my kid sit on a blanket on the side of the highway.

Dec 15, 09 1:32 pm  · 
Distant Unicorn

That's good to know-- she seems nice but I have a hard time trusting nice people.

I've pretty much decided that if I was ever to get into the profession... I'd need to go the branditecture, gaudy, theme-park-esque, "OMIGOD MY EYES" route.

I think I need to start a thread about that now.

I'm going to read your interview and send her my resume/cover letter. If they found someone, I'll ask her if that she really wants someone to demonstrate their worth, I'd be more than happy to do a "test project."

Dec 15, 09 1:46 pm  · 

my one experience with a "trial basis" position was that the boss was extremely difficult to work for, and most people didn't last the entire trial period.

stuff like that makes me wary - if it were advertised as a 3-month project-based temporary position with potential to turn permanent, then I'd feel like they were being truthful about their workload and expectations. to me a 3 month "trial" could mean the place is really intense in a bad way.

Dec 15, 09 1:46 pm  · 

Chiming in late here, WK... but here're my thoughts :

1) don't respond, at all. If you don't want to, just don't -- you're under no obligation! I get texts / email messages / birthday wishes STILL from someone I broke up with 4 years ago... I used to feel a twinge of guilt about not responding at all, and well, clearly it hasn't even made a difference so now I feel zero guilt. I didn't want to talk to him then and I don't want to now, and if he insists on inserting himself into my life in such a fashion at this point then it's pretty obvious it's something he wants to do for some reason that has nothing to do with me. Does that perspective help you feel less obliged to respond? Just because he has some bizarre need / desire to contact you doesn't mean that creates any obligation on your part.

#2 is a bit different. I agree with SH that I didn't understand that your "stay away" message meant email as well as dates, so I'd give him the benefit of the doubt on that one.

Regarding his views on climate change... well, there are lots of things that I don't really know much about (not having come into contact with a lot of facts on the matter) and so I'll advance a sort of tentative opinion on the matter pending further info. If it's not something I'm totally convinced of or feel strongly about, I kinda just toss off an opinion and leave it at that. I figure if I get an opportunity to learn more I will, and I certainly engage people who know more in an effort to learn about the question. The reason I mention this is that I wonder whether this guy REALLY, REALLY doesn't believe in man-made climate change, or whether he's just like "whatever, earth heating up, I'm not sure WHY, but the least I can do is recycle, change my lightbulbs, etc." And then if he has the opportunity to learn more from you, he might change his mind. Could it be something like that?

I just think that we, as architects, have to know a lot more about climate change than the general public -- and you, personally, know MUCH more than even the average architect (certainly myself), so it might be unfair to assume that he's totally against the idea when really he may just not know much about it.

I mean, I don't know in what way he spoke about his thoughts--maybe he IS utterly convinced, in which case, don't bother meeting him. But... if this is something he's tentative about, and you like him otherwise, I'd say give it at least a coffee date.

I just think most people get as far as saying "I don't know why the earth's heating up but I do know I need to recycle more" and they kind of leave it at that. If it's not your life's passion then I could see someone just saying "I am going to try to be more green" without feeling they need to understand all the reasons why. Hell, frankly I don't know as much about it as I should.

Does that make sense?
Before I met my boyfriend, I used to always say that I would NEVER date a guy who watched football all the time. But lo and behold, my SO watches football, taught me about the sport, and now I love it and have totally reversed my opinion. So... I think some beliefs are challengeable, and some are rock-solid -- just depends on the person. So, I usually vote "get to know the person and then see."

Dec 15, 09 3:23 pm  · 

whoa, that was long. sorry WK! (and everyone else)

Dec 15, 09 3:26 pm  · 
liberty bell

Long but wise, manta.

Dec 15, 09 3:32 pm  · 

very wise...

Dec 15, 09 3:36 pm  · 
brian buchalski does save all. i miss it so much sometimes i still wished i lived in america.

i saw that thing about the octopus building a coconut house (brilliant! why didn't i think of that?) and was going to make a post about it too. probably something about how the aia should sue for professional infringement...but whatever. bears?...what!?

Dec 15, 09 6:04 pm  · 
brian buchalski

and yeah, my point about the bears is that i'm in the tropics now. all of you bears reading this, i have just one message for you: you can suck it! cause there's like no way you are coming down here & f'ing with the new rasta way in hell!!! sit fo a spell...i'm gona' go chill. word.

Dec 15, 09 6:10 pm  · 

rasta puddles. I want in..

Dec 15, 09 7:07 pm  · 
Sarah Hamilton

Dammit puddles, I was gonna say something and your post made me forget.

In that case, I will just post what a terrible son I have - he's nearly 2. He found the cork screw, then pulled out a bottle of wine from the pantry. He was fine, trying to get the screw into the bottle, but it already had a cork on it. Just the same, I took the bottle away. So he goesThe wrenches from sears that I need are the following part numbers 009-44350 and 009-44139 on there web site back for more. I take it away, and I'm telling NO, and STOP! And as I'm pulling him out of the pantry, he reaches foe one last bottle...........and breaks one of the last three bottles we have from Rome.

On the bright side, it was white!

Dec 15, 09 8:04 pm  · 
Sarah Hamilton

How wierd! My phone pasted a text message into my post. Please disregard the stuff about wrenches, unless you're in a giving mood, in which case email me for my address.

Dec 15, 09 9:07 pm  · 
liberty bell

That bit about wrenches *was* confusing! He's just trying to do what he sees you do, Sarah. It's like my nephew at age 2 standing in front of the air conditioner thermostat and saying "Fuck!" the day after his dad couldn't get it to work. They copy us.

puddles, those cephalopods walk. What's to stop them just walking up onto the beach and biting you? Which reminds me of a caution in my mom's 1962 Joy of Cooking book: when you bring a live squid home from the fishmonger, it might still have a beak and they *can* bite. To render the squid harmless, hold it by the tentacles and slam its head with a solid whack against the countertop.

Man, housewives used to have to be a lot tougher than we do today!

Dec 15, 09 11:34 pm  · 

you'da been among the toughest, lb. just like now.

both parts of your post made me snort my coffee. thanks.

Dec 16, 09 7:01 am  · 

I need some coffee this morning..

Dec 16, 09 8:15 am  · 
brian buchalski

good point...i was once napping on the beach and apparently lying so still that a curious crab ventured to check me out. i sprung awake when suddenly felt something tickling the bottom of my foot.

and speaking of dangerous octopus, a couple of days ago i watched an old documentary film called ring of fire, spice islands about a couple of british brothers named lawrence & lorne blair who explored the islands of indonesia in the 1970s (available for immediate viewing at by the way) and it included some amazing footage of one of the brothers naively letting a very poisonous blue-ringed octopus crawl over his hand.

in fact, the entire documentary is pretty amazing (pirates, cannibals, dragons, etc), i recommend it to all.

Dec 16, 09 8:33 am  · 
Dec 16, 09 8:36 am  · 
Dec 16, 09 8:38 am  · 

whoops. sorry bout that.

i was thinking, what if, in order to combat the incessant abuse of the word "architect" we started sending our resume to those firms that look for "architects" regardless of whether or not they are looking for architects?

Dec 16, 09 8:42 am  · 

i think it's become patently obvious that OneFella4=Jack Klompus.

Dec 16, 09 9:46 am  · 

wow 3 days of marking papers and it seems like all of TC has zoomed past. But you learn alot when you read and don't respond notwithstanding/.... Pineapples are indigenous to Jamaica - however oddly we don't have an established trade of them because they are grown seasonally. LB anxiously awaiting the pics of the hot rod, and I told just assumed it was Sarah making that comment... I had to re-read it. Hi Wonderk have wonderman hunting...

I head on vacation in a couple days. So much to do until then.

Dec 16, 09 6:48 pm  · 
Sarah Hamilton

Man, it's been quiet here today.

Techno, how do you skin a pineapple?

Dec 16, 09 10:12 pm  · 

Good god. Im officially fucking bushed. Theres something fucked up about having a sunburn for christmas. :\

i think it's become patently obvious that OneFella4=Jack Klompus.

Really? Im not so sure. I mean I have to deal with relatively honest, vaguely ignorant people all the time. Its not so hard. Fella' strikes me as something of a different breed.

I must say though, Ive started to find immolating him during smokebreaks kind of cathartic haha.

Sorry about the mess, yalls.

Dec 16, 09 10:24 pm  · 

Sarah - we do it diagonally because the "texture" occurs almost like a brick pattern so the only way to get them whole in a single pass is to cut it diagonally. Also we don't core it but we boil the skin in water with ginger to make a juice (had over ice). And makes a wicked chaser with vodka oddly enough

Dec 16, 09 10:46 pm  · 

beta, it's funny you should say that... my current firm thought that they wanted an 'information architect' (I know, I know, don't get me started!). Go figure, what they actually wanted was nothing of the sort. So why not? Sounds like a fine application strategy to me.

Dec 17, 09 3:19 am  · 

rationalist, i think they "might" get the hint.

Dec 17, 09 4:36 am  · 

That juice sounds good.Especially with vodka.

Morning all.

Anyone still got Holiday shopping to do? I do.

Dec 17, 09 8:33 am  · 

nam, i am giving the gift of heat and electric.

Dec 17, 09 8:43 am  · 
brian buchalski

yes, i've still got holiday shopping to do. lots of it, all of it actually...but this year i might just be like, fuck it, i've got balloons.

Dec 17, 09 8:54 am  · 

i bought the new metabolism 'nect t. i'm gonna wrap it and put it under the tree for myself.

just a few things left to get, hopefully no christmas eve shopping like i did last year.

the wife is getting gift card for a couple's cooking class among other things. i'm pumped... i figure that'll be a gift that keeps on giving... back to me. ha!

oh & hi TC

Dec 17, 09 9:49 am  · 
Sarah Hamilton

Balloons totally rock!

I've gotten all my shopping and wrapping done, but Husband true to the species, hasn't done his or Abrams yet. Wonder if realizes he's got a week.

Thatsvery interesting techno. I used the electric knife cause Alton brown does, and I went straight down after slicing off the ends. I'm still waiting on my infusion. I hope it's good.

Dec 17, 09 9:50 am  · 

techno, that juice sounds awesome! I would love to try it with vodka. Make some for the archinect party some day, will ya?

In other news, there has not been a single job posting in my area for months. There is nothing, nothing, nothing out there. I've sent out one resume (but I haven't really been truly on the hunt). It was for a job that I heard about from someone in the firm and I came recommended by a friend of the boss. Still haven't heard back, am psyching myself up to call them today...

This really looks like we're in for the long haul. I am applying to temp agencies right after christmas (I know, I know, that's the wrong time... I don't have a choice.) <<sigh>> I'm just trying not to get too down. The news out of DC doesn't help.

I haven't done any christmas shopping yet because I have no money and am trying to figure out how to deal with it. I'm making a drawing for my dad, so at least he's taken care of!

On a side note, I would like to officially applaud this firm, MW Works -- on their website they make it clear which projects are 100% theirs and which projects were completed while working for previous firms!!! If every firm did that I might not have been seduced into working for some of the crap firms I've worked for. MW Works actually looks pretty cool. If I were in Seattle, I'd apply.

Ok, random ramblings over.

Dec 17, 09 10:54 am  · 

oh, and postal -- I could my SO a cooking class for christmas last year -- we loved it!!! Totally awesome gift idea. You will really be glad you did that.

Dec 17, 09 10:57 am  · 

hi postal!!

Also, i would suggest some cookies or something cooked/baked for presents manta.

Dec 17, 09 1:39 pm  · 

wait, postal, you're in chicago, right? which school did you go with? i did a ton of research last year, am curious to see which you went with.

Dec 17, 09 3:00 pm  · 
Sarah Hamilton

Jump, could you translate a Japanese robe for me if I sent you pictures? Email me please.

Where is everybody today?

I'm sending the kid awayfor new years. We want to go out, but don't know where to go. How does one find out where the cool placesto be are? That's suppose to be "places to be" but placesto is a cool looking word. Wnder what it could mean.

Dec 17, 09 6:15 pm  · 
vado retro

if you're so funny why are you on your own tonight?

Dec 17, 09 6:46 pm  · 
Living in Gin

Greetings, all...

I finally got my portfolio (PDF, 80 MB) completed and uploaded to the printer... I'll get the hard copies back in a few days, and then ship them off to the various schools I'm applying to. After that, it's just a small matter of finishing my undergrad degree, saving up lots of money, and holding onto my job for at least a few more months.

That last item is looking less certain lately, as there have been some recently changes at the office that have left me liking my job less than I did before, and feeling like my position may not be entirely secure. I have somewhat of a backup plan that involves moving away from New York ASAP (since unemployment benefits wouldn't even cover my rent here) but it may jeopardize my grad school plans. Let's hope it doesn't come to that.

In other news, I've reached the conclusion that New York City simply isn't my natural habitat. If my grad school plans don't work out, I'm not sure what I'll do, because the thought of having to live here at least another year makes me want to pull my hair out. At this point I'm pretty much looking for any excuse to head back to Cincinnati, but the current job market makes that a tough proposition if I'm not going there for grad school.

At least I'm headed to North Carolina in a few days to visit my parents for Christmas, which will be a welcome change of pace. I swear I never thought I'd hear myself say I was looking forward to visiting Raleigh, North Carolina, but such is life.

I hope everybody else is well...

Dec 17, 09 9:42 pm  · 

Hey LIG?
Good to see you completed portfolio. I'll take a look over the weekend.

North Carolina has just recently come on my radar, as a potential location. Not so much for school as because of my lady.

Haven't really been before might try for a road trip next year.

Dec 17, 09 10:16 pm  · 

Don't know how that question mark got there LIG.

Also, Sarah what about someplace with live music?

Dec 17, 09 10:17 pm  · 
Living in Gin

NC isn't bad... The best parts are the western part in the mountains, or the eastern part along the coast... Unfortunately my parents live smack in the middle, which is pretty bland, but at least it will be a change of pace from New York.

Dec 17, 09 10:23 pm  · 

yeay! got my new laptop today, circa 2005!

Dec 17, 09 10:44 pm  · 

treekiller let's hear more about this laptop.
Congrats on the portfolio Gin - I'm downloading it now to take a look.

Dec 17, 09 11:37 pm  · 

Belated thanks to manta for your sage advice on my stupid chump man situation. A recent spate of holiday parties at work has made me realize that my company, while cool, is made up of people, and no matter what expectations I have, people are not perfect. So I'll keep that in mind going forward with men :o)

Speaking of my company, I'll be as vague about this as possible, but I got a HILARIOUS email tonight from a temp that recently was let go for inappropriate behavior or something. Well, it wasn't just me that got the email... it was the whole company, all 300+ of us. CEO and everybody. And his email was actually reasonably well-composed, and not vindictive, it just stated his reasons for sending it and his thoughts on how the department he just left behind could be "improved", so to speak. I was at an off-site meeting when one of my colleagues got it on his iPhone..."there's a dude going ballistic on our email!" and we all dove for our phones... funny.

I would be remiss if I didn't give mad props to both of my schools, which were mentioned in this month's Architect Magazine, along with three former professors! Also, click here to read a profile of the grad program I just completed with some quotes from my mega-awesome thesis chair (dude with the glasses and white hair).

Wooo tomorrow is Friday! Almost Christmas vacation!

Dec 18, 09 12:18 am  · 

Belated thanks to manta for your sage advice on my stupid chump man situation. A recent spate of holiday parties at work has made me realize that my company, while cool, is made up of people, and no matter what expectations I have, people are not perfect. So I'll keep that in mind going forward with men :o)

Speaking of my company, I'll be as vague about this as possible, but I got a HILARIOUS email tonight from a temp that recently was let go for inappropriate behavior or something. Well, it wasn't just me that got the email... it was the whole company, all 300+ of us. CEO and everybody. And his email was actually reasonably well-composed, and not vindictive, it just stated his reasons for sending it and his thoughts on how the department he just left behind could be "improved", so to speak. I was at an off-site meeting when one of my colleagues got it on his iPhone..."there's a dude going ballistic on our email!" and we all dove for our phones... funny.

I would be remiss if I didn't give mad props to both of my schools, which were mentioned in this month's Architect Magazine, along with three former professors! Also, click here to read a profile of the grad program I just completed with some quotes from my mega-awesome thesis chair (dude with the glasses and white hair).

Wooo tomorrow is Friday! Almost Christmas vacation!

Dec 18, 09 12:20 am  · 

Sorry about the double-post... Archinect was being stubborn and then it punked me. Would have been nice to have that fixed in the NEW version. That was due 2 years ago. :P

Dec 18, 09 12:22 am  · 
brian buchalski

friday = still alive but my desk needs a new light bulb

i have to admit that i have much respect to the new character onefella4 for giving the
tiger woods and swiss minaret ban threads some life. the groupthink on these forums is really depressing sometimes and it's nice to hear an intelligent outside perspective.

ooh, just recieved a champagne delivery. tis the season!

Dec 18, 09 8:22 am  · 

I went with the chopping block, as it will probably be difficult to fit a time into her schedule. that way we can pick from a larger variety than most of the other options.

which place did you go to manta?

Dec 18, 09 8:39 am  · 

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